December 10, 2015, Introduced by Rep. Kivela and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled
"The management and budget act,"
by amending section 267 (MCL 18.1267), as amended by 2012 PA 237.
Sec. 267. (1) The department shall issue directives to provide
for the disclosure, transfer, and disposal of surplus personal
property of state agencies. The Except as otherwise provided
subsection (4), the department may dispose of surplus personal
property by donating the surplus personal property to a nonprofit
entity, or selling it to a unit of local government, or selling it
at a public sale.
(2) The department may sell surplus personal property at fair
market value. The department may also exchange surplus personal
property for goods and services at fair market value with a private
company that is contracted to provide state services, and the
surplus personal property is essential to providing those services.
(3) The department may pay necessary costs incurred in the
conduct of the transfers or sale of surplus personal property
including the necessary warehousing and reconditioning costs from
the proceeds of the sale or by assessing a handling fee for surplus
personal property being donated.
(4) Beginning January 1, 2016, prior to donating, disposing
of, or selling surplus road construction or maintenance equipment
that was owned or operated by the state transportation department,
the state transportation department shall make that road
construction or maintenance equipment available for sale to local
units of government in this state. The department shall issue
directives to implement this subsection.