August 16, 2017, Introduced by Rep. Chang and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Trade.


     A bill to amend 1961 PA 120, entitled


"An act to authorize the development or redevelopment of principal

shopping districts and business improvement districts; to permit

the creation of certain boards; to provide for the operation of

principal shopping districts and business improvement districts; to

provide for the creation, operation, and dissolution of business

improvement zones; and to authorize the collection of revenue and

the bonding of certain local governmental units for the development

or redevelopment projects,"


by amending sections 10, 10a, 10c, 10f, 10g, and 10k (MCL 125.990,


125.990a, 125.990c, 125.990f, 125.990g, and 125.990k), as amended


by 2013 PA 126.




     Sec. 10. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Assessable property" means real property in a zone area


other than property classified as residential real property under


section 34c of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL


211.34c, or real property exempt from the collection of taxes under


the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155.


     (b) "Assessment" means an assessment imposed under this


chapter against assessable property for the benefit of the property




     (c) "Assessment revenues" means the money collected by a


business improvement zone from any assessments, including any


interest on the assessments.


     (d) "Board" means the board of directors of a business


improvement zone.


     (e) "Business improvement zone" means a business improvement


zone created under this chapter.


     (f) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonprofit corporation


organized under the nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL


450.2101 to 450.3192, and which that complies with all of the




     (i) The articles of incorporation of the nonprofit corporation


provide that the nonprofit corporation may promote a business


improvement zone and may also provide management services related


to the implementation of a zone plan.


     (ii) The nonprofit corporation is exempt from federal income


tax under section 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue


code, 28 USC 501.


     (g) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation,


limited liability company, association, or other legal entity.


     (h) "Project" means any activity for the benefit of property


owners authorized by section 10a to enhance the business


environment within a zone area.

     (i) "Property owner" means a person who owns, or an agent


authorized in writing by a person who owns, assessable property


according to the records of the treasurer of the city or village in


which the business improvement zone is located.


     (j) "10-year "Qualifying period" means the period in which a


business improvement zone is authorized to operate and impose and


collect assessments, beginning on the date that the business


improvement zone is created or renewed assessment is imposed by the


treasurer of the city or village who is collecting the assessment


under section 10h and ending 7 to 10 calendar years after that date


as determined in the petition described in section 10c. The 10-year


period or qualifying period of a business improvement zone that was


created before the date of the amendatory act that added this


sentence begins on the date that the first business improvement


zone assessment became imposed by the treasurer of the city or


village who is collecting the assessment under section 10h.


     (k) "Zone area" means the area designated in the zone plan as


the area to be served by the business improvement zone.


     (l) "Zone plan" means a set of goals, strategies, objectives,


and guidelines for the operation of a business improvement zone. ,


as approved at a meeting of property owners conducted under section




     Sec. 10a. (1) A business improvement zone is a public body


corporate and may do 1 or more of the following for the benefit of


property owners located in the business improvement zone:


     (a) Acquire, through purchase, lease, or gift, construct,


develop, improve, maintain, operate, or reconstruct park areas,

planting areas, and related facilities within the zone area.


     (b) Acquire, construct, clean, improve, maintain, reconstruct,


or relocate sidewalks, street curbing, street medians, fountains,


and lighting within the zone area.


     (c) Develop and propose lighting standards within the zone




     (d) Acquire, plant, and maintain trees, shrubs, flowers, or


other vegetation within the zone area.


     (e) Provide or contract for security services with other


public or private entities and purchase equipment or technology


related to security services within the zone area.


     (f) Promote and sponsor cultural or recreational activities.


     (g) Engage in economic development activities, including, but


not limited to, promotion of business, retail, or industrial


development, developer recruitment, business recruitment, business


marketing, business retention, public relations efforts, and market




     (h) Engage in other activities with the purpose to enhance the


economic prosperity, enjoyment, appearance, image, and safety of


the zone area.


     (i) Acquire by purchase or gift, maintain, or operate real or


personal property necessary to implement this chapter.


     (j) Solicit and accept gifts or grants to further the zone




     (k) Sue or be sued.


     (l) Do all other acts and things necessary or convenient to


exercise the powers, duties, and jurisdictions of the business

improvement zone under this act or other laws that relate to the


purposes, powers, duties, and jurisdictions of the business


improvement zone.


     (2) A business improvement zone may contract with a nonprofit


corporation or any other public or private entity and may pay a


reasonable fee to the nonprofit corporation or other public or


private entity for services provided. Two or more business


improvement zones may contract with the same nonprofit corporation


or public or private entity under this subsection.


     (3) A business improvement zone has the authority to borrow


money in anticipation of the receipt of assessments if all of the


following conditions are satisfied:


     (a) The loan will not be requested or authorized, or will not


mature, within 90 days before the expiration of the 10-year


qualifying period.


     (b) The amount of the loan does not exceed 50% of the annual


average assessment revenue of the business improvement zone during


the previous year or, in the case of a business improvement zone


that has been in existence for less than 1 year, the loan does not


exceed 25% of the projected annual assessment revenue.


     (c) The loan repayment period does not extend beyond the 10-


year qualifying period.


     (d) The loan is subject to the revised municipal finance act,


2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.


     (4) The services provided by and projects of a business


improvement zone are services and projects of the business


improvement zone and are not services, functions, or projects of

the municipality in which the business improvement zone is located.


The services provided by and projects of a business improvement


zone are supplemental to the services, projects, and functions of


the city or village in which the business improvement zone is




     (5) The business improvement zone has no other authority than


the authority described in this act or authorized by other laws of


this state.


     Sec. 10c. A person may initiate the establishment of a


business improvement zone by the delivery of a petition to the


clerk of the city or village in which a proposed zone area is


located. The petition shall include all of the following:


     (a) An attached map and description of the geographic


boundaries of the zone area sufficient to identify each assessable


property included.


     (b) The signatures of property owners of parcels representing


not less than 30% of the property owners within the zone area,


weighted as provided in section 10f(2).


     (c) An attached listing, by tax parcel identification number,


of all parcels within the zone area, separately identifying


assessable property.


     (d) An attached zone plan, which shall include all of the




     (i) The proposed initial board of directors for the zone,


except for a member of the board of directors who may be appointed


by the city or village under section 10g(2).


     (ii) The method for removal, appointment, and replacement of

the board.


     (iii) A description of projects planned during the 10-year


qualifying period, including the scope, nature, and duration of the




     (iv) An estimate of the total amount of expenditures for


projects planned during the 10-year qualifying period.


     (v) The proposed source or sources of financing for the




     (vi) If the proposed financing includes assessments, the


projected amount or rate of the assessments for each year and the


basis upon which the assessments are to be imposed on assessable




     (vii) A plan of dissolution for the business improvement zone.


     (viii) Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory act


that added this subparagraph, the number of calendar years in the


qualifying period, not more than 10 calendar years and not less


than 7 calendar years.


     (e) A basis for allocating assessments in the zone area,


including, but not limited to, assessments based upon taxable value


or assessments based upon assessed value.


     Sec. 10f. (1) All property owners as of the date of the


delivery of the petition as provided in section 10c are eligible to


participate in the election. The election shall be conducted by


mail. The question to be voted on by the property owners is the


adoption of the zone plan and the establishment of the business


improvement zone, including the identity of the initial board.


     (2) If the zone plan for the zone area provides a basis for

allocating assessments based upon taxable value, the votes of


property owners shall be weighted in proportion to the amount that


the taxable value of their respective real property for the


preceding calendar year bears to the taxable value of all


assessable property in the zone area. If the zone plan for the zone


area provides for allocation of assessments based upon assessed


value, the votes of property owners shall be weighted in proportion


to the amount that the assessed value of their respective real


property for the preceding calendar year bears to the assessed


value of all assessable property in the zone area. If the zone plan


for the zone area provides a basis for allocating assessments other


than taxable value or assessed value, the votes of property owners


shall be weighted in proportion to the amount that the weighted


value for their respective real property bears to the total


weighted value of all assessable property in the zone area. In no


case shall the total number of votes assigned to any 1 property


owner be equal to more than 25% of the total number of votes


eligible to be cast in the election.


     (3) A zone plan and the proposal for the establishment of a


business improvement zone, including the identity of the initial


board, shall be considered adopted upon the approval of more than


60% of the property owners voting in the election, with votes


weighted as provided in subsection (2).


     (4) Upon acceptance or rejection of a business improvement


zone and zone plan by the property owners, the resulting business


improvement zone or the person filing the petition under section


10c shall, at the request of the city or village, reimburse the

city or village for all or a portion of the reasonable expenses


incurred to comply with this chapter. The governing body of the


city or village may forgive and choose not to collect all or a


portion of the reasonable expenses incurred to comply with this




     (5) Adoption of a business improvement zone and zone plan


under this section authorizes the creation of the business


improvement zone and the implementation of the zone plan for the


10-year qualifying period.


     (6) Adoption of a business improvement zone and zone plan


under this section and the creation of the business improvement


zone does not relieve the business improvement zone from following,


or does not waive any rights of the city or village to enforce, any


applicable laws, statutes, or ordinances. A business improvement


zone created under this chapter shall comply with all applicable


state and federal laws.


     (7) To the extent not protected by the immunity conferred by


1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1401 to 691.1419, a city or village that


approves a business improvement zone within its boundaries is


immune from civil or administrative liability arising from any


actions of that business improvement zone.


     Sec. 10g. (1) The day-to-day activities of the business


improvement zone and implementation of the zone plan shall be


managed by a board of directors.


     (2) The board shall consist of an odd number of directors and


shall not be smaller than 5 and not larger than 15 in number. The


board may include 1 director nominated by the chief executive of

the city or village and confirmed by the governing body of the city


or village. A nomination not disapproved by a governing body within


60 days shall stand confirmed.


     (3) The duties and responsibilities of the board shall be


prescribed in the zone plan and to the extent applicable shall


include all of the following duties and responsibilities:


     (a) Developing administrative procedures relating to the


implementation of the zone plan.


     (b) Recommending amendments to the zone plan.


     (c) Scheduling and conducting an annual meeting of the


property owners.


     (d) Developing a zone plan for the next 10-year qualifying




     (4) Members of the board shall serve without compensation.


However, members of the board may be reimbursed for their actual


and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their


official duties as members of the board.


     Sec. 10k. (1) Prior to the expiration of any 10-year


qualifying period, the board shall notify the property owners


within the business improvement zone of a special meeting by first-


class mail at least 14 days prior to the scheduled date of the


meeting to approve a new zone plan for the next 10-year qualifying


period. Notice under this section shall include the specific


location, scheduled date, and time of the meeting.


     (2) Approval of the new zone plan at the special meeting by


more than 60% of the property owners of assessable property voting


at that meeting, with the vote of the property owners being

weighted in accordance with section 10f(2), constitutes


reauthorization of the business improvement zone for an additional


10-year qualifying period, commencing as of the expiration of the


10-year qualifying period then in effect. If the new zone plan


reflects any new assessment, or reflects an extension of any


assessment beyond the period previously approved by the city or


village in which the business improvement zone is located, the new


or extended assessment shall be effective only with the approval of


the governing body of the city or village.