MAJOR ANDREW BECKER USAF MEM. HWY                                              H.B. 5782 (H-2):

                                                                               SUMMARY OF HOUSE-PASSED BILL

                                                                                                         IN COMMITTEE










House Bill 5782 (Substitute H-2 as passed by the House)

Sponsor:  Representative Kathy Crawford

House Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure

Senate Committee:  Transportation


Date Completed:  5-9-18




The bill would amend the Michigan Memorial Highway Act to designate the portion of highway US-23 in Presque Isle County beginning at the easternmost intersection of highway US-23 and Evergreen Highway and extending west to the westernmost intersection of highway US-23 and Evergreen Highway as the "Major Andrew Becker USAF Memorial Hwy".


The bill would take effect 90 days after it was enacted.


Proposed MCL 250.1017a                                                                                          




On March 14, 2017, Major Andrew Becker, along with two others, died after his military aircraft crashed while landing during a 318 Special Operations training sortie in New Mexico. He was 33 years old and had served in the United States Air Force for 10 years, according to the Detroit News. He was deployed nine times, flew 459 combat missions, and was awarded 22 Air Force service medals.


Major Becker attended Novi High School and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. He also was pursuing a Master of Science degree in Space Studies at American Military University.


Legislative Analyst:  Drew Krogulecki




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


                                                                                  Fiscal Analyst:  Michael Siracuse

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.