April 28, 2009, Introduced by Senators ALLEN, BARCIA and BIRKHOLZ and referred to the Committee on Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Recreation.




     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 43523, 43528, and 43531 (MCL 324.43523,


324.43528, and 324.43531), as amended by 2008 PA 347.




     Sec. 43523. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part, a


person shall not hunt small game unless the person possesses a


current small game license. A small game license authorizes the


person named in the license to hunt for small game except for


animals or birds that require a special license.


     (2) If authorized in an order issued under part 401, a


resident possessing a current small game license may take specified


fur-bearing animals by means other than trapping during the open


season for hunting these fur-bearing animals. However, a person who


goes on a bobcat hunt with a licensed hunter is not required to


possess a small game license if the person does not carry a


firearm, bow, or crossbow and does not own or possess dogs used to


chase or locate a bobcat during the hunt.


     (3) The fee for a small game license is as follows:


     (a) Subject to subdivision (b), for a resident, $15.00.


     (b) For a resident or nonresident minor child, $1.00.


     (c) Subject to subdivision (b), for a nonresident, $69.00.


However, a nonresident may purchase a limited nonresident small


game license entitling that person to hunt for a 3-day period all


species of small game that are available to hunt under a


nonresident small game license. The fee for a limited nonresident


small game license is $30.00.


     (4) A small game license is void between the hours of 1/2 hour


after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise with the exception of


coyote hunting.


     Sec. 43528. (1) A person shall not hunt bear unless the person


possesses a bear hunting license. However, a person who goes on a


bear hunt with a licensed hunter is not required to possess a bear


hunting license if the person does not carry a firearm, bow, or


crossbow and does not own or possess dogs used to chase or locate


bear during the hunt.


     (2) The fee for a resident bear hunting license is $13.00.


Beginning in 1999, the fee for a resident bear hunting license is


$15.00. The fee for a nonresident bear hunting license is $150.00.


     (3) The department may issue a tag with, or as a part of, a


bear hunting license. Section 43526(2) applies with respect to a


bear hunting license.


     (4) In addition to the license fees in subsection (2), the


department shall charge a nonrefundable application fee not to


exceed $4.00 for each person who applies for a bear hunting




     Sec. 43531. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section


43523(2), a person shall not trap or hunt fur-bearing animals


unless the person possesses a fur harvester's license. However, a


person who goes on a bobcat hunt with a licensed hunter is not


required to possess a fur harvester's license if the person does


not carry a firearm, bow, or crossbow and does not own or possess


dogs used to chase or locate a bobcat during the hunt.


     (2) The fee for a resident fur harvester's license is $15.00.


The fee for a resident or nonresident who is 12 years of age


through 16 years of age for a fur harvester's license shall be


discounted 50% from the cost of the resident fur harvester's




     (3) The department may issue a nonresident fur harvester's


license to a nonresident of this state if the state, province, or


country in which the nonresident applicant resides allows residents


of this state to obtain equivalent hunting and trapping privileges


in that state, province, or country. The fee for an eligible


nonresident fur harvester's license is $150.00. Nonresident fur


harvester's licenses shall not be sold or purchased before November


15 of each year.


     (4) A person who holds a fur harvester's license may hunt fur-


bearing animals during the season open to taking fur-bearing


animals with firearms and may trap fur-bearing animals during the


season open to trapping fur-bearing animals.