February 24, 2011, Introduced by Senator KAHN and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.




       A bill to make appropriations for various state departments and agencies; the


judicial branch, and the legislative branch for the fiscal years ending September 30,


2012; to provide anticipated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30,


2013; to provide a nonbinding schedule of programs; to provide for certain conditions


on appropriations; to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.




                                                                  For Fiscal        For Fiscal


                                                                 Year Ending       Year Ending


                                                              Sept. 30, 2012    Sept. 30, 2013




  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $ 32,775,513,900  $ 33,463,581,000


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................        730,392,800       734,756,500


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $ 32,045,121,100  $ 32,728,824,500








  Total federal revenues..................................     17,290,815,500    17,460,260,400


  Total local revenues....................................        369,999,800       369,759,000


  Total private revenues..................................        127,589,800       127,782,600


  Total other state restricted revenues...................      7,222,668,000     7,322,432,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  7,034,048,000  $  7,448,590,000


Article 1












       Sec. 1-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of agriculture and rural development are


appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be


appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated


in this part. The following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated


appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                2.0               2.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              436.0             436.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     71,469,300  $     72,865,500


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................            297,600           297,600


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     71,171,700  $     72,567,900


  Total federal revenues..................................         14,184,700        14,386,700


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................            171,300           171,300


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         29,713,000        30,294,800


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     27,102,700  $     27,715,100


   Sec. 1-102.  ADMINISTRATION


   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                2.0               2.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               23.0              23.0


  Administration..........................................   $       5,442,400  $       6,838,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      5,442,400  $      6,838,600


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................              2,800             2,800


  Federal revenues........................................            442,000           644,000


  State restricted revenues...............................            756,200         1,338,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,241,400   $     4,853,800


       Schedule of programs:


     Commissions and boards..............................             23,800            23,800


     Unclassified positions..............................            213,300           213,300


     Executive direction.................................          1,050,600         1,050,600


     Rent and building occupancy charges.................            991,900           991,900


     Operational services................................            981,100           981,100


     Information technology services and projects........          1,303,400         1,303,400


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0         1,396,200


     Accounting service center...........................            878,300           878,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................              228.0             228.0


  Food safety and health assurance........................   $      30,831,400        30,831,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     30,831,400  $     30,831,400


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            194,800           194,800


  Federal revenues........................................          5,827,900         5,827,900


  State restricted revenues...............................          6,235,500         6,235,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     18,573,200   $    18,573,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Food safety and quality assurance...................          9,931,600         9,931,600


     Milk safety and quality assurance...................          2,437,900         2,437,900


     Animal disease prevention and response..............          9,039,400         9,039,400


     Migrant labor housing...............................          1,162,300         1,162,300


     Laboratory services.................................          5,564,600         5,564,600


     USDA monitoring.....................................          2,452,000         2,452,000


     Emergency management................................            243,600           243,600




   Full-time equated classified positions................              119.0             119.0


  Environmental protection................................   $      19,340,800  $     19,340,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     19,340,800  $     19,340,800


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            100,000           100,000


  Federal revenues........................................          5,151,300         5,151,300


  Private revenues........................................             83,300            83,300


  State restricted revenues...............................         10,089,900        10,089,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      3,916,300   $     3,916,300


       Schedule of programs:


     Pesticide and plant pest management.................         10,312,700        10,312,700


     Emerald ash borer control program...................          1,822,600         1,822,600


     Michigan agriculture environmental assurance program    264,600           264,600


     Groundwater and freshwater protection program.......          5,421,700         5,421,700


     Agriculture pollution prevention program............          1,000,100         1,000,100


     Right-to-farm.......................................            519,000           519,000


     Local conservation districts........................                100               100




   Full-time equated classified positions................               63.0              63.0


  Rural and economic development..........................   $      10,432,800  $      10,432,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     10,432,800  $     10,432,800


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          1,513,500         1,513,500


  Private revenues........................................             88,000            88,000


  State restricted revenues...............................          8,459,500         8,459,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        371,800   $       371,800


       Schedule of programs:


     Agriculture development.............................          1,915,300         1,915,300


     Grape and wine program..............................            736,300           736,300


     Statistical reporting services......................            158,300           158,300


     Farmland and open space preservation................            958,200           958,200


     Producer security/grain dealers.....................            543,400           543,400


     Consumer protection program.........................          5,571,300         5,571,300


     Intercounty drain...................................            550,000           550,000


   Sec. 1-106.  HORSE RACING


   Full-time equated classified positions................                3.0               3.0


  Horse racing............................................   $       3,121,900  $       3,121,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      3,121,900  $      3,121,900


     Appropriated from:


  State restricted revenues...............................          3,121,900         3,121,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0   $             0


       Schedule of programs:


     Horse racing grant program administration...........            331,300           331,300


     Purses and supplements-fairs/licensed tracks........            611,400           611,400


     Licensed tracks-light horse racing..................             34,100            34,100


     Standardbred breeders’ awards.......................            250,000           250,000


     Standardbred purses and supplements-licensed tracks.            461,600           461,600


     Standardbred sire stakes............................            209,000           209,000


     Standardbred training and stabling..................              9,300             9,300


     Thoroughbred owners’ awards.........................             31,900            31,900


     Thoroughbred supplements - licensed tracks..........            309,600           309,600


     Thoroughbred breeders’ awards.......................            309,600           309,600


     Thoroughbred sire stakes............................            214,100           214,100


     Distribution of outstanding winning tickets.........            350,000           350,000


   Sec. 1-107.  CAPITAL OUTLAY


  Capital outlay..........................................   $       2,300,000  $       2,300,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      2,300,000  $      2,300,000


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          1,250,000         1,250,000


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,050,000         1,050,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0   $             0


       Schedule of programs:


     Farmland and open space development acquisition.....          2,300,000         2,300,000














       Sec. 1-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal years 2011-


2012 is $56,815,700.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local


units of government for fiscal years 2011-2012 is $1,500,000.00. The itemized


statement below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of


government will occur:




  Environmental protection..............................................   $           1,500,000


  TOTAL.................................................................   $           1,500,000


       Sec. 1-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "Department" means the department of agriculture and rural




       Sec. 1-203. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $6,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL








       Sec. 1-301. (1) Pursuant to the appropriations in part 1, the department may


receive and expend revenue and use that revenue to cover necessary expenses related to


publications, audit and licensing functions, livestock sales, certification of nursery


stock, and laboratory analyses as specified in the following:


       (a) Management services publications.


       (b) Management services audit and licensing functions.


       (c) Pesticide and plant pest management propagation and certification of virus-


free foundation stock.


       (d) Pesticide and plant pest management grading services.


       (e) Laboratory support testing for testing horses in draft horse pulling


contests at county fairs when local jurisdictions request state assistance.


       (f) Laboratory support analyses to determine foreign substances in horses


engaged in racing or pulling contests at tracks.


       (g) Laboratory support analyses of food, livestock, and agricultural products


for disease, foreign products for disease, toxic materials, foreign substances, and


quality standards.


       (h) Laboratory support test samples for other agencies and organizations.


       (i) Fruit and vegetable inspection at shipping and termination points and


processing plants.






       Sec. 1-401. (1) The director shall allocate lump-sum appropriations made in


this act consistent with statutory provisions and the purposes for which funds were


appropriated. Lump-sum allocations shall address priority program or facility needs


and may include, but are not limited to, design, construction, remodeling and


addition, special maintenance, major special maintenance, energy conservation, and




       (2) The state budget director may authorize that funds appropriated for lump-


sum appropriations shall be available for no more than 3 fiscal years following the


fiscal year in which the original appropriation was made. Any remaining balance from


allocations made in this section shall lapse to the fund from which it was


appropriated pursuant to the lapsing of funds as provided in the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 1-402. The appropriations in part 1 for capital outlay shall be carried


forward at the end of the fiscal year consistent with the provisions of section 248 of


the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1248.


Article 2












     Sec. 2-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts listed


in this part for the department of attorney general are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              514.0             514.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     74,340,900  $     76,321,200


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................         21,885,400        22,539,600


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     52,455,500  $     53,781,600


  Total federal revenues..................................          8,848,800         9,073,800


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         15,489,100        15,879,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     28,117,600  $     28,828,100




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              502.0             502.0


  Attorney general operations.............................   $      72,459,100  $      74,439,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     72,459,100  $     74,439,400


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................         21,746,400        22,400,600


  Federal revenues........................................          8,748,800         8,973,800


  State restricted revenues...............................         15,114,100        15,504,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     26,849,800   $    27,560,300


       Schedule of programs:


     Attorney general....................................            112,500           112,500


     Unclassified positions..............................            476,300           476,300


     Attorney general operations.........................         68,080,700        68,080,700


     Child support enforcement...........................          3,008,000         3,008,000


     Information technology services and projects........            781,600           781,600


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0         1,980,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................               12.0              12.0


  Prosecuting attorneys coordinating council..............   $       1,881,800  $       1,881,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      1,881,800         1,881,800


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            139,000           139,000


  Federal revenues........................................            100,000           100,000


  State restricted revenues...............................            375,000           375,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $       1,267,800   $     1,267,800


       Schedule of programs:


     Prosecuting attorneys coordinating council..........          1,881,800         1,881,800














Sec. 2-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year


2011-2012 is $43,606,700.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid


to local units of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $0.00.


       Sec. 2-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "RS" means revised statutes.


       Sec. 2-203. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 2-204. (1) The attorney general shall perform all legal services,


including representation before courts and administrative agencies rendering legal


opinions and providing legal advice to a principal executive department or state


agency. A principal executive department or state agency shall not employ or enter


into a contract with any other person for services described in this section.


       (2) The attorney general shall defend judges of all state courts if a claim is


made or a civil action is commenced for injuries to persons or property caused by the


judge through the performance of the judge's duties while acting within the scope of


his or her authority as a judge.


       (3) The attorney general shall perform the duties specified in 1846 RS 12, MCL


14.28 to 14.35, and 1919 PA 232, MCL 14.101 to 14.102, and as otherwise provided by




       Sec. 2-205. The attorney general may sell copies of the biennial report in


excess of the 350 copies that the attorney general may distribute on a gratis basis.


Gratis copies shall not be provided to members of the legislature. Electronic copies


of biennial reports shall be made available on the department of attorney general's


website. The attorney general shall sell copies of the report at not less than the


actual cost of the report and shall deposit the money received into the general fund.


       Sec. 2-206. The department of attorney general is responsible for the legal


representation for state of Michigan state employee worker's disability compensation


cases. The risk management revolving fund revenue appropriation in part 1 is to be


satisfied by billings from the department of attorney general for the actual costs of


legal representation, including salaries and support costs.


       Sec. 2-207. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, not more than


$400,000.00 shall be reimbursed per fiscal year for food stamp fraud cases heard by


the third circuit court of Wayne County that were initiated by the department of


attorney general pursuant to the existing contract between the department of human


services, the prosecuting attorneys association of Michigan, and the department of


attorney general. The source of this funding is money earned by the department of


attorney general under the agreement after the allowance for reimbursement to the


department of attorney general for costs associated with the prosecution of food stamp


fraud cases. It is recognized that the federal funds are earned by the department of


attorney general for its documented progress on the prosecution of food stamp fraud


cases according to the United States department of agriculture regulations and that,


once earned by this state, the funds become state funds.


       Sec. 2-208. Any proceeds from a lawsuit initiated by or settlement agreement


entered into on behalf of this state against a manufacturer of tobacco products by the


attorney general are state funds and are subject to appropriation as provided by law.


       Sec. 2-209. (1) In addition to the antitrust revenues in part 1, antitrust,


securities fraud, consumer protection or class action enforcement revenues, or


attorney fees recovered by the department, not to exceed $250,000.00, are appropriated


to the department for antitrust, securities fraud, and consumer protection or class


action enforcement cases.


       (2) Any unexpended funds from antitrust, securities fraud, or consumer


protection or class action enforcement revenues at the end of the fiscal year,


including antitrust funds in part 1, may be carried forward for expenditure in the


following fiscal year up to the maximum authorization of $250,000.00.


       Sec. 2-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated up to $500,000.00 from litigation expense reimbursements awarded to the




       (2) The funds may be expended for the payment of court judgments or


settlements, attorney fees, and litigation expenses not including salaries and support


costs, assessed against the office of the governor, the department of the attorney


general, the governor, or the attorney general when acting in an official capacity as


the named party in litigation against the state. The funds may also be expended for


the payment of state costs incurred under section 16 of chapter X of the code of


criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 770.16.


       (3) Unexpended funds at the end of the fiscal year may be carried forward for


expenditure in the following year, up to a maximum authorization of $500,000.00.


       Sec. 2-211. From the prisoner reimbursement funds appropriated in part 1, the


department may spend up to $497,900.00 on activities related to the state correctional


facilities reimbursement act, 1935 PA 253, MCL 800.401 to 800.406. In addition to the


funds appropriated in part 1, if the department collects in excess of $1,131,000.00 in


gross annual prisoner reimbursement receipts provided to the general fund, the excess,


up to a maximum of $1,000,000.00, is appropriated to the department of attorney


general and may be spent on the representation of the department of corrections and


its officers, employees, and agents, including, but not limited to, the defense of


litigation against the state, its departments, officers, employees, or agents in civil


actions filed by prisoners.


       Sec. 2-212. (1) For the purposes of providing title IV-D child support


enforcement funding, the department of human services, as the state IV-D agency, shall


maintain a cooperative agreement with the attorney general for federal IV-D funding to


support the child support enforcement activities within the office of the attorney




       (2) The attorney general or his or her designee shall, to the extent allowable


under federal law, have access to any information used by the state to locate parents


who fail to pay court-ordered child support.


       Sec. 2-213. The department of attorney general shall not receive and expend


funds in addition to those authorized in part 1 for legal services provided


specifically to other state departments or agencies except for costs for expert


witnesses, court costs, or other nonsalary litigation expenses associated with a


pending legal action.


Article 3












       Sec. 3-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of civil rights are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                5.0               5.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              113.0             113.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     12,098,900  $     12,424,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     12,098,900  $     12,424,300


  Total federal revenues..................................          2,213,200         2,269,700


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................             58,500            58,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      9,827,200  $     10,096,100




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                5.0               5.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              113.0             113.0


  Civil rights operations.................................   $     12,098,900  $      12,424,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     12,098,900  $     12,424,300


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          2,213,200         2,269,700


  State restricted revenues...............................             58,500            58,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      9,827,200   $    10,096,100


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified positions..............................            267,100           267,100


     Civil rights operations.............................         11,254,100        11,254,100


     Information technology services and projects........            577,700           577,700


     Active and retiree insurance and pension


       adjustment........................................                  0           325,400














       Sec. 3-201.  Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $9,885,700.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $0.






Sec. 3-301. (a) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for federal contingency


funds. These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been


transferred to another line item in this bill under section 393(2) of the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (b) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $500,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 3-302. (1) In addition to the appropriations contained in part 1, the


department of civil rights may receive and expend funds from local or private sources


for all of the following purposes:


       (a) Developing and presenting training for employers on equal employment


opportunity law and procedures.


       (b) The publication and sale of civil rights related informational material.


       (c) The provision of copy material made available under freedom of information




       (d) Other copy fees, subpoena fees, and witness fees.


       (e) Developing, presenting, and participating in mediation processes for


certain civil rights cases.


       (f) Workshops, seminars, and recognition or award programs consistent with the


programmatic mission of the individual unit sponsoring or coordinating the programs.


       (g) Staffing costs for all activities included in Sec. 302(1)(a) through Sec.


302(1) (f).


       Sec. 3-303. The department of civil rights may contract with local units of


government to review equal employment opportunity compliance of potential contractors


and may charge for and expend amounts received from local units of government for the


purpose of developing and providing these contractual services.


Article 4












        Sec. 4-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts listed


in this part for the department of community health are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................            4,025.0           4,025.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $ 13,965,309,000    14,413,206,000


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................          4,528,700         4,528,700


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $ 13,960,780,300  $ 14,408,677,300


  Total federal revenues..................................      8,758,307,700     8,976,727,400


  Total local revenues....................................        248,557,800       250,359,100


  Total private revenues..................................         96,494,700        96,494,700


  Total state restricted revenues.........................      2,156,335,200     2,154,682,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  2,701,084,900  $  2,930,413,700




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              644.8             644.8


  Administration and regulation...........................   $     214,546,500  $     227,577,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    214,546,500  $    227,577,600


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            116,300           116,300


  Federal revenues........................................        106,615,000       110,324,200


  Local revenues..........................................            100,000           547,800


  Private revenues........................................            490,100           490,100


  State restricted revenues...............................         61,542,700        62,796,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     45,682,400   $    53,302,300


       Schedule of programs:


     Director and other unclassified.....................            583,900           583,900


     Departmental administration and management..........         22,667,000        22,667,000


     Worker’s compensation program.......................          8,772,300         8,772,300


     Rent and building occupancy.........................         10,628,100        10,628,100


     Developmental disabilities council and projects.....          2,855,700         2,855,700


     Health systems administration.......................         25,549,000        25,549,000


     Emergency medical services program..................          5,510,300         5,510,300


     Health professions..................................         26,945,900        26,945,900


     Health policy and regulation........................         12,941,500        12,941,500


     Information technology services and projects........         34,881,700        34,881,700


     Michigan Medicaid information system................         25,723,700        25,723,700


     Crime victims rights services.......................         37,487,400        37,487,400


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.         00,000,000        13,031,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................              121.0             121.0


  Mental health/substance abuse services..................   $   2,736,817,500  $   2,796,312,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  2,736,817,500  $  2,796,312,100


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          2,769,000         2,769,000


  Federal revenues........................................      1,556,735,300     1,572,334,700


  Local revenues..........................................         25,228,900        25,228,900


  Private revenues........................................            190,000           190,000


  State restricted revenues...............................         25,314,900        25,314,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,126,579,400   $ 1,170,474,600


       Schedule of programs:


     Mental health/substance abuse program


       administration....................................         17,386,800        17,386,800


     Gambling addiction..................................          3,000,000         3,000,000


     Protection and advocacy services support............            194,400           194,400


     Community residential and support services..........          1,777,200         1,777,200


     Federal and other special projects..................          2,697,200         2,697,200


     Family support subsidy..............................         19,470,500        19,470,500


     Housing and support services........................          9,306,800         9,306,800


     Medicaid mental health services.....................      2,055,796,700     2,113,486,700


     Community mental health non-Medicaid services.......        273,908,100       273,908,100


     Medicaid adult benefits waiver......................         32,056,100        32,056,100


     Mental health services for special populations......          5,842,800         5,842,800


     Medicaid substance abuse services...................         42,410,600        43,817,700


     CMHSP, purchase of state services contracts.........        134,322,300       134,719,800


     Federal mental health block grant...................         15,397,500        15,397,500


     State disability assistance program substance


       abuse services....................................          2,018,800         2,018,800


     Community substance abuse prevention, education,


       and treatment programs............................         81,919,600        81,919,600


     Children’s waiver home care program.................         18,944,800        18,944,800


     Nursing home PAS/ARR-OBRA...........................         12,179,300        12,179,300


     Children with serious emotional disturbance waiver..          8,188,000         8,188,000




   Full-time equated classified positions................            2,194.2           2,194.2


  State psychiatric hospitals and forensic mental


       health services...................................   $     262,040,600  $     262,040,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    262,040,600  $    262,040,600


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................         29,937,000        29,539,500


  Local revenues..........................................        151,828,000       152,225,500


  Private revenues........................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  State restricted revenues...............................         15,957,900        15,957,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     63,317,700   $    63,317,700


       Schedule of programs:


     Civil service charges...............................          1,499,300         1,499,300


     Caro regional mental health center – psychiatric


       hospital adult....................................         56,815,700        56,815,700


     Kalamazoo psychiatric hospital - adult..............         54,834,600        54,834,600


     Walter P. Reuther psychiatric hospital - adult......         52,347,900        52,347,900


     Hawthorn center – psychiatric hospital – children


       and adolescents...................................         27,083,900        27,083,900


     Center for forensic psychiatry......................         66,811,100        66,811,100


     IDEA, federal special education.....................            120,000           120,000


     Purchase of medical services for residents of


       hospitals and centers.............................            445,600           445,600


     Revenue recapture...................................            750,000           750,000


     Special maintenance.................................            332,500           332,500


     Gifts and bequests for patient living and


       treatment environment.............................          1,000,000         1,000,000




   Full-time equated classified positions................              457.6             457.6


  Disease prevention and control..........................   $     252,367,700  $     252,367,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    252,367,700  $    252,367,700


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          1,643,400         1,643,400


  Federal revenues........................................        136,210,900       136,210,900


  Local revenues..........................................          5,150,000         5,150,000


  Private revenues........................................         28,094,300        28,094,300


  State restricted revenues...............................         34,939,400        34,939,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     46,329,700   $    46,329,700


       Schedule of programs:


     Minority health grants and contracts................          1,112,700         1,112,700


     Public health administration........................          2,157,200         2,157,200


     Vital records and health statistics.................          9,442,800         9,442,800


     Immunization program................................         15,866,400        15,866,400


     Sexually transmitted disease program................          7,104,000         7,104,000


     Epidemiology administration.........................          8,202,000         8,202,000


     Promotion of healthy behaviors......................            975,900           975,900


     AIDS prevention, testing and care programs..........         59,449,300        59,449,300


     Pediatric AIDS prevention and control...............          1,231,400         1,231,400


     Laboratory services.................................         17,183,900        17,183,900


     AIDS surveillance and prevention program............          2,254,100         2,254,100


     Asthma prevention and control.......................            856,900           856,900


     Bioterrorism preparedness...........................         49,286,900        49,286,900


     Lead abatement program..............................          2,647,700         2,647,700


     Newborn screening follow-up and treatment services..          5,337,800         5,337,800


     Tuberculosis control and prevention.................            867,000           867,000


     Essential local public health services..............         37,386,100        37,386,100


     Implementation of 1993 PA 133, MCL 333.17015........             20,000            20,000


     Cancer prevention and control program...............         14,800,400        14,800,400


     Chronic disease control and health promotion


       administration....................................          6,848,300         6,848,300


     Diabetes and kidney program.........................          2,582,800         2,582,800


     Injury and violence prevention......................          2,380,700         2,380,700


     Smoking prevention program..........................          4,373,400         4,373,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................              144.6             144.6


  Services to senior citizens, families, and children.....   $     392,729,400  $     392,729,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     392,729,400  $    392,729,400


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................        297,124,000       297,124,000


  Local revenues..........................................             75,000            75,000


  Private revenues........................................         59,291,300        59,291,300


  State restricted revenues...............................          6,997,900         6,997,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     29,241,200   $    29,241,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Childhood lead program .............................          1,598,400         1,598,400


     Family, maternal, and children’s health services


       administration....................................          6,047,700         6,047,700


     Office of services to aging administration..........          6,408,800         6,408,800


     Dental programs.....................................            992,000           992,000


     Dental programs for persons with developmental


       disabilities......................................            151,000           151,000


     Family planning local agreements....................          9,085,700         9,085,700


     Local MCH services..................................          7,018,100         7,018,100


     Pregnancy prevention program........................          1,331,300         1,331,300


     Prenatal care outreach and service delivery support.             42,500            42,500


     School health and education programs................            405,300           405,300


     Special projects ...................................          8,546,500         8,546,500


     Sudden infant death syndrome program................            321,300           321,300


     Women, infants, and children program


       administration and special projects...............         13,825,200        13,825,200


     Women, infants, and children program local


       agreements and food costs.........................        254,200,800       254,200,800


     Community services..................................         34,390,900        34,390,900


     Nutrition services..................................         34,639,200        34,639,200


     Senior volunteer services...........................          4,063,500         4,063,500


     Employment assistance...............................          3,792,500         3,792,500


     Respite care program................................          5,868,700         5,868,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................              462.8             462.8


  Health care services ...................................   $ 10,106,807,300  $ 10,482,178,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $ 10,106,807,300  $ 10,482,178,600


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................      6,631,685,500     6,831,194,100


  Local revenues..........................................         66,175,900        67,131,900


  Private revenues........................................          7,429,000         7,429,000


  State restricted revenues...............................      2,011,582,400     2,008,675,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................      1,389,934,500     1,567,748,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Children’s special health care services program.....          6,757,100         6,757,100


     Children’s special health care services medical care


       and treatment.....................................        281,971,300       290,910,900


     Children’s special health care services non emergency


       medical transportation............................          2,679,300         2,679,300


     Children’s special health care services outreach and


       advocacy..........................................          3,773,500         3,773,500


     Medical services administration.....................         65,189,800        65,189,800


     MIChild administration..............................          4,327,800         4,327,800


     MIChild program.....................................         51,753,100        51,753,100


     Hospital services and therapy.......................      1,241,369,700     1,249,714,800


     Hospital disproportionate share payments............         45,000,000        45,000,000


     Physician services..................................        290,369,500       324,189,500


     Medicare premium payments...........................        409,169,400       440,325,400


     Pharmaceutical services.............................        318,717,500       344,042,400


     Home health services................................          6,791,100         7,478,500


     Hospice services....................................        144,637,700       162,498,200


     Transportation......................................         15,009,800        16,042,100


     Auxiliary medical services..........................          6,252,100         7,021,700


     Dental services.....................................        158,500,800       168,033,800


     Ambulance services..................................          9,271,600        10,034,700


     Long term care services.............................      1,722,604,200     1,770,726,500


     Medicaid home-and community-based services


       waiver............................................        205,940,500       205,940,500


     Adult home help services............................        289,032,800       313,298,900


     Personal care services..............................         14,421,500        14,855,600


     Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly.......         30,707,800        30,707,800


     Health plan services................................      3,939,075,500     4,103,392,800


     Plan first family planning waiver...................         13,089,200        13,089,200


     Medicaid adult benefits waiver......................        105,877,700       105,877,700


     Special indigent care payments......................         88,518,500        88,518,500


     Federal Medicare pharmaceutical program.............        185,599,300       185,599,300


     Maternal and child health...........................         20,279,500        20,279,500


     Medicaid outreach cost reimbursement to local


       health departments ...............................          9,000,000         9,000,000


     School based services...............................         91,296,500        91,296,500


     Special Medicaid reimbursement......................        329,823,200       329,823,200














       Sec. 4-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $4,857,420,100.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $1,376,601,500.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Administration and regulation...................................   $           10,388,900


  Mental health/substance abuse services..........................              995,112,700


  Disease prevention and control..................................               36,375,100


  Services to senior citizens, families, and children.............               25,629,900


  Health care services............................................              309,094,900


  TOTAL                                                               $        1,376,601,500


       Sec. 4-202.  As used in this act:


(a) "AIDS" means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


(b) "CMHSP" means a community mental health services program as that term is


defined in section 100a of the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1100a.


(c) "Current fiscal year" means the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012.


(d) "Department" means the Michigan department of community health.


(e) "Director" means the director of the department.


(f) "EPSDT" means early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment.


(g) "Federal poverty level" means the poverty guidelines published annually in


the federal register by the United States department of health and human


services under its authority to revise the poverty line under 42 USC 9902.


(h) "Health plan" means, at a minimum, an organization that meets the criteria


for delivering the comprehensive package of services under the department's


comprehensive health plan.


(i) "HMO" means health maintenance organization.


(j) "IDEA" means the individuals with disabilities education act, 20 USC 1400


to 1482.


(k) "MIChild" means the program described in section 4-713.


(l) "PASARR" means the preadmission screening and annual resident review


required under the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1987, section 1919 (e)


(7) of the social security act, and 42 USC 1396r.


(m) "PIHP" means a specialty prepaid inpatient health plan for Medicaid mental


health services, services to persons with developmental disabilities, and


substance abuse services.  Specialty prepaid health plans are described in


section 232b of the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1232b.


(n) "Title XIX" and "Medicaid" mean title XIX of the social security act, 42


USC 1396 to 1396w-2.


Sec. 4-203. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $200,000,000.00 for federal contingency


funds. These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been


transferred to another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $40,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred


to another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and


budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(4)  In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


Sec. 4-204. If the revenue collected by the department from fees and


collections exceeds the amount appropriated in part 1, the revenue may be


carried forward with the approval of the state budget director into the


subsequent fiscal year. The revenue carried forward under this section shall be


used as the first source of funds in the subsequent fiscal year.


Sec. 4-205. (1) In addition to funds appropriated in part 1 for all programs


and services, there is appropriated for write-offs of accounts receivable,


deferrals, and for prior year obligations in excess of applicable prior year


appropriations, an amount equal to total write-offs and prior year obligations,


but not to exceed amounts available in prior year revenues.


(2) The department's ability to satisfy appropriation deductions in part 1


shall not be limited to collections and accruals pertaining to services


provided in the current fiscal year, but shall also include reimbursements,


refunds, adjustments, and settlements from prior years.


Sec. 4-206. The department may establish and collect fees for publications,


videos and related materials, conferences, and workshops. Collected fees shall


be used to offset expenditures to pay for printing and mailing costs of the


publications, videos and related materials, and costs of the workshops and


conferences. The department shall not collect fees under this section that


exceed the cost of the expenditures.


Sec. 4-207. Nursing facilities shall report in the quarterly staff report to


the department, the total patient care hours provided each month, by state


licensure and certification classification, and the percentage of pool staff,


by state licensure and certification classification, used each month during the


preceding quarter. The department shall make available to the public, the


quarterly staff report compiled for all facilities including the total patient


care hours and the percentage of pool staff used, by classification.


Sec. 4-208. The department may make available to interested entities customized


listings of nonconfidential information in its possession, such as names and


addresses of licensees. The department may establish and collect a reasonable


charge to provide this service. The revenue received from this service shall be


used to offset expenses to provide the service. Any balance of this revenue


collected and unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the


appropriate restricted fund.


Sec. 4-209. If the required fees are shown to be insufficient to offset all


expenses of implementing and administering the medical marihuana program, the


department shall review and revise the application and renewal fees accordingly


to ensure that all expenses of implementing and administering the medical


marihuana program are offset as is permitted under section 5 of the Michigan


medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26425.






Sec. 4-301. The department may enter into a contract with the protection and


advocacy agency, authorized under section 931 of the mental health code, 1974


PA 258, MCL 330.1931, or a similar organization to provide legal services for


purposes of gaining and maintaining occupancy in a community living arrangement


that is under lease or contract with the department or a community mental


health services program to provide services to persons with mental illness or


developmental disability.


Sec. 4-302. The department shall assure that substance abuse treatment is


provided to applicants and recipients of public assistance through the


department of human services who are required to obtain substance abuse


treatment as a condition of eligibility for public assistance.


Sec. 4-303. Each PIHP shall provide, from internal resources, local funds to be


used as a bona fide part of the state match required under the Medicaid program


in order to increase capitation rates for PIHPs. These funds shall not include


either state funds received by a CMHSP for services provided to non-Medicaid


recipients or the state matching portion of the Medicaid capitation payments


made to a PIHP.


Sec. 4-304. A county required under the provisions of the mental health code,


1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1001 to 330.2106, to provide matching funds to a CMHSP for


mental health services rendered to residents in its jurisdiction shall pay the


matching funds in equal installments on not less than a quarterly basis


throughout the fiscal year, with the first payment being made by October 1 of


the current fiscal year.






Sec. 4-401. The department shall continue a revenue recapture project to


generate additional revenues from third parties related to cases that have been


closed or are inactive. A portion of revenues collected through project efforts


may be used for departmental costs and contractual fees associated with these


retroactive collections and to improve ongoing departmental reimbursement


management functions.


Sec. 4-402. Unexpended and unencumbered amounts and accompanying expenditure


authorizations up to $1,000,000.00 remaining on September 30 of the current


fiscal year from the amounts appropriated in part 1 for gifts and bequests for


patient living and treatment environments shall be carried forward for 1 fiscal


year. The purpose of gifts and bequests for patient living and treatment


environments is to use additional private funds to provide specific


enhancements for individuals residing at state-operated facilities. Use of the


gifts and bequests shall be consistent with the stipulation of the donor. The


expected completion date for the use of gifts and bequests donations is within


3 years unless otherwise stipulated by the donor.


Sec. 4-403. Upon the closure of state-run operations and after transitional


costs have been paid, the remaining balances of funds appropriated for that


operation shall be transferred to CMHSPs or PIHPs responsible for providing


services for persons previously served by the operations.


Sec. 4-404. The department may collect revenue for patient reimbursement from


first- and third-party payers, including Medicaid and local county CMHSP


payers, to cover the cost of placement in state hospitals and centers. The


department is authorized to adjust financing sources for patient reimbursement


based on actual revenues earned. If the revenue collected exceeds current year


expenditures, the revenue may be carried forward with approval of the state


budget director. The revenue carried forward shall be used as a first source of


funds in the subsequent year.






Sec. 4-501. If a county that has participated in a district health department


or an associated arrangement with other local health departments takes action


to cease to participate in such an arrangement after October 1 of the current


fiscal year, the department shall have the authority to assess a penalty from


the local health department's operational accounts in an amount equal to no


more than 6.25% of the local health department's essential local public health


services funding. This penalty shall only be assessed to the local county that


requests the dissolution of the health department.


Sec. 4-502. (1) Funds appropriated in part 1 for essential local public health


services shall be prospectively allocated to local health departments to


support immunizations, infectious disease control, sexually transmitted disease


control and prevention, hearing screening, vision services, food protection,


public water supply, private groundwater supply, and on-site sewage management.


Food protection shall be provided in consultation with the department of


agriculture and rural development. Public water supply, private groundwater


supply, and on-site sewage management shall be provided in consultation with


the department of environmental quality.


(2) Local public health departments shall be held to contractual standards for


the services in subsection (1).


(3) Distributions in subsection (1) shall be made only to counties that


maintain local spending in the current fiscal year of at least the amount


expended in fiscal year 1992-1993 for the services described in subsection (1).






Sec. 4-601. Each family planning program receiving federal title X family


planning funds under 42 USC 300 to 300a-8 shall be in compliance with all


performance and quality assurance indicators that the office of family planning


within the United States department of health and human services specifies in


the family planning annual report. An agency not in compliance with the


indicators shall not receive supplemental or reallocated funds.


       Sec. 4-602. The funds appropriated in part 1 for pregnancy prevention programs


shall not be used to provide abortion counseling, referrals, or services.


Sec. 4-603. From the amounts appropriated in part 1 for dental programs, funds


shall be allocated to the Michigan dental association for the administration of


a volunteer dental program that provides dental services to the uninsured.






Sec. 4-701. The department may do 1 or more of the following:


(a) Provide special formula for eligible clients with specified metabolic and


allergic disorders.


(b) Provide medical care and treatment to eligible patients with cystic


fibrosis who are 21 years of age or older.


(c) Provide medical care and treatment to eligible patients with hereditary


coagulation defects, commonly known as hemophilia, who are 21 years of age or




Sec. 4-702. The cost of remedial services incurred by residents of licensed


adult foster care homes and licensed homes for the aged shall be used in


determining financial eligibility for the medically needy. Remedial services


include basic self-care and rehabilitation training for a resident.


Sec. 4-703. (1) The department may establish a program for persons to purchase


medical coverage at a rate determined by the department.


(2) The department may receive and expend premiums for the buy-in of medical


coverage in addition to the amounts appropriated in part 1.


(3) The premiums described in this section shall be classified as private




(4) The department shall modify program policies to permit individuals eligible


for the transitional medical assistance plus program, as structured in fiscal


year 2009-2010, to access medical assistance coverage through a 100% cost




Sec. 4-704. The protected income level for Medicaid coverage determined


pursuant to section 106(1)(b)(iii) of the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL


400.106, shall be 100% of the related public assistance standard.


Sec. 4-705. For the purpose of guardian and conservator charges, the department


of community health may deduct up to $60.00 per month as an allowable expense


against a recipient's income when determining medical services eligibility and


patient pay amounts.


Sec. 4-706. (1) An applicant for Medicaid, whose qualifying condition is


pregnancy, shall immediately be presumed to be eligible for Medicaid coverage


unless the preponderance of evidence in her application indicates otherwise.


The applicant who is qualified as described in this subsection shall be allowed


to select or remain with the Medicaid participating obstetrician of her choice.


(2) An applicant qualified as described in subsection (1) shall be given a


letter of authorization to receive Medicaid covered services related to her


pregnancy. All qualifying applicants shall be entitled to receive all medically


necessary obstetrical and prenatal care without preauthorization from a health


plan. All claims submitted for payment for obstetrical and prenatal care shall


be paid at the Medicaid fee-for-service rate in the event a contract does not


exist between the Medicaid participating obstetrical or prenatal care provider


and the managed care plan. The applicant shall receive a listing of Medicaid


physicians and managed care plans in the immediate vicinity of the applicant's




(3) In the event that an applicant, presumed to be eligible pursuant to


subsection (1), is subsequently found to be ineligible, a Medicaid physician or


managed care plan that has been providing pregnancy services to an applicant


under this section is entitled to reimbursement for those services until such


time as they are notified by the department that the applicant was found to be


ineligible for Medicaid.


(4) If the preponderance of evidence in an application indicates that the


applicant is not eligible for Medicaid, the department shall refer that


applicant to the nearest public health clinic or similar entity as a potential


source for receiving pregnancy-related services.


(5) The department shall develop an enrollment process for pregnant women


covered under this section that facilitates the selection of a managed care


plan at the time of application.


(6) The department shall mandate enrollment of women, whose qualifying


condition is pregnancy, into Medicaid managed care plans.


(7) The department shall encourage physicians to provide women, whose


qualifying condition for Medicaid is pregnancy, with a referral to a Medicaid


participating dentist at the first pregnancy-related appointment.


Sec. 4-707. (1) For care provided to medical services recipients with other


third-party sources of payment, medical services reimbursement shall not


exceed, in combination with such other resources, including Medicare, those


amounts established for medical services-only patients. The medical services


payment rate shall be accepted as payment in full. Other than an approved


medical services co-payment, no portion of a provider's charge shall be billed


to the recipient or any person acting on behalf of the recipient. Nothing in


this section shall be considered to affect the level of payment from a third-


party source other than the medical services program. The department shall


require a nonenrolled provider to accept medical services payments as payment


in full.


(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), medical services reimbursement for hospital


services provided to dual Medicare/medical services recipients with Medicare


part B coverage only shall equal, when combined with payments for Medicare and


other third-party resources, if any, those amounts established for medical


services-only patients, including capital payments.


Sec. 4-708. (1) The department shall use procedures and rebates amounts


specified under section 1927 of title XIX, 42 USC 1396r-8, to secure quarterly


rebates from pharmaceutical manufacturers for outpatient drugs dispensed to


participants in the MIChild program, maternal outpatient medical services


program, and children's special health care services.


(2) For products distributed by pharmaceutical manufacturers not providing


quarterly rebates as listed in subsection (1), the department may require




Sec. 4-709. An institutional provider that is required to submit a cost report


under the medical services program shall submit cost reports completed in full


within 5 months after the end of its fiscal year.


Sec. 4-710. (1) Reimbursement for medical services to screen and stabilize a


Medicaid recipient, including stabilization of a psychiatric crisis, in a


hospital emergency room shall not be made contingent on obtaining prior


authorization from the recipient's HMO. If the recipient is discharged from the


emergency room, the hospital shall notify the recipient's HMO within 24 hours


of the diagnosis and treatment received.


(2) If the treating hospital determines that the recipient will require further


medical service or hospitalization beyond the point of stabilization, that


hospital must receive authorization from the recipient's HMO prior to admitting


the recipient.


(3) Subsections (1) and (2) shall not be construed as a requirement to alter an


existing agreement between an HMO and its contracting hospitals nor as a


requirement that an HMO must reimburse for services that are not considered to


be medically necessary.


Sec. 4-711. The following sections of this act are the only ones that shall


apply to the following Medicaid managed care programs, including the


comprehensive plan, MIChoice long-term care plan, and the mental health,


substance abuse, and developmentally disabled services program: 4-303, 4-706,


4-710, and 4-712.


Sec. 4-712. (1) The department shall assure that an external quality review of


each contracting HMO is performed that results in an analysis and evaluation of


aggregated information on quality, timeliness, and access to health care


services that the HMO or its contractors furnish to Medicaid beneficiaries.


(2) The department shall require Medicaid HMOs to provide EPSDT utilization


data through the encounter data system, and health employer data and


information set well child health measures in accordance with the National


Committee on Quality Assurance prescribed methodology.


Sec. 4-713. (1) The appropriation in part 1 for the MIChild program is to be


used to provide comprehensive health care to all children under age 19 who


reside in families with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level,


who are uninsured and have not had coverage by other comprehensive health


insurance within 6 months of making application for MIChild benefits, and who


are residents of this state. The department shall develop detailed eligibility


criteria through the medical services administration public concurrence


process, consistent with the provisions of this act. Health coverage for


children in families between 150% and 200% of the federal poverty level shall


be provided through a state-based private health care program.


(2) The department may provide up to 1 year of continuous eligibility to


children eligible for the MIChild program unless the family fails to pay the


monthly premium, a child reaches age 19, or the status of the children's family


changes and its members no longer meet the eligibility criteria as specified in


the federally approved MIChild state plan.


(3) Children whose category of eligibility changes between the Medicaid and


MIChild programs shall be assured of keeping their current health care


providers through the current prescribed course of treatment for up to 1 year,


subject to periodic reviews by the department if the beneficiary has a serious


medical condition and is undergoing active treatment for that condition.


(4) To be eligible for the MIChild program, a child must be residing in a


family with an adjusted gross income of less than or equal to 200% of the


federal poverty level. The department's verification policy shall be used to


determine eligibility.


(5) The department shall enter into a contract to obtain MIChild services from


any HMO, dental care corporation, or any other entity that offers to provide


the managed health care benefits for MIChild services at the MIChild capitated


rate. As used in this subsection:


(a) "Dental care corporation", "health care corporation", "insurer", and


"prudent purchaser agreement" mean those terms as defined in section 2 of the


prudent purchaser act, 1984 PA 233, MCL 550.52.


(b) "Entity" means a health care corporation or insurer operating in accordance


with a prudent purchaser agreement.


(6) The department may enter into contracts to obtain certain MIChild services


from community mental health service programs.


(7) The department may make payments on behalf of children enrolled in the


MIChild program from the line-item appropriation associated with the program as


described in the MIChild state plan approved by the United States department of


health and human services, or from other medical services.   


(8) The department shall assure that an external quality review of each MIChild


contractor, as described in subsection (5), is performed, which analyzes and


evaluates the aggregated information on quality, timeliness, and access to


health care services that the contractor furnished to MIChild beneficiaries.


(9) The department shall develop an automatic enrollment algorithm that is


based on quality and performance factors.


Sec. 4-714. The department may establish premiums for MIChild eligible persons


in families with income above 150% of the federal poverty level. The monthly


premiums shall not be less than $10.00 or exceed $15.00 for a family.


Sec. 4-715. (1) The department shall implement enforcement actions as specified


in the nursing facility enforcement provisions of section 1919 of title XIX, 42


USC 1396r.


(2) In addition to the appropriations in part 1, the department is authorized


to receive and spend penalty money received as the result of noncompliance with


medical services certification regulations. Penalty money, characterized as


private funds, received by the department shall increase authorizations and


allotments in the long-term care accounts.


(3) The department is authorized to provide civil monetary penalty funds to the


disability network of Michigan to be distributed to the 15 centers for


independent living for the purpose of assisting individuals with disabilities


who reside in nursing homes to return to their own homes.


(4) The department is authorized to use civil monetary penalty funds to conduct


a survey evaluating consumer satisfaction and the quality of care at nursing


homes. Factors can include, but are not limited to, the level of satisfaction


of nursing home residents, their families, and employees. The department may


use an independent contractor to conduct the survey.


(5) Any unexpended penalty money, at the end of the year, shall carry forward


to the following year.


Sec. 4-716. All nursing home rates, class I and class III, shall have their


respective fiscal year rate set 30 days prior to the beginning of their rate


year. Rates may take into account the most recent cost report prepared and


certified by the preparer, provider corporate owner or representative as being


true and accurate, and filed timely, within 5 months of the fiscal year end in


accordance with Medicaid policy. If the audited version of the last report is


available, it shall be used. Any rate factors based on the filed cost report


may be retroactively adjusted upon completion of the audit of that cost report.


Sec. 4-717. (1) The department is authorized to pursue reimbursement for


eligible services provided in Michigan schools from the federal Medicaid


program. The department and the state budget director are authorized to


negotiate and enter into agreements, together with the department of education,


with local and intermediate school districts regarding the sharing of federal


Medicaid services funds received for these services. The department is


authorized to receive and disburse funds to participating school districts


pursuant to such agreements and state and federal law.


(2) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for medical services school-based


services payments, the department is authorized to do all of the following:


(a) Finance activities within the medical services administration related to


this project.


(b) Reimburse participating school districts pursuant to the fund-sharing


ratios negotiated in the state-local agreements authorized in subsection (1).


(c) Offset general fund costs associated with the medical services program.


Sec. 4-718. The special Medicaid reimbursement appropriation in part 1 may be


increased if the department submits a medical services state plan amendment


pertaining to this line item at a level higher than the appropriation. The


department is authorized to appropriately adjust financing sources in


accordance with the increased appropriation.


Sec. 4-719. The department shall distribute $1,122,300.00 to an academic health


care system that includes a children's hospital that has a high indigent care




Article 5












       Sec. 5-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of corrections are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               16.0              16.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................           15,640.8          15,163.8


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  2,012,406,400  $  2,094,262,600


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................            943,800           947,800


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $  2,011,462,600  $  2,093,314,800


  Total federal revenues..................................          7,995,100         8,045,800


  Total local revenues....................................            447,300           447,300


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         73,184,000        72,507,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,929,836,200  $  2,012,313,800




   Full-time equated classified positions................           13,268.0          12,791.0


  Prison operations.......................................   $   1,571,222,300  $   1,597,455,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,571,222,300  $  1,597,455,200


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            630,600           630,600


  Federal revenues........................................          6,816,200         6,816,200


  State restricted revenues...............................         54,338,700        52,871,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,509,436,800   $ 1,537,136,800


       Schedule of programs:


     New custody staff training..........................          7,094,100         7,094,100


     Correctional facilities administration..............          9,091,500        39,091,500


     Prison food service.................................         58,424,200        56,124,200


     Transportation......................................         19,432,200        19,432,200


     Central records.....................................          4,338,100         4,338,100


     Inmate legal services...............................            715,900           715,900


     Loans to parolees...................................            179,400           179,400


     Housing inmates in federal institutions.............            793,900           793,900


     Prison store operations.............................          1,467,100                 0


     Prison industries operations........................         21,325,400        21,325,400


     Federal school lunch program........................            712,800           712,800


     Inmate housing fund.................................       (18,899,900)      (18,899,900)


     Education program...................................         34,869,400        34,869,400


     Interdepartmental grant to human services,


       eligibility specialists...........................            100,000           100,000


     Mental health services and support..................         60,069,200        60,069,200


     Prisoner health care................................        260,408,900       260,408,900


     Alger maximum correctional facility - Munising......         27,543,100        27,543,100


     Baraga maximum correctional facility - Baraga.......         31,680,200        31,680,200


     Earnest C. Brooks correctional facility - Muskegon..         46,005,900        46,005,900


     Chippewa correctional facility - Kincheloe..........         48,339,300        48,339,300


     Kinross correctional facility - Kincheloe...........         35,643,800        35,643,800


     Marquette branch prison - Marquette.................         37,982,700        37,982,700


     Muskegon correctional facility - Muskegon...........         30,832,600        30,832,600


     Newberry correctional facility - Newberry...........         26,368,600        26,368,600


     Oaks correctional facility - Eastlake...............         34,710,400        34,710,400


     Ojibway correctional facility - Marenisco...........         19,231,000        19,231,000


     Pine River correctional facility – St. Louis........         40,665,000        40,665,000


     Pugsley correctional facility - Kingsley............         20,662,000        20,662,000


     Saginaw correctional facility - Freeland............         32,312,200        32,312,200


     St. Louis correctional facility – St. Louis.........         32,909,400        32,909,400


     Northern region administration and support..........          4,780,300         4,780,300


     Bellamy Creek correctional facility - Ionia.........         39,618,800        39,618,800


     Carson City correctional facility – Carson City.....         47,984,100        47,984,100


     Cooper street correctional facility - Jackson.......         28,397,400        28,397,400


     G. Robert Cotton correctional facility - Jackson....         40,015,100        40,015,100


     Charles E. Egeler correctional facility - Jackson...         40,492,900        40,492,900


     Richard A. Handlon correctional facility – Ionia....         24,281,900        24,281,900


     Gus Harrison correctional facility - Adrian.........         46,201,300        46,201,300


     Huron Valley correctional facility - Ypsilanti......         59,304,200        59,304,200


     Ionia correctional facility – Ionia.................         31,235,200        31,235,200


     Lakeland correctional facility - Coldwater..........         46,376,100        46,376,100


     Macomb correctional facility – New Haven............         30,744,800        30,744,800


     Maxey/Woodland Center correctional facility –


       Whitmore Lake.....................................         26,453,000        26,453,000


     Michigan reformatory - Ionia........................         33,181,600        33,181,600


     Mound correctional facility - Detroit...............         26,010,600        26,010,600


     Parnall correctional facility – Jackson.............         27,846,400        27,846,400


     Ryan correctional facility - Detroit................         29,407,300        29,407,300


     Thumb correctional facility - Lapeer................         30,587,200        30,587,200


     Special alternative incarceration program


       (Camp Cassidy Lake)...............................         11,149,700        11,149,700


     Southern region administration and support..........         22,146,000        22,146,000


   Sec. 5-103.  FIELD PROGRAMS


   Full-time equated classified positions................            2,161.9           2,161.9


  Field programs..........................................   $     222,153,600  $     222,153,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    222,153,600  $    222,153,600


     Appropriated from:


  Local revenues..........................................            447,300           447,300


  State restricted revenues...............................         11,124,900        11,124,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    210,581,400   $   210,581,400


       Schedule of programs:


     Field operations....................................        186,796,700       186,796,700


     Parole board operations.............................          4,517,400         4,517,400


     Community re-entry centers..........................         14,269,300        14,269,300


     Electronic monitoring center........................         16,570,200        16,570,200




   Full-time equated classified positions................               12.0              12.0


  Community support and programs..........................   $     133,262,400  $     133,262,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    133,262,400  $    133,262,400


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          1,178,900         1,178,900


  State restricted revenues...............................          5,900,000         5,900,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    126,183,500   $   126,183,500


       Schedule of programs:


     Prisoner reintegration programs.....................         54,744,700        54,744,700


     Substance abuse testing and treatment services......         24,070,900        24,070,900


     Prosecutorial and detainer expenses.................          4,051,000         4,051,000


     Community corrections programs......................         33,823,700        33,823,700


     County jail reimbursement program...................         16,572,100        16,572,100




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               16.0              16.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              198.9             198.9


  Operations support......................................   $      85,768,100  $     141,391,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     85,768,100  $    141,391,400


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            313,200           317,200


  Federal revenues........................................                  0            50,700


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,820,400         2,611,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     83,634,500   $   138,412,100


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified positions..............................          1,367,600         1,367,600


     Executive direction.................................          6,010,100         6,010,100


     Neal, et al. settlement agreement...................         15,000,000        20,000,000


     Operations support administration...................          4,564,700         4,564,700


     Compensatory buyout and union leave bank............                100               100


     Worker’s compensation...............................         16,278,900        16,278,900


     Bureau of fiscal management.........................          9,382,300         9,382,300


     Office of legal services............................          2,345,100         2,345,100


     Internal affairs....................................          1,219,300         1,219,300


     Rent................................................          2,095,200         2,095,200


     Equipment and special maintenance...................          2,425,500         2,425,500


     Administrative hearings officers....................          2,682,900         2,682,900


     Judicial data warehouse user fees...................             50,000            50,000


     Sheriff’s coordinating and training office..........            500,000           500,000


     Information technology services and projects........         21,846,400        21,846,400


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0        50,623,300














       Sec. 5-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $2,003,020,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $90,193,500.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Field programs – assumption of county probation.......................   $          53,642,400


  Prison operations - public service work projects......................                707,800


  Community support and programs........................................             35,843,300


  TOTAL.................................................................   $          90,193,500


       Sec. 5-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "Administrative segregation" means confinement for maintenance of order or


discipline to a cell or room apart from accommodations provided for inmates who are


participating in programs of the facility.


       (b) "Department" or "MDOC" means the Michigan department of corrections.


       (c) "FY" means fiscal year.


       (d) "HIV" means human immunodeficiency virus.


       (e) "Jail" means a facility operated by a local unit of government for the


physical detention and correction of persons charged with or convicted of criminal




       (f) "MDCH" means the Michigan department of community health.


       (g) "MPRI" means the Michigan prisoner reentry initiative.


(h) "Serious mental illness" means that term as defined in section 100d(3) of


the mental health code, 1974 PA 328, MCL 330.1100d.


       Sec. 5-203. The department may charge fees and collect revenues in excess of


appropriations in part 1 not to exceed the cost of offender services and programming,


employee meals, parolee loans, academic/vocational services, custody escorts,


compassionate visits, and union steward activities, and public works programs and


services provided to local units of government. The revenues and fees collected are


appropriated for all expenses associated with these services and activities.


       Sec. 5-204. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 5-205. The department shall submit 3-year and 5-year prison population


projection updates concurrent with submission of the executive budget to the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal


agencies, and the state budget director. The report shall include explanations of the


methodology and assumptions used in developing the projection updates.


       Sec. 5-206. The department shall measure the recidivism rates of offenders


using at least a 3-year period following their release from prison.


       Sec. 5-207. (1) The department shall administer a county jail reimbursement


program from the funds appropriated in part 1 for the purpose of reimbursing counties


for housing in jails certain felons who otherwise would have been sentenced to prison.


       (2) Counties shall be given the option of choosing from 1 of 2 eligibility and


reimbursement standards as described in this subsection for the county jail


reimbursement program. The department shall submit to each county a county jail


reimbursement application form by October 1, 2011 that explains the 2 eligibility and


reimbursement standards and shall request that the county submit a decision to the


department regarding the standard it elects to utilize for the operation of the


county's program. Counties shall submit their decision to the department by October


15, 2011, and shall not be allowed to revise this decision after submission. A county


shall not be reimbursed for any services provided after October 15, 2011 unless that


county has submitted a decision on the eligibility and reimbursement standards to the


department. The department shall offer counties the option to choose between the


eligibility and reimbursement standards outlined below:


       (a) The standards outlined in subsections (2) and (3) of section 414 of 2008 PA


245 as outlined below:


       (i) The county jail reimbursement program shall reimburse counties for housing


and custody of convicted felons if the conviction was for a crime committed on or


after January 1, 1999 and 1 of the following applies:


       (A) The felon's sentencing guidelines recommended range upper limit is more


than 18 months, the felon's sentencing guidelines recommended range lower limit is 12


months or less, the felon's prior record variable score is 35 or more points, and the


felon's sentence is not for commission of a crime in crime class G or crime class H


under chapter XVII of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 777.1 to




       (B) The felon's minimum sentencing guidelines range minimum is more than 12


months under the sentencing guidelines described in sub-subparagraph (A).


       (ii) State reimbursement under this subdivision for prisoner housing and


custody expenses per diverted offender shall be $43.50 per diem for up to a 1-year




       (b) The standards outlined and defined in subsections (2), (3), and (6) of


section 301 of 2010 PA 89 as outlined below:


       (i) The county jail reimbursement program shall reimburse counties for


convicted felons in the custody of the sheriff if the conviction was for a crime


committed on or after January 1, 1999 and 1 of the following applies:


       (A) The felon's sentencing guidelines recommended range upper limit is more


than 18 months, the felon's sentencing guidelines recommended range lower limit is 12


months or less, the felon's prior record variable score is 35 or more points, and the


felon's sentence is not for commission of a crime in crime class G or crime class H or


a nonperson crime in crime class F under chapter XVII of the code of criminal


procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 777.1 to 777.69.


       (B) The felon's minimum sentencing guidelines range minimum is more than 12


months under the sentencing guidelines described in sub-subparagraph (A).


       (C) The felon was sentenced to jail for a felony committed while he or she was


on parole and under the jurisdiction of the parole board and for which the sentencing


guidelines recommended range for the minimum sentence has an upper limit of more than


18 months.


       (ii) State reimbursement under this subdivision shall be $60.00 per diem per


diverted offender for offenders with a presumptive prison guideline score, $50.00 per


diem per diverted offender for offenders with a straddle cell guideline for a group 1


crime, and $35.00 per diem per diverted offender for offenders with a straddle cell


guideline for a group 2 crime. Reimbursements shall be paid for sentences up to a 1-


year total.


       (iii) As used in this subdivision:


       (A) "Group 1 crime" means a crime in 1 or more of the following offense


categories: arson, assault, assaultive other, burglary, criminal sexual conduct,


homicide or resulting in death, other sex offenses, robbery, and weapon possession as


determined by the department of corrections based on specific crimes for which


counties received reimbursement under the county jail reimbursement program in fiscal


year 2007 and fiscal year 2008, and listed in the county jail reimbursement program


document titled "FY 2007 and FY 2008 Group One Crimes Reimbursed", dated March 31,




       (B) "Group 2 crime" means a crime that is not a group 1 crime, including


larceny, fraud, forgery, embezzlement, motor vehicle, malicious destruction of


property, controlled substance offense, felony drunk driving, and other nonassaultive




       (C) "In the custody of the sheriff" means that the convicted felon has been


sentenced to the county jail and is either housed in the county jail or has been


released from jail and is being monitored through the use of the sheriff’s electronic


monitoring system.


       (3) County jail reimbursement program expenditures shall not exceed the amount


appropriated in part 1 for the county jail reimbursement program. Payments to counties


under the county jail reimbursement program shall be made in the order in which


properly documented requests for reimbursements are received. A request shall be


considered to be properly documented if it meets MDOC requirements for documentation.


By October 15, 2011, the department shall distribute the documentation requirements to


all counties.


       Sec. 5-208. (1) The department shall provide weekly electronic mail reports to


the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house


fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on prisoner, parolee, and probationer


populations by facility, and prison capacities.


       (2) The department shall provide quarterly electronic mail reports to the


senate and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house


fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The reports shall include information


on end-of-month prisoner populations in county jails, the net operating capacity


according to the most recent certification report, identified by date, and end-of-


month data, year-to-date data, and comparisons to the prior year for the following:


       (a) Community residential program populations, separated by centers and


electronic monitoring.


       (b) Parole populations.


       (c) Probation populations, with identification of the number in special


alternative incarceration.


       (d) Prison and camp populations, with separate identification of the number in


special alternative incarceration and the number of lifers.


       (e) Parole board activity, including the numbers and percentages of parole


grants and parole denials.


       (f) Prisoner exits, identifying transfers to community placement, paroles from


prisons and camps, paroles from community placement, total movements to parole, prison


intake, prisoner deaths, prisoners discharging on the maximum sentence, and other


prisoner exits.


       (g) Prison intake and returns, including probation violators, new court


commitments, violators with new sentences, escaper new sentences, total prison intake,


returns from court with additional sentences, community placement returns, technical


parole violator returns, and total returns to prison and camp.


       Sec. 5-209. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for prosecutorial and


detainer expenses, the department shall reimburse counties for housing and custody of


parole violators and offenders being returned by the department from community


placement who are available for return to institutional status and for prisoners who


volunteer for placement in a county jail.


       Sec. 5-210. Funds included in part 1 for the sheriffs' coordinating and


training office are appropriated for and may be expended to defray costs of continuing


education, certification, recertification, decertification, and training of local


corrections officers, the personnel and administrative costs of the sheriffs'


coordinating and training office, the local corrections officers advisory board, and


the sheriffs' coordinating and training council under the local corrections officers


training act, 2003 PA 125, MCL 791.531 to 791.546.


       Sec. 5-211. (1) All prisoners, probationers, and parolees involved with the


electronic tether program shall reimburse the department for costs associated with


their participation in the program where possible.


       (2) Program participant contributions and local community tether program


reimbursement for the electronic tether program appropriated in part 1 are related to


program expenditures and may be used to offset expenditures for this purpose.


       (3) Included in the appropriation in part 1 is adequate funding to implement


the community tether program to be administered by the department. The community


tether program is intended to provide sentencing judges and county sheriffs in


coordination with local community corrections advisory boards access to the state's


electronic tether program to reduce prison admissions and improve local jail


utilization. The department shall determine the appropriate distribution of the tether


units throughout the state based upon locally developed comprehensive corrections


plans under the community corrections act, 1988 PA 511, MCL 791.401 to 791.414.


       (4) For a fee determined by the department, the department shall provide


counties with the tether equipment, replacement parts, administrative oversight of the


equipment's operation, notification of violators, and periodic reports regarding


county program participants. Counties are responsible for tether equipment


installation and service. For an additional fee as determined by the department, the


department shall provide staff to install and service the equipment. Counties are


responsible for the coordination and apprehension of program violators.


       (5) Any county with tether charges outstanding over 60 days shall be considered


in violation of the community tether program agreement and lose access to the program.


       Sec. 5-212. The department shall report quarterly to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and


the state budget director on prisoner health care utilization. The report shall


include the number of inpatient hospital days, outpatient visits, and emergency room


visits in the previous quarter and since October 1, 2011, by facility.


       Sec. 5-213. The bureau of health care services shall develop information on


hepatitis C and HIV prevention and the risks associated with exposure to hepatitis C


and HIV. The health care providers shall disseminate this information verbally and in


writing to each prisoner at the health screening and full health appraisal conducted


at admissions, at the annual health care screening 30 days before or after a


prisoner's birthday, and prior to release to the community by parole, transfer to


community residential placement, or discharge on the maximum sentence.


       Sec. 5-214. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department shall


require a hepatitis C antibody test and an HIV test for each prisoner prior to release


to the community by parole, transfer to community residential placement, or discharge


on the maximum sentence. The department shall require an HIV test and a hepatitis C


risk factor screening for each prisoner at the health screening at admissions. If


hepatitis C risk factors are identified, the department shall offer the prisoner a


hepatitis C antibody test. An explanation of results of the tests shall be provided


confidentially to the prisoner, and if appropriate based on the test results, the


prisoner shall also be provided a recommendation to seek follow-up medical attention.


       (2) By March 1, 2012, the department shall report to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees on community health, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state


budget director on the number of offenders tested and the number of offenders testing


positive for HIV, the hepatitis C antibody, or both, at prison admission and parole,


transfer to community residential placement, or discharge on the maximum sentence. The


department shall keep records of those offenders testing positive for HIV, the


hepatitis C antibody, or both, at prison admission, parole, transfer to community


residential placement, and discharge. These records shall clearly state the date each


test was performed.


       (3) As a condition of expenditure of the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department shall keep records of the following:


       (a) The number of offenders testing positive for the hepatitis C antibody who


do not receive treatment due to refusal of treatment.


       (b) Cost and duration of treatment by offender as allowable by privacy law.


       Sec. 5-215. The department, in conjunction with efforts to implement the MPRI,


shall cooperate with the MDCH to share data and information as they relate to


prisoners being released who are HIV positive or positive for the hepatitis C


antibody. By March 1, 2012, the department shall report to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and


the state budget director on all of the following:


       (a) Programs and the location of programs implemented as a result of the work


under this section.


       (b) The number of prisoners released to the community by parole, discharge on


the maximum sentence, or transfer to community residential placement who are HIV


positive, positive for the hepatitis C antibody, or both.


       (c) The number of paroling offenders who are HIV or hepatitis C positive by


paroling office as reported to the state department of community health for referral


to the local public health department.


       Sec. 5-216. The department shall evaluate all prisoners at intake for substance


abuse disorders, developmental disorders, serious mental illness, and other mental


health disorders. Prisoners with serious mental illness shall not be confined in


administrative segregation due to serious mental illness. Under the supervision of a


mental health professional, a prisoner with serious mental illness may be secluded in


a therapeutic environment for the safety of the prisoner or others. A prisoner in


therapeutic seclusion shall be evaluated by a mental health professional at a


frequency defined in the mental health code to remain in therapeutic seclusion.


Article 6












       Sec. 6-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of education are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              553.0             553.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    113,943,300  $    115,389,400


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    113,943,300  $    115,389,400


  Total federal revenues..................................         77,929,200        78,869,000


  Total local revenues....................................          7,159,200         7,269,600


  Total private revenues..................................          3,044,400         3,053,700


  Total other state restricted revenues...................          7,166,300         7,313,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     18,644,200  $     18,883,500




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               33.6              33.6


  Leadership and administration...........................   $      12,487,000  $      13,933,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     12,487,000  $     13,933,100


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          5,800,700         6,740,500


  Local revenues..........................................             76,500           186,900


  Private revenues........................................             28,100            37,400


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,828,300         1,975,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,753,400  $      4,992,700


       Schedule of programs:


     State board of education, per diem payments.........             24,400            24,400


     Unclassified positions..............................            515,600           515,600


     State board/superintendent operations...............          1,695,600         1,695,600


     Central support operations..........................          3,120,600         3,120,600


     Worker’s compensation...............................             54,000            54,000


     Building occupancy charges – property


       management services...............................          2,728,200         2,728,200


     Tenant rent.........................................            261,000           261,000


     Training and orientation workshops..................            150,000           150,000


     Terminal leave payments.............................            554,700           554,700


     Information technology operations...................          3,332,900         3,332,900


     Department of attorney general......................             50,000            50,000


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0         1,446,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................              109.0             109.0


  Michigan schools for the deaf and blind.................   $      14,377,100  $      14,377,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     14,377,100  $     14,377,100


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          6,326,700         6,326,700


  Local revenues..........................................          7,071,000         7,071,000


  Private revenues........................................            760,800           760,800


  State restricted revenues...............................            218,600           218,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0


  Schedule of programs:


     Michigan schools for the deaf and blind operations..         13,632,000        13,632,000


     Camp tuhsmeheta.....................................            295,100           295,100


     Private gifts-blind.................................            200,000           200,000


     Private gifts-deaf..................................            250,000           250,000


   Sec. 6-104.  LIBRARY SERVICES


   Full-time equated classified positions................               34.0              34.0


  Library services........................................   $      13,766,300  $      13,766,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     13,766,300  $     13,766,300


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          5,562,100         5,562,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      8,204,200  $      8,204,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Library of Michigan operations......................          3,808,500         3,808,500


     Library services and technology program.............          5,562,100         5,562,100


     State aid to libraries..............................          3,445,700         3,445,700


     Michigan eLibrary...................................            950,000           950,000




   Full-time equated classified positions................              315.3             315.3


  School support services.................................   $      62,321,700  $      62,321,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     62,321,700  $     62,321,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................         50,535,200        50,535,200


  Local revenues..........................................             11,700            11,700


  Private revenues........................................          2,255,500         2,255,500


  State restricted revenues...............................          5,119,400         5,119,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,399,900  $      4,399,900


       Schedule of programs:


     Special education operations........................          7,909,900         7,909,900


     Professional preparation operations.................          5,632,500         5,632,500


     Early childhood education and family services


       operations........................................          4,295,700         4,295,700


     State aid and school finance operations.............            985,400           985,400


     Audit operations....................................            541,800           541,800


     Administrative law operations.......................          1,044,800         1,044,800


     Grants administration and school support


       services operations...............................         10,844,900        10,844,900


     College access challenge grant program..............          4,293,200         4,293,200


     Federal and private grants..........................          3,000,000         3,000,000


     Field services operations...........................          9,302,700         9,302,700


     Educational improvement and innovation operations...         10,351,100        10,351,100


     Career and technical education operations...........          4,119,700         4,119,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               61.1              61.1


  Student assessment......................................   $      10,991,200  $      10,991,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     10,991,200  $     10,991,200


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          9,704,500         9,704,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,286,700  $      1,286,700


       Schedule of programs:


     Educational assessment operations...................         10,991,200        10,991,200














       Sec. 6-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for the fiscal year


ending September 30, 2012 is $25,810,500.00 and state spending from state resources to


be paid to local units of government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 is


$3,445,700.00. The itemized statement below identifies appropriations from which


spending to local units of government will occur:




  Library services......................................................   $           3,445,700


  TOTAL.................................................................   $           3,445,700


       Sec. 6-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "Department" means the Michigan department of education.


       (b) "District" means a local school district as defined in section 6 of the


revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.6, or a public school academy as defined in


section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5.


       Sec. 6-203. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $700,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL








       Sec. 6-301. (1) The appropriations in part 1 for leadership and administration


may be used for per diem payments to the state board for meetings at which a quorum is


present or for performing official business authorized by the state board. The per


diem payments shall be at a rate as follows:


       (a) State board of education - president - $110.00 per day.


       (b) State board of education - member other than president - $100.00 per day.


       (2) A state board of education member shall not be paid a per diem for more


than 30 days per year.


       Sec. 6-302. From the amount appropriated in part 1 for leadership and


administration, not more than $35,000.00 shall be expended for in-state travel and


out-of-state travel directly related to the duties of the state board of education.






       Sec. 6-401. For each student enrolled at the Michigan schools for the deaf and


blind, the department shall assess the intermediate school district of residence 100%


of the cost of operating the student's instructional program. The amount shall exclude


room and board related costs and the cost of weekend transportation between the school


and the student's home.


       Sec. 6-402. (1) The department may assess rent or lease excess property located


on the campus of the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind in Flint to private or


publicly funded organizations.


       (2) From the amount appropriated in part 1 for leadership and administration,


the department may receive and expend funds from lease agreements at the Michigan


schools for the deaf and blind Flint campus that have been negotiated with the


approval of the department of technology, management, and budget. These funds shall be


used for the operation, maintenance, and renovation expenses associated with the


leased space.


       (3) From the unexpended balances of appropriations for the Michigan schools for


the deaf and blind, up to $250,000.00 of any unexpended and unencumbered funds


remaining on September 30, 2012 may be carried forward as a work project and expended


for special maintenance and repairs of facilities at the campus of the Michigan


schools for the deaf and blind in Flint. The work shall be carried out by state


employees, or by contract as necessary, at an estimated cost of $250,000.00. The


estimated completion date of the work is September 30, 2013.


       (4) From the appropriation in part 1 for leadership and administration, up to


$100,000.00 of any unexpended and unencumbered funds remaining on September 30, 2012


may be carried forward as a work project or as restricted revenue and expended for


special maintenance and repairs of facilities at Fay hall. The work project may be


performed by state employees, or by contract when necessary, at an estimated cost of


$100,000.00. The estimated completion date of the work project is September 30, 2013.


       Sec. 6-403. (1) The Michigan schools for the deaf and blind may promote its


residential program as a possible appropriate option for children who are deaf or hard


of hearing or who are blind or visually impaired. The Michigan schools for the deaf


and blind shall distribute information detailing its services to all intermediate


school districts in the state.


       (2) Upon knowledge of or recognition by an intermediate school district that a


child in the district is deaf or hard of hearing or blind or visually impaired, the


intermediate school district shall provide to the parents of the child the literature


distributed by the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind to intermediate school


districts under subsection (1).


       (3) Parents will continue to have a choice regarding the educational placement


of their deaf or hard-of-hearing children.


       Sec. 6-404. Revenue received by the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind


from gifts, bequests, and donations that is unexpended at the end of the state fiscal


year may be carried over to the succeeding fiscal year and shall not revert to the


general fund.






       Sec. 6-501. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1 for library


services, the funds collected by the department for document reproduction and


services; conferences, workshops, and training classes; and the use of specialized


equipment, facilities, and software are appropriated for all expenses necessary to


provide the required services. These funds are available for expenditure when they are


received and may be carried forward into the next succeeding fiscal year.






       Sec. 6-601. The department shall authorize teacher preparation institutions to


provide an alternative program by which up to 1/2 of the required student internship


or student teaching credits may be earned through substitute teaching. The department


shall require that teacher preparation institutions collaborate with school districts


to ensure that the quality of instruction provided to student teachers is comparable


to that required in a traditional student teaching program.


       Sec. 6-602. Revenue received from teacher testing fees that is unexpended at


the end of the state fiscal year may be carried over to the succeeding fiscal year and


shall not revert to the general fund.


       Sec. 6-603. The college access challenge grant program is a work project as


provided in section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a,


and as follows and as such appropriations in part 1 for school support services


allocated for the program shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall


continue to be available for expenditure until the project has been completed:


(a) The purpose of the project is to provide assistance and training to


Michigan families, counselors, teachers, and community leaders in applying for


and securing funds for college to low-income students.


(b) The project will be accomplished by state employees and/or by contracts


with private vendors.


       (c) The total estimated cost of the project is $8,571,000.00.


(d) The tentative completion date of the project is September 30, 2015.


Article 7












       Sec. 7-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts listed


in this part for the department of energy, labor and economic growth are appropriated


for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated


for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part.


The following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in


this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               53.5              53.5


   Full-time equated classified positions................            4,362.5           4,362.5


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,272,142,500  $  1,285,148,800


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................         12,673,500        13,037,900


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $  1,259,469,000  $  1,272,110,900


  Total federal revenues..................................        839,727,100       846,545,000


  Total local revenues....................................         12,293,400        12,293,400


  Total private revenues..................................          4,576,500         4,576,500


  Total other state restricted revenues...................        359,335,700       364,585,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     43,536,300  $     44,110,700


   Sec. 7-102.  ADMINISTRATION


   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               53.5              53.5


   Full-time equated classified positions................              154.0             154.0


  Administration..........................................   $      91,107,300  $     104,113,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     91,107,300  $    104,113,600


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            300,000           664,400


  Federal revenues........................................         48,906,300        55,724,200


  Local revenues..........................................            130,900           130,900


  Private revenues........................................            200,000           200,000


  State restricted revenues...............................         39,721,300        44,970,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,848,800   $     2,423,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified salaries...............................          4,177,900         4,177,900


     Executive director programs.........................          5,859,600         5,859,600


     Administrative services.............................         10,869,500        10,869,500


     Property management.................................         11,466,200        11,466,200


     Rent................................................         12,675,800        12,675,800


     Worker’s compensation...............................            758,700           758,700


     Special project advances............................            200,000           200,000


     Information technology services and projects........         45,099,600        45,099,600


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0        13,006,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,661.0           1,661.0


  Regulatory and consumer protection......................   $     343,667,500  $     343,667,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    343,667,500  $    343,667,500


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................         12,373,500        12,373,500


  Federal revenues........................................         29,108,900        29,108,900


  Private revenues........................................             30,000            30,000


  State restricted revenues...............................        300,934,500       300,934,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,220,600   $     1,220,600


       Schedule of programs:


     Office of financial and insurance regulation........         60,471,500        60,471,500


     Public service commission...........................         27,158,500        27,158,500


     Bureau of energy systems............................          7,147,200         7,147,200


     METRO authority.....................................            355,900           355,900


     Michigan liquor control commission..................         18,613,500        18,613,500


     Bureau of construction codes........................         24,556,900        24,556,900


     Bureau of fire services.............................          5,603,700         5,603,700


     Commercial services.................................         18,980,400        18,980,400


     Occupational safety and health......................         28,561,900        28,561,900


     Wage and hour division..............................          3,366,700         3,366,700


     Tax tribunal operations.............................          3,149,000         3,149,000


     Employment and labor relations......................          3,745,000         3,745,000


     Administrative hearings and rules...................         24,833,400        24,833,400


     Fire protection grants..............................          9,273,900         9,273,900


     Low-income energy efficiency assistance.............         95,000,000        95,000,000


     Liquor law enforcement grants.......................          6,600,000         6,600,000


     Remonumentation grants..............................          5,300,000         5,300,000


     Utility consumer representation.....................            950,000           950,000




   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,530.0           1,530.0


  Worker and unemployment compensation....................   $     164,908,100  $     164,908,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    164,908,100  $    164,908,100


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................        146,187,800       146,187,800


  State restricted revenues...............................         12,843,800        12,843,800


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      5,876,500  $      5,876,500


       Schedule of programs:


     Worker’s compensation agency........................         14,972,400        14,972,400


     Board of magistrates................................          2,247,900         2,247,900


     Unemployment insurance agency.......................        145,195,400       145,195,400


     MES board of review program.........................          2,492,400         2,492,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,017.5           1,017.5


  Workforce development...................................   $     672,459,600  $     672,459,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    672,459,600  $    672,459,600


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................        615,524,100       615,524,100


  Local revenues..........................................         12,162,500        12,162,500


  Private revenues........................................          4,346,500         4,346,500


  State restricted revenues...............................          5,836,100         5,836,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     34,590,400  $     34,590,400


      Schedule of programs:


     Labor market information............................          6,676,900         6,676,900


     Employment services.................................         49,586,000        49,586,000


     Michigan rehabilitation services....................         71,720,500        71,720,500


     Workforce programs administration...................         12,904,800        12,904,800


     Postsecondary education.............................          3,243,500         3,243,500


     Adult education.....................................          2,599,100         2,599,100


     Hispanic/Latino commission..........................            206,700           206,700


     Disability concerns commission......................          1,186,100         1,186,100


     Commission for the blind............................         26,728,500        26,728,500


     Adult basic education...............................         20,000,000        20,000,000


     Carl D. Perkins grants..............................         19,000,000        19,000,000


     Gear-up program grants..............................          3,000,000         3,000,000


     Workforce training programs subgrantees.............        296,478,600       296,478,600


     Personal assistance services........................            459,500           459,500


     Vocational rehabilitation customer support..........         56,908,400        56,908,400


     Independent living..................................          4,908,600         4,908,600


     Welfare-to-work programs............................         93,158,800        93,158,800


     Private grant programs..............................          3,000,000         3,000,000


     Subregional libraries state aid.....................            451,800           451,800


     Youth low-vision program............................            241,800           241,800














       Sec. 7-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $402,872,000.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $37,090,500.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Regulatory and consumer protection....................................   $          21,413,900


  Workforce development.................................................             15,676,600


  TOTAL.................................................................   $          37,090,500


Sec. 7-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "Department" means the department of energy, labor and economic growth.


(b) "Fiscal agencies" means Michigan house fiscal agency and Michigan senate


fiscal agency.


       (c) "MES" means Michigan employment security.


(d) "METRO" means metropolitan extension telecommunications rights-of-way oversight.


       Sec. 7-203. The department may carry into the succeeding fiscal year unexpended


federal pass-through funds to local institutions and governments that do not require


additional state matching funds. Federal pass-through funds to local institutions and


governments that are received in amounts in addition to those included in part 1 and


that do not require additional state matching funds are appropriated for the purposes




       Sec. 7-204. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $45,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $31,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These


funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $8,000,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $600,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 7-205. (1) The department shall sell documents at a price not to exceed


the cost of production and distribution. Money received from the sale of these


documents shall revert to the department. In addition to the funds appropriated in


part 1, these funds are available for expenditure when they are received by the


department of treasury and may only be used for costs directly related to the


continued updating and distribution of the documents pursuant to this section. This


subsection applies only for the following documents:


       (a) Corporation and securities division documents, reports, and papers required


or permitted by law pursuant to section 1060(5) of the business corporation act, 1972


PA 284, MCL 450.2060.


       (b) The subdivision control manual, the state boundary commission operations


manual, and other local government assistance manuals.


       (c) The Michigan liquor control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1101 to




       (d) The mobile home commission act, 1987 PA 96, MCL 125.2301 to 125.2349; the


business corporation act, 1972 PA 284, MCL 450.1101 to 450.2098; the nonprofit


corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL 450.2101 to 450.3192; and the uniform securities act


(2002), 2008 PA 551, MCL 451.2101 to 451.2703.


       (e) Labor law books.


       (f) Worker's compensation health care services rules.


       (g) Construction code manuals.


       (h) Copies of transcripts from administrative law hearings.


(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, funds collected by the


department under sections 55, 57, 58, and 59 of the administrative procedures


act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.255, 24.257, 24.258, and 24.259, and section


203 of the legislative council act, 1986 PA 268, MCL 4.1203, are appropriated


for all expenses necessary to provide for the cost of publication and


distribution. The funds appropriated under this section are allotted for


expenditure when they are received by the department of treasury and shall not


lapse to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.






       Sec. 7-301. Money appropriated under this act for the bureau of fire services


shall not be expended unless, in accordance with section 2c of the fire prevention


code, 1941 PA 207, MCL 29.2c, inspection and plan review fees will be charged


according to the following schedule:


Operation and maintenance inspection fee


    Facility type                     Facility size                 Fee


    Hospitals                              Any                 $8.00 per bed


Plan review and construction inspection fees for


hospitals and schools


    Project cost range                                              Fee


$101,000.00 or less                                         minimum fee of $155.00


$101,001.00 to $1,500,000.00                                   $1.60 per $1,000.00


$1,500,001.00 to $10,000,000.00                                $1.30 per $1,000.00


$10,000,001.00 or more                                         $1.10 per $1,000.00


                                                   or a maximum fee of $60,000.00.


       Sec. 7-302. The funds collected by the department for licenses, permits, and


other elevator regulation fees set forth in the Michigan administrative code and as


determined under section 8 of 1976 PA 333, MCL 338.2158, and section 16 of 1967 PA


227, MCL 408.816, that are unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall carry


forward to the subsequent fiscal year.


       Sec. 7-303. The department may make available to interested entities otherwise


unavailable customized listings of nonconfidential information in its possession, such


as names and addresses of licensees, and charge for this information as follows: base


fee for 1 to 1,000 records at the cost to the department; 1,001 to 10,000 records at


2.5 cents per record; and 10,001 or more records at .5 cents per record. The revenue


received from this service may be used to offset expenses of programs as appropriated


in part 1. The balance of this revenue collected and unexpended at the end of the


fiscal year shall revert to the appropriate restricted revenue account or fund or, in


absence of such an account or fund, to the general fund.


       Sec. 7-304. If the revenue collected by the department from licensing and


regulation fees collected by the bureau of commercial services exceeds the amount


expended from appropriations in part 1, the revenue may be carried forward into the


subsequent fiscal year. The revenue carried forward under this section shall be used


as the first source of funds in the subsequent fiscal year.


       Sec. 7-305. The funds collected from public utilities for low-income energy


efficiency fund grants as provided under orders issued by the public service


commission pursuant to 1939 PA 3, MCL 460.1 to 460.11, that are unexpended at the end


of the fiscal year may carry forward to the subsequent fiscal year.


       Sec. 7-306. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the funds


collected by the department from corporations being liquidated pursuant to the


insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.100 to 500.8302, and funds received in


connection with a conservatorship pursuant to section 32 of the mortgage brokers,


lenders, and servicers licensing act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1682, shall be appropriated


for all expenses necessary to provide for the required services. These funds are


appropriated for expenditure when they are received by the department of treasury and


shall not lapse to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.






Sec. 7-401. Funds earned or authorized by the United States department of labor


in excess of the gross appropriation in part 1 for the unemployment insurance


agency and the employment service agency from the United States department of


labor are appropriated and may be expended for staffing and related expenses


incurred in the operation of its programs. These funds may be spent after the


department notifies the state budget director and the subcommittees of the


purpose and amount of each grant award.






       Sec. 7-501. Revenue collected by the Michigan commission for the blind from


private and local sources that is unexpended at the end of the fiscal year may carry


forward to the subsequent fiscal year.


       Sec. 7-502. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for a regional or subregional


library shall not be released until a budget for that regional or subregional library


has been approved by the department for expenditures for library services directly


serving the blind and persons with disabilities.


       (2) In order to receive subregional state aid as appropriated in part 1, a


regional or subregional library's fiscal agency shall agree to maintain local funding


support at the same level in the current fiscal year as in the fiscal agency's


preceding fiscal year. If a reduction in expenditures equally affects all agencies in


a local unit of government that is the regional or subregional library's fiscal


agency, that reduction shall not be interpreted as a reduction in local support and


shall not disqualify a regional or subregional library from receiving state aid under


part 1. If a reduction in income affects a library cooperative or district library


that is a regional or subregional library's fiscal agency or a reduction in


expenditures for the regional or subregional library's fiscal agency, a reduction in


expenditures for the regional or subregional library shall not be interpreted as a


reduction in local support and shall not disqualify a regional or subregional library


from receiving state aid under part 1.


       Sec. 7-503. The department may provide and enter into agreements to provide


general services, training, meetings, information, special equipment, software,


facility use, and technical consulting services to other principal executive


departments, state agencies, local units of government, the judicial branch of


government, other organizations, and patrons of department facilities. The department


may charge fees for these services that are reasonably related to the cost of


providing the services. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, funds


collected by the department for these services are appropriated for all expenses


necessary. The funds appropriated under this section are allotted for expenditure when


they are received by the department of treasury.


       Sec. 7-504. (1) The department shall publish the "activities classification


structure data book" for Michigan community colleges on or before March 1.


       (2) The department shall compile the information received from community


colleges on North American Indian tuition waivers granted pursuant to 1976 PA 174, MCL


390.1251 to 390.1253, and shall submit this compilation to the house and senate


appropriations subcommittees on community colleges, the fiscal agencies, and the state


budget director by February 15.


       (3) The department shall compile the information received from community


colleges on the number and types of associate degrees and other certificates awarded


during the previous fiscal year and shall submit this compilation to the house and


senate appropriations subcommittees on community colleges, the fiscal agencies, and


the state budget director by January 15.


       Sec. 7-505. The department shall administer the jobs, education, and training


program in accordance with the requirements of section 407(d) of title IV of the


social security act, 42 USC 607, the state social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1


to 400.119b, and all other applicable laws and regulations.


Sec. 7-506. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, any unencumbered and


unrestricted federal workforce investment act or trade adjustment assistance funds


available from prior fiscal years are appropriated for the purposes originally




Article 8












       Sec. 8-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of environmental quality are appropriated for


the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for


the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The


following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this








   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                3.0               3.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,447.1           1,447.1


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    405,839,300  $    410,576,400


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................          8,918,200         9,075,700


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    396,921,100  $    401,500,700


  Total federal revenues..................................        159,851,500       161,200,300


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................            711,800           731,000


  Total other state restricted revenues...................        214,866,200       217,494,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     21,491,600  $     22,075,300


   Sec. 8-102.  ADMINISTRATION


   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                3.0               3.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              132.0             132.0


  Administration..........................................   $      40,688,100  $      45,425,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     40,688,100  $     45,425,200


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          2,886,900         3,044,400


  Federal revenues........................................          5,173,100         6,521,900


  Private revenues........................................            537,600           556,800


  State restricted revenues...............................         27,121,100        29,749,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,969,400   $     5,553,100


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified salaries...............................            285,500           285,500


     Executive direction.................................          1,754,900         1,754,900


     Office of the Great Lakes...........................          2,697,700         2,697,700


     Central support services............................          3,905,400         3,905,400


     Accounting service center...........................          1,224,700         1,224,700


     Administrative hearings.............................            489,700           489,700


     Automated data processing...........................          2,053,400         2,053,400


     Building occupancy charges..........................          5,985,000         5,985,000


     Environmental support projects......................          5,000,000         5,000,000


     Rent-privately owned property.......................          1,960,800         1,960,800


     Marketing, education and technology.................          5,171,300         5,171,300


     Information technology services and projects........          7,762,800         7,762,800


     Environmental investigations........................          2,396,900         2,396,900


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0         4,737,100


   Sec. 8-103.  GRANTS


  Grants..................................................   $     134,021,700  $     134,021,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    134,021,700  $    134,021,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................        107,163,000       107,163,000


  State restricted revenues...............................         26,858,700        26,858,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0   $             0


       Schedule of programs:


     Coastal management grants...........................          2,000,000         2,000,000


     Drinking water program grants.......................          1,330,000         1,330,000


     Federal – Great Lakes remedial action plan grants...            700,000           700,000


     Federal – nonpoint source water pollution grants....          6,500,000         6,500,000


     Grants to counties – air pollution..................             83,700            83,700


     Great Lakes research and protection grants..........            250,000           250,000


     Noncommunity water grants...........................          1,400,000         1,400,000


     Pollution prevention local grants...................            250,000           250,000


     Radon grants........................................             90,000            90,000


     Scrap tire grants...................................          3,500,000         3,500,000


     Septage waste compliance grants.....................            275,000           275,000


     Strategic water quality initiative loans............          9,600,000         9,600,000


     Water quality protection grants.....................            100,000           100,000


     Water pollution control & drinking water revolving fund      82,943,000        82,943,000


     Great Lakes restoration initiative..................         25,000,000        25,000,000


   Sec. 8-104.  WATER RESOURCE


   Full-time equated classified positions................              346.6             346.6


  Water resource..........................................   $      48,543,600  $      48,543,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     48,543,600  $     48,543,600


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          1,108,100         1,108,100


  Federal revenues........................................         14,048,800        14,048,800


  State restricted revenues...............................         22,159,400        22,159,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     11,227,300   $    11,227,300


       Schedule of programs:


     Land and water interface permit programs............         14,538,800        14,538,800


     Program direction and project assistance............          2,775,000         2,775,000


     Water withdrawal assessment program.................            756,600           756,600


     Expedited water/wastewater permits..................            434,300           434,300


     Fish contaminant monitoring.........................            316,100           316,100


     Groundwater discharge...............................          2,868,800         2,868,800


     NPDES nonstormwater program.........................         11,690,400        11,690,400


     Surface water.......................................         15,163,600        15,163,600




   Full-time equated classified positions................              578.5             578.5


  Environmental resource management.......................   $      71,536,800  $      71,536,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     71,536,800  $     71,536,800


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            854,600           854,600


  Federal revenues........................................         23,431,600        23,431,600


  State restricted revenues...............................         41,955,700        41,955,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      5,294,900    $     5,294,900


       Schedule of programs:


     Air quality programs................................         24,228,800        24,228,800


     Drinking water and environmental health.............         15,098,900        15,098,900


     Hazardous waste management program..................          6,593,200         6,593,200


     Low-level radioactive waste authority...............            324,300           324,300


     Medical waste program...............................            271,000           271,000


     Municipal assistance................................          6,020,800         6,020,800


     Radiological protection program.....................          1,170,300         1,170,300


     Scrap tire regulatory program.......................          1,198,600         1,198,600


     Oil, gas and mineral services.......................         11,326,500        11,326,500


     Sewage sludge land application program..............            841,600           841,600


     Solid waste management program......................          4,462,800         4,462,800


   Sec. 8-106.  REMEDIATION


   Full-time equated classified positions................              390.0             390.0


  Remediation.............................................   $     111,049,100  $     111,049,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    111,049,100  $    111,049,100


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          4,068,600         4,068,600


  Federal revenues........................................         10,035,000        10,035,000


  Private revenues........................................            174,200           174,200


  State restricted revenues...............................         96,771,300        96,771,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0   $             0


       Schedule of programs:


     Contaminated site investigation, cleanup, and


       revitalization....................................         26,130,600        26,130,600


     Federal cleanup project management..................          9,254,400         9,254,400


     Laboratory services.................................          7,702,600         7,702,600


     Aboveground storage tank program....................            856,400           856,400


     Underground storage tank program....................          3,865,100         3,865,100


     Emergency cleanup actions...........................          4,000,000         4,000,000


     Environmental cleanup support.......................          1,840,000         1,840,000


     Environmental cleanup and redevelopment program.....         30,000,000        30,000,000


     State sites cleanup program.........................          4,400,000         4,400,000


     Refined petroleum product cleanup program...........         20,000,000        20,000,000


     Superfund cleanup...................................          3,000,000         3,000,000














       Sec. 8-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $236,357,800.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $2,175,000.00. The itemized statement below


identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will occur:




  Grants................................................................   $           2,175,000


       Sec. 8-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "Department" means the department of environmental quality.


(b) "NPDES" means national pollution discharge elimination system.


       Sec. 8-203. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $30,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $500,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 8-204. (1) The department shall report all of the following information


relative to allocations made from appropriations for the environmental cleanup and


redevelopment program, state cleanup, emergency actions, superfund cleanup, the


revitalization revolving loan program, the brownfield grants and loans program, the


leaking underground storage tank cleanup program, the contaminated lake and river


sediments cleanup program, the refined petroleum product cleanup program, and the


environmental protection bond projects under section 19508(7) of the natural resources


and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19508, to the state budget


director, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on environmental quality,


and the senate and house fiscal agencies:


       (a) The name and location of the site for which an allocation is made.


       (b) The nature of the problem encountered at the site.


       (c) A brief description of how the problem will be resolved if the allocation


is made for a response activity.


       (d) The estimated date that site closure activities will be completed.


       (e) The amount of the allocation, or the anticipated financing for the site.


       (f) A summary of the sites and the total amount of funds expended at the sites


at the conclusion of the fiscal year.


       (g) The number of brownfield projects that were successfully redeveloped.


       (2) The report prepared under subsection (1) shall also include all of the




       (a) The status of all state-owned facilities that are on the list compiled


under part 201 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.20101 to 324.20142.


       (b) The report shall include the total amount of funds expended during the


fiscal year and the total amount of funds awaiting expenditure.


       (c) The total amount of bonds issued for the environmental protection bond


program pursuant to part 193 of the natural resources and environmental protection


act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19301 to 324.19306, and bonds issued pursuant to the clean


Michigan initiative act, 1998 PA 284, MCL 324.95101 to 324.95108.


       (3) The report shall be made available by March 31 of each year.


       Sec. 8-205. (1) The department is authorized to expend amounts remaining from


the current and prior fiscal year appropriations to meet funding needs of


legislatively approved sites for the environmental cleanup and redevelopment program,


the leaking underground storage tank cleanup program, and the refined petroleum


product cleanup program.


       (2) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


environmental protection bond fund contained in 1993 PA 353, 2003 PA 173, and 2006 PA


343 are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site


listed in the public acts referenced in this section.


       (3) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


cleanup and redevelopment fund contained in 2000 PA 275 and 2002 PA 520 are


appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site listed in


the public acts referenced in this section.


       (4) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


clean Michigan initiative fund - response activities contained in 2000 PA 506, 2001 PA


120, 2004 PA 309, 2004 PA 350, 2005 PA 11, 2006 PA 343, and 2007 PA 121 are


appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site listed in


the public acts referenced in this section.


       (5) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


environmental protection fund contained in 2001 PA 43, 2002 PA 520, and 2003 PA 171


are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this act and any site listed


in the public acts referenced in this section.


       (6) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


refined petroleum fund activities contained in 2010 PA 189, 2005 PA 154, 2007 PA 121,


2008 PA 247, and 2009 PA 118 are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in


this act and any site listed in the public acts referenced in this section.


       Sec. 8-206. Unexpended settlement revenues at the end of the fiscal year may be


carried forward into the settlement fund in the succeeding fiscal year up to a maximum


carryforward of $2,500,000.00.






       Sec. 8-301. Revenues remaining in the interdepartmental transfers, laboratory


services at the end of the fiscal year shall carry forward into the succeeding fiscal




       Sec. 8-302. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for emergency cleanup


actions and the refined petroleum product cleanup program are considered work project


appropriations and any unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the


succeeding fiscal year. The following is in compliance with section 451a(1) of the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:


       (a) The purpose of the projects to be carried forward is to provide


contaminated site cleanup.


       (b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.


       (c) The total estimated cost of all projects is identified in each line-item




       (d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2016.


       Sec. 8-303. Effective October 1, 2011, surplus funds not to exceed


$1,000,000.00 in the cleanup and redevelopment trust fund are hereby appropriated to


the environmental protection fund.


       Sec. 8-304. Effective October 1, 2011, surplus funds not to exceed


$1,000,000.00 in the community pollution prevention fund are hereby appropriated to


the environmental protection fund.


       Sec. 8-305. Effective October 1, 2011, surplus funds not to exceed


$2,000,000.00 in the small business pollution prevention loan fund are hereby


appropriated to the environmental pollution prevention fund.


       Sec. 8-306. Effective October 1, 2011, surplus funds not to exceed


$1,300,000.00 in the small business pollution prevention loan fund are hereby


appropriated to the environmental protection fund.






       Sec. 8-401. If a certified health department does not exist in a city, county,


or district or does not fulfill its responsibilities under part 117 of the natural


resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11701 to 324.11720,


then the department may spend funds appropriated in part 1 under the septage waste


compliance program in accordance with section 11716 of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11716.


Article 9












Sec. 9-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the executive office are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part.


The following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations


in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               10.0              10.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               74.2              74.2


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      4,399,200  $      4,399,200


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $      4,399,200  $      4,399,200


  Total federal revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................                  0                 0


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,399,200  $      4,399,200




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               10.0              10.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               74.2              74.2


  Executive office operations.............................   $       4,399,200  $       4,399,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      4,399,200  $      4,399,200


     Appropriated from:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,399,200   $     4,399,200


       Schedule of programs:


     Governor............................................            159,300           159,300


     Lieutenant governor.................................            111,600           111,600


     Executive office....................................          3,278,500         3,278,500


     Unclassified positions..............................            849,800           849,800














       Sec. 9-201.  Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources from part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $4,399,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $0.00.


Article 10












       Sec. 10-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of human services are appropriated for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The


following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this








   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................           11,548.5          11,548.5


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  6,891,524,700  $  6,933,869,600


  Total interdepartmental grants..........................          1,243,100         1,256,200


  Total intradepartmental transfers.......................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $  6,890,281,600  $  6,932,613,400


   Federal revenues:


  Total federal revenues..................................      5,649,786,500     5,603,777,400


   Special revenue fund:


  Total private revenues..................................         16,336,100        16,485,600


  Total local revenues....................................         30,573,600        30,473,200


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         97,107,200        97,162,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,096,478,200  $  1,184,714,900




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................            6,632.2           6,632.2


  Administration and field operations.....................      1,031,192,500  $   1,068,577,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,031,192,500     1,068,577,600


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            100,000           113,100


  Federal revenues........................................        637,136,200       660,376,600


  Private revenues........................................         14,011,100        14,160,600


  Local revenues..........................................          3,160,700         3,684,100


  State restricted revenues...............................          2,886,100         2,941,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    373,898,400   $   387,302,000


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified salaries...............................            647,900           647,900


     Central administration salaries and wages...........         16,364,200        16,364,200


     Inspector general salaries and wages................          7,331,500         7,331,500


     AFC, children’s welfare and day care licensure......         25,598,300        25,598,300


     Field staff, salaries and wages.....................        294,203,500       294,203,500


     Donated funds positions.............................         17,445,600        17,445,600


     Day care training, technology, and oversight........          2,618,400         2,618,400


     Contractual services, supplies, and materials.......         23,664,000        23,664,000


     Rent................................................         47,047,400        47,047,400


     Occupancy Charge....................................          8,228,800         8,228,800


     Travel..............................................          7,216,400         7,216,400


     Equipment...........................................            227,300           227,300


     Worker’s compensation...............................          3,363,800         3,363,800


     Payroll taxes and fringe benefits...................        361,295,600       361,295,600


     Advisory commission.................................             17,900            17,900


     State office of administrative hearings and rules...          5,931,600         5,931,600


     Electronic benefit transfer.........................         13,009,000        13,009,000


     Training and program support........................          3,429,400         3,429,400


     Medical/psychiatric evaluations.....................          9,467,600         9,467,600


     Volunteer services and reimbursement................          1,036,100         1,036,100


     SSI advocates.......................................          1,600,200         1,600,200


     Michigan community services commission..............         12,161,600        12,161,600


     Demonstration projects..............................         13,950,900        13,950,900


     Gifts and bequests..................................            166,000           166,000


     Information technology services and projects........        109,591,500       109,591,500


     Child support automation............................         45,578,000        45,578,000


     Active and retiree insurance and pension


       adjustment........................................                  0        37,385,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,002.8           1,002.8


  Adult and family services...............................   $     360,465,700  $     360,465,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    360,465,700       360,465,700


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          1,143,100         1,143,100


  Federal revenues........................................        328,899,800       328,899,800


  Private revenues........................................             25,000            25,000


  Local revenues..........................................            340,000           340,000


  State restricted revenues...............................          3,395,000         3,395,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     26,662,800   $    26,662,800


       Schedule of programs:


     Nutrition education.................................         30,000,000        30,000,000


     Adult and family services administration............          7,409,000         7,409,000


     Child support enforcement and distribution..........        206,399,500       206,399,500


     Bureau of community action and economic


       opportunity operations............................          2,246,400         2,246,400


     Disability determination and medical consultation...        114,410,800       114,410,800




   Full-time equated classified positions................            3,906.5           3,906.5


  Child welfare services..................................   $   1,038,825,800  $   1,035,085,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,038,825,800  $  1,035,085,600


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................        597,812,300       599,968,700


  Private revenues........................................          2,300,000         2,300,000


  Local revenues..........................................         27,072,900        26,449,100


  State restricted revenues...............................          5,863,700         5,863,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    405,776,900  $    400,504,100


       Schedule of programs:


     Child welfare services administration...............         10,421,800        10,421,800


     Child welfare field staff...........................        196,937,100       196,937,100


     Child welfare institute.............................          5,696,500         5,696,500


     Settlement monitor..................................          1,625,800         1,625,800


     Needs assessment....................................          4,000,000                 0


     Foster care payments................................        206,788,100       204,484,300


     Foster care payments – children with serious


       emotional disturbance waiver......................          1,769,000         1,769,000


     Guardianship assistance program.....................          2,170,000         2,170,000


     Child care fund and administration..................        206,575,000       206,575,000


     Adoption subsidies..................................        228,696,000       231,956,100


     Adoption support services...........................         28,591,000        28,591,000


     Youth in transition.................................         11,386,900        11,386,900


     Family preservation programs........................         55,355,100        55,355,100


     Children’s trust fund...............................          3,882,300         3,882,300


     ECIC, early childhood investment corporation........         14,623,000        14,623,000


     Attorney general contract...........................          3,923,200         3,923,200


     Prosecuting attorney contracts......................          2,561,700         2,561,700


     Domestic violence prevention and treatment..........         14,660,900        14,660,900


     Rape prevention services............................          3,300,000         3,300,000


     Child advocacy centers..............................          1,000,000         1,000,000


     Juvenile justice facilities.........................         18,400,500        17,704,000


     County juvenile officers............................          3,904,300         3,904,300


     Community support services..........................          1,600,100         1,600,100


     Juvenile justice administration and


       maintenance.......................................          4,236,200         4,236,200


     Juvenile accountability block grant.................          1,296,000         1,296,000


     Committee on juvenile justice.......................          5,425,300         5,425,300


   Sec. 10-105.  PUBLIC ASSISTANCE


   Full-time equated classified positions................                7.0               7.0


  Public assistance.......................................   $   4,461,040,700  $   4,469,740,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  4,461,040,700  $  4,469,740,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................      4,085,938,200     4,014,532,300


  State restricted revenues...............................         84,962,400        84,962,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    290,140,100  $    370,246,000


       Schedule of programs:


     Food assistance program benefits....................      3,037,490,800     3,037,490,800


     Food assistance program benefits (ARRA).............        549,632,400       549,632,400


     Family independence program.........................        356,863,500       356,863,500


     Employment and training support services............          7,255,800         7,255,800


     State disability assistance program.................         34,697,800        35,197,800


     State supplementation...............................         64,752,100        66,252,100


     Licensed and registered child development


       and care..........................................        109,211,800       113,432,800


     Enrolled child development and care.................         62,642,300        65,121,300


     Low-income energy assistance program................        116,451,600       116,451,600


     Weatherization assistance...........................         28,150,000        28,150,000


     Community services block grants.....................         25,650,000        25,650,000


     Emergency services local office allocations.........         21,615,500        21,615,500


     Food bank funding...................................          1,345,000         1,345,000


     Homeless programs...................................         11,646,700        11,646,700


     Multicultural integration funding...................          1,515,500         1,515,500


     Indigent burial.....................................          4,209,200         4,209,200


     Refugee assistance..................................         27,910,700        27,910,700














       Sec. 10-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $1,193,585,400.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $100,760,900.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Adult and family services.............................................              1,342,500


  Child welfare services................................................             97,200,400


  Public assistance.....................................................              2,218,000


  TOTAL.................................................................   $         100,760,900


       Sec. 10-202.  As used in this act:


       (a) "AFC" means adult foster care.


(b) "ARRA" means the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, Public Law




       (c) "Current fiscal year" means fiscal year ending September 30, 2012.


       (d) "Department" means the department of human services.


       (e) "ECIC" means early childhood investment corporation.


       (f) "SSI" means supplemental security income.


       (g) "Temporary assistance for needy families" or "TANF" or "title IV-A" means


part A of title IV of the social security act, 42 USC 601 to 604, 605 to 608, and 609


to 619.


       (h) "Title IV-D" means part D of title IV of the social security act, 42 USC


651 to 655, and 656 to 669b.


       (i) "Title IV-E" means part E of title IV of the social security act, 42 USC


670 to 673, 673b to 679, and 679b.


Sec. 10-203. (1) In addition to funds appropriated in part 1 for all programs


and services, there is appropriated for write-offs of accounts receivable,


deferrals, and for prior year obligations in excess of applicable prior year


appropriations, an amount equal to total write-offs and prior year obligations,


but not to exceed amounts available in prior year revenues or current year


revenues that are in excess of the authorized amount.


     (2) The department's ability to satisfy appropriation fund sources in part 1


shall not be limited to collections and accruals pertaining to services provided in


the current fiscal year, but shall also include reimbursements, refunds, adjustments,


and settlements from prior years.


Sec. 10-204.  The department may retain all of the state's share of food


assistance overissuance collections as an offset to general fund/general


purpose costs. Retained collections shall be applied against federal funds


deductions in all appropriation units where department costs related to the


investigation and recoupment of food assistance overissuances are incurred.  


Retained collections in excess of such costs shall be applied against the


federal funds deducted in the executive operations appropriation unit.


Sec. 10-205. If the revenue collected by the department from private and local


sources exceeds the amount spent from amounts appropriated in part 1, the


revenue may be carried forward, with approval from the state budget director,


into the subsequent fiscal year.


Sec. 10-206. The department, with the approval of the state budget director, is


authorized to realign sources of financing authorizations in order to maximize


temporary assistance for needy families’ maintenance of effort countable


expenditures.  The realignment of financing shall not increase or decrease any


line-item expenditure authorization.


Sec. 10-207. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $200,000,000.00 for federal contingency


funds. These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been


transferred to another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred


to another line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and


budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.






Sec. 10-301. From the money appropriated in part 1 for adult and family


services, the department shall allocate not less than $100,000.00 to the Elder


Law of Michigan MiCAFE to assist this state’s elderly population to participate


in the food assistance program.


Sec. 10-302. (1) The appropriations in part 1 assume a total federal child


support incentive payment of $26,500,000.00.


(2) From the federal money received for child support incentive payments,


$12,000,000.00 shall be retained by the state and expended for child support


program expenses.


(3) From the federal money received for child support incentive payments,


$14,500,000.00 shall be paid to the counties based on each county's performance


level for each of the federal performance measures as established in 45 CFR




(4) If the child support incentive payment to the state from the federal


government is greater than $26,500,000.00, then 100% of the excess shall be


retained by the state and is appropriated until the total retained by the state


reaches $15,397,400.00.


(5) If the child support incentive payment to the state from the federal


government is greater than the amount needed to satisfy the provisions


identified in subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4), the additional funds shall be


subject to appropriation by the legislature.


(6) If the child support incentive payment to the state from the federal


government is less than $26,500,000.00, then the state and county share shall


each be reduced by 50% of the shortfall.


Sec. 10-303. If title IV-D-related child support collections are escheated, the


state budget director is authorized to adjust the sources of financing for the


funds appropriated in part 1 for legal support contracts to reduce federal


authorization by 66% of the escheated amount and increase general fund/general


purpose authorization by the same amount. This budget adjustment is required to


offset the loss of federal revenue due to the escheated amount being counted as


title IV-D program income in accordance with federal regulations at 45 CFR




Sec. 10-304. The department will implement a $25.00 annual fee pursuant to


title IV-D, section 454(6)(B)(ii), of the social security act, 42 USC 651. The


fee shall be deducted from support collected on behalf of the individual. Fee


revenues shall be used to administer and operate the child support program


under part D of title IV of the social security act.






Sec. 10-401. The department's ability to satisfy appropriation deducts in part


1 for foster care private collections shall not be limited to collections and


accruals pertaining to services provided only in the current fiscal year but


may include revenues collected during the current fiscal year for services


provided in prior fiscal years.


Sec. 10-402.  In addition to the amount appropriated in part 1 for children's


trust fund grants, money granted or money received as gifts or donations to the


children's trust fund created by 1982 PA 249, MCL 21.171 to 21.172, is


appropriated for expenditure.


Sec. 10-403. Counties shall be subject to 50% chargeback for the use of


alternative regional detention services, if those detention services do not


fall under the basic provision of section 117e of the social welfare act, 1939


PA 280, MCL 400.117e, or if a county operates those detention services programs


primarily with professional rather than volunteer staff.


Sec. 10-404. In order to be reimbursed for child care fund expenditures,


counties are required to submit department-developed reports to enable the


department to document potential federally claimable expenditures. This


requirement is in accordance with the reporting requirements specified in


section 117a(7) of the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.117a.


Sec. 10-405. As a condition of receiving money appropriated in part 1 for the


child care fund, by February 15 of the current fiscal year, counties shall have


an approved service spending plan for the current fiscal year. Counties must


submit the service spending plan to the department by December 15 of the


current fiscal year for approval. The department shall approve within 30


calendar days after receipt a properly completed service plan that complies


with the requirements of the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1 to








Sec. 10-501. (1) The department shall operate a state disability assistance


program. Except as provided in subsection (3), persons eligible for this


program shall include needy citizens of the United States or aliens exempted


from the supplemental security income citizenship requirement who are at least


18 years of age or emancipated minors meeting 1 or more of the following




(a) A recipient of supplemental security income, social security, or medical


assistance due to disability or 65 years of age or older.


(b) A person with a physical or mental impairment which meets federal


supplemental security income disability standards, except that the minimum


duration of the disability shall be 90 days. Substance abuse alone is not


defined as a basis for eligibility.


(c) A resident of an adult foster care facility, a home for the aged, a county


infirmary, or a substance abuse treatment center.


(d) A person receiving 30-day postresidential substance abuse treatment.


(e) A person diagnosed as having acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


(f) A person receiving special education services through the local


intermediate school district.


(g) A caretaker of a disabled person as defined in subdivision (a), (b), (e),


or (f) above.


(2) Applicants for and recipients of the state disability assistance program


shall be considered needy if they:


(a) Meet the same asset test as is applied to applicants for the family


independence program.


(b) Have a monthly budgetable income that is less than the payment standards.


(3) Except for a person described in subsection (1)(c) or (d), a person is not


disabled for purposes of this section if his or her drug addiction or


alcoholism is a contributing factor material to the determination of


disability. "Material to the determination of disability" means that, if the


person stopped using drugs or alcohol, his or her remaining physical or mental


limitations would not be disabling. If his or her remaining physical or mental


limitations would be disabling, then the drug addiction or alcoholism is not


material to the determination of disability and the person may receive state


disability assistance. Such a person must actively participate in a substance


abuse treatment program, and the assistance must be paid to a third party or


through vendor payments. For purposes of this section, substance abuse


treatment includes receipt of inpatient or outpatient services or participation


in alcoholics anonymous or a similar program.


(4) A refugee or asylee who loses his or her eligibility for the federal


supplemental security income program by virtue of exceeding the maximum time


limit for eligibility as delineated in 8 USC 1612 and who otherwise meets the


eligibility criteria under this section shall be eligible to receive benefits


under the state disability assistance program.


Sec. 10-502. The level of reimbursement provided to state disability assistance


recipients in licensed adult foster care facilities shall be the same as the


prevailing supplemental security income rate under the personal care category.


Sec. 10-503. County department offices shall require each recipient of family


independence program and state disability assistance who has applied with the


social security administration for supplemental security income to sign a


contract to repay any assistance rendered through the family independence


program or state disability assistance program upon receipt of retroactive


supplemental security income benefits.


Sec. 10-504. (1) The department's ability to satisfy appropriation deductions


in part 1 for state disability assistance and family independence


program/supplemental security income recoveries and public assistance


recoupment revenues shall not be limited to recoveries and accruals pertaining


to state disability assistance, or family independence assistance grant


payments provided only in the current fiscal year, but may include revenues


collected during the current year that are prior year related and not a part of


the department’s accrued entities.


(2) The department may use supplemental security income recoveries to satisfy


the deduct in any line in which the revenues are appropriated, regardless of


the source from which the revenue is recovered.


Sec. 10-505. A provider of indigent burial services may collect additional


payment from relatives or other persons on behalf of the deceased if the total


additional payment does not exceed $4,000.00.


Sec. 10-506. The funds available in part 1 for burial services shall be


available if the deceased was an eligible recipient and an application for


emergency relief funds was made within 10 business days of the burial or


cremation of the deceased person. Each provider of burial services shall be


paid directly by the department.


Sec. 10-507. As a condition of receipt of federal TANF funds, homeless shelters


and human services agencies shall collaborate with the department to obtain


necessary TANF eligibility information on families as soon as possible after


admitting a family to the homeless shelter. From the funds appropriated in part


1 for homeless programs, the department is authorized to make allocations of


TANF funds only to the agencies that report necessary data to the department


for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting requirements. Homeless


shelters or human services agencies that do not report necessary data to the


department for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting requirements


will not receive reimbursements which exceed the per diem amount they received


in fiscal year 2000. The use of TANF funds under this section should not be


considered an ongoing commitment of funding.


Sec. 10-508. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for food bank funding, the


department is authorized to make allocations of TANF funds only to the agencies


that report necessary data to the department for the purpose of meeting TANF


eligibility reporting requirements. The agencies that do not report necessary


data to the department for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting


requirements will not receive allocations in excess of those received in fiscal


year 2000. The use of TANF funds under this section should not be considered an


ongoing commitment of funding.


Sec. 10-509. (1) The department shall allocate up to $12,751,000.00 for the


annual clothing allowance. The allowance shall be granted to all eligible


children as defined by the department.


(2) The department shall take steps to inform family independence program


recipients eligible for the allowance under subsection (2) that the money is to


be used for clothing for eligible children.


Article 11












       Sec. 11-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the judiciary are appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following is a summary


of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated exempted positions..................              491.0             491.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    260,275,400  $    261,915,800


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................          2,573,500         2,573,500


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    257,701,900  $    259,342,300


  Total federal revenues..................................          5,539,500         5,539,500


  Total local revenues....................................          6,342,700         6,446,600


  Total private revenues..................................            842,500           842,500


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         92,100,300        92,126,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    152,876,900  $    154,387,400




   Full-time equated exempted positions..................              491.0             491.0


  Judicial operations.....................................   $     165,653,400  $     167,293,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    165,653,400  $    167,293,800


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          2,573,500         2,573,500


  Federal revenues........................................          5,539,500         5,539,500


  Local revenues..........................................          6,342,700         6,446,600


  Private revenues........................................            842,500           842,500


  State restricted revenues...............................         85,010,100        85,036,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     65,345,100   $    66,855,600


       Schedule of programs:


     Supreme court administration........................         11,184,900        11,184,900


     Judicial institute..................................          2,615,800         2,615,800


     State court administrative office...................         10,548,900        10,548,900


     Judicial information systems........................          3,174,700         3,174,700


     Direct trial court automation support...............          6,342,700         6,342,700


     Foster care review board............................          1,289,800         1,289,800


     Community dispute resolution........................          2,335,500         2,335,500


     Other federal grants................................            275,100           275,100


     Drug treatment courts...............................          6,133,000         6,133,000


     Community court pilot project.......................             20,000            20,000


     Court of appeals operations.........................         19,367,100        19,367,100


     Branchwide appropriations...........................          8,338,700         8,338,700


     Judicial tenure commission..........................          1,012,600         1,012,600


     Appellate public defender program...................          5,397,200         5,397,200


     Appellate assigned counsel administration...........            940,200           940,200


     Indigent civil legal assistance.....................          7,937,000         7,937,000


     Court equity fund reimbursements....................         64,794,700        64,794,700


     Judicial technology improvement fund................          4,815,000         4,815,000


     Drug case-flow program..............................            250,000           250,000


     Drunk driving case-flow program.....................          3,300,000         3,300,000


     Juror compensation reimbursement....................          6,600,000         6,600,000


     2010 Retirement incentive program savings...........        (1,019,500)       (1,019,500)


     Active and retiree insurance and pension adjustment.                  0         1,640,400




   Full-time judges positions............................              609.0             609.0


  Justices’ and judges’ compensation......................   $      94,622,000  $      94,622,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     94,622,000  $     94,622,000


     Appropriated from:


  State restricted revenues...............................          7,090,200         7,090,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     87,531,800   $    87,531,800


       Schedule of programs:


     Supreme court justices’ salaries—-7.0 justices......          1,152,300         1,152,300


     Court of appeals judges salaries—-28.0 judges.......          4,240,300         4,240,300


     District court judges state base salaries—-


       252.0 judges......................................         23,321,900        23,321,900


     District court judicial salary standardization......         11,522,500        11,522,500


     Probate court judges state base salaries--


       103.0 judges......................................          9,627,900         9,627,900


     Probate court judicial salary standardization.......          4,669,700         4,669,700


     Circuit court judges state base salaries--


       219.0 judges......................................         20,628,800        20,628,800


     Circuit court judicial salary standardization.......         10,013,600        10,013,600


     Judges retirement system defined contribution.......          3,915,500         3,915,500


     OASI, social security...............................          5,529,500         5,529,500














       Sec. 11-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2011-2012


is $244,977,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $122,835,200.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Judicial operations...................................................   $          86,104,600


  Justices’ and judges’ compensation....................................             36,730,600


  TOTAL.................................................................   $         122,835,200


Sec. 11-202. Funds appropriated in part 1 to an entity within the judicial


branch shall not be expended or transferred to another account without written


approval of the authorized agent of the judicial entity. If the authorized


agent of the judicial entity notifies the state budget director of its approval


of an expenditure or transfer, the state budget director shall immediately make


the expenditure or transfer. The authorized judicial entity agent shall be


designated by the chief justice of the supreme court.


       Sec. 11-203. As used in this act:


       (a) "OASI" means old age survivor's insurance.






       Sec. 11-301. Funds appropriated within the judicial branch shall not be


expended by any component within the judicial branch without the approval of the


supreme court.


       Sec. 11-302. Of the amount appropriated in part 1 for the judicial branch,


$325,000.00 is allocated for circuit court reimbursement under section 3 of 1978 PA


16, MCL 800.453, and $186,900.00 is allocated for court of claims reimbursement under


section 6413 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.6413.


       Sec. 11-303. If sufficient funds are not available from the court fee fund to


pay judges' compensation, the difference between the appropriated amount from that


fund for judges' compensation and the actual amount available after the amount


appropriated for trial court reimbursement is made shall be appropriated from the


state general fund for judges' compensation.


       Sec. 11-304. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for drug treatment courts


shall be administered by the state court administrative office to operate drug


treatment court programs. A drug treatment court shall be responsible for handling


cases involving substance abusing nonviolent offenders through comprehensive


supervision, testing, treatment services, and immediate sanctions and incentives. A


drug treatment court shall use all available county and state personnel involved in


the disposition of cases including, but not limited to, parole and probation agents,


prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, and community corrections providers. The


funds may be used in connection with other federal, state, and local funding sources.


       (2) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the chief justice shall allocate


sufficient funds for the judicial institute to provide in-state training for those


identified in subsection (1), including training for new drug treatment court judges.


       (3) For drug treatment court grants, consideration for priority may be given to


those courts where higher instances of substance abuse cases are filed.


       (4) The judiciary shall receive $1,800,000.00 in Byrne formula grant funding as


an interdepartmental grant from the Michigan state police to be used for drug


treatment courts, to assist in avoiding prison bed space growth for nonviolent


offenders in collaboration with the department of corrections.


       Sec. 11-305. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the permanent


assignment of state-owned vehicles to justices or judges or any other judicial branch


employee. This section does not preclude the use of state-owned motor pool vehicles


for state business in accordance with approved guidelines.


Article 12












       Sec. 12-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the legislature are appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2012, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2013, from the funds indicated in this part. The following is a summary


of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   GROSS APPROPRIATION...................................   $    115,971,600  $    115,971,600


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................          3,751,500         3,751,500


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    112,220,100  $    112,220,100


  Total federal revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................            400,000           400,000


  Total other state restricted revenues...................          2,649,700         2,649,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    109,170,400  $    109,170,400


   Sec. 12-102.  LEGISLATURE


  Legislature.............................................   $     100,333,200  $     100,333,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    100,333,200  $    100,333,200


     Appropriated from:


Interdepartmental grants.................................   $        250,000   $       250,000


Private revenues.........................................   $        400,000   $       400,000


State restricted revenues................................   $      1,109,800   $     1,109,800


State general fund/general purpose.......................   $     98,573,400   $    98,573,400


       Schedule of programs:


     Senate..............................................         24,598,800        24,598,800


     Senate automated data processing....................          2,156,800         2,156,800


     Senate fiscal agency................................          2,687,800         2,687,800


     House of representatives............................         39,087,800        39,087,800


     House automated data processing.....................          1,712,300         1,712,300


     House fiscal agency.................................          2,687,800         2,687,800


     Legislative council.................................          8,446,700         8,446,700


     Legislative service bureau automated data processing    1,163,600         1,163,600


     Worker’s compensation...............................            126,300           126,300


     National association dues...........................            141,500           141,500


     Legislative corrections ombudsman...................            606,200           606,200


     General nonretirement expenses......................          4,233,300         4,233,300


     Capitol building....................................          2,552,800         2,552,800


     Cora Anderson building..............................          8,315,800         8,315,800


     Farnum building and other properties................          1,815,700         1,815,700




  Auditor general operations..............................   $      15,638,400  $      15,638,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     15,638,400  $     15,638,400


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          3,501,500         3,501,500


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,539,900         1,539,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     10,597,000   $    10,597,000


       Schedule of programs:


     Unclassified positions..............................            313,500           313,500


     Field operations....................................         15,324,900        15,324,900














Sec. 12-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year


2011-2012 is $111,820,100.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid


to local units of government for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $0.00.


       Sec. 12-202. As used in this act:


       (a) "FTE" means full-time equated.






Sec. 12-301. The senate, the house of representatives, or an agency within the


legislative branch may receive, expend, and transfer funds in addition to those


authorized in part 1.


       Sec. 12-302. (1) Funds appropriated in part 1 to an entity within the


legislative branch shall not be expended or transferred to another account without


written approval of the authorized agent of the legislative entity. If the authorized


agent of the legislative entity notifies the state budget director of its approval of


an expenditure or transfer before the year-end book-closing date for that legislative


entity, the state budget director shall immediately make the expenditure or transfer.


The authorized legislative entity agency shall be designated by the speaker of the


house of representatives for house entities, the senate majority leader for senate


entities, and the legislative council for legislative council entities.


       (2) Funds appropriated within the legislative branch, to a legislative council


component, shall not be expended by any agency or other subgroup included in that


component without the approval of the legislative council.


       Sec. 12-303. The senate may charge rent and assess charges for utility costs.


The amounts received for rent charges and utility assessments are appropriated to the


senate for the renovation, operation, and maintenance of the Farnum building and other




       Sec. 12-304. The appropriation contained in part 1 for national association


dues is to be distributed by the legislative council. If the funding is available,


$51,000.00 shall be paid as annual dues to the national conference of commissioners on


uniform state laws.


       Sec. 12-305. (1) The appropriation in part 1 to the legislative council


includes funds to operate the legislative parking facilities in the capitol area. The


legislative council shall establish rules regarding the operation of the legislative


parking facilities.


       (2) The legislative council shall collect a fee from state employees and the


general public using certain legislative parking facilities. The revenues received


from the parking fees shall be allocated by the legislative council.


       Sec. 12-306. The appropriation in part 1 to the legislative council for


publication of the Michigan manual is a work project account. The unexpended portion


remaining on September 30 shall not lapse and shall be carried forward into the


subsequent fiscal year for use in paying the associated biennial costs of publication


of the Michigan manual.


       Sec. 12-307. The appropriations in part 1 to the legislative branch, for


property management, shall be used to purchase equipment and services for building


maintenance in order to ensure a safe and productive work environment. These funds are


designated as work project appropriations and shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal


year, and shall continue to be available for expenditure until the project has been


completed. The total cost is estimated at $500,000.00, and the tentative completion


date is September 30, 2012.


       Sec. 12-308. The appropriations in part 1 to the legislative branch, for


automated data processing, shall be used to purchase equipment, software, and services


in order to support and implement data processing requirements and technology


improvements. These funds are designated as work project appropriations and shall not


lapse at the end of the fiscal year, and shall continue to be available for


expenditure until the project has been completed. The total cost is estimated at


$500,000.00, and the tentative completion date is September 30, 2012.


       Sec. 12-309. In addition to funds appropriated in part 1, the Michigan capitol


committee publications save the flags fund account may accept contributions, gifts,


bequests, devises, grants, and donations. Those funds that are not expended in the


fiscal year ending September 30 shall not lapse at the close of the fiscal year, and


shall be carried forward for expenditure in the following fiscal years.






       Sec. 12-401. Pursuant to section 53 of article IV of the state constitution of


1963, the auditor general shall conduct audits of the judicial branch. The audits may


include the supreme court and its administrative units, the court of appeals, and


trial courts.


       Sec. 12-402. (1) The auditor general shall take all reasonable steps to ensure


that certified minority- and women-owned and operated accounting firms, and accounting


firms owned and operated by persons with disabilities participate in the audits of the


books, accounts, and financial affairs of each principal executive department, branch,


institution, agency, and office of this state.


       (2) The auditor general shall strongly encourage firms with which the auditor


general contracts to perform audits of the principal executive departments and state


agencies to subcontract with certified minority- and women-owned and operated


accounting firms, and accounting firms owned and operated by persons with




       (3) The auditor general shall compile an annual report regarding the number of


contracts entered into with certified minority- and women-owned and operated


accounting firms, and accounting firms owned and operated by persons with


disabilities. The auditor general shall deliver the report to the state budget


director and the senate and house of representatives standing committees on


appropriations subcommittees on general government by November 1 of each year.


       Sec. 12-403. From the funds appropriated in part 1 to auditor general


operations, the auditor general's salary and the salaries of the remaining 2.0 FTE


unclassified positions shall be set by the speaker of the house of representatives,


the senate majority leader, the house of representatives minority leader, and the


senate minority leader.


       Sec. 12-404. Any audits, reviews, or investigations requested of the auditor


general by the legislature or by legislative leadership, legislative committees, or


individual legislators shall include an estimate of the additional costs involved and,


when those costs exceed $50,000.00, should provide supplemental funding. The auditor


general shall determine whether to perform those activities in keeping with Audit


Directive No. 29, which describes the office of the auditor general's policy on