Senate Bill 568 as passed by the Senate
Sponsor: Sen. Rick Jones
House Committee: Transportation and Infrastructure
Senate Committee: Transportation
Complete to 4-23-18
Currently, under the Michigan Vehicle Code, a person may not operate on a public highway a motorcycle or moped that is equipped with handlebars that are higher than 15 inches from the lowest point of the undepressed saddle to the highest point of the handle grip of the operator.
Senate Bill 568 would amend the Code to change the allowable handlebar height for motorcycles and mopeds to 30 inches, measured from the same points.
MCL 257.661a
Senate Bill 568 is identical to House Bill 4480, reported with recommendation from the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on February 20, 2018.
As of June 2016, according to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, 20 states had no restrictions on handlebar height. The most common handlebar height requirements among states that have them are for handlebars to be no more than 15 inches above the seat (9 states, including Michigan currently) and for handgrips not to be above the shoulder height of the rider (13 states). Two states (Wisconsin and Washington) had enacted a 30-inch requirement as of June 2016.[1]
The bill would have no fiscal impact on the state or local units of government.
Fiscal Analyst: Michael Cnossen
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.