House Bill 5782 as reported from committee

Sponsor:  Rep. Kathy Crawford

Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure

Complete to 4-18-18                                                               (Enacted as Public Act 156 of 2018)


House Bill 5782 would amend the Michigan Memorial Highway Act to designate the portion of Highway US-23 in Presque Isle County beginning at the easternmost intersection of Highway US-23 and Evergreen Highway and extending west to the westernmost intersection of Highway US-23 and Evergreen Highway as the “Major Andrew Becker Memorial Highway.”

Proposed MCL 250.1017a


As a senior in Novi High School, Andrew Becker was affected by the tragedy of September 11, 2001. One month later, he decided to enlist in the Air Force, telling his parents he would do whatever it took to protect his family, country, and way of life against a new enemy. He served almost seven years as a special operations pilot, being deployed nine times to fly combat missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. He flew 459 combat missions, logged 2,260 hours, and earned 22 service medals. He was also pilot for the 318th Special Operations Squadron. On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, Captain Andrew Becker was in a U-28A aircraft during a training flight when it crashed near Clovis Airport in New Mexico, about 15 miles from Cannon Air Force Base. He was posthumously awarded the rank of Major. Highway    US-23 and Evergreen Highway hold a memory Major Becker and his family cherished during his lifetime. Dedicating this portion of highway to him would honor his memory and his sacrifice in service to our country.


Section 2 of the Michigan Memorial Highway Act indicates that the state transportation department shall provide for the erection of suitable markers indicating the name of the highway only “when sufficient private contributions are received to completely cover the cost of erecting and maintaining those markers.” As a result, the bill has no state or local fiscal impact.


The Michigan Department of Transportation has no position on the bill. (4-17-18)

                                                                                         Legislative Analyst:   E. Best

                                                                                                 Fiscal Analyst:   William E. Hamilton

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.