April 16, 2013, Introduced by Reps. Tlaib, Irwin, Robinson and Slavens and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


(MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding part 204.




PART 204.




     Sec. 20401. As used in this part:


     (a) "Commissioner" means the director of the department of


insurance and financial services.


     (b) "Department" means the director of the department of


environmental quality or his or her designee to whom the director


delegates a power or duty by written instrument.


     (c) "Environment" means that term as defined in section 20101.


     (d) "Environmental contamination" means the release of a


substance, or the potential release of a discarded substance, in a


quantity that is or may become injurious to the environment or to


the public health, safety, or welfare.


     (e) "Final settlement" means a determination of the amount


owed to the insured for a loss to insured property, made by any of


the following means:


     (i) Acceptance of a proof of loss by the insurer.


     (ii) Execution of a release by the insured.


     (iii) Acceptance of an arbitration award by both the insured and


the insurer.


     (iv) Judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.


     (f) "Industrial property" means real property on which an


industry is operating or operated after the effective date of this




     (g) "Insured property" means industrial property for which


there is environmental contamination insurance coverage, under


section 20403 or otherwise.


     (h) "Interim response activity" means the cleanup or removal


of a released substance or the taking of other actions, before the


implementation of a remedial action, as may be necessary to


prevent, minimize, or mitigate injury to the public health, safety,


or welfare, or to the environment. Interim response activity also


includes, but is not limited to, measures to limit access,


replacement of water supplies, and temporary relocation of


individuals as determined to be necessary by the department. In


addition, interim response activity means the taking of other


actions as may be necessary to prevent, minimize, or mitigate a


threatened release.


     (i) "Municipality" means and "municipal" refers to a city,


village, or township.


     (j) "Owner" means a person who owns an industrial property.


Owner does not include a person who holds indicia of ownership


primarily to protect the person's security interest in the


property, including, but not limited to, a vendor's interest under


a recorded land contract.


     (k) "Release" includes, but is not limited to, any spilling,


leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging,


injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of a substance


into the environment, or the abandonment or discarding of barrels,


containers, and other closed receptacles containing a substance.


Release does not include any of the following:


     (i) An activity authorized under this act.


     (ii) A release that results in exposure to individuals solely


within a workplace, with respect to a claim that these individuals


may assert against their employers.


     (iii) Emissions from the engine exhaust of a motor vehicle,


rolling stock, aircraft, or vessel.


     (iv) A release of source material, by-product material, or


special nuclear material from a nuclear incident, as those terms


are defined in 42 USC 2014, if the release is subject to


requirements with respect to financial protection established by


the nuclear regulatory commission under 42 USC 2210, or any release


of source material, by-product material, or special nuclear


material from any processing site designated under 42 USC 7912 or




     (v) If applied according to label directions and according to


generally accepted agricultural and management practices developed


pursuant to the Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.471


to 286.474, the application of a fertilizer, soil conditioner,


agronomically applied manure, or pesticide; fruit, vegetable, or


field crop residuals or processing by-products; aquatic plants; or


a combination of these substances. As used in this subparagraph,


"fertilizer", "soil conditioner", and "pesticide" mean those terms


as defined in sections 8501, 8501a, and 8305, respectively.


     (vi) Fruits, vegetables, field crop processing by-products, or


aquatic plants, that are applied to the land for an agricultural


use or for use as an animal feed, if the use is consistent with


generally accepted agricultural and management practices developed


pursuant to the Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.471


to 286.474.


     (l) "Remedial action" includes, but is not limited to, cleanup,


removal, containment, isolation, destruction, or treatment of a


substance released or threatened to be released into the


environment and monitoring, maintenance, or the taking of other


actions that may be necessary to prevent, minimize, or mitigate


injury to the public health, safety, or welfare or to the




     (m) "Representative of the municipality" or "representative"


means an individual designated by the governing body of the


municipality as the municipality's agent for the purposes of this




     (n) "Response activity" means evaluation, interim response


activity, remedial action, demolition, or the taking of other


actions necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare,


the environment, or natural resources. Response activity also


includes health assessments or health effect studies carried out


under the supervision, or with the approval of, the department of


community health and enforcement actions related to any response




     (o) "Threatened release" or "threat of release" means any


circumstance that may reasonably be anticipated to cause a release.


     Sec. 20403. (1) The owner of industrial property shall


maintain environmental contamination insurance that will cover


claims arising from occurrences during that person's period of


ownership and after the effective date of the insurance policy. The


insurance shall be provided by an insurer who has a certificate of


authority from the commissioner to sell environmental contamination




     (2) Not later than 120 days after the department promulgates


rules under section 20417 to implement this part, or 120 days after


a person becomes the owner of industrial property, whichever is


later, the owner of industrial property shall submit both of the


following to the department as evidence of the required coverage


under subsection (1):


     (a) A certificate of insurance that uses wording approved by


the department.


     (b) A certified true and complete copy of the insurance




     (3) An insurance policy under subsection (1) shall require the


insurer to notify the department and the owner at least 120 days


before the expiration date of the policy or upon cancellation of


the policy. If the owner does not extend the effective date of the


insurance policy or obtain a new insurance policy that satisfies


the requirements of this part within 90 days after the department


receives the notice, the department shall notify the municipality,


which may draw on the policy as provided in section 20407.


     Sec. 20405. The amount of the insurance required under section


20403 shall be determined under rules promulgated under section




     Sec. 20407. (1) If a claim is filed for a loss due to


environmental contamination from an insured industrial property and


a final settlement of the claim is reached or a judgment is entered


in an action that involves the loss, the insurer for the insured


industrial property shall withhold the final settlement or judgment


amount from payment. When the settlement or judgment amount is


withheld, the insurer shall give notice of the withholding to the


treasurer of the municipality in which the insured industrial


property is located, to the insured, and to any mortgagee that has


a lien against the insured industrial property, if the mortgagee is


named on the policy. If a judgment was entered, notice shall also


be provided to the court in which the judgment was entered. The


notice shall include all of the following:


     (a) The identity and address of the insurer.


     (b) The name and address or forwarding address of each


policyholder, including any mortgagee named on the policy.


     (c) The location of the insured industrial property.


     (d) The date of loss, policy number, and claim number.


     (e) The amount of money withheld.


     (f) A statement that the withheld amount will be paid to the


municipality for deposit into a trust or escrow account established


for the purposes of this part if within 15 days after the notice is


sent by the insurer the municipality notifies the insurer that the


money should be paid to the municipality for the purposes of this




     (g) A statement that, if the municipality does not notify the


insurer as provided in subdivision (f), the withheld amount will be


paid to the insured.


     (h) An explanation of this part.


     (2) The insurer shall not pay the withheld amount to the


municipality unless all of the following requirements are met:


     (a) Within 15 days after the insurer sends notice under


subsection (1), a representative of the municipality requests, for


cause as described in this subdivision, that the insurer pay the


withheld amount to the municipality for deposit in a trust or


escrow account maintained by the municipal treasurer for the


purposes of this part. Any of the following are prima facie


evidence of environmental contamination from the insured industrial


property and constitute cause for the escrowing of the withheld


amount as surety for response activity:


     (i) A final settlement or judgment under subsection (1) that


equals or exceeds 50% of the amount of environmental contamination


insurance on the insured industrial property.


     (ii) A certificate from the department that there is a


reasonable basis to believe that response activities whose cost


will equal or exceed 50% of the amount of environmental


contamination insurance on the insured industrial property will be


required because of a release from industry operating on the real


property during the period of the owner's ownership and after the


effective date of the insurance policy.


     (b) If there is a settlement, the request under subdivision


(a) is sent to the insurer with a copy to the insured and any


mortgagees named on the insurance policy. The copy to the insured


shall contain the notice required under subdivision (d). Upon


receipt of the request, the insurer shall forward the withheld


amount to the municipal treasurer and shall provide notice of the


forwarding to the insured and any mortgagees named on the insurance




     (c) If there is a judgment, the request under subdivision (a)


is sent to the insurer with a copy to the insured, any mortgagees


named on the insurance policy, and the court in which judgment was


entered. The copy to the insured shall contain the notice required


under subdivision (d). Upon the motion of the municipality, the


court shall order the insurer to transmit the withheld amount to


the municipal treasurer.


     (d) The municipality notifies the insured of the insured's


right to object under subsection (3) to the municipality's


retention of the withheld amount. The notice shall identify the


representative of the municipality to whom the insured should


address his or her objections.


     (3) Within 10 days from the date of mailing of notice to the


insured under subsection (2), the insured may object to the


municipality's retention of the withheld amount and do either of


the following:


     (a) Seek resolution with a representative of the municipality.


The municipality shall designate a representative to receive and


resolve objections under this section. If the insured seeks


resolution under this subdivision, the municipality shall make a


final determination and shall notify the insured of that


determination not later than 30 days after receipt of notice that


the insured wishes to seek resolution under this subdivision. This


final determination shall include notice to the insured that if the


insured objects to the municipality's determination, the insured


may seek relief in circuit court.


     (b) Seek relief in the circuit court.


     (4) Upon receipt of money and information from an insurer as


prescribed in subsections (1) and (2), the municipal treasurer


shall record the information and the date of receipt of the money


and shall immediately deposit the money in a trust or escrow


account established for the purposes of this part. The account may


earn interest. If a mortgage on the insured industrial property is


in default, the municipal treasurer, not more than 10 days after


receipt of a written request from a first mortgagee, shall release


to the mortgagee policy proceeds received by the municipality with


respect to that property to the extent necessary to satisfy any


outstanding lien of the mortgagee.


     (5) Money deposited in a trust or escrow account pursuant to


subsection (4) shall not be commingled with municipal funds. Any


interest earned on the money shall be retained by the municipality


to defray expenses incurred under this part.


     Sec. 20409. (1) The representative of the municipality


designated under section 20407(3) shall immediately forward the


policy proceeds deposited under section 20407(4) to the insured if


the representative receives or is shown reasonable proof that any


necessary response activity is under way or has been completed,


except to the extent that the amount withheld under section 20407


is needed to complete response activity. The representative shall


immediately forward the policy proceeds to a contractor performing


response activities relative to a release at the insured property


if the representative receives or is shown reasonable proof that


the insured has entered into a contract with the contractor for the


performance of response activities relative to a release at the


insured property and that the insured consents to payment of funds


directly to the contractor performing the response activities upon




     (2) Reasonable proof required under subsection (1) includes


any of the following:


     (a) Originals or copies of pertinent contracts, invoices,


receipts, and other similar papers evidencing both the work


performed or to be performed and the materials used or to be used


by all contractors performing response activity relative to a


release at the insured property, other than a contractor subject to


subdivision (b).


     (b) An affidavit executed by the contractor that has performed


the greatest amount of response activity relative to a release at


the insured property. The contractor shall attach to the affidavit


all pertinent contracts, invoices, and receipts and shall swear


that these attached papers correctly indicate the nature and extent


of the work performed to date by the contractor and the materials




     (c) An inspection of the insured real property that verifies


that response activity has been completed in accordance with


subsection (1).


     (3) If reasonable proof required under subsection (1) is not


received by or shown to the authorized representative of the


municipality within 120 days after the withheld policy proceeds


were received by the municipal treasurer, the municipality shall


use the withheld proceeds to perform response activities relative


to the release at the insured property. Any unused portion of the


withheld proceeds shall be returned to the insured. The


municipality may extend the 120-day time period under this




     (4) An insurer or an agent or employee of an insurer is not


liable for withholding or transferring money in the course of


complying or attempting to comply with this part. If there is a


dispute with a lienholder concerning the distribution of an amount


withheld from payment under this section, the insurer may file an


action in circuit court to identify all parties that may have a


financial interest in the withheld amount and to determine how the


withheld amount should be distributed.


     Sec. 20411. (1) This part does not apply to industrial


property located in a municipality unless the municipality by


resolution by its governing body notifies the commissioner in


writing that the municipality has established a trust or escrow


account to be used as prescribed in this part and intends to


uniformly apply this section with respect to all industrial


property located within the municipality. The commissioner shall


prepare and distribute to all insurance companies that provide


environmental contamination insurance in this state a list of all


municipalities that have elected to apply this part.


     (2) If the commissioner receives a notification under


subsection (1) after the list under subsection (1) has first been


distributed, the commissioner shall prepare and distribute an


amended list indicating the addition. The addition is effective on


the date specified by the commissioner in the amendment. The


commissioner shall notify the municipality added to the list, and


insurance companies that provide environmental contamination


insurance in this state, of the effective date of the addition,


which shall be at least 30 days after receipt of notice by the


insurance company. A municipality added to the list shall not apply


this part to any loss that occurred before the effective date of


the addition.


     (3) A municipality may submit a request to the commissioner to


be deleted from the list under subsection (1). After receipt of a


municipality's request to be deleted from the list, the


commissioner shall prepare and distribute an amendment to the list


indicating the deletion. The deletion is effective on the date


specified by the commissioner in the amendment. The commissioner


shall notify the municipality deleted from the list, and insurance


companies that provide environmental contamination insurance in


this state, of the effective date of the deletion, which shall be


not less than 30 days after receipt of the notice by the


commissioner. A municipality deleted from the list shall continue


to apply this section to any loss that occurred before the


effective date of the deletion, notwithstanding the deletion.


     Sec. 20413. (1) The withholding requirements of section 20407


do not apply if all of the following occur:


     (a) Within 15 days after agreement on a final settlement


between the insured and the insurer, the insurer receives from the


insured or is shown by the insured reasonable proof of a contract


for the performance of response activities as described in section


20409(1) and (2).


     (b) The insured consents to the payment of money directly to


the contractor performing the response activity. Money released


under this subdivision may be forwarded only to a contractor


performing the response activity on the insured property.


     (2) Upon receipt under subsection (1) of reasonable proof of a


contract to perform response activity, the insurer shall give


notice to the municipality in which the property is located that


there will not be a withholding under this section because of the




     Sec. 20415. If an insurer withholds payment under an


environmental contamination insurance policy in good faith because


of a suspected intentional release, fraud, or another question


concerning coverage, this part does not apply until the issue is


resolved and a final settlement or judgment is entered.


     Sec. 20417. The department shall promulgate rules to implement


this part. The department shall submit proposed rules for public


hearing pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969


PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, within 1 year after the effective


date of this part.


     Sec. 20419. (1) An owner of industrial property who violates


this part may be ordered to pay a civil fine of not more than


$10,000.00. A violation of this part may be prosecuted by the


prosecuting attorney of the county in which the violation occurred


or by the attorney general.


     (2) If an insurer violates this part, the commissioner, after


providing the insurer notice and an opportunity for a hearing, may


temporarily revoke the insurer's authority to transact business in


this state.