HB-4992, As Passed House, December 7, 2011
















September 20, 2011, Introduced by Reps. Kowall, Bumstead, Goike, Wayne Schmidt and Denby and referred to the Committee on Redistricting and Elections.


      A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 560, 568, 706, and 764a (MCL 168.560,


168.568, 168.706, and 168.764a), sections 568 and 706 as amended


by 1985 PA 160 and section 764a as amended by 1996 PA 207, and by


adding sections 560c, 706a, and 764.




 1        Sec. 560. Such ballots shall contain the instructions as to


 2  the method of voting. Ballots other than those furnished by the


 3  board of election commissioners, according to the provisions of


 4  this act, shall not be used, cast, or counted in any election


 5  precinct at any such primary election. The size of all official


 6  ballots shall be such as the board of election commissioners


 7  shall prescribe prescribes.


 8        Sec. 560c. Each polling booth or voting compartment used at


 1  a primary election shall contain the instructions as to the


 2  procedures for marking a ballot as prescribed by the secretary of


 3  state.


 4        Sec. 568. (1) The official primary election ballots shall be


 5  prepared in the following form: At the top of each ballot shall


 6  be printed in large type, "Official primary election ballot".


 7  Underneath the heading shall be printed the date of the election


 8  at which the ballot is to be used, together with a designation of


 9  the political subdivision, as county, district, city, ward, et


10  cetera, in which it is to be used. Then shall follow, in bold-


11  faced type, the name of the political party and vignette, below


12  which shall appear the following instructions to electors: "Make


13  a cross or a check mark in the square to the left of not more


14  than the number of names for each office as may be indicated


15  under the title of each office." Under this heading shall appear


16  the names of the candidates seeking nomination for various


17  offices on the ticket of the political party. a form prescribed


18  by the secretary of state based upon the voting equipment being


19  used in each county.


20        (2) The order of the offices on the ballot shall be the


21  same, as near as may be, as is required by law in making up the


22  ballot used at general elections. The title of the office shall


23  be immediately above the names of the candidate or candidates for


24  the nomination of each office, and under the title the words


25  "Vote for not more than," followed by the word "one" or "two"


26  number "1" or "2" or such other word identifier as will designate


27  the number of candidates for the nomination to the office that


 1  may be voted for. The names of the different candidates shall be


 2  separated from each other by a light-faced rule with a square at


 3  the left of each name. The spaces devoted to the candidates for


 4  nomination to different offices shall be separated by a black-


 5  faced rule so as to separate each office division distinctly.


 6  However, the board of election commissioners in any county or


 7  city may, if considered desirable, arrange the ballots with an


 8  identification numeral to be placed in the same space with the


 9  name of each of the candidates, with the identification numeral


10  to be rotated with the name of the candidate when rotated,


11  regardless of where the name may appear upon the ballot.


12        Sec. 706. The arrangement of the ballot containing the names


13  of candidates for office shall conform as nearly as possible to


14  the following plan, and shall contain the specific instructions


15  there set forth and no others: be prescribed by the secretary of


16  state based upon the voting equipment being used in each county.



17                          OFFICIAL BALLOT

18      County of ................    Date  ...............



19        INSTRUCTIONS - To vote a straight party ticket make a cross


20  (X) or check mark (√) in the circle under the name of your party.


21  Nothing further need be done. To vote for a candidate not on your


22  party ticket, make a cross (X) or a check mark (√) in the square


23  [ ] before the candidate's name. Candidates for president and


24  vice-president must be voted for as a unit, and the vote cannot


25  be split. Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor must be


 1  voted for as a unit, and the vote cannot be split.


 2        If 2 or more candidates are to be elected to the same office


 3  and you desire to vote for candidates not on your party ticket,


 4  make a cross (X) or a check mark (√) in the square [ ] before the


 5  names of the candidates for whom you desire to vote on the other


 6  ticket, and strike out an equal number of names on your party


 7  ticket, for that office.


 8        If you do not desire to vote any party ticket, do not make a


 9  cross (X) or check mark (√) in the circle at the head of any


10  ticket, but make a cross (X) or a check mark (√) in the square [


11  ] before the name of each candidate for whom you desire to vote.


12        If you wish to vote for a candidate not on any ticket, write


13  or place the name of that candidate on your ballot opposite the


14  name of the office.


15        Before leaving the booth, fold the ballot so that the face


16  of the ballot is not exposed and so that the numbered corner is


17  visible.



18 __________________________________________________________________

19 Name of           Vignette         Vignette          Vignette

20 Offices             with             with              with

21 Voted For:      Name of Party    Name of Party     Name of Party

22                      [ ]              [ ]               [ ]

23 __________________________________________________________________

24                  Name of          Name of          Name of

25 PRESIDENTIAL     Candidate for    Candidate for    Candidate for

26 Electors of      President.       President.       President.

27 President

28 and Vice-     [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

29 President of     Candidate for    Candidate for    Candidate for

30 the United       Vice-President.  Vice-President.  Vice-President.

31 States

32 __________________________________________________________________

33                  Governor         Governor         Governor

34 STATE            Name of          Name of          Name of

35 Governor and     Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

36 Lieutenant    [ ]Lieut.Governor[ ]Lieut.Governor[ ]Lieut.Governor

Governor         Name of          Name of          Name of

                 Candidate        Candidate        Candidate


                 Secretary of     Secretary of     Secretary of

                 State            State            State

Secretary of  [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

State            Candidate        Candidate        Candidate


CONGRESSIONAL    U.S. Senator     U.S. Senator     U.S. Senator

10 United States [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

11 Senator          Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

12 __________________________________________________________________

13 Represent-       U.S. Repre-      U.S. Repre-      U.S. Repre-

14 ative in         sentative        sentative        sentative

15 Congress      [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

16 ...District      Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

17 __________________________________________________________________

18 LEGISLATIVE      State Senator    State Senator    State Senator

19 Senator       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

20 ...District      Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

21 __________________________________________________________________

22                  State Repre-     State Repre-     State Repre-

23 Represent-       sentative        sentative        sentative

24 ative         [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

25 ...District      Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

26 __________________________________________________________________

27 COUNTY           Pros. Attorney   Pros. Attorney   Pros. Attorney

28 Prosecuting   [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

29 Attorney         Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

30 __________________________________________________________________

31                  Sheriff          Sheriff          Sheriff

32 Sheriff       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of       [ ]Name of

33                  Candidate        Candidate        Candidate

34 __________________________________________________________________



35        Sec. 706a. Each polling booth or voting compartment used at


36  an election shall contain the instructions as to the procedures


37  for marking a ballot as prescribed by the secretary of state.


38        Sec. 764. In addition to the instructions provided to an


39  absent voter under section 764a, instructions for an absent voter


40  concerning the method of voting shall be included with each


41  absent voter ballot furnished an absent voter.


42        Sec. 764a. The following instructions for an absent voter


43  shall be included with each ballot or set of ballots furnished an


 1  absent voter:




 3        Step 1. On the absent voter ballot enclosed Enclosed you


 4  will find voting instructions as to the method of voting. Read


 5  these carefully and then vote the ballot.


 6        Step 2. After voting a ballot, place the ballot in the


 7  secrecy sleeve, if any. If a secrecy sleeve is not provided,


 8  refold the ballot to conceal your votes.


 9        Step 3. Place the ballot or ballots in the return envelope


10  and securely seal the envelope.


11        Step 4. Sign and date the return envelope in the place


12  designated. Your signature must appear on the return envelope or


13  the ballot will not be counted. If you are disabled or otherwise


14  unable to mark the ballot and required assistance in voting your


15  absent voter ballot, have the person who assisted you complete


16  the section on the return envelope entitled "TO BE COMPLETED ONLY




18        Step 5. Deliver the return envelope by 1 of the following


19  methods:


20        (a) Place the necessary postage upon the return envelope and


21  deposit it in the United States mail or with another public


22  postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or


23  common carrier.


24        (b) Deliver the envelope personally to the office of the


25  clerk, to the clerk, or to an authorized assistant of the clerk.


26        (c) In either (a) or (b), a member of the immediate family


27  of the voter including a father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-


 1  in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent,


 2  or grandchild or a person residing in the voter's household may


 3  mail or deliver a ballot to the clerk for the voter.


 4        (d) You may request by telephone that the clerk who issued


 5  the ballot provide assistance in returning the ballot. The clerk


 6  is required to provide assistance if you are unable to return


 7  your absent voter ballot as specified in (a), (b), or (c) above,


 8  if it is before 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the


 9  election, and if you are asking the clerk to pickup the absent


10  voter ballot within the jurisdictional limits of the city,


11  township, or village in which you are registered. Your absent


12  voter ballot will then be picked up by the clerk or an election


13  assistant sent by the clerk. All persons authorized to pick up


14  absent voter ballots are required to carry credentials issued by


15  the clerk. If using this absent voter ballot return method, do


16  not give your ballot to anyone until you have checked their


17  credentials.


18        Step 6. The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized


19  assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election


20  day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of


21  the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not


22  be counted.


23                             WARNING


24        All of the following actions are violations of the Michigan


25  election law and are illegal in this state:


26        (1) To vote an absent voter ballot at a meeting or gathering


27  at which other people are voting absent voter ballots.


 1        (2) For a person who is assisting an absent voter in marking


 2  the ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt to influence the


 3  absent voter on how he or she should vote.


 4        (3) For a person who is present and knows that a person is


 5  voting an absent voter ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt


 6  to influence the absent voter on how he or she should vote.


 7        (4) For a person other than those listed in these


 8  instructions to return, offer to return, agree to return, or


 9  solicit to return an absent voter ballot to the clerk.


10        (5) For a person other than the absent voter; a person


11  listed in these instructions; or a person whose job it is to


12  handle mail before, during, or after being transported by a


13  public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service,


14  or common carrier, but only during the normal course of his or


15  her employment to be in possession of a voted or unvoted absent


16  voter ballot.