April 24, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Santana, Sheppard, Greig, Vaupel, Green, Lasinski, Chang, Love, Cochran, Pagan, Hoadley, Hertel, Dianda, Zemke, Yanez, Brinks, Garrett, Lucido, Iden, LaGrand, Canfield, Inman, Faris and Sneller and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Trade.


     A bill to amend 1972 PA 284, entitled


"Business corporation act,"


by amending section 911 (MCL 450.1911), as amended by 2012 PA 569.




     Sec. 911. (1) A domestic corporation and each foreign


corporation subject to chapter 10 shall file a report with the


administrator no later than May 15 of each year. The report shall


be on a form approved by the administrator, signed by an authorized


officer or agent of the corporation, and contain all of the


following information:


     (a) The name of the corporation.


     (b) The name of its the corporation's resident agent and


address of its registered office in this state.


     (c) The names and addresses of its the corporation's

president, secretary, treasurer, and directors.


     (d) General The general nature and kind of business in which


the corporation is engaged.


     (e) For each foreign corporation authorized to transact


business in this state, the total number of authorized shares and


the most recent percentage used in computation of the tax required


by the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1101 to




     (f) For each professional corporation, the names and addresses


of its shareholders and a certification that both of the following


are met:


     (i) Each shareholder is a licensed person in 1 or more of the


professional services provided by the professional corporation.


     (ii) The corporation meets the other requirements of chapter




     (2) A corporation that is a benefit corporation shall include


the annual benefit report that is required under section 961 with


its report under subsection (1).


     (3) (2) A corporation that is formed or authorized to do


business on or after January 1 and before May 16 of a calendar year


is not required to file the report described in subsection (1) for


that calendar year.


     (4) (3) If there are no changes in the information provided in


the last filed report required under subsection (1), the


corporation may file a report that certifies to the administrator


that no changes in the required information have occurred since the


last filed report. A report filed under this subsection shall be on

a form approved by the administrator and filed no later than the


date required under this section. 911.A corporation that is a


benefit corporation that files a report under this subsection shall


include the annual benefit report that is required under section


961 with that report.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 99th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 5872 (request no.




     (b) Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 5867 (request no.




     (c) Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 5868 (request no.

