February 16, 2012, Introduced by Senator HILDENBRAND and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 44 (MCL 211.44), as amended by 2011 PA 126.




     Sec. 44. (1) Upon receipt of the tax roll, the township


treasurer or other collector shall proceed to collect the taxes.


The township treasurer or other collector shall mail to each


taxpayer at the taxpayer's last known address on the tax roll or to


the taxpayer's designated agent a statement showing the description


of the property against which the tax is levied, the taxable value


of the property, and the amount of the tax on the property, and


notice of any unpaid taxes returned as delinquent on the property


together with contact information for more information regarding


those unpaid taxes. If a tax statement is mailed to the taxpayer, a


tax statement sent to a taxpayer's designated agent may be in a


summary form or may be in an electronic data processing format. If


the tax statement information is provided to both a taxpayer and


the taxpayer's designated agent, the tax statement mailed to the


taxpayer may be identified as an informational copy. A township


treasurer or other collector electing to send a tax statement to a


taxpayer's designated agent or electing not to include an


itemization in the manner described in subsection (10)(d) in a tax


statement mailed to the taxpayer shall, upon request, mail a


detailed copy of the tax statement, including an itemization of the


amount of tax in the manner described by subsection (10)(d), to the


taxpayer without charge.


     (2) The expense of preparing and mailing the statement shall


be paid from the county, township, city, or village funds. Failure


to send or receive the notice does not prejudice the right to


collect or enforce the payment of the tax. The township treasurer


shall remain in the office of the township treasurer at some


convenient place in the township from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive


taxes on the following days:


     (a) At least 1 business day between December 25 and December


31 unless the township has an arrangement with a local financial


institution to receive taxes on behalf of the township treasurer


and to forward that payment to the township on the next business


day. The township shall provide timely notification of which


financial institutions will receive taxes for the township and


which days the treasurer will be in the office to receive taxes.


     (b) The last day that taxes are due and payable before being


returned as delinquent under section 78a(2).


     (c) For the collection of a summer tax levy, the last day


taxes are due and payable before interest is added under section




     (3) Except as provided by subsection (7), on a sum voluntarily


paid before February 15 of the succeeding year, the local property


tax collecting unit shall add a property tax administration fee of


not more than 1% of the total tax bill per parcel. However, unless


otherwise provided for by an agreement between the assessing unit


and the collecting unit, if a local property tax collecting unit


other than a village does not also serve as the local assessing


unit, the excess of the amount of property tax administration fees


over the expense to the local property tax collecting unit in


collecting the taxes, but not less than 80% of the fee imposed,


shall be returned to the local assessing unit. A property tax


administration fee is defined as a fee to offset costs incurred by


a collecting unit in assessing property values, in collecting the


property tax levies, and in the review and appeal processes. The


costs of any appeals, in excess of funds available from the


property tax administration fee, may be shared by any taxing unit


only if approved by the governing body of the taxing unit. Except


as provided by subsection (7), on all taxes paid after February 14


and before taxes are returned as delinquent under section 78a(2)


the governing body of a city or township may authorize the


treasurer to add to the tax a property tax administration fee to


the extent imposed on taxes paid before February 15 and the day


that taxes are returned as delinquent under section 78a(2) a late


penalty charge equal to 3% of the tax. The governing body of a city


or township may waive interest from February 15 to the last day of


February on a summer property tax that has been deferred under


section 51 or any late penalty charge for the homestead property of


a senior citizen, paraplegic, quadriplegic, hemiplegic, eligible


serviceperson, eligible veteran, eligible widow or widower, totally


and permanently disabled person, or blind person, as those persons


are defined in chapter 9 of the income tax act of 1967, 1967 PA


281, MCL 206.501 to 206.532, if the person makes a claim before


February 15 for a credit for that property provided by chapter 9 of


the income tax act of 1967, 1967 PA 281, MCL 206.501 to 206.532, if


the person presents a copy of the form filed for that credit to the


local treasurer, and if the person has not received the credit


before February 15. The governing body of a city or township may


waive interest from February 15 to the day taxes are returned as


delinquent under section 78a(2) on a summer property tax deferred


under section 51 or any late penalty charge for a person's property


that is subject to a farmland development rights agreement recorded


with the register of deeds of the county in which the property is


situated as provided in section 36104 of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.36104, if the


person presents a copy of the development rights agreement or


verification that the property is subject to a development rights


agreement before February 15. A 4% county property tax


administration fee, a property tax administration fee to the extent


imposed on and if authorized under subsection (7) for taxes paid


before taxes are returned as delinquent under section 78a(2), and


interest on the tax at the rate of 1% per month shall be added to


taxes collected by the township or city treasurer after the last


day taxes are payable before being returned as delinquent under


section 78a(2) and before settlement with the county treasurer, and


the payment shall be treated as though collected by the county


treasurer. If the statements required to be mailed by this section


are not mailed before December 31, the treasurer shall not impose a


late penalty charge on taxes collected after February 14.


     (4) The governing body of a local property tax collecting unit


may waive all or part of the property tax administration fee or the


late penalty charge, or both. A property tax administration fee


collected by the township treasurer shall be used only for the


purposes for which it may be collected as specified by subsection


(3) and this subsection. If the bond of the treasurer, as provided


in section 43, is furnished by a surety company, the cost of the


bond may be paid by the township from the property tax


administration fee.


     (5) If apprehensive of the loss of personal tax assessed upon


the roll, the township treasurer may enforce collection of the tax


at any time, and if compelled to seize property or bring an action


in December may add, if authorized under subsection (7), a property


tax administration fee of not more than 1% of the total tax bill


per parcel and 3% for a late penalty charge.


     (6) Along with taxes returned delinquent to a county


treasurer, the amount of the property tax administration fee


prescribed by subsection (3) that is imposed and not paid shall be


included in the return of delinquent taxes and, when delinquent


taxes are distributed by the county treasurer under this act, the


delinquent property tax administration fee shall be distributed to


the treasurer of the local unit who transmitted the statement of


taxes returned as delinquent. Interest imposed upon delinquent


property taxes under this act shall also be imposed upon the


property tax administration fee and, for purposes of this act other


than for the purpose of determining to which local unit the county


treasurer shall distribute a delinquent property tax administration


fee, any reference to delinquent taxes shall be considered to


include the property tax administration fee returned as delinquent


for the same property.


     (7) The local property tax collecting treasurer shall not


impose a property tax administration fee, collection fee, or any


type of late penalty charge authorized by law or charter unless the


governing body of the local property tax collecting unit approves,


by resolution or ordinance adopted after December 31, 1982, an


authorization for the imposition of a property tax administration


fee, collection fee, or any type of late penalty charge provided


for by this section or by charter, which authorization shall be


valid for all levies that become a lien after the resolution or


ordinance is adopted. However, unless otherwise provided for by an


agreement between the assessing unit and the collecting unit, a


local property tax collecting unit that does not also serve as the


assessing unit shall impose a property tax administration fee on


each parcel at a rate equal to the rate of the fee imposed for city


or township taxes on that parcel.


     (8) The annual statement required by 1966 PA 125, MCL 565.161


to 565.164, or a monthly billing form or mortgagor passbook


provided instead of that annual statement shall include a statement


to the effect that a taxpayer who was not mailed the tax statement


or a copy of the tax statement by the township treasurer or other


collector shall receive, upon request and without charge, a copy of


the tax statement from the township treasurer or other collector


or, if the tax statement has been mailed to the taxpayer's


designated agent, from either the taxpayer's designated agent or


the township treasurer or other collector. A designated agent who


is subject to 1966 PA 125, MCL 565.161 to 565.164, and who has been


mailed the tax statement for taxes that became a lien in the


calendar year immediately preceding the year in which the annual


statement may be required to be furnished shall mail, upon request


and without charge to a taxpayer who was not mailed that tax


statement or a copy of that tax statement, a copy of that tax




     (9) For taxes levied after December 31, 2001, if taxes levied


on qualified real property remain unpaid on February 15, all of the


following shall apply:


     (a) The unpaid taxes on that qualified real property shall be


collected in the same manner as unpaid taxes levied on personal


property are collected under this act.


     (b) Unpaid taxes on qualified real property shall not be


returned as delinquent to the county treasurer for forfeiture,


foreclosure, and sale under sections 78 to 79a.


     (c) If a county treasurer discovers that unpaid taxes on


qualified real property have been returned as delinquent for


forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale under sections 78 to 79a, the


county treasurer shall return those unpaid taxes to the appropriate


local tax collection unit for collection as provided in subdivision




     (10) As used in this section:


     (a) "Designated agent" means an individual, partnership,


association, corporation, receiver, estate, trust, or other legal


entity that has entered into an escrow account agreement or other


agreement with the taxpayer that obligates that individual or legal


entity to pay the property taxes for the taxpayer or, if an


agreement has not been entered into, that was designated by the


taxpayer on a form made available to the taxpayer by the township


treasurer and filed with that treasurer. The designation by the


taxpayer shall remain in effect until revoked by the taxpayer in a


writing filed with the township treasurer. The form made available


by the township treasurer shall include a statement that submission


of the form allows the treasurer to mail the tax statement to the


designated agent instead of to the taxpayer and a statement


notifying the taxpayer of his or her right to revoke the


designation by a writing filed with the township treasurer.


     (b) "Qualified real property" means buildings and improvements


located upon leased real property that are assessed as real


property under section 2(1)(c), except buildings and improvements


exempt under section 9f, if the value of the buildings or


improvements is not otherwise included in the assessment of the


real property.


     (c) "Taxpayer" means the owner of the property on which the


tax is imposed.


     (d) When describing in subsection (1) that the amount of tax


on the property must be shown in the tax statement, "amount of tax"


means an itemization by dollar amount of each of the several ad


valorem property taxes and special assessments that a person may


pay under section 53 and an itemization by millage rate, on either


the tax statement or a separate form accompanying the tax


statement, of each of the several ad valorem property taxes that a


person may pay under section 53. The township treasurer or other


collector may replace the itemization described in this subdivision


with a statement informing the taxpayer that the itemization of the


dollar amount and millage rate of the taxes is available without


charge from the local property tax collecting unit.