House Bill 4591 (Substitute H-1 as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Representative Laura Cox
House Committee: Appropriations
Senate Committee: Families, Seniors and Human Services
The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to modify the requirements for a child restraint system used when transporting a child in a car, to account for the weight of a child less than eight years old.
Except as otherwise provided, the Code requires each driver transporting a child less than four years old in a motor vehicle to properly secure the child in a child restraint system that meets the standards prescribed in Federal regulations. A driver is required to position the child in the child restraint system in a rear seat, if the vehicle has a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children under four, then a child under four may be positioned in the child restraint system in the front seat. A child in a rear-facing child restraint system may be placed in the front seat only if the front passenger air bag is deactivated. The bill would retain these requirements but delete the references to a child less than four years old. The bill also would require that a child be seated and positioned as follows:
-- If the child weighed not more than 30 pounds or were less than two years old, in a rear-facing seat.
-- If the child weighed between 30 and 49 pounds, or were at least two but less than five years old, in a forward-facing seat.
-- If the child were 57 inches tall or shorter and weighed 50 pounds or more, or were at least five but less than eight years old, in a booster seat.
Currently, a driver transporting a child who is at least four years old but younger than 16 must secure the child in a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt, except as otherwise provided. Under the bill, this would apply to a driver transporting a child who was at least eight years old but younger than 16.
MCL 257.710d et al. Legislative Analyst: Nathan Leaman
The bill would have no fiscal impact on the State or local government. Although the bill would change the requirements regarding child restraints, the bill would not affect the penalties for violations, which are civil infractions. It is not likely that the changes would lead to a difference in the number of violations.
Date Completed: 1-22-18 Fiscal Analyst: Ryan Bergan
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.