MICHIGAN CAPITOL COMMITTEE; ELIMINATE                                          H.B. 6006 & 6007:

                                                                               SUMMARY OF HOUSE-PASSED BILL

                                                                                                         IN COMMITTEE










House Bills 6006 and 6007 (as passed by the House)

Sponsor:  Representative James A. Lower

House Committee:  Oversight

Senate Committee:  Oversight


Date Completed:  12-11-18




House Bill 6006 would repeal Chapter 7 (Michigan Capitol Committee) of the Legislative Council Act.


House Bill 6007 would amend the Tobacco Products Tax Act to delete a requirement that the Michigan State Capitol Commission submit to the Michigan Capitol Committee a report containing certain information regarding the Michigan State Capitol Historic Site.


House Bill 6007 is tie-barred to House Bill 6006. Each bill would take effect 90 days after it enactment.


House Bill 6006


Chapter 7 of the Legislative Council Act creates the Michigan Capitol Committee, prescribes its membership, and specifies its duties, which include advising and making recommendations to the Michigan State Capitol Commission regarding the restoration and preservation of the State Capitol Building and the management, operation, development, construction, renovation, maintenance, and repair of the Capitol Building and the grounds of the Michigan State Capitol Historic Site.


The bill would repeal Chapter 7 of the Act.


House Bill 6007


The Tobacco Products Tax Act requires the Michigan State Capitol Commission to submit to the Michigan Capitol Committee, and to the chairpersons of the Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations Committees a report containing certain information regarding the Michigan State Capitol Historic Site.


The bill would delete the reference to the Michigan Capitol Committee, and, instead, would require the Commission to submit the report only to the Legislature.   


MCL 4.1701 & 4.1702 (H.B. 6006)                               Legislative Analyst:  Stephen Jackson

       205.432 (H.B. 6007)






The bills would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


                                                                                       Fiscal Analyst:  Joe Carrasco



This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.