February 28, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Hobbs and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1939 PA 288, entitled


"Probate code of 1939,"


(MCL 710.21 to 712A.32) by adding section 19d to chapter XIIA.






     Sec. 19d. (1) This section applies to agency and court


decisions regarding the best interests of the child in proceedings


under sections 19a, 19b, and 19c of this chapter and section 5a of


the guardianship assistance act, 2008 PA 260, MCL 722.875a.


     (2) A best interest of the child determination is a child-


centered evaluation of the benefits and detriments of the


permanency plan to the child. A permanency plan is in the child's


best interest if it meets the child's needs for safety, permanency,


and family connections, with safety being paramount. Whenever


possible and appropriate, the permanency plan shall maintain the


child's family relationships and ethnic, cultural, and religious




     (3) A best interest of the child determination shall not be


based on the comparative economic status of the parent, foster


parent, or legal custodian.


     (4) In making a best interest of the child determination, the


agency and court shall consider the following factors for each


child, and may consider any other factors consistent with the


purposes set forth in subsection (2):


     (a) The likelihood of adoption if parental rights are




     (b) The value to the child of maintaining a relationship with


a parent, sibling, other relative, including the capacity of these


individuals to play a constructive role in the child's life.


     (c) The magnitude, frequency, and nature of the parent's


participation in causing current or past harm to the child or a




     (d) The number, duration, and cause of out-of-home placements


of the child or a sibling.


     (e) The changed circumstances since a prior termination order


entered under section 19b(3)(l) or (m) of this chapter that may


reduce or eliminate a risk of harm to the child's life, physical


health, or emotional well-being.


     (f) The parent's participation or willingness to engage in


court-ordered or voluntary services. If reasonable efforts are not


required, provided, or completed, the court may order reasonable


efforts for reunification to commence or continue if the additional


time would not be harmful to the child, considering the child's


age, preferences, particular needs, or stable placement.


     (g) The child's views and current relative care as described


in section 19a(3) and (6)(a) of this chapter which are relevant to


the substance and timing of the court's permanency orders. In


making a termination order or other permanency decision for a


child, the agency or court shall give great weight to the


preference of a child age 14 or older, unless that preference is


outweighed by a substantial risk of harm to the child's life,


physical health, or mental well-being.


     (h) The duration and quality of the parent's care, contacts,


and relationship with the child before and during the family court


case, including participation in offered parenting time.


     (5) As used in this section:


     (a) "Agency" means that term as defined in section 13a of this




     (b) "Legal custodian" means that term as defined in section 2


of the guardianship assistance act, 2008 PA 260, MCL 722.872.