The Committee of Conference on the matters of difference between the two Houses concerning
Senate Bill No. 953, entitled
A bill to make appropriations for the department of environmental quality for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
First: That the House recede from the Substitute of the House as passed by the House.
Second: That the Senate and House agree to the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate, amended to read as follows:
Third: That the Senate and House agree to the title of the bill to read as follows:
A bill to make appropriations for the department of environmental quality for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
_______________________ ________________________
Mike Green Eileen Kowall
_______________________ ________________________
Roger Kahn Jon Bumstead
_______________________ ________________________
Hoon-Yung Hopgood Sean McCann
Conferees for the Senate Conferees for the House
A bill to make appropriations for the department of
environmental quality for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2013; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated for the department of
environmental quality for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2013, from the following funds:
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,321.5
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 431,429,900
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 9,021,200
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 422,408,700
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 161,687,500
Special revenue funds:
Total private revenues................................. 533,200
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 230,375,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 29,812,400
State general fund/general purpose schedule:
Ongoing state general fund/general
purpose................................... 25,652,300
One-time state general fund/general
purpose.................................... 4,160,100
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,321.5
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 431,429,900
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, MDOT - Michigan transportation fund............... 1,231,400
IDG, MDSP.............................................. 1,157,100
IDT, interdivisional charges........................... 2,053,400
IDT, laboratory services............................... 4,530,500
Interdepartmental grant revenues....................... 48,800
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 9,021,200
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 422,408,700
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 161,687,500
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 533,200
Aboveground storage tank fees.......................... 521,700
Air emissions fees..................................... 10,258,500
Campground fund........................................ 340,900
Clean Michigan initiative fund - clean water fund...... 3,785,300
Cleanup and redevelopment fund......................... 22,872,400
Community pollution prevention fund.................... 250,000
Electronic waste recycling fund........................ 287,000
Environmental education fund........................... 50,700
Environmental pollution prevention fund................ 2,647,900
Environmental protection fund.......................... 2,743,100
Environmental response fund............................ 6,001,800
Fees and collections................................... 371,800
Financial instruments.................................. 5,000,000
Great Lakes protection fund............................ 695,800
Groundwater discharge permit fees...................... 1,859,400
Hazardous materials transportation permit fund......... 950,300
Infrastructure construction fund....................... 458,700
Land and water permit fees............................. 3,277,300
Landfill maintenance trust fund........................ 29,300
Medical waste emergency response fund.................. 330,700
Metallic mining surveillance fee revenue............... 147,700
Mineral well regulatory fee revenue.................... 240,800
Nonferrous metallic mineral surveillance............... 100,000
NPDES fees............................................. 5,005,500
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 11,054,500
Orphan well fund....................................... 2,318,200
Public swimming pool fund.............................. 743,500
Public utility assessments............................. 272,400
Public water supply fees............................... 5,109,700
Refined petroleum fund................................. 49,037,600
Retired engineers technical assistance program......... 991,900
Revitalization revolving loan fund..................... 97,300
Revolving loan revenue bonds........................... 11,400,000
Sand extraction fee revenue............................ 95,300
Scrap tire regulatory fund............................. 5,149,000
Septage waste contingency fund......................... 17,400
Septage waste program fund............................. 687,700
Settlement funds....................................... 625,500
Sewage sludge land application fees.................... 1,084,900
Small business pollution prevention revolving loan
fund................................................. 165,100
Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund... 150,000
Solid waste management fund - staff account............ 5,301,800
State restricted revenues.............................. 920,400
Stormwater permit fees................................. 3,979,800
Strategic water quality initiatives fund............... 45,743,800
Underground storage tank fees.......................... 2,616,100
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 6,340,400
Wastewater operator training fees...................... 571,200
Water analysis fees.................................... 3,595,600
Water pollution control revolving fund................. 3,679,200
Water quality protection fund.......................... 100,000
Water use reporting fees............................... 300,700
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 230,375,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 29,812,400
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 13.0
Unclassified salaries--6.0 FTE positions............... $ 700,000
Executive direction--13.0 FTE positions................ 1,980,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 2,680,400
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 37,700
Special revenue funds:
Environmental response fund............................ 207,600
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 383,300
Refined petroleum fund................................. 568,900
Settlement funds....................................... 65,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 1,417,600
Full-time equated classified positions........... 18.0
Office of the Great Lakes--18.0 FTE positions.......... $ 2,806,600
Coastal management grants.............................. 1,750,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 4,556,600
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 3,376,200
Special revenue funds:
Great Lakes protection fund............................ 695,800
Settlement funds....................................... 108,800
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 375,800
Great Lakes restoration initiative..................... $ 25,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 25,000,000
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 25,000,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 34.0
Central support services--34.0 FTE positions........... $ 3,923,100
Accounting service center.............................. 1,214,800
Administrative hearings................................ 553,500
Automated data processing.............................. 2,053,400
Building occupancy charges............................. 6,082,800
Environmental support projects......................... 5,000,000
Rent - privately owned property........................ 1,960,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 20,788,400
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, MDSP.............................................. 135,400
IDT, interdivisional charges........................... 2,053,400
IDT, laboratory services............................... 493,200
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 5,300
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees.......................... 68,700
Air emissions fees..................................... 1,328,000
Campground fund........................................ 38,400
Cleanup and redevelopment fund......................... 1,614,300
Environmental pollution prevention fund................ 238,100
Environmental response fund............................ 560,900
Fees and collections................................... 46,200
Financial instruments.................................. 5,000,000
Groundwater discharge permit fees...................... 149,400
Hazardous material transportation permit fund.......... 35,500
Land and water permit fees............................. 429,800
Medical waste emergency response fund.................. 29,700
Metallic mining surveillance fee revenue............... 7,400
Mineral well regulatory fee revenue.................... 29,400
NPDES fees............................................. 173,200
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 857,900
Orphan well fund....................................... 63,400
Public swimming pool fund.............................. 65,100
Public utility assessments............................. 36,600
Public water supply fees............................... 426,500
Refined petroleum fund................................. 1,710,800
Sand extraction fee revenue............................ 9,200
Scrap tire regulatory fund............................. 241,900
Septage waste program fund............................. 74,100
Settlement funds....................................... 199,500
Sewage sludge land application fees.................... 120,200
Small business pollution prevention revolving loan
fund................................................. 24,800
Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund... 11,400
Solid waste management fund - staff account............ 649,000
Stormwater permit fees................................. 165,400
Underground storage tank fees.......................... 234,600
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 561,800
Wastewater operator training fees...................... 2,900
Water analysis fees.................................... 313,000
Water use reporting fees............................... 48,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 2,536,000
Full-time equated classified positions........... 44.0
Office of environmental assistance--44.0 FTE positions. $ 6,832,600
Pollution prevention local grants...................... 250,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 7,082,600
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 902,700
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 348,700
Air emissions fees..................................... 130,700
Community pollution prevention fund.................... 250,000
Environmental education fund........................... 50,700
Retired engineers technical assistance program......... 991,900
Settlement funds....................................... 251,900
Small business pollution prevention revolving loan
fund................................................. 128,700
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 4,027,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 321.0
Land and water interface permit programs--85.0 FTE
positions............................................ $ 10,846,100
Program direction and project assistance--30.0 FTE
positions............................................ 2,951,400
Water withdrawal assessment program--4.0 FTE positions. 589,000
Expedited water/wastewater permits--3.0 FTE positions.. 458,700
Fish contaminant monitoring............................ 316,100
Groundwater discharge--22.0 FTE positions.............. 3,189,000
NPDES nonstormwater program--89.0 FTE positions........ 13,140,600
Surface water--88.0 FTE positions...................... 16,855,300
Federal - Great Lakes remedial action plan grants...... 700,000
Federal - nonpoint source water pollution grants....... 6,500,000
Water quality protection grants........................ 100,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 55,646,200
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, MDOT - Michigan transportation fund............... 1,170,200
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 22,787,300
Special revenue funds:
Clean Michigan initiative fund - clean water fund...... 3,785,300
Environmental protection fund.......................... 646,400
Environmental response fund............................ 195,600
Groundwater discharge permit fees...................... 1,640,100
Infrastructure construction fund....................... 458,700
Land and water permit fees............................. 2,572,400
NPDES fees............................................. 4,748,000
Refined petroleum fund................................. 436,800
Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund... 133,400
Stormwater permit fees................................. 3,737,400
Water pollution control revolving fund................. 784,900
Water quality protection fund.......................... 100,000
Water use reporting fees............................... 230,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 12,219,400
Full-time equated classified positions........... 14.0
Environmental investigations--14.0 FTE positions....... $ 2,711,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 2,711,100
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 795,200
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees.......................... 7,800
Air emissions fees..................................... 54,100
Campground fund........................................ 4,200
Cleanup and redevelopment fund......................... 182,000
Environmental pollution prevention fund................ 27,100
Environmental response fund............................ 89,400
Fees and collections................................... 5,000
Groundwater discharge permit fees...................... 16,700
Hazardous material transportation permit fund.......... 4,100
Land and water permit fees............................. 57,400
Medical waste emergency response fund.................. 3,300
Metallic mining surveillance fee revenue............... 900
Mineral well regulatory fee revenue.................... 3,300
NPDES fees............................................. 18,700
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 143,000
Orphan well fund....................................... 7,200
Public swimming pool fund.............................. 7,400
Public utility assessments............................. 4,200
Public water supply fees............................... 48,100
Refined petroleum fund................................. 393,100
Sand extraction fee revenue............................ 1,000
Scrap tire regulatory fund............................. 44,600
Septage waste program fund............................. 8,300
Sewage sludge land application fees.................... 13,800
Small business pollution prevention revolving loan
fund................................................. 2,800
Solid waste management fund - staff account............ 74,300
Stormwater permit fees................................. 18,400
Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund... 1,200
Underground storage tank fees.......................... 26,300
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 73,400
Water analysis fees.................................... 28,400
Water use reporting fees............................... 5,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 541,100
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 203.0
Air quality programs--203.0 FTE positions.............. $ 25,046,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 25,046,100
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 7,261,800
Special revenue funds:
Air emissions fees..................................... 8,243,000
Fees and collections................................... 271,400
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 129,500
Refined petroleum fund................................. 3,452,200
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 1,283,400
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 4,404,800
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 325.5
Drinking water and environmental health--104.5 FTE
positions............................................ $ 15,327,400
Hazardous waste management program--51.0 FTE positions. 6,769,700
Low-level radioactive waste authority--2.0 FTE
positions............................................ 218,500
Medical waste program--2.0 FTE positions............... 287,100
Municipal assistance--39.0 FTE positions............... 6,922,900
Radiological protection program--12.0 FTE positions.... 1,310,500
Scrap tire regulatory program--11.0 FTE positions...... 1,275,500
Oil, gas, and mineral services--61.0 FTE positions..... 11,670,400
Sewage sludge land application program--6.0 FTE
positions............................................ 907,600
Solid waste management program--37.0 FTE positions..... 4,746,900
Drinking water program grants.......................... 1,330,000
Noncommunity water grants.............................. 2,000,000
Septage waste compliance grants........................ 275,000
Strategic water quality initiative loans............... 9,600,000
Water pollution control and drinking water revolving
fund................................................. 85,443,000
Radon grants........................................... 90,000
Scrap tire grants...................................... 3,500,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 151,674,500
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG-MDSP............................................... 993,300
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 89,335,500
Special revenue funds:
Campground fund........................................ 284,700
Electronic waste recycling fund........................ 287,000
Environmental pollution prevention fund................ 2,298,100
Fees and collections................................... 32,900
Hazardous material transportation permit fund.......... 897,200
Medical waste emergency response fund.................. 287,100
Metallic mining surveillance fee revenue............... 136,800
Mineral well regulatory fee revenue.................... 197,700
Nonferrous metallic mineral surveillance............... 100,000
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 8,928,800
Orphan well fund....................................... 2,225,100
Public swimming pool fund.............................. 648,200
Public utility assessments............................. 218,500
Public water supply fees............................... 4,139,500
Refined petroleum fund................................. 646,900
Revolving loan revenue bonds........................... 11,400,000
Sand extraction fee revenue............................ 82,000
Scrap tire regulatory fund............................. 4,775,500
Septage waste contingency fund......................... 17,400
Septage waste program fund............................. 579,000
Sewage sludge land application fees.................... 907,600
Solid waste management fund - staff account............ 4,287,000
Strategic water quality initiatives fund............... 10,743,800
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 172,900
Wastewater operator training fees...................... 567,300
Water pollution control revolving fund................. 2,744,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,740,700
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 349.0
Contaminated site investigations, cleanup and
revitalization--204.0 FTE positions.................. $ 27,020,000
Federal cleanup project management--60.0 FTE positions. 9,308,400
Laboratory services--48.0 FTE positions................ 7,381,400
Aboveground storage tank program--8.0 FTE positions.... 877,700
Underground storage tank program--29.0 FTE positions... 4,048,000
Brownfield grants and loans............................ 5,000,000
Emergency cleanup actions.............................. 4,000,000
Environmental cleanup support.......................... 1,840,000
Environmental cleanup and redevelopment program........ 30,000,000
Refined petroleum product cleanup program.............. 30,000,000
Superfund cleanup...................................... 3,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 122,475,500
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDT, laboratory services............................... 3,939,200
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 10,071,400
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 180,300
Aboveground storage tank fees.......................... 420,700
Cleanup and redevelopment fund......................... 20,467,900
Environmental protection fund.......................... 2,085,300
Environmental response fund............................ 4,630,700
Landfill maintenance trust fund........................ 29,300
Public water supply fees............................... 294,300
Refined petroleum fund................................. 39,887,400
Revitalization revolving loan fund..................... 97,300
Strategic water quality initiatives fund............... 35,000,000
Underground storage tank fees.......................... 2,223,800
Water analysis fees.................................... 3,147,900
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Information technology services and projects........... $ 8,219,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 8,219,300
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDT, laboratory services............................... 98,100
IDG, MDSP.............................................. 28,400
IDG, MDOT - Michigan transportation fund............... 61,200
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 1,698,700
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees.......................... 24,500
Air emissions fees..................................... 502,700
Campground fund........................................ 13,600
Cleanup and redevelopment fund......................... 608,200
Environmental pollution prevention fund................ 84,600
Environmental protection fund.......................... 11,400
Environmental response fund............................ 317,600
Fees and collections................................... 16,300
Groundwater discharge permit fees...................... 53,200
Hazardous material transportation permit fund.......... 13,500
Land and water permit fees............................. 217,700
Medical waste emergency response fund.................. 10,600
Metallic mining surveillance fee revenue............... 2,600
Mineral well regulatory fee revenue.................... 10,400
NPDES fees............................................. 65,600
Oil and gas regulatory fund............................ 612,000
Orphan well fund....................................... 22,500
Public swimming pool fund.............................. 22,800
Public utility assessments............................. 13,100
Public water supply fees............................... 201,300
Refined petroleum fund................................. 1,941,500
Sand extraction fee revenue............................ 3,100
Scrap tire regulatory fund............................. 87,000
Septage waste program fund............................. 26,300
Sewage sludge land application fees.................... 43,300
Small business pollution prevention revolving loan
fund................................................. 8,800
Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund... 4,000
Solid waste management fund - staff account............ 291,500
Stormwater permit fees................................. 58,600
Underground storage tank fees.......................... 131,400
Waste reduction fee revenue............................ 221,600
Wastewater operator training fees...................... 1,000
Water analysis fees.................................... 106,300
Water pollution control revolving fund................. 150,300
Water use reporting fees............................... 17,100
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 416,900
State employee lump-sum payments....................... $ 1,549,200
Drinking water revolving fund state match.............. 2,500,000
Wetlands program....................................... 1,500,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,549,200
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Interdepartmental grant revenues....................... 48,800
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 415,700
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 4,200
State restricted revenues.............................. 920,400
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 4,160,100
Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state
constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources
under part 1 for fiscal year 2012-2013 is $260,188,000.00 and state
spending from state resources to be paid to local units of
government for fiscal year 2012-2013 is $2,775,000.00. The itemized
statement below identifies appropriations from which spending to
local units of government will occur:
Noncommunity water grants.............................. $ 2,000,000
Scrap tire grants...................................... 500,000
Septage waste compliance program....................... 275,000
TOTAL.................................................. $ 2,775,000
Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this act are
subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101
to 18.1594.
Sec. 203. As used in this act:
(a) "Department" means the department of environmental
(b) "Director" means the director of the department.
(c) "FTE" means full-time equated.
(d) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.
(e) "IDT" means intradepartmental transfer.
(f) "MDOT" means the state transportation department.
(g) "MDSP" means the department of state police.
(h) "NPDES" means national pollution discharge elimination
Sec. 204. The civil service commission shall bill the
department and agencies at the end of the first fiscal quarter for
the 1% charge authorized by section 5 of article XI of the state
constitution of 1963. Payments shall be made for the total amount
of the billing by the end of the second fiscal quarter.
Sec. 205. Unless otherwise specified, the department shall use
the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this act.
This requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic
mail to the recipients identified for each reporting requirement,
or it may include placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet
Sec. 206. Amounts appropriated in part 1 for information
technology may be designated as work projects and carried forward
to support technology projects under the direction of the
department of technology, management, and budget. Funds designated
in this manner are not available for expenditure until approved as
work projects under section 451a of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a.
Sec. 207. The department and agencies receiving appropriations
in part 1 shall receive and retain copies of all reports funded
from appropriations in part 1. Federal and state guidelines for
short-term and long-term retention of records shall be followed.
The department may electronically retain copies of reports unless
otherwise required by federal and state guidelines.
Sec. 208. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for
information technology, departments and agencies shall pay user
fees to the department of technology, management, and budget for
technology-related services and projects. The user fees shall be
subject to provisions of an interagency agreement between the
department and agencies and the department of technology,
management, and budget.
Sec. 209. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall prepare a report on out-of-state
travel expenses not later than January 1 of each year. The travel
report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and
unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately
preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with
funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be
submitted to the house and senate standing committees on
appropriations, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director. The report shall include the following
(a) The dates of each travel occurrence.
(b) The total transportation and related costs of each travel
occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general
fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state
restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,
and the proportion funded with other revenues.
Sec. 210. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for
the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if
competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or
services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to
goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses if they are competitively priced and of comparable
quality. In addition, preference shall be given to goods or
services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are
competitively priced and of comparable quality.
Sec. 211. The director shall take all reasonable steps to
ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for
and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The
director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department
contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and
deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.
Sec. 212. The department shall not take disciplinary action
against an employee for communicating with a member of the
legislature or his or her staff.
Sec. 213. (1) Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used
by the department to promulgate a rule that will apply to a small
business and that will have a disproportionate economic impact on
small businesses because of the size of those businesses if the
department fails to reduce the disproportionate economic impact of
the rule on small businesses as provided under section 40 of the
administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.240.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Rule" means that term as defined under section 7 of the
administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.207.
(b) "Small business" means that term as defined under section
7a of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL
Sec. 214. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a
principal executive department, state agency, or authority to hire
a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of
the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to legal
services for bonding activities and for those activities that the
attorney general authorizes.
Sec. 215. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $30,000,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state
restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in this
article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984
PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $500,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in this
article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984
PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 216. (1) The department shall report all of the following
information relative to allocations made from appropriations for
the environmental cleanup and redevelopment program, state cleanup,
emergency actions, superfund cleanup, the revitalization revolving
loan program, the brownfield grants and loans program, the leaking
underground storage tank cleanup program, the contaminated lake and
river sediments cleanup program, the refined petroleum product
cleanup program, and the environmental protection bond projects
under section 19508(7) of the natural resources and environmental
protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19508, to the state budget
director, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on
environmental quality, and the senate and house fiscal agencies:
(a) The name and location of the site for which an allocation
is made.
(b) The nature of the problem encountered at the site.
(c) A brief description of how the problem will be resolved if
the allocation is made for a response activity.
(d) The estimated date that site closure activities will be
(e) The amount of the allocation, or the anticipated financing
for the site.
(f) A summary of the sites and the total amount of funds
expended at the sites at the conclusion of the fiscal year.
(g) The number of brownfield projects that were successfully
(2) The report prepared under subsection (1) shall also
include all of the following:
(a) The status of all state-owned facilities that are on the
list compiled under part 201 of the natural resources and
environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to
(b) The report shall include the total amount of funds
expended during the fiscal year and the total amount of funds
awaiting expenditure.
(c) The total amount of bonds issued for the environmental
protection bond program pursuant to part 193 of the natural
resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL
324.19301 to 324.19306, and bonds issued pursuant to the clean
Michigan initiative act, 1998 PA 284, MCL 324.95101 to 324.95108.
(3) The report shall be made available by March 31 of each
Sec. 217. (1) The department may expend amounts remaining from
the current and prior fiscal year appropriations to meet funding
needs of legislatively approved sites for the environmental cleanup
and redevelopment program, the leaking underground storage tank
cleanup program, and the refined petroleum product cleanup program.
(2) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from
appropriations from the environmental protection bond fund
contained in 1993 PA 353, 2003 PA 173, 2006 PA 343, and 2011 PA 63
are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act
and any site listed in the public acts referenced in this section.
(3) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from
appropriations from the cleanup and redevelopment fund contained in
2000 PA 275 and 2002 PA 520 are appropriated for expenditure for
any site listed in this act and any site listed in the public acts
referenced in this section.
(4) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from
appropriations from the clean Michigan initiative fund - response
activities contained in 2000 PA 506, 2001 PA 120, 2004 PA 309, 2004
PA 350, 2005 PA 11, 2006 PA 343, 2007 PA 121, and 2011 PA 63 are
appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act and
any site listed in the public acts referenced in this section.
(5) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from
appropriations from the environmental protection fund contained in
2001 PA 43, 2002 PA 520, and 2003 PA 171 are appropriated for
expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site listed in
the public acts referenced in this section.
(6) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from
appropriations from the refined petroleum fund activities contained
in 2005 PA 154, 2007 PA 121, 2008 PA 247, 2009 PA 118, 2010 PA 189,
and 2011 PA 63 are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed
in this act and any site listed in the public acts referenced in
this section.
(7) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from the
appropriations from the strategic water quality initiatives fund
contained in 2011 PA 50 and 2011 PA 63 are appropriated for
expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site listed in
the public acts referenced in this section.
Sec. 218. It is the intent of the legislature that all
principal executive departments and agencies cooperate with the
development and implementation of the department of technology,
management, and budget statewide office space consolidation plan.
Sec. 219. Unexpended settlement revenues at the end of the
fiscal year may be carried forward into the settlement fund in the
succeeding fiscal year up to a maximum carryforward of
Sec. 221. Not later than November 15, the department shall
prepare and transmit a report that provides for estimates of the
total general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses at the
close of the previous fiscal year. This report shall summarize the
projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation
lapses by major departmental program or program areas. The report
shall be transmitted to the office of the state budget, the
chairpersons of the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations, and the senate and house fiscal
Sec. 222. Within 14 days after the release of the executive
budget recommendation, the department shall provide the state
budget director, the senate and house appropriations chairs, the
senate and house appropriations subcommittees on environmental
quality, respectively, and the senate and house fiscal agencies
with an annual report on estimated state restricted fund balances,
state restricted fund projected revenues, and state restricted fund
expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2012 and
September 30, 2013.
Sec. 223. Part 1 provides authorizations to fund 1,321.5 FTE
classified positions during the fiscal year ending September 30,
2013. Line-item appropriations include limitations on the number of
payroll hours to be funded, on the basis of 2,088 hours per each
FTE position. The department shall report the number of funded FTE
positions within 15 days after the effective date of this act. The
number of classified employees compensated through each line item
is limited by the authorized FTE positions indicated in this act,
as adjusted for the number of reported funded FTE positions. The
report shall be provided to the house and senate appropriations
subcommittees on environmental quality and the house and senate
fiscal agencies.
Sec. 224. On a quarterly basis, the department shall report on
the number of FTEs in pay status by civil service classification to
the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on environmental
quality and the senate and house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 225. The department shall maintain a searchable website
accessible by the public at no cost that includes, but is not
limited to, all of the following:
(a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.
(b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.
(c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor,
including the vendor name, payment date, payment amount, and
payment description.
(d) The number of active department employees by job
(e) Job specifications and wage rates.
Sec. 227. The department shall provide a report on the
implementation of a permit application status tracking tool on the
department's public internet website to the house and senate
appropriations subcommittees on environmental quality, the standing
committees of the house and senate with primary responsibility for
environmental quality issues, and the house and senate fiscal
agencies by December 31, 2012. This permit application status
tracking tool shall allow permit applicants and the general public
to track and review pending permit applications. Searchable
parameters shall include, but are not limited to, applicant name
and address, county of request, date of application, most recent
activity, and status of the permit application. The report shall
include a list of all actions and program changes taken to
implement the tracking tool, the department's plan and timeline for
implementation of the tool, and any estimated costs associated with
that implementation plan.
Sec. 228. The department shall provide a report on the
customer satisfaction evaluation program and the feedback received
to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on
environmental quality and the house and senate fiscal agencies by
July 1, 2013.
Sec. 229. The department shall provide a report on the
expedited permitting program to the house and senate appropriations
subcommittees on environmental quality and the house and senate
fiscal agencies by July 1, 2013. The report shall include a list of
all actions and program changes taken to implement the expedited
permitting program, the department's plan and timeline for
implementation of the program, and any estimated costs associated
with that implementation plan.
Sec. 230. By October 31, 2012, the department shall identify
10 principal measurable outcomes to be affected by expenditure of
the funds appropriated in part 1 and submit a report to the house
and senate appropriations committees, the house and senate fiscal
agencies, and the state budget director that ranks the outcomes by
level of importance and contains current data on those outcomes.
Beginning on April 1, 2013, the department shall provide biannual
updates to the house and senate appropriations committees on
changes in those measurable outcomes and departmental efforts to
improve the outcomes.
Sec. 301. Revenues remaining in the interdepartmental
transfers, laboratory services at the end of the fiscal year shall
carry forward into the succeeding fiscal year.
Sec. 302. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for
emergency cleanup actions and the refined petroleum product cleanup
program are considered work project appropriations and any
unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the
succeeding fiscal year. The following is in compliance with section
451a(1) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL
(a) The purpose of the projects to be carried forward is to
provide contaminated site cleanup.
(b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.
(c) The total estimated cost of all projects is identified in
each line-item appropriation.
(d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2017.
Sec. 303. Effective October 1, 2012, surplus funds not to
exceed $1,000,000.00 in the cleanup and redevelopment trust fund
are appropriated to the environmental protection fund created in
section 503a of the natural resources and environmental protection
act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.503a.
Sec. 304. Effective October 1, 2012, surplus funds not to
exceed $1,000,000.00 in the community pollution prevention fund
created in section 3f of 1976 IL 1, MCL 445.573f, are appropriated
to the environmental protection fund created in section 503a of the
natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,
MCL 324.503a.
Sec. 305. It is the intent of the legislature to repay the
refined petroleum fund for the $70,000,000.00 that was transferred
to the environmental protection fund created in section 503a of the
natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,
MCL 324.503a, as part of the resolution for the fiscal year 2006-
2007 budget.
Sec. 306. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for the refined
petroleum product cleanup program shall be used to fund cleanup
activities on the following sites:
Site Name County
Former Tavern and Gas Station Alcona
Midway Resort Inc Alger
Country Party Store Alpena
Hubbard Lake Garage Alpena
Hubbard Lake General Store Alpena
Res. Wells Torch Lake Twp. Antrim
Torch River Pit Stop Antrim
Freeport Auto Service Barry
Bud's in Honor Benzie
Coloma Citgo Berrien
Nyes Shell Service Berrien
Randy's Amoco Berrien
Clark #767 (Marshall) Calhoun
Clark #768 (Albion) Calhoun
Clark Service Station #500 Calhoun
Helmer I-94 Calhoun
Korner Krossroads Party Store Calhoun
Logan's Gas & Deli Calhoun
Unocal 76, Edwardsburg (Energy Oil) Cass
Arnold's Bait and Tackle Charlevoix
J.J.'s General Store Charlevoix
Northern Oil (former) Charlevoix
Club Rd Property Cheboygan
Corner Store Cheboygan
Ackels Car Care Clinton
State Road Service Clinton
D & L Fuels Eaton
South End Mobil Eaton
Beckon & Larks Lake Rd. Emmet
Farmers Petroleum Coop - Petoskey Emmet
Action Auto #10 Genesee
Central Distributing Genesee
City of Flint Fire Department Genesee
Odyssey House, Flint Genesee
Spartan Express (truck terminal) Genesee
Tabers Oil Co., Inc. Genesee
United Cleaners, Inc Genesee
Watkins & Himelhoch Inc Genesee
Howard Jameson A+H Racing Gladwin
Sportsmans Landing Gladwin
Winegar's Trading Post Gladwin
4 Corners Grand Traverse
Stop N Shop Grand Traverse
Wilson's Grocery Gratiot
Engelhardt Petroleum, Inc. Gas Station Huron
Mouch's Auto Sales Huron
Action Auto Inc Ingham
Action Auto Store #30 Ingham
Bay Gas Station, 3306 N. East St. Ingham
Bay Petroleum, S. MLK Ingham
Bay Petroleum, W. Willow Ingham
Citgo #7 Ingham
Clark Station #1995 Ingham
Fresh-Up Car Wash Ingham
Miller Oil Company Ingham
Don Bessemer/Haight's Garage Ionia
Bublitz Oil Full Service Oscoda Iosco
Graham Oil Bulk Plant Iosco
Firstbank-Winn Branch Isabella
Clark #501 Jackson
McDonald's Crosstown Service Kalamazoo
Meijers Thrifty Acres Kalamazoo
Dutton Mill Properties Kent
Great Northern Packaging Kent
Hurley's Lodge Lake
Church & Sons Gas Station Lapeer
E.J. Green Lapeer
Lakeside Resort and Party Store Leelanau
Blissfield Marathon Lenawee
Blissfield Vacant Lot Lenawee
Clark 1457 Adrian Lenawee
Lakeland Montessori School Livingston
Leon Bonner Prop Livingston
The Pit Livingston
Action Auto (former) Macomb
Sokana Mobil Macomb
Red Barn Market Manistee
Airport Road, 1933 East Midland
Dutch Hutch Missaukee
A.N. Russell & Son Inc Montcalm
R.V. Jensen Inc. Montcalm
A-1 Party Mart Montmorency
Mary D's Restaurant Montmorency
Pointe Bait Montmorency
Sports Center, Inc. Montmorency
Strolle Oil Montmorency
Williams Service Station Montmorency
Bennett Pump Muskegon
Bernie's Amoco Muskegon
Reliable Truck & Crane Muskegon
Hardy Grocery Newaygo
Clark #903, Keego Harbor Oakland
DOC Optical Oakland
Jenny Enterprises/Wine Basket, Highland Oakland
South Lyon Service Station Inc Oakland
Wayne Oakland Oil Company Oakland
Shady Shores Restaurant Ogemaw
Andy's Standard Osceola
Eagle Village Osceola
Hersey Party Store Osceola
Neal's Service Osceola
Tiel Oil Co. Osceola
Don's Marathon Oscoda
Charlie's Place Roscommon
AMCO Group Sanilac
Sangster property Sanilac
Frank's Service Shiawassee
Raymond Ayotte Shiawassee
Decker Service St. Joseph
Gagetown Gas and Oil, former Tuscola
One Stop Party Store Tuscola
Jimmie's Filling Station Washtenaw
B & H Food & Gas/Dix-Toledo Petro Mart Wayne
Cal's Car Care, Incorporated - BTEX Wayne
City of Detroit - DOT - 14044 Schaefer Wayne
City of Detroit - DOT - 5600 Wabash St. Wayne
City of Detroit - DOT - 5800 Russell St. Wayne
Hail Investments Inc. Wayne
JJ Curran Crane Wayne
K & A Gas Wayne
Master Petroleum Wayne
Micks Auto Wayne
Speedy's Gas & Goodies Wayne
(2) The department shall provide a report to the legislature
on the amount actually spent at each site listed in subsection (1)
and give a detailed account of the work actually performed at each
Sec. 307. For the state fiscal year ending September 30, 2013,
there is appropriated from clean Michigan initiative – response
activities revenue $300,000.00 for an engineering study pertaining
to the Wickes Manufacturing TCE plume site.
Sec. 309. The funds appropriated in part 1 for the brownfield
grants and loans program are considered work project
appropriations, and any unencumbered or unallotted funds are
carried forward into the succeeding fiscal year. The following is
in compliance with section 451a(1) of the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:
(a) The purpose of the projects is to provide contaminated
site cleanup.
(b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.
(c) The total estimated cost of all projects is $5,000,000.00.
(d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2017.
Sec. 310. (1) Upon approval by the state budget director, the
department may expend from the general fund of the state an amount
to meet the cash-flow requirements of projects funded under any of
the following that are financed from bond proceeds and for which
bonds have been authorized but not yet issued:
(a) Part 52 of the natural resources and environmental
protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5201 to 324.5206.
(b) Part 193 of the natural resources and environmental
protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19301 to 324.19306.
(c) Part 196 of the natural resources and environmental
protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19601 to 324.19616.
(2) Upon the sale of bonds for projects described in
subsection (1), the department shall credit the general fund of the
state an amount equal to that expended from the general fund.
Sec. 401. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for surface
water, not less than $700,000.00 and 5.0 FTEs shall be allocated to
support the aquatic nuisance control program. The department shall
report to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on
environmental quality and the house and senate fiscal agencies by
September 30, 2013 on the use of this funding and the number of
permit applications processed by the program in 2013.
Sec. 402. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall fund a groundwater dispute resolution process in
such a manner that maintains a strategically selected dispute
resolution process given funds available. The department may
utilize any and all available resources in providing this process
and shall report to the legislature on the need for additional
Sec. 403. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall support funding for the aquatic invasive species
advisory council to provide recommendations to appropriate parties
and bodies for a basin-wide approach to managing invasive species.
Sec. 405. If a certified health department does not exist in a
city, county, or district or does not fulfill its responsibilities
under part 117 of the natural resources and environmental
protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11701 to 324.11720, then the
department may spend funds appropriated in part 1 under the septage
waste compliance program in accordance with section 11716 of the
natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,
MCL 324.11716.
Sec. 601. (1) The department shall provide a report on the
state's solid waste policy that includes the department's plan for
long-term funding for the solid waste management program and all
actions and program changes taken, including progress on the
feasibility of contracting out landfill inspections, to implement
the recommendations of the June 30, 2012 report to the legislature
required by section 601 of article VII of 2011 PA 63.
(2) The department shall provide the report prepared under
subsection (1) to the state budget director, the house and senate
appropriations subcommittees on environmental quality, and the
house and senate fiscal agencies by June 30, 2013.
Sec. 602. (1) The department is encouraged to use available
pollution prevention funds and work with local public health
departments, the department of agriculture and rural development,
and the United States department of agriculture to maintain and
expand programs for the safe disposal of hazardous household
chemicals and prescription drugs.
(2) The department shall report to the house and senate
appropriations subcommittees on environmental quality and the house
and senate fiscal agencies by March 1, 2013 on clean sweep
locations in this state and on factors affecting program success
and expansion including funding requirements.
Sec. 1201. It is the intent of the legislature to provide
appropriations for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2014 for
the line items listed in part 1. The fiscal year 2013-2014
appropriations are anticipated to be the same as those for fiscal
year 2012-2013, except that the line items will be adjusted for
changes in caseload and related costs, federal fund match rates,
economic factors, and available revenue. These adjustments will be
determined after the January 2013 consensus revenue estimating