FY 2012-13 TRANSPORTATION BUDGET                                                  S.B. 963 (S-1):  SUMMARY OF DIFFERENCES








                                                                                                                                                 House Bill is H.B. 5365



FY 2012-13 Senate-Passed Gross Appropriation.................................................................



House Changes to Senate-Passed:


  1.  One-Time Boilerplate Appropriations.  Governor included $119.0 million in one-time GF/GP funding for Federal aid match requirements.  Senate reduced GF/GP funding by $96.0 million and increased the Road and Bridge line item by using STF dollars.  The Senate also moved remaining funds to a new unit in Part 1.  The House concurred with the Senate but increased the Road and Bridge line item by $100.0 million in STF funds.



Total Changes.....................................................................................................................


FY 2012-13 House-Passed Gross Appropriation..................................................................


FY 2012-13 TRANSPORTATION BUDGET                                                                            BOILERPLATE HIGHLIGHTS

Changes from FY 2012-13 Senate-Passed:

  1.  DTMB Office Space Plan.  House:  Added new section directing State executive branch agencies to cooperate with DTMB office space consolidation plan.  (Sec. 219)

  2.  Principal Measurable Outcomes.  House:  Added language directing the Department to identify 10 principal measurable outcomes and submit a report to the Legislature, the fiscal agencies, and the budget director by October 31, 2012.  Beginning April 1, 2013, the Department shall provide biannual updates to the Legislature on changes to those measurable outcomes and the Department's efforts to improve the outcomes.  (Sec. 230)

  3.  E-Verify System Usage.  House:  Added new section requiring the Department to verify, using the E-Verify System, that all new Department employees and new hire contract and subcontract employees are legally present in the United States.  Also requires a report by March 1, 2013, certifying that it has been verified.  (Sec. 381)

  4.  State Aircraft Fleet.  Requires the Department and the State Budget Office to provide for an independent study of the State's need for a State aircraft fleet.  They must report their findings to the Legislature by March 30, 2012.  Senate:  Removed language.  House:  Changed language stating that it is Legislative intent that a study to be done only once every five years.  (Sec. 382)

  5.  Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC).  The Governor removed language prohibiting any funds from being used for any costs related to DRIC or a renamed successor until legislation is adopted allowing for its construction.  The Senate retained the section.  The House added that funds can only be spent if Gateway Project is completed.  (Sec. 384)

  6.  Unclassified Salaries and Gateway Project.  House:  Added new section stating that funds appropriated in Part 1 for unclassified salaries cannot be expended until the Gateway Project is completed in accordance with the 2004 Gateway Project implementation agreement, as amended.  (Sec. 395)

  7.  Expanded use of Welcome Centers and Highway Rest Areas.  House:  Added language directing the Department to work with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to facilitate the use of welcome centers and highway rest areas for farmer's markets.  (Sec. 399)

  8.  Bus Rollover Test Standards.  The Senate added a new section requiring a feasibility and cost study and report for increasing the safety standard of transit buses procured by Michigan transit agencies by requiring a Federally approved rollover test standard.  The House did not include.  (Sec. 741)

  9.  Sale of State-Owned Turbo Prop Airplane.  House:  Added new section requiring the Department to sell one of two Beechcraft King Air twin engine turbo prop airplanes by September 30, 2013.  (Sec. 802)

10.  One-Time Transit/Rail GF/GP Lapse.  House:  Added new section directing that unexpended GF/GP funds lapse to the General Fund and establishes reporting requirements.  (Sec. 1002)


Date Completed:  5-1-12                                                                                                      Fiscal Analyst:  Joe Carrasco

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.