May 9, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Love and Garrett and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


      A bill to amend 1980 PA 299, entitled


"Occupational code,"


by amending sections 212 and 303a (MCL 339.212 and 339.303a),


section 303a as amended by 2014 PA 265, and by adding article 14B.




 1        Sec. 212. (1) The department shall prepare and publish an


 2  annual report describing the activities of the department and each


 3  agency created pursuant to under this act. The department shall


 4  file the annual report shall be filed with the governor and the


 5  legislature.


 6        (2) The report shall include the following information about


 7  the department's administration and enforcement of article 14B:


 8        (a) The number of adult entertainment businesses, as defined


 9  in section 1471, that are currently licensed in this state.


 1        (b) The amount of fees collected and fines paid under article


 2  14B in the previous year.


 3        (c) The number of violations of article 14B investigated in


 4  the previous year and the outcome of each investigation, including


 5  any penalties assessed under article 6.


 6        Sec. 303a. The term of office of a member of a board appointed


 7  under this article shall commence on 1 of the following dates, as


 8  applicable:





July 1


     Adult entertainment businesses

July 1



April 1



October 1


     Collection agencies

July 1



January 1


     Employment agencies

October 1


     Hearing aid dealers

October 1


     Land surveyors

April 1


     Landscape architects

July 1


     Mortuary science

July 1


     Professional engineers

April 1


     Real estate appraisers

July 1


     Real estate brokers and salespersons

July 1


     Residential builders

April 1



24                           ARTICLE 14B




26        Sec. 1471. As used in this article:


27        (a) "Adult arcade" means a commercial establishment in which,

 1  for any form of consideration, 1 or more still or motion picture


 2  projectors, slide projectors, computer-generated or enhanced


 3  pornography, panorama or peep show, or similar machines, or other


 4  image-producing machines, for personal viewing, are used to show


 5  films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or other


 6  photographic reproductions that provide material for individual


 7  viewing by patrons on the premises of the establishment that are


 8  characterized by an emphasis on the depiction, description, or


 9  simulation of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual


10  activities.


11        (b) "Adult entertainment" means any dance, amusement, show,


12  display, merchandise, material, exhibition, pantomime, modeling, or


13  other similar performance of any type for the use or benefit of a


14  member of the public or advertised for the use or benefit of a


15  member of the public that is characterized by an emphasis on the


16  depiction, description, or simulation of specified anatomical areas


17  or the exhibition of specified sexual activities, or in the case of


18  live adult entertainment performances, that emphasizes and seeks to


19  arouse or excite a patron's sexual desires.


20        (c) "Adult entertainment business" means any establishment


21  that provides adult entertainment, including, but not limited to,


22  an adult arcade, adult motion picture theater, adult retail


23  establishment, or exotic dance studio.


24        (d) "Adult entertainment material" means any books, magazines,


25  cards, pictures, periodicals, or other printed matter, or


26  photographs, films, motion pictures, videotapes, slides, or other


27  photographic reproductions or visual representations, or CDs, DVDs,

 1  disks, electronic media, or other similar media, or instruments,


 2  devices, equipment, paraphernalia, toys, novelties, games,


 3  clothing, or other merchandise or material, that are characterized


 4  by an emphasis on the depiction, description, or simulation of


 5  specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities.


 6        (e) "Adult motion picture theater" means a commercial


 7  establishment in which films, motion pictures, videocassettes,


 8  slides, or similar photographic reproductions characterized by an


 9  emphasis on the depiction, description, or simulation of specified


10  anatomical areas or specified sexual activities are regularly shown


11  for any form of consideration.


12        (f) "Adult retail establishment" means any bookstore, adult


13  novelty store, adult video store, or other similar commercial


14  establishment, business, service, or portion of an establishment,


15  business, or service, that for money or any other form of


16  consideration provides as a significant or substantial portion of


17  its stock-in-trade the sale, exchange, rental, loan, trade, or


18  transfer of adult entertainment material, or providing adult


19  entertainment material for viewing or use off the premises of the


20  establishment. All of the following apply for purposes of


21  determining whether a business is an adult retail establishment:


22        (i) There is a rebuttable presumption that 30% or more of a


23  business's stock-in-trade in adult retail material, based on either


24  the wholesale or retail dollar value or the number of titles of


25  that material, is significant or substantial.


26        (ii) In determining whether or not the presumption described


27  in subparagraph (i) is rebutted, the department may consider 1 or

 1  more of the following factors, which are not conclusive:


 2        (A) Whether minors are prohibited from access to the premises


 3  of the establishment due to the adult entertainment nature of the


 4  inventory.


 5        (B) Whether the establishment is advertised, marketed, or held


 6  out to be an adult merchandising facility.


 7        (C) Whether adult entertainment material is an establishment's


 8  primary or 1 of its principal business purposes.


 9        (D) Whether 30% or more of an establishment's revenue is


10  derived from adult entertainment material.


11        (iii) An establishment may have other principal business


12  purposes that do not involve the offering for sale or rental of


13  adult entertainment materials and still be categorized as an adult


14  retail establishment. An establishment that has other principal


15  business purposes described in this subparagraph does not exempt


16  the establishment from being categorized as an adult retail


17  establishment if at least 1 of its principal business purposes is


18  offering for sale or rental, for some form of consideration, adult


19  entertainment materials.


20        (iv) The department has full discretion to give appropriate


21  weight to the factors described in subparagraphs (i) to (iii) in


22  determining whether a business is an adult retail establishment,


23  and any other factors the department considers appropriate


24  depending on the particular facts and circumstances of an


25  application for a license.


26        (g) "Employee" means an individual, including, but not limited


27  to, a manager, entertainer, or independent contractor, who works in

 1  or at or renders any services directly related to the operation of


 2  any adult entertainment business, whether or not he or she is paid


 3  compensation by the operator of the adult entertainment business.


 4        (h) "Entertainer" means an individual who provides live adult


 5  entertainment in an adult entertainment business, whether or not he


 6  or she is an employee of the operator and whether or not a fee is


 7  charged or accepted for that entertainment.


 8        (i) "Exotic dance studio" means a nightclub, bar, restaurant,


 9  or similar commercial establishment, or any premises or facility to


10  which any member of the public is invited or admitted and in which


11  an entertainer provides to any member of the public a live


12  performance that is characterized by an emphasis on the depiction,


13  description, or simulation of specified anatomical areas or


14  specified sexual activities, or that emphasizes and seeks to arouse


15  or excite a patron's sexual desires. The term includes an


16  establishment that is commonly known as a "topless bar", "strip


17  club", or "adult cabaret".


18        (j) "Licensee" means a person in whose name a license to


19  operate an adult entertainment business is issued. The term


20  includes each principal owner.


21        (k) "Manager" means an individual who is appointed by an


22  operator of an adult entertainment business who manages, directs,


23  administers, or is in charge of the affairs or the conduct or


24  operation of an adult entertainment business. The term includes an


25  assistant manager.


26        (l) "Member of the public" includes any patron of an adult


27  entertainment business.

 1        (m) "Operator" means a person that operates or is a principal


 2  owner of an adult entertainment business.


 3        (n) "Panorama or peep show" means a device that exhibits or


 4  displays a picture or view by film or video, or by any other means,


 5  when a coil is inserted or the device is activated by other means.


 6        (o) "Peace officer" means the attorney general, a deputy or


 7  assistant to the attorney general, or a law enforcement officer as


 8  that term is defined in section 2 of the Michigan commission on law


 9  enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.602.


10        (p) "Premises" means the real property on which an adult


11  entertainment business is located, and all appurtenances to and


12  buildings on that real property, including, but not limited to,


13  grounds, private walkways, parking lots, and parking garages


14  adjacent to the business, that are under the ownership, control, or


15  supervision of the operator of the adult entertainment business.


16        (q) "Principal owner" means a person who owns 10% or more of


17  the outstanding equity interests of a licensee, including, but not


18  limited to, stock in a corporation, partnership interest in a


19  partnership, or membership interest in a limited liability company.


20        (r) "Specified anatomical areas" means any of the following:


21        (i) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals,


22  pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breast below a point


23  immediately above the top of the areolae.


24        (ii) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even


25  if completely and opaquely covered.


26        (s) "Specified sexual activities" means any of the following:


27        (i) The caressing, touching, fondling, or other intentional or

 1  erotic touching of male genitals, female genitals, pubic region,


 2  buttocks, anus, or female breasts of oneself or of 1 individual by


 3  another.


 4        (ii) Sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated,


 5  including masturbation, intercourse, oral copulation, flagellation,


 6  sodomy, bestiality, or any sexual acts that are prohibited by law.


 7        (iii) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation,


 8  arousal, or tumescence, or a visual state of sexual stimulation,


 9  arousal, or tumescence, even if completely and opaquely covered.


10        (iv) Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any


11  of the activities set forth in subparagraphs (i) to (iii).


12        Sec. 1472. The adult entertainment business board is created.


13  The board shall consist of 9 individuals, as follows:


14        (a) Six individuals who are principal owners or managers of


15  adult entertainment businesses.


16        (b) Three individuals representing the general public.


17        Sec. 1473. (1) Beginning 90 days after the effective date of


18  the amendatory act that added this section, a person shall not


19  engage in, carry on, or participate in the operation of an adult


20  entertainment business unless the person is licensed by the


21  department under this article.


22        (2) Notwithstanding section 601(3), a manager of an adult


23  entertainment business, and each of the following individuals, as


24  applicable, engaging in, carrying on, or participating in the


25  operation of an adult entertainment business in violation of


26  subsection (1), is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of


27  not more than $10,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 6

 1  months, or both:


 2        (a) If the operator is a corporation, a principal owner, a


 3  director, or an officer.


 4        (b) If the operator is a partnership, a general partner, or a


 5  principal owner.


 6        (c) If the operator is a limited liability company, an


 7  individual who is a principal owner or manager.


 8        (3) A certificate by the department that a diligent search of


 9  the department's records kept in conformity with this article has


10  failed to disclose the existence of a valid license for an adult


11  entertainment business is prima facie evidence of a violation of


12  subsection (1).


13        Sec. 1474. (1) A license issued under this article is not


14  transferable.


15        (2) In addition to any penalties assessed under article 6, a


16  person that intentionally uses or permits the use, or attempts to


17  use or permit the use, of a license issued under this article by or


18  on behalf of a person other than the licensee is guilty of a


19  misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or


20  imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both.


21        Sec. 1475. (1) A license issued under this article shall


22  contain the original or facsimile signature of the director, shall


23  bear in bold letters the date of issuance and termination, and


24  shall state the name and address of the licensee.


25        (2) A license for the operation of an adult entertainment


26  business shall describe the nature of the business or enterprise


27  and specify the location of the premises at which the business is

 1  authorized. If the licensee is a corporation, the license shall


 2  state the name and address of the corporation's resident agent in


 3  this state and the address of its registered office.


 4        Sec. 1476. (1) The department shall maintain an alphabetized


 5  or computerized database containing a picture and the full name,


 6  nicknames or aliases, residential address, business address, social


 7  security number, and driver license number of, and the name and


 8  address of all banks in or out of this state where accounts are


 9  maintained by, every adult entertainment business applicant and


10  licensee. An applicant for a license shall provide a picture and


11  the same information for any other person whose signature appears


12  on an application or on any supporting documents submitted with an


13  application for a license under this article. Each database shall


14  indicate the eligibility of an applicant as a licensee under this


15  article and whether the signature of an individual on an


16  application for a license precludes the issuance of a license based


17  on that signature.


18        (2) In considering an application for a license, the


19  department shall submit names of applicants and those appearing in


20  applications to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United


21  States Department of Justice for the purpose of a record check.


22        (3) Any records or information obtained by or disclosed to the


23  department in connection with an application for license or license


24  renewal under this article shall be confidential records of the


25  department and shall not be available for public inspection or


26  copying or divulged to any person except as provided in this


27  subsection. The department may disclose records or information as

 1  follows:


 2        (a) To law enforcement officials.


 3        (b) In connection with an action brought under this act.


 4        (c) Upon order of a court.


 5        Sec. 1477. (1) All of the following apply to an adult


 6  entertainment business:


 7        (a) A license issued under this article shall authorize the


 8  licensee to engage in or carry on the business of operating an


 9  adult entertainment business only in the premises specified in the


10  license.


11        (b) An applicant or licensee seeking a license or renewal must


12  document in its application that the location or proposed location


13  of the premises is in compliance with all applicable laws and


14  ordinances.


15        (c) If a licensee changes the location of the licensee's


16  premises during the period for which the license was issued, the


17  license is revoked and the licensee must submit a new license


18  application in accordance with this article for a new license to


19  conduct business at the new premises.


20        (2) In addition to any penalties assessed under article 6, a


21  licensee, manager of an adult entertainment business, and each of


22  the following persons, as applicable, engaging in, carrying on, or


23  participating in the operation of the business at a place other


24  than that authorized by the license is guilty of a misdemeanor


25  punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or imprisonment for


26  not more than 6 months, or both:


27        (a) If the person is a corporation, a principal owner,

 1  director, or officer.


 2        (b) If the person is a partnership, a general partner or


 3  principal owner.


 4        (c) If the person is a limited liability company, a principal


 5  owner or manager.


 6        Sec. 1478. (1) A person licensed to operate an adult


 7  entertainment business under this article shall display the license


 8  in a conspicuous manner on the premises for which the license is


 9  issued.


10        (2) In addition to any penalties assessed under article 6, a


11  violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of


12  not more than $1,000.00.


13        Sec. 1479. (1) The department shall not issue a license for


14  the operation of an adult entertainment business unless the


15  applicant has filed with the department a completed application


16  that complies with this article.


17        (2) An application for a license for the operation of an adult


18  entertainment business shall state the full name of the applicant,


19  including nicknames or aliases, residential address, place of


20  employment including address and telephone number, social security


21  number, date of birth, driver license number, a photograph of the


22  applicant taken within 30 days of the application, federal


23  employer's identification number, and an address of the premises


24  for which the application for license is made.


25        (3) If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall


26  include all of the following:


27        (a) A copy of the articles or certificate of incorporation

 1  certified by the department for a domestic corporation or the


 2  appropriate official of the state of incorporation for a


 3  corporation formed in another state.


 4        (b) If the applicant is a corporation formed in another state,


 5  a certificate of authority to transact business from the


 6  department.


 7        (c) A certificate containing the full name, including


 8  nicknames or aliases, place of employment including address and


 9  telephone number, social security number, date of birth, driver


10  license number, and a photograph taken within 30 days of


11  application of each director and officer and of the individual who


12  is the principal owner of the applicant. Each director and officer


13  and the individual who is the principal owner of the applicant must


14  sign the certificate, and each signature must be an original


15  signature separately witnessed and acknowledged by a notary public.


16        (d) The names and addresses of all holders of stock of the


17  applicant as of a date within 30 days before the date of


18  application, certified as true and correct by an authorized


19  director or officer of the corporation.


20        (4) If the applicant is a limited liability company, the


21  application shall include all of the following:


22        (a) A copy of the articles of organization certified by the


23  department for a domestic corporation or the appropriate official


24  of the state of formation for a limited liability company formed in


25  another state.


26        (b) If the applicant is a limited liability company formed in


27  another state, a certificate of authority to transact business from

 1  the department.


 2        (c) A certificate containing the full name, including


 3  nicknames or aliases, place of employment including address and


 4  telephone number, social security number, date of birth, driver


 5  license number, and a photograph taken within 30 days of


 6  application of each individual who is a manager or the principal


 7  owner of the applicant. Each individual who is a manager or


 8  principal owner of the applicant must sign the certificate, and


 9  each signature must be an original signature separately witnessed


10  and acknowledged by a notary public.


11        (d) The names and addresses of all holders of membership


12  interests in the applicant as of a date within 30 days before the


13  date of application, certified as true and correct by a manager or


14  member of the applicant.


15        (5) If the applicant is a partnership or other unincorporated


16  association, the application shall include a certificate containing


17  the full name, including nicknames or aliases, place of employment


18  including address and telephone number, social security number,


19  date of birth, driver license number, and a photograph taken within


20  30 days of application of each individual who is a partner or


21  member. Each individual who is a partner or member of the applicant


22  must sign the certificate and each signature must be an original


23  signature separately witnessed and acknowledged by a notary public.


24        (6) The department shall not accept an application or issue a


25  license to operate an adult entertainment business at a location if


26  the department has denied an application to operate an adult


27  entertainment business at that location within the previous 6

 1  months.


 2        Sec. 1480. An applicant for any license under this article, or


 3  a person holding a license for the operation of an adult


 4  entertainment business is subject to the penalties of section 602


 5  for 1 or more of the following:


 6        (a) An intentional misrepresentation or omission of any


 7  material fact required to be filed pursuant to this article.


 8        (b) A transfer of a license in violation of section 1474(1) or


 9  a change of location in violation of section 1477.


10        (c) A failure to comply with section 1483.


11        (d) A conviction of the applicant or licensee for a crime,


12  including conspiracy, or violation of a local ordinance, involving


13  lewdness, prostitution, promoting prostitution, sexual assault or


14  assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, sexual


15  misconduct, indecent exposure, incest, rape or criminal sexual


16  conduct, or sodomy, or registration of an applicant or licensee as


17  a sex offender, in this state or any other state or jurisdiction.


18        (e) A conviction of a partner, director, officer, principal


19  owner, manager, or employee of the licensee for a crime, including


20  conspiracy, or violation of a local ordinance, involving lewdness,


21  prostitution, promoting prostitution, sexual assault or assault


22  with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, sexual misconduct,


23  indecent exposure, incest, rape or criminal sexual conduct, or


24  sodomy, occurring on the licensed premises, or his or her


25  registration as a sex offender in this state or any other state or


26  jurisdiction.


27        (f) A conviction of a partner, director, officer, principal

 1  owner, manager, or employee of the licensee for a crime, including


 2  conspiracy, or violation of a local ordinance, involving lewdness,


 3  prostitution, promoting prostitution, sexual assault or assault


 4  with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, sexual misconduct,


 5  indecent exposure, incest, rape or criminal sexual conduct, or


 6  sodomy, or his or her registration as a sex offender, in this state


 7  or any other state or jurisdiction, not occurring on licensed


 8  premises, if the partner, director, officer, principal owner,


 9  manager, or employee, at the time of the conduct constituting the


10  offense, was off the premises at the request or direction or


11  pursuant to the authority of the licensee for the purpose of


12  furthering the business of the licensee.


13        Sec. 1481. A person that files any information under this


14  article shall not intentionally misrepresent or omit any material


15  fact required to be filed under this article. In addition to any


16  penalties assessed under article 6, a person that violates this


17  section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more


18  than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both.


19  For the purpose of this section, a fact is "material" if it could


20  have affected the department's decision to issue a license or deny


21  an application for license.


22        Sec. 1483. (1) The operator or an adult entertainment business


23  shall notify the department in writing within 10 days if any


24  information it has provided in its application has changed. If the


25  change is to disclose the identity of an individual about whom the


26  adult entertainment business is required to provide information in


27  its application under section 1479, the adult entertainment

 1  business shall include in the notice the full name, including


 2  nicknames or aliases, residential address, place of employment


 3  including address and telephone number, date of birth, social


 4  security number, driver license number, and a photograph taken


 5  within 30 days of application of the person.


 6        (2) In addition to any penalties assessed under article 6, a


 7  violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine in


 8  the amount of $1,000.00.


 9        Sec. 1484. (1) This article applies to all businesses and


10  enterprises subject to this article whether in existence before,


11  on, or after the effective date of this article.


12        (2) Issuance of a license under this article is not a defense


13  to a civil or criminal action other than an action for a licensing


14  violation under this article.


15        Sec. 1487. (1) An owner, manager, operator, or employee of an


16  adult entertainment business shall not knowingly admit or allow an


17  individual who is under the age of 18 years to be in or on the


18  premises of the adult entertainment business.


19        (2) An owner, operator, manager, or employee of an adult


20  entertainment business shall not knowingly allow a patron of the


21  adult entertainment business to be unclothed, or to wear any


22  attire, costume, or clothing that results in the patron being in a


23  state of nudity.


24        (3) An owner, operator, manager, or employee of the adult


25  entertainment business shall not knowingly allow a patron to engage


26  in any specified sexual activity in or on the premises.


27        (4) In addition to any penalties assessed under article 6, a

 1  violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of


 2  $1,000.00 for the first offense or $5,000.00 for a subsequent


 3  offense.


 4        (5) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this


 5  section for a violation of subsection (1) that the individual under


 6  the age of 18 years presented identification to the accused if the


 7  identification contains a photograph of the individual and contains


 8  other information that would lead a reasonable person to believe


 9  the individual was 18 years of age or older.


10        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


11  after the date it is enacted into law.