House Bill 6525 as introduced
Sponsor: Rep. Beau Matthew LaFave
Committee: Natural Resources
Complete to 12-4-18
House Bill 6525 would amend Part 401 (Wildlife Conservation) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) to allow an individual to transport or possess a loaded firearm in or upon certain off-road vehicles, but only under certain circumstances.
Currently, an individual is generally prohibited from transporting or possessing a firearm in or upon a vehicle, unless the firearm is unloaded and enclosed in a case, unloaded and carried in the trunk of a vehicle, or unloaded in a motorized boat.
The bill would add an exception to the above prohibition to allow an individual to transport or possess a loaded firearm in or upon an ATV or UTV, but only on private land and if the individual is, or is accompanied by or has the permission of, either of the following:
· The owner of the private land.
· The lessee of the private land for a term not less than one year.
ATV would mean a vehicle with three or more wheels that is designed for off-road use, has low-pressure tires, has a seat designed to be straddled by the rider, and is powered by a 50cc to 1,000cc gasoline engine or an engine of comparable size using other fuels.
UTV would mean a vehicle with four wheels that is designed for off-road use, has low-pressure tires, has a side-by-side seating arrangement with bench or bucket seating for each rider, and is powered by a 50cc to 1,000cc gasoline engine or an engine of comparable size using other fuels.
MCL 324.40111
House Bill 6525 would not affect costs or revenues for the Department of Natural Resources or local governments.
Legislative Analyst: Emily S. Smith
Fiscal Analyst: Austin Scott
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.