House Bill 5259 (Substitute H-2 as passed by the House)
Sponsor: Representative Brandt Iden
House Committee: Regulatory Reform
Senate Committee: Transportation
The bill would amend the Limousine, Taxicab, and Transportation Network Company Act to do the following:
-- Require a limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, and transportation network company (TNC) to display either its signage or emblem (as currently required) or the signage or emblem of a dispatch system provider (DSP), if it were providing services in association with a DSP.
-- Require a limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, and TNC to display its Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs registration number if it displayed the signage or emblem of a DSP.
-- Prescribe certain display requirements for a Department registration number.
-- Modify criteria a signage or emblem must satisfy, and require Department registration numbers to meet the same criteria.
The bill would take effect 90 days after it was enacted.
Department Registration Number
Currently, a vehicle subject to the Act must display a consistent and distinctive signage or emblem that is approved by the Department at all times while the vehicle is being used to provide transportation services or while the vehicle is being used by a TNC driver for a TNC prearranged ride or while the TNC driver is available to receive a transportation request. Under the bill, a vehicle subject to the Act also could display a Department registration number, subject to the provisions below.
Under the bill, if a limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, or TNC were providing services in association with a dispatch system provider, the carrier or TNC would have to display either its signage or emblem or the signage or emblem of the DSP. If the carrier or TNC displayed the signage or emblem of the DSP, it also would have to display its Department registration number.
If a limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, or TNC displayed a Department registration number, the 10-digit registration number would have to be displayed with the "#" symbol before the registration number and would have to use numbers and symbols that were at least one to one-and-a-half inches in height.
The bill also would delete the current requirement that the signage or emblem be approved by the Department.
Signage or Emblem Requirements
Currently, a signage or emblem must satisfy all of the following:
-- Be sufficiently large and color-contrasted to be readable during daylight hours from a distance of at least 50 feet.
-- Be reflective.
-- Sufficiently identify the limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, or TNC with which the vehicle is affiliated.
Under the bill, the signage, emblem, or Department registration number would have to satisfy both of the following:
-- Be color-contrasted to be visible during daylight hours from a distance of at least 50 feet.
-- Sufficiently identify the limousine carrier, taxicab carrier, TNC, or DSP with which the vehicle was affiliated.
MCL 257.2111 Legislative Analyst: Drew Krogulecki
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
Fiscal Analyst: Elizabeth Raczkowski
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.