December 1, 2015, Introduced by Reps. Plawecki, Chang, Garrett, Neeley, Brunner, Rutledge, Derek Miller, Talabi, Chirkun, Brinks, Liberati, Hoadley, Cochran, Byrd, Robinson, Pagan, Geiss, Gay-Dagnogo, Banks, Darany, Sarah Roberts, Yanez, Irwin, Guerra, Wittenberg, Greig, Callton, Phelps, Love, LaVoy, Santana, Lucido, Moss, Townsend and Tedder and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to prescribe the powers and duties of certain providers


of water and sewerage service in this state; and to require


providers of water and sewerage service in this state to file


certain reports with the department of health and human services.




     Sec. 1. As used in this act:


     (a) "Department" means the department of health and human




     (b) "Emergency medical condition" means a certified medical


condition that requires an immediate need for water.


     (c) "Provider" means any water and sewerage system that


provides water and sewerage service in this state.

     (d) "Senior citizen" means an individual who is 62 years of


age or older.


     Sec. 2. A provider shall by April 1 of each year file with the


department an annual report setting forth all of the following


information for the previous calendar year:


     (a) A list of the categories of rate payers and exempt users


of the provider, including commercial, residential, nonprofit, and


exempt users.


     (b) The rates charged for water, sewerage, and storm water


service by that provider, broken down by categories of rate payer.


     (c) The average monthly bill for customers that have 2, 4, and


6 individuals in that household.


     (d) The process by which those water and sewerage service


rates were determined.


     (e) The total number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service


that occurred during that year.


     (f) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred during that year, broken down by census tract and zip




     (g) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for residential customers during that year.


     (h) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for commercial customers during that year.


     (i) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for senior citizen customers during that year.


     (j) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for customers with an emergency medical condition during


that year.


     (k) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for customers with disabilities during that year.


     (l) The number of shutoffs of water and sewerage service that


occurred for customers with children less than 1 year old,


customers with children less than 6 years old, or customers who are


pregnant, during that year.


     (m) The provider's policies and procedures regarding shutoffs


of water and sewerage service.


     (n) Any assistance programs the provider has available for


low-income customers.


     Sec. 3. A provider shall make the report under section 2


available to customers on its website and post a printed copy in


its offices.