March 9, 2011, Introduced by Rep. Jackson and referred to the Committee on Banking and Financial Services.


     A bill to amend 1966 PA 346, entitled


"State housing development authority act of 1966,"


by amending sections 48d, 49, and 49i (MCL 125.1448d, 125.1449, and


125.1449i), sections 48d and 49i as added by 1981 PA 173 and


section 49 as amended by 1993 PA 221.




     Sec. 48d. Whenever a complaint is filed Subject to section


3116 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL


600.3116, in an action for the foreclosure or satisfaction of any a


mortgage on real estate or land contract held by the authority, the


court has power to may order a sale of the premises which that are


the subject of the mortgage on real estate or land contract held by


the authority, or of that part of the premises which that is


sufficient to discharge the amount due on the mortgage on real


estate or land contract held by the authority, plus costs. But the


circuit judge The court shall not order that the lands subject to


the mortgage be sold within 6 months after the filing of the


complaint for foreclosure of the mortgage or that the lands which


that are the subject of the land contract be sold within 3 months


after the filing of the complaint for foreclosure of the land




     Sec. 49. Every Subject to section 3201(3) of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3201, every mortgage


of real estate held by the authority which that contains a power of


sale, upon default being made in any condition of such the


mortgage, may be foreclosed by advertisement , in the cases and in


the manner specified as provided in sections 49a to 49v, including


the giving of a notice as described in sections 49b and 49c.


     Sec. 49i. (1) Unless Except as provided in section 3237 of the


revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3237, unless


the premises described in such the deed shall be of sale are


redeemed within the time limited for such applicable period of


redemption as provided in section 49j, such the deed shall


thereupon become becomes operative , on the expiration of the


period of redemption and shall vest vests in the grantee therein


named in the deed or his or her heirs or assigns , all the right,


title, and interest which the mortgagor had at the time of the


execution of the mortgage, or at any time thereafter after the


execution, except as to any parcel or parcels which may that have


been redeemed and canceled, as provided in sections 49j to 49u; and




     (2) After the period of redemption expires, the record thereof


shall thereafter, of the deed of sale is for all purposes be deemed


a valid record of the deed of sale without being re-recorded. , but


no However, a person having any who has a valid subsisting lien


upon on the mortgaged premises or any part thereof of the mortgaged


premises, created before the lien of such the mortgage took effect,


shall not be prejudiced by any such the sale, nor shall and his or


her rights or interests be are not in any way affected thereby by


the sale.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 4405(request no.


01873'11) of the 96th Legislature is enacted into law.