December 13, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Brinks, Camilleri, Hertel, Greig, Hoadley, Lasinski and Chang and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 399, entitled


"Safe drinking water act,"


by amending section 5 (MCL 325.1005), as amended by 1998 PA 56.




     Sec. 5. (1) The department shall promulgate and enforce rules


to carry out this act pursuant to the administrative procedures act


of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. The rules, at a


minimum, shall include the following:


     (a) Requirements for the submission of reports, plans, and


specifications for the design and construction of a waterworks


system or a part thereof, of a waterworks system, and a plan for


operating and maintaining all or a part of the waterworks system,


including the protection of water quality within the distribution

system as necessary to protect the public health.


     (b) State Subject to subsection (4), state drinking water


standards and associated monitoring requirements, the attainment


and maintenance of which are necessary to protect the public




     (c) The classification of waterworks systems or portions


thereof, of waterworks systems, the examination for certification


of the operators of those systems including shift operators of


water treatment systems, and for the issuance, suspension, and


revocation of certificates.


     (d) Criteria for capacity assessments performed by the


department at community supplies, nontransient noncommunity water


supplies, or a public water supply applying to the department for


assistance under part 54 of the natural resources and environmental


protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418.


     (e) Requirements for provision of facilities by public water


supplies that will assure an adequate and reliable supply of


drinking water on a continuous basis.


     (2) Rules governing public water supplies promulgated under


former 1913 PA 98, and which were in effect on January 4, 1977 are


continued in accordance with section 31 of the administrative


procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.231, and may be amended


or rescinded by the director under this act.


     (3) No A rule promulgated may under this act shall not require


the addition of any substance for preventive health care purposes


unrelated to contamination of drinking water.


     (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act or a rule

promulgated under this act, the state drinking water standards


shall include the following:


     (a) Perfluorooctane, 5 parts per trillion.


     (b) Perfluorooctanoic acid, 5 parts per trillion.