February 3, 2015, Introduced by Reps. Geiss, Runestad and Lucido and referred to the Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors.


     A bill to amend 1970 PA 91, entitled


"Child custody act of 1970,"


(MCL 722.21 to 722.31) by adding section 7c.




     Sec. 7c. (1) If a court awards joint custody under section 6a


or parenting time under section 7a, the court may consider,


consistent with the best interests of the child, whether to award 1


or both of the parties the right of first refusal to provide child


care for the child during the other parent's normal parenting time,


unless the need for child care is attributable to an emergency.


     (2) Right of first refusal means that if a party intends to


leave the child with a substitute child care provider for a


significant period of time, that party must first offer the other


party an opportunity to personally care for the child. The parties


may agree to a right of first refusal that is consistent with the


best interests of the child. If there is no agreement and the court


determines that a right of first refusal is in the best interests


of the child, the court shall consider and make provisions in its


order for all of the following:


     (a) The length and kind of child care requirements that will


invoke the right of first refusal.


     (b) Notification to the other parent and for the other


parent's response.


     (c) Transportation requirements.


     (d) Any other action necessary to protect and promote the best


interests of the child.


     (3) The right of first refusal is terminated upon the


termination of custody or parenting time rights.