January 30, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Hammoud, Moss, Cambensy, Pagan, Camilleri, Green, Zemke, Wittenberg, Lasinski, Ellison, Rabhi, Geiss, Gay-Dagnogo and Hoadley and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1917 PA 167, entitled


"Housing law of Michigan,"


by amending section 78 (MCL 125.478).




     Sec. 78. (1) Receptacles for ashes, garbage and rubbish. The


owner of every a multiple dwelling , and in the case of the


occupant or occupants of a private and dwelling or 2 family


dwellings, the occupant or occupants thereof, dwelling shall


provide for said the dwelling , keep clean and in place, a proper,


clean, covered receptacles container of non-absorbent material for


holding garbage, refuse, ashes, rubbish, and other waste matter.


Garbage chutes are prohibited.


     (2) The owner of a multiple dwelling with 4 or more living

units shall arrange for on-site access to recycling services for


occupants of the multiple dwelling, including provision of


containers for recyclable materials. The recycling services shall


be consistent with state law and local ordinances and with any


contract of the municipality or county where the multiple dwelling


is located applicable to the collection, handling, or recycling of


solid waste.


     (3) The enforcing agency may grant an exemption from the


requirements of subsection (2) if the enforcing agency determines


that there is inadequate space for the placement and servicing of


recycling receptacles at a multiple dwelling.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.