October 1, 2014, Introduced by Reps. McMillin, Goike and Franz and referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology.


     A bill to amend 2008 PA 295, entitled


"Clean, renewable, and efficient energy act,"


by amending section 47 (MCL 460.1047); and to repeal acts and parts


of acts.




     Sec. 47. (1) Subject to the retail rate impact limits under


section 45, the commission shall consider all actual costs


reasonably and prudently incurred in good faith before the


effective date of the amendatory act that repealed section 27 to


implement a commission-approved renewable energy plan by an


electric provider whose rates are regulated by the commission to be


a cost of service to be recovered by the electric provider. Subject


to the retail rate impact limits under section 45, an electric


provider whose rates are regulated by the commission shall recover


through its retail electric rates all of the electric provider's


incremental costs of compliance during the 20-year period beginning


when the electric provider's plan is approved by the commission and


all reasonable and prudent ongoing costs of compliance during and


after that period. The recovery shall include, but is not limited


to, the electric provider's authorized rate of return on equity for


costs approved under this section, which shall remain fixed at the


rate of return and debt to equity ratio that was in effect in the


electric provider's base rates when the electric provider's


renewable energy plan was approved.


     (2) Incremental costs of compliance shall be calculated as




     (a) Determine the sum of the following costs to the extent


those costs are reasonable and prudent, incurred before the


effective date of the amendatory act that repealed section 27, and


not already approved for recovery in electric rates as of the


effective date of this act:October 6, 2008:


     (i) Capital, operating, and maintenance costs of renewable


energy systems or advanced cleaner energy systems, including


property taxes, insurance, and return on equity associated with an


electric provider's renewable energy systems or advanced cleaner


energy systems, including the electric provider's renewable energy


portfolio established to achieve compliance with the renewable


energy standards and any additional renewable energy systems or


advanced cleaner energy systems, that are built or acquired by the


electric provider to maintain compliance with the renewable energy


standards during the 20-year period beginning when the electric


provider's plan is approved by the commission.


     (ii) Financing costs attributable to capital, operating, and


maintenance costs of capital facilities associated with renewable


energy systems or advanced cleaner energy systems used to meet the


renewable energy standard.


     (iii) Costs that are not otherwise recoverable in rates approved


by the federal energy regulatory commission and that are related to


the infrastructure required to bring renewable energy systems or


advanced cleaner energy systems used to achieve compliance with the


renewable energy standards on to the transmission system, including


interconnection and substation costs for renewable energy systems


or advanced cleaner energy systems used to meet the renewable


energy standard.


     (iv) Ancillary service costs determined by the commission to be


necessarily incurred to ensure the quality and reliability of


renewable energy or advanced cleaner energy used to meet the


renewable energy standards, regardless of the ownership of a


renewable energy system or advanced cleaner energy technology.


     (v) Except to the extent the costs are allocated under a


different subparagraph, all of the following:


     (A) The costs of renewable energy credits purchased under this




     (B) The costs of contracts described in section 33(1).


     (vi) Expenses incurred as a result of state or federal


governmental actions related to renewable energy systems or


advanced cleaner energy systems attributable to the renewable


energy standards, including changes in tax or other law.


     (vii) Any additional electric provider costs determined by the


commission to be necessarily incurred to ensure the quality and


reliability of renewable energy or advanced cleaner energy used to


meet the renewable energy standards.


     (b) Subtract from the sum of costs not already included in


electric rates determined under subdivision (a) the sum of the


following revenues:


     (i) Revenue derived from the sale of environmental attributes


associated with the generation of renewable energy or advanced


cleaner energy systems attributable to the renewable energy


standards. Such That revenue shall not be considered in determining


power supply cost recovery factors under section 6j of 1939 PA 3,


MCL 460.6j.


     (ii) Interest on regulatory liabilities.


     (iii) Tax credits specifically designed to promote renewable


energy or advanced cleaner energy.


     (iv) Revenue derived from the provision of renewable energy or


advanced cleaner energy to retail electric customers subject to a


power supply cost recovery clause under section 6j of 1939 PA 3,


MCL 460.6j, of an electric provider whose rates are regulated by


the commission. After providing an opportunity for a contested case


hearing for an electric provider whose rates are regulated by the


commission, the commission shall annually establish a price per


megawatt hour. In addition, an An electric provider whose rates are


regulated by the commission may at any time petition the commission


to revise the price. In setting the price per megawatt hour under


this subparagraph, the commission shall consider factors including,


but not limited to, projected capacity, energy, maintenance, and


operating costs; information filed under section 6j of 1939 PA 3,


MCL 460.6j; and information from wholesale markets, including, but


not limited to, locational marginal pricing. This price shall be


multiplied by the sum of the number of megawatt hours of renewable


energy and the number of megawatt hours of advanced cleaner energy


used to maintain compliance with the renewable energy standard. The


product shall be considered a booked cost of purchased and net


interchanged power transactions under section 6j of 1939 PA 3, MCL


460.6j. For energy purchased by such an electric provider under a


renewable energy contract or advanced cleaner energy contract, the


price shall be the lower of the amount established by the


commission or the actual price paid and shall be multiplied by the


number of megawatt hours of renewable energy or advanced cleaner


energy purchased. The resulting value shall be considered a booked


cost of purchased and net interchanged power under section 6j of


1939 PA 3, MCL 460.6j.


     (v) Revenue from wholesale renewable energy sales and advanced


cleaner energy sales. Such That revenue shall not be considered in


determining power supply cost recovery factors under section 6j of


1939 PA 3, MCL 460.6j.


     (vi) Any additional electric provider revenue considered by the


commission to be attributable to the renewable energy standards.


     (vii) Any revenues recovered in rates for renewable energy


costs that are included under subdivision (a).


     (3) The commission shall authorize an electric provider whose


rates are regulated by the commission to spend in any given month


more to comply with this act and implement an approved renewable


energy plan than the revenue actually generated by the revenue


recovery mechanism. An electric provider whose rates are regulated


by the commission shall recover its commission approved pre-tax


rate of return on regulatory assets during the appropriate period.


An electric provider whose rates are regulated by the commission


shall record interest on regulatory liabilities at the average


short-term borrowing rate available to the electric provider during


the appropriate period. Any regulatory assets or liabilities


resulting from the recovery of costs of renewable energy or


advanced cleaner energy attributable to renewable energy standards


through the power supply cost recovery clause under section 6j of


1939 PA 3, MCL 460.6j, shall continue to be reconciled under that




     (4) If an electric provider's incremental costs of compliance


in any given month during the 20-year period beginning when the


electric provider's plan is approved by the commission are in


excess of the revenue recovery mechanism as adjusted under section


49 and in excess of the balance of any accumulated reserve funds,


subject to the minimum balance established under section 21, the


electric provider shall immediately notify the commission. The


commission shall promptly commence a contested case hearing


pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306,


MCL 24.201 to 24.328, and modify the revenue recovery mechanism so


that the minimum balance is restored. However, if the commission


determines that recovery of the incremental costs of compliance


would otherwise exceed the maximum retail rate impacts specified


under section 45, it shall set the revenue recovery mechanism for


that electric provider to correspond to the maximum retail rate


impacts. Excess costs shall be accrued and deferred for recovery.


Not later than the expiration of the 20-year period beginning when


the electric provider's plan is approved by the commission, for an


electric provider whose rates are regulated by the commission, the


commission shall determine the amount of deferred costs to be


recovered under the revenue recovery mechanism and the recovery


period, which shall not extend more than 5 years beyond the


expiration of the 20-year period beginning when the electric


provider's plan is approved by the commission. The recovery of


excess costs shall be proportional to the retail rate impact limits


in section 45 for each customer class. The recovery of excess costs


alone, or, if begun before the expiration of the 20-year period, in


combination with the recovery of incremental costs of compliance


under the revenue recovery mechanism, shall not exceed the retail


rate impact limits of section 45 for each customer class.


     (5) If, at the expiration of the 20-year period beginning when


the electric provider's plan is approved by the commission, an


electric provider whose rates are regulated by the commission has a


regulatory liability, the refund to customer classes shall be


proportional to the amounts paid by those customer classes under


the revenue recovery mechanism.


     (6) After achieving compliance with the renewable energy


standard for 2015, the actual costs reasonably and prudently


incurred to continue to comply with this subpart both during and


after the conclusion of the 20-year period beginning when the


electric provider's plan is approved by the commission shall be


considered costs of service. The commission shall determine a


mechanism for an electric provider whose rates are regulated by the


commission to recover these costs in its retail electric rates,


subject to the retail rate impact limits in section 45. Remaining


and future regulatory assets shall be recovered consistent with


subsections (2) and (3) and section 49.


     Enacting section 1. Section 27 of the clean, renewable, and


efficient energy act, 2008 PA 295, MCL 460.1027, is repealed.