March 28, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Barrett, Johnson, Noble, Kelly, Glenn, Cole, Hornberger, Hoitenga, Tedder, Bellino, Lucido, Reilly, Marino, Miller, Yaroch, Runestad, Crawford, LaFave and Chatfield and referred to the Committee on Education Reform.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 5111, 9215, and 9227 (MCL 333.5111, 333.9215,


and 333.9227), section 5111 as amended by 2016 PA 64 and section


9227 as amended by 2006 PA 91, and by adding section 5115a.




     Sec. 5111. (1) In carrying out its authority under this


article, the department shall maintain a list of reportable


diseases, infections, and disabilities that designates and


classifies communicable, serious communicable, chronic, or


noncommunicable diseases, infections, and disabilities. The


department shall review and revise the list under this subsection


at least annually.


     (2) In Except as otherwise provided in section 5115a, in


carrying out its authority under this article, the department may

promulgate rules to do any of the following:


     (a) Establish requirements for reporting and other


surveillance methods for measuring the occurrence of diseases,


infections, and disabilities and the potential for epidemics. Rules


promulgated under this subdivision may require a licensed health


professional or health facility to submit to the department or a


local health department, on a form provided by the department, a


report of the occurrence of a communicable disease, serious


communicable disease or infection, or disability. The rules


promulgated under this subdivision may require a report to be


submitted to the department not more than 24 hours after a licensed


health professional or health facility determines that an


individual has a serious communicable disease or infection.


     (b) Investigate cases, epidemics, and unusual occurrences of


diseases, infections, and situations with a potential for causing




     (c) Establish procedures for controlling diseases and


infections, including, but not limited to, immunization and


environmental controls.


     (d) Establish procedures for preventing, detecting, and


treating disabilities and rehabilitating individuals suffering from


disabilities or disease, including nutritional problems.


     (e) Establish procedures for controlling rabies and the


disposition of nonhuman agents carrying disease, including rabid




     (f) Establish procedures for reporting known or suspected


cases of lead poisoning or undue lead body burden.

     (g) Designate communicable diseases or serious communicable


diseases or infections for which local health departments are


required to furnish care, including, but not limited to,


tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infection.


     (h) Implement this part and parts 52 and 53, including, but


not limited to, rules for discovering, caring for, and reporting an


individual having or suspected of having a communicable disease or


a serious communicable disease or infection, and establishing


approved tests under section 5123 and approved prophylaxes under


section 5125.


     (3) The department shall promulgate rules providing for the


confidentiality of reports, records, and data pertaining to


testing, care, treatment, reporting, and research associated with


communicable diseases and serious communicable diseases or




     Sec. 5115a. (1) R 325.175 of the Michigan Administrative Code


is rescinded.


     (2) The department's authority to promulgate rules under


section 5111 does not include the authority to promulgate or


enforce a rule allowing a local health officer who confirms or


reasonably suspects that an individual attending a school or group


program has a communicable disease to, as a disease control measure


that is not in the case of an epidemic, exclude from attendance an


individual who lacks documentation of immunity or is otherwise


considered susceptible to the communicable disease. As used in this


subsection, "group program" means that term as described in section



     Sec. 9215. (1) A child is exempt from the requirements of this


part as to a specific immunization for any period of time as to


which a physician certifies that a specific immunization is or may


be detrimental to the child's health or is not appropriate.


     (2) A child is exempt from this part if a parent, guardian, or


person in loco parentis of the child presents a written statement


to the administrator of the child's school or operator of the group


program to the effect that the requirements of this part cannot be


met because of religious convictions or other objection to




     (3) The department's authority to promulgate rules under


section 9227 does not include the authority to promulgate or


enforce a rule that imposes a different or additional requirement


for a child to be exempt from this part than those described in


this section or that requires the exemptions described in this


section to be on a form prescribed by the department.


     (4) If the department provides information to the public on


the exemptions described in this section, then with that


information the department shall include information about the


effectiveness and potential risks of immunization for diseases for


which the department requires immunization under section 9227.


     Sec. 9227. (1) The Except as otherwise provided in section


9215, the department shall promulgate rules to implement this part,


including, but not limited to, rules governing all of the




     (a) Age periods for immunizations.


     (b) The minimum ages at which immunization may be commenced.

     (c) The minimum number of doses required during a specified


time period.


     (d) Minimum levels of immunization for children in school.


     (e) Reporting under section 9206(3).


     (f) The acquisition, maintenance, and dissemination of


information contained in the registry established under section




     (2) The department shall promulgate rules to implement the


expansion of the registry to include the reporting and recording of


additional information such as lead screening performed on




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 4426 (request no.


01983'17 a) of the 99th Legislature is enacted into law.