June 12, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Cambensy, Sabo, Rabhi, Green, Chang, Geiss, Lasinski, Elder, Hertel, Sowerby, Yancey, Yanez, Moss, LaGrand, Sneller, Zemke, Cochran, Singh, Durhal, Greig, Neeley, Faris, Brinks, Wittenberg, Chirkun, Phelps, Hammoud, Gay-Dagnogo and Jones and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


(MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding sections 5207, 5208, 19808,


19809, 19810, 19811, 19812, 19813, 19814, and 19815.




     Sec. 5207. (1) The onsite wastewater treatment system fund is


created within the state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the onsite wastewater treatment system


fund. The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the onsite


wastewater treatment system fund. The state treasurer shall credit


to the onsite wastewater treatment system fund interest and


earnings from fund investments.


     (3) Money in the onsite wastewater treatment system fund at


the close of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not


lapse to the general fund.


     (4) The department shall be the administrator of the onsite


wastewater treatment system fund for auditing purposes.


     (5) The department shall expend money from the onsite


wastewater treatment system fund, upon appropriation, only to


provide grants to financially distressed homeowners to repair or


replace failing onsite wastewater treatment systems.


     Sec. 5208. (1) The water and sewer infrastructure fund is


created within the state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the water and sewer infrastructure


fund. The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the water


and sewer infrastructure fund. The state treasurer shall credit to


the water and sewer infrastructure fund interest and earnings from


fund investments.


     (3) Money in the water and sewer infrastructure fund at the


close of the fiscal year shall remain in the water and sewer


infrastructure fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (4) The department shall be the administrator of the water and


sewer infrastructure fund for auditing purposes.


     (5) The department shall expend money from the water and sewer


infrastructure fund, upon appropriation, only for 1 or more of the


following purposes:


     (a) A grant program for local units of government for the


repair, replacement, and development of sewage infrastructure.


     (b) A grant program for local units of government for the

repair, replacement, and development of drinking water




     Sec. 19808. (1) Money in the fund that is allocated under


section 19807 shall be used for the following purposes:


     (a) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(a) shall be used


for the following:


     (i) $100,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the state water


pollution control revolving fund established under section 16a of


the shared credit rating act, 1985 PA 227, MCL 141.1066a.


     (ii) $100,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the state


drinking water revolving fund established under section 16b of the


shared credit rating act, 1985 PA 227, MCL 141.1066b.


     (iii) $300,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the water and


sewer infrastructure fund created in section 5208.


     (b) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(b) shall be


deposited into the clean water fund created in section 8807.


     (c) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(c) shall be used


for nonpoint source pollution prevention and control grants or


wellhead protection grants pursuant to part 88.


     (d) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(d) shall be


deposited into the onsite wastewater treatment system fund created


in section 5207.


     (e) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(e) shall be used by


the department to fund all of the following:


     (i) Corrective actions undertaken by the department to address


releases from leaking underground storage tanks pursuant to part



     (ii) Response activities undertaken by the department at


facilities pursuant to part 201 to address public health and


environmental problems including the remediation of perfluoroalkyl


and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).


     (iii) Assessment activities undertaken by the department to


determine whether a property is a facility.


     (f) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(f) shall be used


for response activities for the remediation of contaminated lake


and river sediments pursuant to part 201.


     (g) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(g) shall be


distributed as follows:


     (i) $125,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the lead abatement


fund created in section 11e of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA


399, MCL 325.1011e.


     (ii) $125,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the lead-safe


homes fund created in section 5474d.


     (h) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(h) shall be


expended as follows:


     (i) $10,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the retired


engineers technical assistance program fund created in section




     (ii) $5,000,000.00 shall be deposited into the small business


pollution prevention assistance revolving loan fund created in


section 14513.


     (iii) $10,000,000.00 shall be used by the department to


implement pollution prevention activities other than those funded


under subparagraphs (i) and (ii).

     (i) Money allocated under section 19807(1)(i) shall be used


for waterfront redevelopment grants pursuant to part 795.


     (2) The money allocated under section 19807(1)(e) shall be


used for facilities that pose an imminent or substantial


endangerment to the public health, safety, or welfare, or to the


environment. For purposes of this subsection, facilities that pose


an imminent or substantial endangerment include, but are not


limited to, those where public access poses hazards because of


potential exposure to chemicals or safety risks and where


contamination threatens drinking water supplies.


     (3) Before expending any funds allocated under subsection


(1)(f) at a site that is an area of concern as designated by the


parties to the Great Lakes water quality agreement, the department


shall notify the public advisory council established to oversee


that area of concern regarding the development, implementation, and


evaluation of response activities to be conducted with money in the


fund at that area of concern.


     (4) Money in the fund shall not be used to develop a municipal


or commercial marina.


     (5) Money from the fund may be used by the department of


treasury to pay for the cost of issuing bonds and not more than 3%


of the total amount specified in section 19807(1) shall be


available for appropriation to the administering state departments


to pay their costs directly associated with the completion of a


project authorized by section 19807(1). It is the intent of the


legislature that general fund appropriations to the department


shall not be reduced as a result of costs funded pursuant to this



     (6) Each administering state department shall submit annually


a list of all projects that the department proposes will be


undertaken by that department with money from the fund. The list


shall be submitted to the governor, the standing committees of the


house of representatives and the senate that primarily address


issues pertaining to the protection of natural resources and the


environment, and the appropriations committees in the house of


representatives and the senate. The list shall be submitted to the


legislative committees not later than February 15 of each year.


This list shall also be submitted before any request for


supplemental appropriation of bond funds. For each eligible


project, the list shall include the nature of the eligible project;


the county in which the eligible project is located; an estimate of


the total cost of the eligible project; and other information


considered pertinent by the administering state department. A


project that is funded by a grant or loan with money from the fund


does not need to be included on the list submitted under this


subsection. However, money in the fund that is appropriated for


grants and loans shall not be encumbered or expended until the


administering state department has reported those projects that


have been approved for a grant or a loan to the standing committees


of the house of representatives and the senate that primarily


address issues pertaining to the protection of natural resources


and the environment and to the appropriations subcommittees in the


house of representatives and the senate on natural resources and


environmental quality. Before submitting the first cycle of

recommended projects under subsection (1)(e), the department shall


publish and disseminate the criteria it will use in evaluating and


recommending projects for funding.


     (7) The legislature shall appropriate prospective or actual


bond proceeds for projects proposed to be funded. Appropriations


shall be carried over to succeeding fiscal years until the project


for which the funds are appropriated is completed.


     (8) Not later than December 31 of each year, each


administering state department shall submit a list of the projects


financed under this part by that department to the governor, the


standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate


that primarily address issues pertaining to the protection of


natural resources and the environment, and the subcommittees of the


house of representatives and the senate on appropriations on


natural resources and environmental quality. Each list shall


include the name, address, and telephone number of the recipient or


participant, if appropriate; the name and location of the project;


the nature of the project; the amount of money allocated to the


project; the county in which the project is located; a brief


summary of what has been accomplished by the project; and other


information considered pertinent by the administering state




     Sec. 19809. An application for a grant from the fund shall be


made on a form or in a format prescribed by the administering state


department. The administering state department may require the


applicant to provide any information reasonably necessary to allow


the administering state department to make a determination required

by this part.


     Sec. 19810. The administering state department shall not make


a grant with money from the fund unless all of the following


conditions are met:


     (a) The applicant demonstrates that the proposed project is in


compliance with all applicable state laws and rules or will result


in compliance with state laws and rules.


     (b) The applicant demonstrates to the administering state


department the capability to carry out the proposed project.


     (c) The applicant demonstrates to the administering state


department that there is an identifiable source of funds for the


future maintenance and operation of the proposed project, if




     (d) Within the last 24 months, the applicant has successfully


undergone an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted


auditing standards.


     (e) Within the last 24 months, the applicant has not had a


grant from the administering state department revoked or terminated


or had the administering state department determine that the


applicant demonstrated an inability to manage a grant.


     Sec. 19811. Prior to making a grant with money from the fund,


the administering state department shall consider the extent to


which the grant will contribute to the achievement of a balanced


distribution of grants throughout the state.


     Sec. 19812. (1) A recipient of a grant made with money from


the fund shall do both of the following:


     (a) Keep an accounting of the money spent on the project or

facility in a generally accepted manner. The accounting shall be


subject to a postaudit.


     (b) Obtain authorization from the administering state


department before implementing a change that significantly alters


the proposed project.


     (2) The administering state department may revoke a grant made


with money from the fund or withhold payment if the recipient fails


to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement or


with the requirements of this part or the rules promulgated under


this part, or with other applicable law or rules. If a grant is


revoked, the administering state department may recover all funds




     (3) The administering state department may withhold a grant


until the administering state department determines that the


recipient is able to proceed with the proposed project.


     (4) To ensure timely completion of a project, the


administering state department may withhold 10% of the grant amount


until the project is complete.


     (5) If an approved applicant fails to sign a grant agreement


within 90 days after receipt of a written grant offer by the


administering state department, the administering state department


may cancel the grant offer. The applicant may not appeal or contest


a cancellation pursuant to this subsection.


     (6) The administering state department may terminate a grant


agreement and require immediate repayment of the grant if the


recipient uses grant funds for any purpose other than for the


approved activities specified in the grant agreement. The

administering state department shall provide the recipient written


notice of the termination 30 days prior to the termination.


     Sec. 19813. The department and the department of the attorney


general may recover costs expended pursuant to section 19808(1)(e)


for corrective actions, response activities, site assessments, and


all other recoverable costs under part 201 from persons who are


liable under part 201. Actions to recover costs shall be undertaken


in the manner provided in part 201.


     Sec. 19814. Every 2 years that state programs funded with


money from the fund continue to be administered, the auditor


general shall conduct a performance audit of these programs. Upon


completion of a performance audit under this section, the auditor


general shall submit a copy of the performance audit to the audited


department and to the legislature.


     Sec. 19815. The department may promulgate rules as are


necessary to implement this part.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 99th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6243 (request no.




     (b) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6244 (request no.




     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless the question provided for in the clean Michigan initiative


reauthorization act is approved by a majority of the registered


electors voting on the question at the next general election.