March 11, 2010, Introduced by Reps. Tlaib, Young, Gregory, Liss, Smith, Leland, Lipton and Johnson and referred to the Committee on Labor.


     A bill to amend 1969 PA 317, entitled


"Worker's disability compensation act of 1969,"


by amending section 361 (MCL 418.361), as amended by 1985 PA 103.




     Sec. 361. (1) While the incapacity for work resulting from a


personal injury is partial, the employer shall pay , or cause to be


paid to the injured employee weekly compensation equal to 80% of


the difference between the injured employee's after-tax average


weekly wage before the personal injury and the after-tax average


weekly wage which that the injured employee is able to earn after


the personal injury, but not more than the maximum weekly rate of


compensation, as determined under section 355. Compensation shall


be paid for the duration of the disability. However, an employer


shall not be liable for compensation under section 351, 371(1), or


this subsection for such periods of time that the employee is


unable to obtain or perform work because of imprisonment or


commission of a crime. As used in this subsection, "commission of a


crime" does not include an alien's working without employment


authorization or an alien's use of false documents to obtain


employment or to seek work.


     (2) In cases included in the following schedule, the


disability in each case shall be considered to continue for the


period specified, and the compensation paid for the personal injury


shall be 80% of the after-tax average weekly wage subject to the


maximum and minimum rates of compensation under this act for the


loss of the following:


     (a) Thumb, 65 weeks.


     (b) First finger, 38 weeks.


     (c) Second finger, 33 weeks.


     (d) Third finger, 22 weeks.


     (e) Fourth finger, 16 weeks.


     The loss of the first phalange of the thumb, or of any finger,


shall be considered to be equal to the loss of 1/2 of that thumb or


finger, and compensation shall be 1/2 of the amount above




     The loss of more than 1 phalange shall be considered as the


loss of the entire finger or thumb. The amount received for more


than 1 finger shall not exceed the amount provided in this schedule


for the loss of a hand.


     (f) Great toe, 33 weeks.


     (g) A toe other than the great toe, 11 weeks.


     The loss of the first phalange of any toe shall be considered


to be equal to the loss of 1/2 of that toe, and compensation shall


be 1/2 of the amount above specified.


     The loss of more than 1 phalange shall be considered as the


loss of the entire toe.


     (h) Hand, 215 weeks.


     (i) Arm, 269 weeks.


     An amputation between the elbow and wrist that is 6 or more


inches below the elbow shall be considered a hand, and an


amputation above that point shall be considered an arm.


     (j) Foot, 162 weeks.


     (k) Leg, 215 weeks.


     An amputation between the knee and foot 7 or more inches below


the tibial table (plateau) shall be considered a foot, and an


amputation above that point shall be considered a leg.


     (l) Eye, 162 weeks.


     Eighty percent loss of vision of 1 eye shall constitute the


total loss of that eye.


     (3) Total and permanent disability, compensation for which is


provided in section 351 means:


     (a) Total and permanent loss of sight of both eyes.


     (b) Loss of both legs or both feet at or above the ankle.


     (c) Loss of both arms or both hands at or above the wrist.


     (d) Loss of any 2 of the members or faculties in subdivisions


(a), (b), or (c).


     (e) Permanent and complete paralysis of both legs or both arms


or of 1 leg and 1 arm.


     (f) Incurable insanity or imbecility.


     (g) Permanent and total loss of industrial use of both legs or


both hands or both arms or 1 leg and 1 arm; for the purpose of this


subdivision such permanency shall be determined not less than 30


days before the expiration of 500 weeks from the date of injury.


     (4) The amounts specified in this clause subsection are all


subject to the same limitations as to maximum and minimum as above


stated in subsections (1) to (3). In case of For the loss of 1


member while compensation is being paid for the loss of another


member, compensation shall be paid for the loss of the second


member for the period provided in this section. Payments for the


loss of a second member shall begin at the conclusion of the


payments for the first member.