HB-4602, As Passed House, December 20, 2018

HB-4602, As Passed Senate, December 19, 2018


























     A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled


"The management and budget act,"


by amending sections 302, 352, 354, 355, 356, 358, and 367b (MCL


18.1302, 18.1352, 18.1354, 18.1355, 18.1356, 18.1358, and


18.1367b), sections 352, 354, 355, and 356 as amended by 1999 PA 8,


section 358 as amended by 2014 PA 188, and section 367b as amended


by 2011 PA 47; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 302. (1) "Adjusted personal income" means the total


personal income of this state, less transfer payments, adjusted for


inflation. The adjustment for inflation shall be determined by


reducing the total personal income of this state less transfer


payments for a calendar year by the average of the Detroit consumer


price index for the 12 months ending 6 months before the same


calendar year. ends.


     (2) "Allocation of state financial resources" means the


decision process to place priorities on services by proposing and


appropriating money by law for state government services.


     (3) "Allotment schedule" means the estimated periodic


expenditures and obligations of appropriations constituting a


spending plan.


     (4) "Annual growth rate" means the percentage change in


adjusted personal income for the current calendar year as compared


to adjusted personal income for the calendar year immediately


preceding the current calendar year. The annual growth rate shall


be rounded off to the nearest 0.1%.


     Sec. 352. (1) When the annual growth rate is more than 2%, the


percentage excess over 2% shall be multiplied by the total state


general fund-general purpose revenue for the fiscal year ending in


the current calendar year to determine the amount to be transferred


to the fund from the state general fund in the fiscal year


beginning in the current calendar year.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in section 358, the


legislature shall not appropriate money from the fund for a fiscal


year when the annual growth rate for the calendar year in which


that fiscal year ends is estimated to be greater than 0% at the


most recent consensus revenue estimating conference. When the


annual growth rate is less than 0%, estimated to be less than 0% at


the most recent consensus revenue estimating conference, the


percentage deficiency under 0% shall be multiplied by the total


state general fund-general purpose revenue for the fiscal year

ending in the current calendar year to determine the eligible


amount to be transferred to the state general fund from the fund in


the fiscal year ending in the current calendar year. When the


formula calls for a larger transfer from the fund than is necessary


to balance the current fiscal year state general fund-general


purpose budget, the excess shall remain in the fund.legislature may


appropriate by law for the fiscal year ending in the current


calendar year no more than 25% of the prior fiscal year ending


balance in the fund as reported in the comprehensive annual


financial report. However, if the annual growth rate is estimated


to be less than 0% in consecutive calendar years, for each of the


fiscal years ending in those calendar years, the legislature may


appropriate by law no more than 25% of the available fund balance


at the beginning of the first fiscal year ending in the first


calendar year that had an annual growth rate less than 0%.


     (3) The legislature shall provide for transfers into or out of


the fund through an appropriations act.


     Sec. 354. (1) The executive budget for each fiscal year shall


contain an estimate of the required transfer into or the fund or


the amount of funds recommended to be appropriated out of the fund


required by under section 352. The executive budget for each fiscal


year shall not contain an estimate for a transfer out of the fund


unless the annual growth rate is estimated to be less than 0% in


that fiscal year.


     (2) The legislature shall include a the final estimate amount


of the transfer into or the fund or the amount of funds


appropriated out of the fund required by under section 352 in the

appropriations bill which contains the revenue estimate required by


section 31 of article IV of the state constitution of 1963.


     (3) Except as provided in subsection (4), a A transfer into


the fund shall be made in equal monthly installments throughout the


fiscal year. Except as provided in subsection (4), a A transfer out


of the fund may be made as needed during the fiscal year.


     (4) Notwithstanding section 352, for each fiscal year ending


after October 1, 1997, all unreserved general fund-general purpose


balances at the final close of the fiscal year shall be transferred


to the fund. If an amount is required to be transferred to the fund


for a fiscal year under section 352, any amount transferred to the


fund under this subsection shall be considered to be a part of the


amount transferred to the fund for purposes of section 352.


     Sec. 355. (1) The transfer into or out of the fund as provided


in section 352 for each fiscal year beginning after September 30,


1978, may be adjusted in light of revision in the annual growth


rate for the calendar year upon which that transfer was made. If an


adjustment is made, it shall be implemented by an appropriation


bill enacted into law. The


     (2) For a transfer into the fund, the adjustment, if made,


shall be directly proportional to an increase or decrease in the


annual growth rate. , but the adjustment shall not be in excess of


1% multiplied by the total general fund-general purpose revenue of


the fiscal year upon which the transfer was based.


     (3) The basis for an adjustment under this section shall be a


change in the personal income level for that calendar year as


determined by the bureau of economic analysis of the United States

department of commerce Department of Commerce or its successor in


the last report it makes before April 30 of the fiscal year in


which that calendar year ended. The adjustment, if made, shall be


effective on June 1 of the fiscal year in which the transfer is




     Sec. 356. The balance in the fund shall not exceed 10% 15% of


the combined level of general fund-general purpose and school aid


fund revenues. If the balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal


year exceeds 10% 15% of the actual state general fund-general


purpose and school aid fund revenues for that fiscal year, the


excess shall be rebated to taxpayers on the individual income tax


returns filed following the close of that fiscal year according to


a schedule to be established by law.


     Sec. 358. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,


the legislature may make an emergency appropriation from the fund


subject to all of the following conditions:


     (a) The maximum appropriation from the fund for budget


stabilization as provided in section 352(2) has already been made


for the current fiscal year.


     (b) The legislature has approved the emergency appropriations


bill by a 2/3 majority vote of the members elected to and serving


in each house.


     (c) The emergency appropriations bill becomes law.


     (2) The additional transfer from the fund may be made only for


the current fiscal year.


     (3) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2002 and for each fiscal year beginning

with the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004 and ending with the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, there is appropriated and


transferred from the fund to the state trunk line fund established


under section 11 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.661, the sum of




     (4) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, there is


appropriated and transferred from the fund to the state trunk line


fund established under section 11 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.661, the


sum of $37,100,000.00.


     (5) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, an amount


equal to the unreserved general fund/general purpose balance


transferred to the fund for the fiscal year ending September 30,


2000, but not to exceed $62,900,000.00, is appropriated and


transferred from the fund to the state trunk line fund established


under section 11 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.661.


     (6) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, there is


transferred $194,800,000.00 from the fund to the settlement


administration fund created in the Michigan settlement


administration authority act for the purposes described in that




     Sec. 367b. (1) A revenue estimating conference shall be held


in the second week of January and in the third week in May of each


year, and as otherwise provided in this act.


     (2) The principals of the conference shall be the state budget


director or the state treasurer, the director of the senate fiscal


agency, and the director of the house fiscal agency, or their


respective designees.

     (3) The conference shall establish an official economic


forecast of major variables of the national and state economies.


The conference shall also establish a forecast of anticipated state


revenues as the conference determines including the following:


     (a) State income tax collections.


     (b) State sales tax collections.


     (c) Corporate income tax collections.


     (d) Michigan business tax collections.


     (e) Total general fund/general purpose revenues.


     (f) Lottery transfers to the school aid fund.


     (g) Total school aid fund revenues.


     (h) Annual percentage growth in the basic foundation allowance


provided for in the state school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL


388.1601 to 388.1772.388.1896.


     (i) Compliance with the state revenue limit established by


section 26 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.


     (j) Pay-ins or maximum allowable pay-outs required under the


countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund.


     (4) The conference's official forecast of economic and revenue


variables shall be determined by consensus among the principals.


     (5) The forecasts required by this section shall be for the


fiscal year in which the conference is being held and the next 2


ensuing fiscal years. The conference shall also forecast general


fund/general purpose revenue trend line projections and school aid


fund revenue trend line projections for the next 2 ensuing fiscal




     (6) The May revenue estimating conference shall establish

expenditure forecasts for medicaid Medicaid expenditures and for


human services caseloads and expenditures for the fiscal year in


which the conference is being held and the next 2 ensuing fiscal




     (7) The official conference forecasts of revenues and


expenditures shall be based upon the assumption that the current


law and current administrative procedures will remain in effect for


the forecast period.


     Enacting section 1. Sections 353 and 397 of the management and


budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1353 and 18.1397, are repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.