House of Representatives
100th Legislature
House Chamber, Lansing, Tuesday, September 24, 2019.
10:00 a.m.
The House was called to order by the Speaker.
The roll was called by
the Clerk of the House of Representatives, who announced that a quorum was
Afendoulis present Filler present Kahle present Reilly present
Albert present Frederick present Kennedy present Rendon present
Alexander present Garrett present Koleszar present Robinson present
Allor present Garza present Kuppa present Sabo present
Anthony present Gay-Dagnogo present LaFave present Schroeder present
Bellino present Glenn present LaGrand present Shannon present
Berman present Green present Lasinski present Sheppard present
Bolden present Greig present Leutheuser present Slagh present
Bollin present Griffin present Liberati present Sneller present
Brann present Guerra present Lightner present Sowerby present
Brixie present Haadsma present Lilly present Stone present
Byrd present Hall present Love present Tate present
Calley present Hammoud present Lower present VanSingel present
Cambensy present Hauck present Maddock present VanWoerkom present
Camilleri present Hernandez present Manoogian present Vaupel present
Carter, B. excused Hertel present Marino present Wakeman present
Carter, T. present Hoadley present Markkanen present Warren present
Chatfield present Hoitenga present Meerman present Webber present
Cherry present Hood present Miller present Wendzel present
Chirkun present Hope present Mueller present Wentworth present
Clemente present Hornberger present Neeley present Whiteford present
Cole present Howell present O Malley present Whitsett present
Coleman present Huizenga present Pagan present Wittenberg present
Crawford present Iden present Paquette present Witwer present
Eisen present Inman e/d/s Peterson present Wozniak present
Elder present Johnson, C. present Pohutsky present Yancey present
Ellison present Johnson, S. present Rabhi present Yaroch present
Farrington present Jones present
e/d/s = entered during session
Pastor Winston Churchill
Patterson, Pastor of Ypsilanti Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Ypsilanti,
offered the following invocation:
Our gracious, loving, and
everlasting Father, to You alone belong our praise and worship for this day. So
we declare that You are holy, true, and righteous.
We humbly ask that Your grace and
forgiveness be extended to each of us in this assembly. We are imperfect in all
our ways, yet we ask that You affirm our best intentions by Your copious
blessings which at all times bring true success.
Grant unto each of the 110
Michigan House of Representatives Your knowledge, Your wisdom, Your understanding
and almighty power, that they make the right decisions as they govern the
citizens of this great State with humility and dedication. I pray that You give
to each one a body free from sickness and pain. Send Your protective covering
to shield them from accidents or any other misfortune as they traverse the
length and breadth of this State. Bless their families and love ones with
contentment, happiness, and love.
We submit our items of discussion
to You for Your blessings of clarity, relevancy and urgency. Please continue by
Your divine providence to make the conclusions of deliberations just and
equitable for all.
Thank You in Your name which is
above all other names.
Speaker called Associate Speaker Pro Tempore Lilly to the Chair.
Cole moved that Rep. Brenda Carter be excused from today s session.
motion prevailed.
of Select Committees
First Conference Report
The Committee of Conference on the
matters of difference between the two Houses concerning
Bill No. 4239, entitled
A bill to make appropriations for
the department of licensing and regulatory affairs for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2020; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
First: That the Senate recede from
the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate.
Second: That the House and Senate
agree to the Substitute of the House as passed by the House, amended to read as
A bill to make appropriations for
the department of licensing and regulatory affairs for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2020; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated
for the department of licensing and regulatory affairs for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2020, from the following funds:
Full-time equated unclassified
positions....................................................... 57.5
Full-time equated classified
positions...................................................... 2,328.3
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 566,294,000
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and
intradepartmental transfers................................ 49,014,200
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................ $ 517,279,800
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues........................................................................................ 91,988,300
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues........................................................................................... 100,000
Total private revenues........................................................................................ 111,800
Total other state restricted
revenues..................................................................... 301,049,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 124,030,700
Full-time equated unclassified
positions....................................................... 57.5
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 104.0
Unclassified salaries 57.5 FTE
positions............................................................ $ 5,443,200
Administrative services 77.0 FTE
positions....................................................... 9,041,700
Executive director programs 24.0
FTE positions................................................. 3,337,000
FOIA coordination 3.0 FTE
positions................................................................ 319,400
Property management........................................................................................ 11,874,900
Worker s compensation...................................................................................... 232,700
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 30,248,900
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from DIFS, accounting services................................................................... 150,000
IDG from LEO, unemployment
hearings.............................................................. 625,400
Federal revenues:
DED, vocational rehabilitation and
independent living........................................... 921,600
DOL, occupational safety and
health................................................................... 713,600
EPA, underground storage tanks......................................................................... 29,000
HHS - Medicaid, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 405,200
HHS - Medicare, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 589,300
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees........................................................................... 92,400
Accountancy enforcement fund........................................................................... 60,900
Asbestos abatement fund.................................................................................... 150,900
Boiler inspection fund........................................................................................ 280,300
Builder enforcement fund................................................................................... 101,700
Construction code fund...................................................................................... 772,600
Corporation fees................................................................................................ 5,757,100
Elevator fees..................................................................................................... 304,200
Fire alarm fees.................................................................................................. 7,300
Fire safety standard and
enforcement fund............................................................ 2,100
Fire service fees................................................................................................ 459,300
Fireworks safety fund......................................................................................... 60,100
Health professions regulatory fund...................................................................... 1,625,900
Health systems fees........................................................................................... 244,200
Licensing and regulation fund............................................................................. 902,400
Liquor license revenue....................................................................................... 300,000
Liquor purchase revolving fund........................................................................... 3,647,200
Marihuana registry fund..................................................................................... 727,500
Marihuana regulation fund.................................................................................. 21,000
Marihuana regulatory fund................................................................................. 534,000
Michigan unarmed combat fund.......................................................................... 5,900
Mobile home code fund...................................................................................... 283,800
Nurse professional fund...................................................................................... 38,200
PMECSEMA fund............................................................................................. 45,800
Private occupational school
license fees............................................................... 55,500
Property development fees.................................................................................. 7,400
Public utility assessments................................................................................... 2,998,500
Radiological health fees..................................................................................... 284,900
Real estate appraiser education
fund.................................................................... 2,600
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Real estate education fund.................................................................................. 11,100
Real estate enforcement fund.............................................................................. 11,400
Refined petroleum fund...................................................................................... 173,300
Restructuring mechanism
assessments................................................................. 32,300
Safety education and training fund....................................................................... 828,300
Second injury fund............................................................................................ 272,800
Securities fees................................................................................................... 3,639,400
Securities investor education and
training fund..................................................... 9,300
Security business fund........................................................................................ 7,000
Self-insurers security fund.................................................................................. 150,000
Silicosis and dust disease fund............................................................................ 111,300
Survey and remonumentation fund...................................................................... 97,600
Tax tribunal fund............................................................................................... 825,300
Utility consumer representation
fund................................................................... 54,000
Worker s compensation
administrative revolving fund........................................... 90,100
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 727,900
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 188.0
Public service commission 188.0
FTE positions................................................. $ 32,308,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 32,308,100
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DOT, gas pipeline safety.................................................................................... 2,233,500
Special revenue funds:
Public utility assessments................................................................................... 29,512,800
Restructuring mechanism
assessments................................................................. 561,800
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 145.0
Liquor licensing and enforcement 116.0
FTE positions....................................... $ 16,243,700
Management support services 29.0
FTE positions............................................... 4,564,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 20,807,800
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Direct shipper enforcement
revolving fund........................................................... 302,300
Liquor control enforcement and
license investigation revolving fund....................... 175,000
Liquor license fee enhancement
fund................................................................... 76,400
Liquor license revenue....................................................................................... 7,690,000
Liquor purchase revolving fund........................................................................... 12,564,100
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified
positions...................................................... 1,161.9
Adult foster care and camps
licensing and regulation 92.0 FTE positions.............. $ 12,842,300
Bureau of community and health
systems administration 80.0 FTE
positions......... 13,126,500
Bureau of construction codes 189.0
FTE positions.............................................. 24,761,600
Bureau of fire services 79.0 FTE
positions......................................................... 12,119,700
Bureau of professional licensing 205.0
FTE positions......................................... 40,091,000
Childcare licensing and regulation 113.0
FTE positions...................................... 16,913,200
Corporations, securities, and
commercial licensing bureau 112.0 FTE positions..... 14,791,200
Health facilities regulation 140.9
FTE positions................................................. 21,332,100
Marihuana treatment research............................................................................. 20,000,000
Medical marihuana facilities
licensing and tracking 95.0 FTE positions................ 10,856,500
Medical marihuana program 25.0 FTE
positions................................................. 5,033,000
Nurse aide program 1.0 FTE
position................................................................ 600,000
Recreational marihuana regulation 30.0
FTE positions........................................ 5,979,000
Urban search and rescue..................................................................................... 600,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 199,046,100
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDE, child care licensing................................................................... 18,096,700
Federal revenues:
DHS, fire training systems.................................................................................. 528,000
DOT, hazardous materials training
and planning................................................... 60,000
EPA, underground storage tanks......................................................................... 804,400
HHS - Medicaid, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 8,497,200
HHS - Medicare, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 13,854,500
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees........................................................................... 223,000
Accountancy enforcement fund........................................................................... 694,800
Adult foster care facilities
licenses fund............................................................... 410,000
Boiler inspection fund........................................................................................ 3,397,700
Builder enforcement fund................................................................................... 644,000
Child care home and center
licenses fund............................................................. 500,000
Construction code fund...................................................................................... 8,013,200
Corporation fees................................................................................................ 7,836,000
Distance education fund..................................................................................... 357,700
Division on deafness fund.................................................................................. 93,400
Elevator fees..................................................................................................... 4,348,400
Fire alarm fees.................................................................................................. 130,000
Fire safety standard and
enforcement fund............................................................ 40,500
Fire service fees................................................................................................ 2,591,000
Fireworks safety fund......................................................................................... 1,000,600
Health professions regulatory fund...................................................................... 24,389,700
Health systems fees........................................................................................... 3,840,200
Licensing and regulation fund............................................................................. 12,001,700
Liquor purchase revolving fund........................................................................... 144,700
Marihuana registry fund..................................................................................... 5,033,000
Marihuana regulation fund.................................................................................. 25,979,000
Marihuana regulatory fund................................................................................. 11,356,500
Mobile home code fund...................................................................................... 3,061,900
Nurse aide registration fund................................................................................ 600,000
Nurse professional fund...................................................................................... 1,965,800
Nursing home administrative
penalties................................................................. 100,000
PMECSEMA fund............................................................................................. 1,857,700
Private occupational school license
fees............................................................... 487,200
Property development fees.................................................................................. 292,600
Real estate appraiser education
fund.................................................................... 65,700
Real estate education fund.................................................................................. 346,300
Real estate enforcement fund.............................................................................. 704,400
Refined petroleum fund...................................................................................... 2,655,900
Securities fees................................................................................................... 4,840,300
Securities investor education and
training fund..................................................... 489,700
Security business fund........................................................................................ 234,400
Survey and remonumentation fund...................................................................... 874,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 25,604,300
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 470.4
Bureau of employment relations 22.0
FTE positions........................................... $ 4,357,000
Bureau of services for blind
persons 113.0 FTE positions.................................... 25,143,000
Compensation supplement fund........................................................................... 1,820,000
First responder presumed coverage
fund claims.................................................... 250,000
Insurance funds administration 23.0
FTE positions............................................. 4,665,600
Michigan occupational safety and
health administration 197.0 FTE positions........ 29,843,900
Office for new Americans 9.0 FTE
positions...................................................... 29,248,600
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Radiation safety section 21.4 FTE positions....................................................... 3,355,200
Wage and hour program 29.0 FTE
positions...................................................... 3,897,500
Workers compensation agency 56.0
FTE positions............................................ 7,981,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 110,562,100
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DED, vocational rehabilitation and
independent living........................................... 18,916,800
DOL, occupational safety and
health................................................................... 12,231,300
HHS, mammography quality standards................................................................ 513,300
HHS, refugee assistance program
fund................................................................. 28,769,000
Special revenue funds:
Blind services, local........................................................................................... 100,000
Blind services, private........................................................................................ 111,800
Asbestos abatement fund.................................................................................... 813,700
Corporation fees................................................................................................ 9,761,700
Michigan business enterprise
program fund.......................................................... 350,000
Radiological health fees..................................................................................... 2,841,900
Safety education and training fund....................................................................... 10,071,800
Second injury fund............................................................................................ 2,363,100
Securities fees................................................................................................... 8,933,800
Self-insurers security fund.................................................................................. 1,604,000
Silicosis and dust disease fund............................................................................ 698,500
Worker s compensation
administrative revolving fund........................................... 1,702,900
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 10,778,500
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 240.0
Michigan office of administrative
hearings and rules 222.0 FTE positions............. $ 39,568,100
Michigan compensation appellate
commission 18.0 FTE positions....................... 4,660,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 44,228,600
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from LEO, unemployment
hearings.............................................................. 4,317,700
IDG revenues, administrative
hearings and rules................................................... 25,824,400
Federal revenues:
DOL, occupational safety and
health................................................................... 154,200
Special revenue funds:
Construction code fund...................................................................................... 26,100
Corporation fees................................................................................................ 4,058,500
Health professions regulatory fund...................................................................... 400,100
Health systems fees........................................................................................... 157,400
Licensing and regulation fund............................................................................. 866,500
Liquor purchase revolving fund........................................................................... 972,300
Marihuana regulatory fund................................................................................. 50,000
Public utility assessments................................................................................... 2,574,200
Safety education and training fund....................................................................... 62,600
Securities fees................................................................................................... 2,432,500
Tax tribunal fund............................................................................................... 852,300
Worker s compensation
administrative revolving fund........................................... 139,300
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 1,340,500
Full-time equated classified
positions.......................................................... 19.0
Asian Pacific American affairs
commission 1.0 FTE position.............................. $ 137,400
Commission on Middle Eastern
American affairs 1.0 FTE position...................... 125,000
Hispanic/Latino commission of
Michigan 1.0 FTE position................................. 290,700
Michigan indigent defense
commission 16.0 FTE positions................................. 2,449,200
Michigan unarmed combat commission............................................................... 126,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 3,128,500
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Michigan unarmed combat fund.......................................................................... 126,200
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 3,002,300
Firefighter training grants................................................................................... $ 2,300,000
Liquor law enforcement grants............................................................................ 8,400,000
Medical marihuana operation and
oversight grants................................................ 3,000,000
Michigan indigent defense
commission grants...................................................... 80,999,600
Remonumentation grants.................................................................................... 7,300,000
Subregional libraries state aid............................................................................. 451,800
Utility consumer representation........................................................................... 750,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 103,201,400
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Fireworks safety fund......................................................................................... 2,300,000
Liquor license revenue....................................................................................... 8,400,000
Local indigent defense
reimbursement................................................................. 200,000
Marihuana registry fund..................................................................................... 3,000,000
Survey and remonumentation fund...................................................................... 7,300,000
Utility consumer representation
fund................................................................... 750,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 81,251,400
Information technology services
and projects........................................................ $ 22,232,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 22,232,500
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DED, vocational rehabilitation and
independent living........................................... 749,800
DOL, occupational safety and
health................................................................... 373,100
DOT, gas pipeline safety.................................................................................... 45,000
EPA, underground storage tanks......................................................................... 100,200
HHS - Medicaid, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 337,400
HHS - Medicare, certification of
health care providers and suppliers....................... 641,900
Special revenue funds:
Aboveground storage tank fees........................................................................... 34,600
Accountancy enforcement fund........................................................................... 1,100
Asbestos abatement fund.................................................................................... 35,400
Boiler inspection fund........................................................................................ 338,800
Construction code fund...................................................................................... 778,800
Corporation fees................................................................................................ 4,747,900
Distance education fund..................................................................................... 5,600
Elevator fees..................................................................................................... 476,900
Fire safety standard and
enforcement fund............................................................ 3,000
Fire service fees................................................................................................ 199,200
Fireworks safety fund......................................................................................... 47,200
Health professions regulatory fund...................................................................... 1,287,700
Health systems fees........................................................................................... 348,200
Licensing and regulation fund............................................................................. 1,901,700
Liquor purchase revolving fund........................................................................... 3,306,200
Marihuana registry fund..................................................................................... 310,300
Marihuana regulatory fund................................................................................. 250,000
Michigan unarmed combat fund.......................................................................... 6,800
Mobile home code fund...................................................................................... 171,400
PMECSEMA fund............................................................................................. 68,600
Private occupational school
license fees............................................................... 21,900
Public utility assessments................................................................................... 1,466,400
Radiological health fees..................................................................................... 143,300
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Real estate appraiser education fund.................................................................... 1,000
Real estate education fund.................................................................................. 1,900
Refined petroleum fund...................................................................................... 170,800
Restructuring mechanism
assessments................................................................. 28,100
Safety education and training fund....................................................................... 404,200
Second injury fund............................................................................................ 364,100
Securities fees................................................................................................... 1,142,500
Securities investor education and
training fund..................................................... 1,000
Self-insurers security fund.................................................................................. 258,700
Silicosis and dust disease fund............................................................................ 78,400
Survey and remonumentation fund...................................................................... 74,100
Tax tribunal fund............................................................................................... 183,500
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 1,325,800
Marihuana education.......................................................................................... $ 10,000
Refugee services database.................................................................................. 520,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 530,000
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
HHS, refugee assistance program
fund................................................................. 520,000
Special revenue funds:
Marihuana regulation fund.................................................................................. 10,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 0
Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30
of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending from
state sources under part 1 for fiscal year 2019-2020 is $425,079,700.00 and
state spending from state sources to be paid to local units of government for
fiscal year 2019-2020 is $102,451,400.00. The itemized statement below
identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will
Firefighter training grants................................................................................... $ 2,300,000
Liquor law enforcement grants............................................................................ 8,400,000
Medical marihuana operation and
oversight grants................................................ 3,000,000
Michigan indigent defense commission
grants...................................................... 80,999,600
Remonumentation grants.................................................................................... 7,300,000
Subregional libraries state aid............................................................................. 451,800
Total department of licensing and
regulatory affairs.............................................. $ 102,451,400
Sec. 202. The appropriations
authorized under this part and part 1 are subject to the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431,
Sec. 203. As used in this part and
part 1:
(a) DED means the United States
Department of Education.
(b) Department means the
department of licensing and regulatory affairs.
(c) DHS means the United States
Department of Homeland Security.
(d) DIFS means the department of
insurance and financial services.
(e) Director means the director
of the department.
(f) DOE means the United States
Department of Energy.
(h) DOT means the United States
Department of Transportation.
(i) EPA means the United States
Environmental Protection Agency.
(j) FOIA means the freedom of
information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
(k) FTE means full-time equated.
(l) HHS means the United States Department of Health and Human
(m) IDG means interdepartmental
(n) IT means information
(o) LEO means the Michigan
department of labor and economic opportunity.
(p) MDE means the Michigan
department of education.
(q) PMECSEMA means pain
management education and controlled substances electronic monitoring and
(r) Subcommittees means the
subcommittees of the house and senate appropriations committees with
jurisdiction over the budget for the department.
Sec. 204. The department and
agencies receiving appropriations in this part and part 1 shall use the
internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this part. This requirement
may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients
identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of
reports on an internet or intranet site.
Sec. 205. Funds appropriated in
this part and part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of foreign goods or
services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality American
goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods
or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they
are competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference
shall be given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided
by Michigan businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are
competitively priced and of comparable quality.
Sec. 206. The director shall take
all reasonable steps to ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities
compete for and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The
director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department contracts to
subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and deprived communities for
services, supplies, or both.
Sec. 207. (1) Out-of-state travel
shall be limited to situations when travel is approved by a departmental
employee s immediate supervisor and in which 1 or more of the following
conditions apply:
(a) The travel is required by
legal mandate or court order or for law enforcement purposes.
(b) The travel is necessary to
protect the health or safety of Michigan citizens or visitors or to assist
other states in similar circumstances.
(c) The travel is necessary to
produce budgetary savings or to increase state revenues, including protecting
existing federal funds or securing additional federal funds.
(d) The travel is necessary to
comply with federal requirements.
(e) The travel is necessary to
secure specialized training for staff that is not available within this state.
(f) The travel is financed
entirely by federal or nonstate funds.
(2) The department shall not
approve the travel of more than 1 departmental employee to a specific profes sional
development conference or training seminar that is located outside of this
state unless a professional development conference or training seminar is
funded by a federal or private funding source and requires more than 1
individual from the department to attend, or the conference or training seminar
includes multiple issues in which 1 employee from the department does not have
(3) Not later than January 1, the
department shall prepare a travel report listing all travel by classified and
unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal
year that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the
department s budget. The report shall be submitted to the house and senate
appropriations committees, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director. The report shall include all of the following information:
(a) The name of each person
receiving reimbursement for travel outside this state or whose travel costs
were paid by this state.
(b) The destination of each travel
(c) The dates of each travel
(d) A brief statement of the
reason for each travel occurrence.
(e) The transportation and related
costs of each travel occurrence, including the proportion funded with state
general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state
restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues, and the
proportion funded with other revenues.
(f) A total of all out-of-state
travel funded for the immediately preceding fiscal year.
Sec. 208. Funds appropriated in
this part and part 1 shall not be used by a principal executive department,
state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal services that are
the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to
legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that the
attorney general authorizes.
Sec. 209. Not later than November
30, the state budget office shall prepare and transmit a report that provides
for estimates of the total general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses at
the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall summarize the projected
year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by major departmental
program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the chairpersons
of the senate and house appropriations committees and the senate and house
fiscal agencies.
Sec. 210. (1) In addition to the
funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an amount not to exceed
$1,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(2) In
addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an amount
not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available
for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(3) In
addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an amount
not to exceed $200,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(4) In
addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an amount
not to exceed $100,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 211. The department shall
cooperate with the department of technology, management, and budget to maintain
a searchable website accessible by the public at no cost that includes, but is
not limited to, all of the following for the department and each agency:
(a) Fiscal year-to-date
expenditures by category.
(b) Fiscal year-to-date
expenditures by appropriation unit.
(c) Fiscal year-to-date payments
to a selected vendor, including the vendor name, payment date, payment amount,
and payment description.
(d) The number of active
department employees by job classification.
(e) Job specifications and wage
Sec. 212. Within 14 days after
the release of the executive budget recommendation, the department shall
cooperate with the state budget office to provide the senate and house
appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees
chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report on
estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected
revenues, and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending
September 30, 2019 and September 30, 2020.
Sec. 213. The department shall
maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a department scorecard that
identifies, tracks, and regularly updates key metrics that are used to monitor
and improve the department s performance.
Sec. 214. Total authorized
appropriations from all sources under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2020 are estimated at $54,351,800.00. From this
amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are
estimated at $26,421,700.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health
care legacy costs are estimated at $27,930,100.00.
Sec. 215. Unless prohibited by
law, the department may accept credit card or other electronic means of payment
for licenses, fees, or permits.
Sec. 216. The department shall
not take disciplinary action against an employee for communicating with a
member of the legislature or his or her staff.
Sec. 217. The department shall
not use any of the funds appropriated in this part or part 1 to contract with a
third-party vendor to develop or produce a television or radio production.
Sec. 220. The department, in conjunction
with the department of health and human services, shall maintain an accounting
structure within this state s accounting system that will allow expenditures
associated with the administration of the Healthy Michigan plan to be
Sec. 221. The department may
carry into the succeeding fiscal year unexpended federal pass-through funds to
local institutions and governments that do not require additional state
matching funds. Federal pass-through funds to local institutions and
governments that are received in amounts in addition to those included in part
1 and that do not require additional state matching funds are appropriated for
the purposes intended. Within 14 days after the receipt of federal pass-through
funds, the department shall notify the house and senate chairpersons of the
subcommittees, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget
director of pass-through funds appropriated under this section.
Sec. 222. (1) Grants supported
with private revenues received by the department are appropriated upon receipt
and are available for expenditure by the department, subject to subsection (3),
for purposes specified within the grant agreement and as permitted under state
and federal law.
(2) Within 10 days after the receipt
of a private grant appropriated in subsection (1), the department shall
notify the house and senate chairpersons of the subcommittees, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director of the receipt of the
grant, including the fund source, purpose, and amount of the grant.
(3) The amount appropriated
under subsection (1) shall not exceed $1,500,000.00.
Sec. 223. (1) The department may
charge registration fees to attendees of informational, training, or special
events sponsored by the department, and related to activities that are under
the department s purview.
(2) These fees shall reflect the
costs for the department to sponsor the informational, training, or special
(3) Revenue generated by the
registration fees is appropriated upon receipt and available for expenditure to
cover the department s costs of sponsoring informational, training, or special
(4) Revenue generated by
registration fees in excess of the department s costs of sponsoring
informational, training, or special events shall carry forward to the
subsequent fiscal year and not lapse to the general fund.
(5) The amount appropriated
under subsection (3) shall not exceed $500,000.00.
Sec. 224. The department may
make available to interested entities otherwise unavailable customized listings
of nonconfidential information in its possession, such as names and addresses
of licensees. The department may establish and collect a reasonable charge to
provide this service. The revenue received from this service is appropriated
when received and shall be used to offset expenses to provide the service. Any
balance of this revenue collected and unexpended at the end of the fiscal year
shall lapse to the appropriate restricted fund.
Sec. 225. (1) The department
shall sell documents at a price not to exceed the cost of production and
distribution. Money received from the sale of these documents shall revert to
the department. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, these funds
are available for expenditure when they are received by the department of
treasury. This subsection applies only for the following documents:
(a) Corporation and securities
division documents, reports, and papers required or permitted by law pursuant
to section 1060(6) of the business corporation act, 1972 PA 284,
(b) The Michigan liquor control
code of 1998, 1998 PA 58,
(c) The mobile home commission
act, 1987 PA 96,
(d) Worker s compensation health
care services rules.
(e) Construction code manuals.
(f) Copies of transcripts from
administrative law hearings.
(2) In addition to the funds
appropriated in part 1, funds appropriated for the department under sections
57, 58, and 59 of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306,
(3) Unexpended funds at the end
of the fiscal year shall carry forward to the subsequent fiscal year and not
lapse to the general fund.
Sec. 226. (1) Not later than
March 1, the department shall submit a report to the subcommittees and the
senate and house fiscal agencies pertaining to licensing and regulatory
programs during the previous 3 fiscal years for the following agencies:
(a) Public service commission.
(b) Liquor control commission.
(c) Bureau of fire services.
(d) Bureau of construction
(e) Corporations, securities,
and commercial licensing bureau.
(f) Bureau of professional
(g) Bureau of community and
health systems.
(h) Michigan occupational safety
and health administration.
(i) Marijuana regulatory agency.
(2) The report shall be in a
format that is consistent between the agencies listed in subsection (1)
and shall provide, but is not limited to, the following information for the 3
previous fiscal years, as applicable, for each agency in subsection (1):
(a) Revenue generated by and
expenditures disbursed for each regulatory product.
(b) Number of applications, both
initial and renewal, for each regulatory product.
(c) Number of applications, both
initial and renewal, approved for each regulatory product.
(d) Number of applications, both
initial and renewal, denied for each regulatory product.
(e) Average amount of time, both
tolled and untolled, to approve or deny applications, both initial and renewal,
for each regulatory product.
(f) Number of examinations
proctored for initial applications for each regulatory product.
(g) Number of complaints
received pertaining to each regulated activity.
(h) Number of investigations
opened pertaining to each regulated activity.
(i) Number of investigations
closed pertaining to each regulated activity.
(j) Average amount of time to
close investigations pertaining to each regulated activity.
(k) Number of enforcement
actions pertaining to each regulated activity.
(l) Number of administrative hearings pertaining to each regulated
(m) Number of administrative
hearing adjudications pertaining to each regulated activity.
(n) The type and amount of each
fee charged to support each regulated activity.
(3) As used in subsection (2),
regulatory product means licensure, certification, registration, inspection, review, permitting, approval, or any other
regulatory service provided by the agencies specified in subsection (1)
for each regulated activity. As used in this subsection and subsection (2),
regulated activity means the particular activities, entities, facilities, and
industries regulated by the agencies specified in subsection (1).
Sec. 227.
It is the intent of the legislature that the department establish an employee
performance monitoring process that is consistent throughout the department in
addition to current civil service commission
evaluations. By April 1, the department shall submit a report to the state
budget office, the subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal agencies on
changes to the employee performance monitoring process that are planned or
implemented, as well as the number of employee evaluations performed.
Sec. 301. The public service
commission administers the low-income energy assistance grant program on behalf
of the Michigan department of health and human services via an interagency
agreement. Funds supporting the grant program are appropriated in the
department upon awarding of grants and may be expended for grant payments and
administrative related expenses incurred in the operation of the program.
Sec. 401. (1) From the
appropriations in part 1 from the direct shipper enforcement fund, the liquor
control commission shall expend these funds as required under section 203(11)
of the Michigan liquor control code of 1998,
1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1203, to investigate and audit unlawful direct
shipments of wine by unlicensed wineries
and retailers, with priority directed toward unlicensed out-of-state retailers
and third‑party marketers. The commission shall use shipping
records available to it under section 203(21) of the Michigan liquor
control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1203, to assist with this
effort. The liquor control commission must refer all unlicensed out-of-state
retailers and third-party marketers identified with the shipping records to the
attorney general.
(2) By
February 1, the liquor control commission shall provide a report to the
legislature, the subcommittees, and the state budget director detailing the
commission s activities to investigate and audit the illegal shipping of wine
and the results of these activities. The report shall include the following:
(a) Work hours spent, specific
actions undertaken, and the number of FTEs dedicated to identify and stop
unlicensed out-of-state retailers, third-party marketers, and wineries that
ship illegally in Michigan.
(b) General overview of
expenditures associated with efforts to identify and stop unlicensed
out-of-state retailers, third-party marketers, and wineries that ship illegally
in Michigan.
(c) Number of out-of-state
entities found to have illegally shipped wine into Michigan and total number of
bottles (750 ml), number of cases with 750 ml bottles, number of liters, or
number of gallons of illegally shipped wine. These items must be broken down by
total number of retailers and total number of wineries.
(d) Suggested areas of focus on
how to address direct shipper enforcement and illegal importation in the
(e) Number of unlicensed
out-of-state entities found to have illegally shipped wine into Michigan
identified with the shipping records under subsection (1).
(f) Number of notices sent under
subsection (3).
(3) From the appropriations in
part 1 from the direct shipper enforcement fund, the liquor control commission
shall send a notice to each unlicensed out-of-state entity found to have illegally
shipped wine into Michigan that has been identified via the shipping records
under subsection (1). The notice must include all of the following:
(a) Notification that shipping
wine into Michigan by retailers and third-party marketers is illegal, and wineries
shipping into Michigan must obtain a direct shipper license.
(b) Under section 909 of
the Michigan liquor control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1909, making
unlawful shipments of wine into Michigan may be a felony punishable by
imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or
(c) Notice that the matter has
been referred to the attorney general.
Sec. 501. Money appropriated under
this part and part 1 for the bureau of fire services shall not be expended
unless, in accordance with section 2c of the fire prevention code, 1941 PA 207,
Operation and maintenance inspection fee
Facility type Facility
size Fee
Hospitals Any $8.00 per
Plan review and construction inspection fees for
hospitals and schools
Project cost range Fee
$101,000.00 or less minimum
fee of $155.00
$101,001.00 to
$1,500,000.00 $1.60
per $1,000.00
$1,500,001.00 to $10,000,000.00 $1.30
per $1,000.00
$10,000,001.00 or more $1.10
per $1,000.00
a maximum fee of $60,000.00.
Sec. 502. The funds collected by
the department for licenses, permits, and other elevator regulation fees set
forth in the Michigan Administrative Code and as determined under section 8
of 1976 PA 333,
Sec. 503. Not later than February
15, the department shall submit a report to the subcommittees, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director providing the following
(a) The number of veterans who
were separated from service in the Armed Forces of the United States with an
honorable character of service or under honorable conditions (general)
character of service, individually or if a majority interest of a corporation
or limited liability company, that were exempted from paying licensure, registration, filing, or any other fees
collected under each licensure or regulatory program administered by the
bureau of construction codes, the bureau of professional licensing, and the
corporations, securities, and commercial licensing bureau during the preceding
fiscal year.
(b) The specific fees and total
amount of revenue exempted under each licensure or regulatory program
administered by the bureau of construction codes, the bureau of professional
licensing, and the corporations, securities, and commercial licensing bureau
during the preceding fiscal year.
(c) The actual costs of providing
licensing and other regulatory services to veterans exempted from paying
licensure, registration, filing, or any other fees during the preceding fiscal
year and a description of how these costs were calculated.
(d) The estimated amount of
revenue that will be exempted under each licensure or regulatory program
administered by the bureau of construction codes, the bureau of professional
licensing, and the corporations, securities, and commercial licensing bureau in
both the current and subsequent fiscal years and a description of how the
exempted revenue was estimated.
Sec. 504. Funds remaining in the
homeowner construction lien recovery fund are appropriated to the department
for payment of court-ordered homeowner construction lien recovery fund
judgments entered prior to August 23, 2010. Pursuant to available funds, the
payment of final judgments shall be made in the order in which the final
judgments were entered and began accruing interest.
Sec. 505. The department shall
submit a report by January 31 to the standing committees on appropriations of
the senate and house of representatives, the senate and house fiscal agencies,
and the state budget director that includes all of the following information
for the prior fiscal year regarding the medical marihuana program under the
Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
(a) The number of initial
applications received.
(b) The number of initial
applications approved and the number of initial applications denied.
(c) The average amount of time,
from receipt to approval or denial, to process an initial application.
(d) The number of renewal
applications received.
(e) The number of renewal
applications approved and the number of renewal applications denied.
(f) The average amount of time,
from receipt to approval or denial, to process a renewal application.
(g) The percentage of initial
applications not approved or denied within the time requirements established in
section 6 of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
(h) The percentage of renewal
applications not approved or denied within the time requirements established in
section 6 of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
(i) The percentage of registry
identification cards for approved initial applications not issued within the
time requirements established in section 6 of the Michigan Medical
Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
(j) The percentage of registry
identification cards for approved renewal applications not issued within the
time requirements established in section 6 of the Michigan Medical
Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
(k) The number of registry
identification cards issued to or renewed for patients residing in each county
as of September 30 of the preceding fiscal year under the Michigan Medical
Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430.
(l) The amount collected from the medical marihuana program
application and renewal fees authorized in section 5 of the Michigan
Medical Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26425.
(m) The costs of administering the
medical marihuana program under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, 2008 IL 1,
MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430.
Sec. 506. If the revenue collected
by the department for health systems administration or radiological health
administration and projects from fees and collections exceeds the amount
appropriated in part 1, the revenue may be carried forward into the subsequent
fiscal year. The revenue carried forward under this section shall be used
as the first source of funds in the subsequent fiscal year.
Sec. 507. Not later than February
1, the department shall submit a report to the subcommittees, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and state budget director providing the following
(a) The total amount of
reimbursements made to local units of government for delegated inspections of
fireworks retail locations pursuant to section 11 of the Michigan
fireworks safety act, 2011 PA 256, MCL 28.461, from the funds appropriated
in part 1 for the bureau of fire services during the preceding fiscal year.
(b) The amount of reimbursement
for delegated inspections of fireworks retail locations for each local unit of
government that received reimbursement from the funds appropriated in part 1
for the bureau of fire services during the preceding fiscal year.
Sec. 508. (1) Beginning October 1,
for the purpose of defraying the costs associated with responding to false
final inspection appointments and to discourage the practice of calling for
final inspections when the project is incomplete or noncompliant with a plan of
correction previously provided by the bureau of fire services, the bureau of
fire services may assess a fee not to exceed $200.00 for responding to a second
or subsequent confirmed false inspection appointment. Fees collected under this
section shall be deposited into the restricted account referenced by section 2c(2)
of the fire prevention code, 1941 PA 207, MCL 29.2c, and explicitly
identified within the statewide integrated governmental management applications
(2) Not later than September 30,
the department shall prepare a report that provides the amount of the fee
assessed under subsection (1), the number of fees assessed and issued per
region, the cost allocation for the work performed and reduced as a result of
this section, and any recommendations for consideration by the legislature. The
department shall submit this information to the state budget director, the
subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 510. The department shall
submit a report on the Michigan automated prescription system to the senate and
house appropriations committees, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the
state budget director by November 30. The report shall include, but is not
limited to, the following:
(a) Total number of licensed
health professionals registered to the Michigan automated prescription system.
(b) Total number of dispensers
registered to the Michigan automated prescription system.
(c) Total number of prescribers
using the Michigan automated prescription system.
(d) Total number of dispensers
using the Michigan automated prescription system.
(e) Number of cases related to
overprescribing, overdispensing, and drug diversion where the department took
administrative action as a result of information and data generated from the
Michigan automated prescription system.
(f) The number of hospitals,
doctor s offices, pharmacies, and other health facilities that have integrated
the Michigan automated prescription system into their electronic health records
(g) Total number of delegate users
registered to the Michigan automated prescription system.
Sec. 511. From the amount
appropriated in part 1 for the bureau of community and health systems, upon receipt
of the order of suspension of a licensed adult foster care home, home for the
aged, or nursing home, the department shall serve the facility and provide
contemporaneous notice to the offices of legislators representing a district
where the licensed facility is situated.
Sec. 512. The department shall
submit a report regarding the medical marihuana facilities licensing act, 2016 PA 281,
MCL 333.27101 to 333.27801, and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of
Marihuana Act, 2018 IL 1, MCL 333.27951 to 333.27967, to the standing
committees on appropriations of the senate and house, the senate and house
fiscal agencies, and the state budget director by March 1. The report shall
include, but is not limited to, the following for each act:
(a) The number of initial license
applications received for each license category.
(b) The number of initial
applications approved and the number of initial license applications denied.
(c) The number of license renewals
for each license category.
(d) The average amount of time,
from receipt to approval or denial, to process an initial application.
(e) The total number of license
applications approved by license category and by county.
(f) The total amount collected
from application fees.
(g) The total amount collected
from any established regulatory assessment.
(h) The costs of administering the
licensing program under that act.
Sec. 513. (1) From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the department must prepare and submit a report to the
subcommittees and the senate and house fiscal agencies providing the addresses
of all facilities licensed under the medical marihuana facilities licensing
act, 2016 PA 281, MCL 333.27101 to 333.27801, and the Michigan Regulation
and Taxation of Marihuana Act, 2018 IL 1, MCL 333.27951 to 333.27967.
(2) Upon the written request of
the governing body of a city, village, or township containing 3 or more licensed facilities, the department must
coordinate with the local entity to interface with local elected officials,
law enforcement, the prosecutor s office, service agencies, and any school
systems to prepare a community impact statement. This impact statement must
contain information on whether there have been increases or decreases in total
crimes, reported drug addictions, homelessness rates, domestic violence incidents, abuse and neglect cases, truancy rates,
and the community s unemployment rate within the previous year. This impact statement must determine if
there is any association with the above metrics and the proximity of
medical or recreational marihuana facilities. If a negative impact is
determined to exist, the department shall work with the city, village, or
township to create a neighbor responsibility plan to alleviate any negative
impact. The department shall submit all completed
impact statements and neighbor responsibility plans to the subcommittees,
the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the respective local units.
Sec. 514. From the appropriations
in part 1, the bureau of community and health systems; bureau of construction
codes; bureau of fire services; bureau of professional licensing; corporations,
securities, and commercial licensing bureau; and marijuana regulatory agency
must submit reports to the subcommittees, senate and house fiscal agencies, and
state budget director by December 31. The reports must include all of the
following information for the prior fiscal year for each agency or bureau:
(a) The number of complaints
received, with the number of complaints specified for each profession or
license type that the agency or bureau regulates.
(b) A description of the process
used to resolve complaints.
(c) A description of the types of
complaints received with total counts of the number of complaints of that type
(d) The number of investigations
initiated and the number of investigations closed.
(e) The number and type of
enforcement actions taken against licensees and metrics regarding any adverse
actions taken against licensees including license revocations, suspensions, and
Sec. 515.
From the funds appropriated in part 1 for health facilities regulation for the
purpose of administering licensure activities associated with substance use disorder programs,
the residential detoxification programs licensed shall meet the Michigan
Medicaid Provider Manual guidelines regarding sub-acute detoxification
residential settings and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
criteria for residential-based services. Treatment requirements must be based
on the least restrictive settings and must not exceed national standards for
levels of care.
Sec. 701. (1) The appropriation in
part 1 for the bureau of services for blind persons includes funds for case
services. These funds may be used for tuition payments for blind clients.
(2) Revenue collected by the
bureau of services for blind persons and from private and local sources that is
unexpended at the end of the fiscal year may carry forward to the subsequent
fiscal year.
Sec. 702. The bureau of services
for blind persons shall work collaboratively with service organizations and
government entities to identify qualified match dollars to maximize use of
available federal vocational rehabilitation funds.
Sec. 703. The bureau of services
for blind persons may provide and enter into agreements to provide general
services, training, meetings, information, special equipment, software,
facility use, and technical consulting services to other principal executive
departments, state agencies, local units of government, the judicial branch of
government, other organizations, and patrons of department facilities. The
department may charge fees for these services that are reasonably related to
the cost of providing the services. In addition to the funds appropriated in
part 1, funds collected by the department for these services are appropriated
for all expenses necessary. The funds appropriated under this section are
allotted for expenditure when they are received by the department of treasury.
Sec. 704. Funds received in excess
of the appropriation in part 1 for first responder presumed coverage claims
from the first responder presumed coverage fund are appropriated in an amount
sufficient to pay approved claims due in the current fiscal year pursuant to section 405
of the worker s disability compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL
Sec. 801. If Byrne formula grant
funding is awarded to the Michigan indigent defense commission, the Michigan
indigent defense commission may receive and expend Byrne formula grant funds in
an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 as an interdepartmental grant from the
department of state police. The Michigan indigent defense commission, created
under section 5 of the Michigan indigent defense commission act, 2013 PA 93,
MCL 780.985, may receive and expend federal grant funding from the United
States Department of Justice in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 as other
federal grants.
Sec. 802. From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the Michigan indigent defense commission shall submit a
report by September 30 to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on
licensing and regulatory affairs, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the
state budget director on the incremental costs associated with the standard
development process, the compliance plan process, and the collection of data
from all indigent defense systems and attorneys providing indigent defense.
Particular emphasis shall be placed on those costs that may be avoided after
standards are developed and compliance plans are in place.
Sec. 803. The Michigan office
for new Americans is to coordinate with the Asian Pacific American affairs
commission, the Commission on Middle Eastern American affairs, and the
Hispanic/Latino commission of Michigan to produce a report by January 31 that
is to be transmitted to the senate and house subcommittee chairpersons, the
senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The report
shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Total number of people with
whom each commission directly interacts through programming.
(b) Total number of public
events and number of attendees at each event that each commission conducted.
(c) Description of the
activities that the commissions initiated to promote cooperation between the
(d) Total number of meetings
that each commission held with foreign diplomats.
(e) Programmatic costs of each
(f) The number of people that
each commission has assisted with specific hurdles that each commission has
Sec. 804. An expenditure of
funds appropriated in part 1 by the Asian Pacific American affairs commission,
the Commission on Middle Eastern American affairs, or the Hispanic/Latino
commission of Michigan for a commission event must directly relate to the
mission statement of that commission.
Sec. 805. The Michigan office
for new Americans must produce a report by January 31 and transmit the report
to the subcommittees, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director. The report may include other information, but it must include
all of the following:
(a) The number of education and
workforce training programs that the office held during the previous 3 fiscal
years and the number of individuals that attended the programs.
(b) The number of people that
the office has helped navigate the immigration system.
(c) A description of the
activities that the office has conducted to attract and retain international,
advanced degree, and entrepreneurial talent.
Sec. 901. (1) The department
shall expend the funds appropriated in part 1 for medical marihuana operation
and oversight grants for grants to counties for education and outreach programs
relating to the Michigan medical marihuana program pursuant to section 6(l) of the Michigan Medical Marihuana
Act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26426. These grants
shall be distributed proportionately based on the number of registry
identification cards issued to or renewed for the residents of each
county that applied for a grant under subsection (2). For the purposes of
this subsection, operation and oversight grants are for education,
communication, and outreach regarding the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, 2008
IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430. Grants provided under this section must
not be used for law enforcement purposes.
(2) Not later than December 1,
the department shall post a listing of potential grant money available to each
county on its website. In addition, the department shall work collaboratively
with counties regarding the availability of these grant funds. A county
requesting a grant shall apply on a form developed by the department and
available on its website. The form shall contain the county s specific
projected plan for use of the money and its agreement to maintain all records
and to submit documentation to the department to support the use of the grant
(3) In order to be eligible to
receive a grant under subsection (1), a county shall apply not later than
January 1 and agree to report how the grant was expended and to provide
that report to the department not later than September 15. The department shall
submit a report not later than October 15 of the subsequent fiscal year to the
state budget director, the subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal
agencies detailing the grant amounts by recipient and the reported uses of the
grants in the preceding fiscal year.
Sec. 902. (1) The amount
appropriated in part 1 for firefighter training grants shall only be expended
for payments to counties to reimburse organized fire departments for
firefighter training and other activities required under the firefighters
training council act, 1966 PA 291, MCL 29.361 to 29.377.
(2) If the amount appropriated in
part 1 for firefighter training grants is expended by the firefighters training
council, established in section 3 of the firefighters training council
act, 1966 PA 291, MCL 29.363, for payments to counties under section 14
of the firefighters training council act, 1966 PA 291, MCL 29.374, it is
the intent of the legislature that:
(a) The amount appropriated in
part 1 for firefighter training grants shall be allocated pursuant to section 14(2)
of the firefighters training council act, 1966 PA 291, MCL 29.374.
(b) If the
amount allocated to any county under subdivision (a) is less than $5,000.00,
the amounts disbursed to each county under subdivision (a) shall be adjusted to provide for a
minimum payment of $5,000.00 to each county.
(3) Not later than February 1, the
department shall submit a financial report to the subcommittees, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director identifying the following
information for the preceding fiscal year:
(a) The amount of the payments
that would be made to each county if the distribution formula described by the
first sentence of section 14(2) of the firefighters training council act,
1966 PA 291, MCL 29.374, would have been utilized to allocate the total
amount appropriated in part 1 for firefighter training grants.
(b) The amount of the payments
approved by the firefighters training council for allocation to each county.
(c) The amount of the payments
actually expended or encumbered within each county.
(d) A description of any other
payments or expenditures made under the authority of the firefighters training
(e) The amount of payments
approved for allocations to counties that was not expended or encumbered and
lapsed back to the fireworks safety fund.
Sec. 903. (1) The funds
appropriated in part 1 for a regional or subregional library shall not be
released until a budget for that regional or subregional library has been
approved by the department for expenditures for library services directly
serving the blind and persons with disabilities.
(2) In order to receive
subregional state aid as appropriated in part 1, a regional or subregional
library s fiscal agency shall agree to maintain local funding support at the
same level in the current fiscal year as in the fiscal agency s preceding
fiscal year. If a reduction in expenditures equally affects all agencies in a
local unit of government that is the regional or subregional library s fiscal
agency, that reduction shall not be interpreted as a reduction in local support
and shall not disqualify a regional or subregional library from receiving state
aid under part 1. If a reduction in income affects a library cooperative or
district library that is a regional or subregional library s fiscal agency or a
reduction in expenditures for the regional or subregional library s fiscal
agency, a reduction in expenditures for the regional or subregional library
shall not be interpreted as a reduction in local support and shall not
disqualify a regional or subregional library from receiving state aid under
part 1.
Sec. 904. An indigent criminal
defense system s duty of compliance with 1 or more standards within a plan
approved by the Michigan indigent defense commission is contingent upon receipt
of a grant in an amount sufficient to cover that particular standard or
standards, as provided in the Michigan indigent defense commission act, 2013 PA 93,
MCL 780.981 to 780.1003.
Sec. 1001. The marijuana
regulatory agency must utilize the funds appropriated in part 1 for marihuana
education to produce and disseminate educational videos and pamphlets geared
toward children and young adults that highlight the potential risks and
consequences associated with the use of marihuana.
Third: That the House and Senate
agree to the title of the bill to read as follows:
A bill to make appropriations for
the department of licensing and regulatory affairs for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2020; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
D. Peterson
for the House
for the Senate
question being on the adoption of the conference report,
Roll Call No. 228 Yeas 72
Afendoulis Frederick Leutheuser Shannon
Albert Garza Lightner Sheppard
Alexander Glenn Lilly Slagh
Allor Green Lower Sneller
Bellino Griffin Maddock Sowerby
Berman Haadsma Marino Tate
Bollin Hall Markkanen VanSingel
Brann Hauck Meerman VanWoerkom
Calley Hernandez Miller Vaupel
Cambensy Hoitenga Mueller Wakeman
Chatfield Hood O Malley Webber
Clemente Hornberger Paquette Wendzel
Cole Howell Peterson Wentworth
Coleman Huizenga Pohutsky Whiteford
Crawford Iden Reilly Whitsett
Eisen Johnson, S. Rendon Witwer
Farrington Kahle Sabo Wozniak
Filler LaFave Schroeder Yaroch
Nays 36
Anthony Ellison Johnson, C. Manoogian
Bolden Garrett Jones Neeley
Brixie Gay-Dagnogo Kennedy Pagan
Byrd Greig Koleszar Rabhi
Camilleri Guerra Kuppa Robinson
T. Hammoud LaGrand Stone
Cherry Hertel Lasinski Warren
Chirkun Hoadley Liberati Wittenberg
Elder Hope Love Yancey
In The Chair: Lilly
Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.
The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.
First Conference Report
The Committee of Conference on the
matters of difference between the two Houses concerning
Bill No. 4238, entitled
A bill to make appropriations for
the judiciary for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to provide for
the expenditure of the appropriations.
First: That the Senate recede from
the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate.
Second: That the House and Senate
agree to the Substitute of the House as passed by the House, amended to read as
A bill to make appropriations for
the judiciary for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to provide for
the expenditure of the appropriations.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated
for the judiciary for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, from the
following funds:
Full-time equated exempted
positions........................................................ 509.0
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 311,062,100
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and
intradepartmental transfers................................ 1,551,700
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................ $ 309,510,400
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues........................................................................................ 5,748,400
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues........................................................................................... 6,579,500
Total private revenues........................................................................................ 994,300
Total other state restricted revenues..................................................................... 94,796,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 201,392,200
Full-time equated exempted positions........................................................ 250.0
Community dispute resolution 3.0 FTE positions................................................ $ 3,276,700
Direct trial court automation support 44.0 FTE
positions..................................... 6,579,500
Drug treatment courts......................................................................................... 11,833,000
Foster care review board 10.0 FTE positions...................................................... 1,342,500
Judicial information systems 24.0 FTE positions................................................ 4,931,600
Judicial institute 13.0 FTE positions.................................................................. 1,876,500
Kalamazoo County trauma court......................................................................... 250,000
Mental health courts and diversion services 1.0
FTE position............................... 5,468,500
Next generation Michigan court system............................................................... 4,116,000
Other federal grants........................................................................................... 275,100
State court administrative office 63.0 FTE
positions........................................... 11,248,800
Supreme court administration 92.0 FTE positions............................................... 14,379,200
Swift and sure sanctions program........................................................................ 3,600,000
Veterans courts................................................................................................. 936,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 70,113,800
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from department of corrections.................................................................... 51,700
IDG from department of state police.................................................................... 1,500,000
Federal revenues:
DOJ, drug court training and evaluation............................................................... 300,000
DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration......................................... 1,942,800
HHS, access and visitation grant......................................................................... 488,300
HHS, children s justice grant.............................................................................. 241,700
HHS, court improvement project......................................................................... 927,100
HHS, title IV-D child support program................................................................ 822,400
HHS, title IV-E foster care program..................................................................... 403,500
Other federal grant revenues............................................................................... 275,100
Special revenue funds:
Local - user fees................................................................................................ 6,579,500
Private.............................................................................................................. 198,100
Private - interest on lawyers trust accounts........................................................... 273,100
Private - state justice institute.............................................................................. 436,100
Community dispute resolution fund..................................................................... 2,400,000
Court of appeals filing/motion fees...................................................................... 1,450,000
Drug court fund................................................................................................. 1,920,500
Justice system fund............................................................................................ 595,700
Law exam fees.................................................................................................. 742,000
Miscellaneous revenue....................................................................................... 245,900
State court fund................................................................................................. 397,600
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 47,922,700
Full-time equated exempted positions........................................................ 175.0
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Court of appeals operations 175.0 FTE positions................................................ $ 25,130,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 25,130,300
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 25,130,300
Full-time equated exempted
positions............................................................ 4.0
Branchwide appropriations 4.0 FTE
positions.................................................... $ 8,959,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 8,959,100
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 8,959,100
Full-time judges positions........................................................................ 587.0
Supreme court justices salaries 7.0
justices....................................................... $ 1,152,300
Circuit court judges state base
salaries 217.0 judges........................................... 22,939,900
Circuit court judicial salary
standardization.......................................................... 9,922,100
Court of appeals judges salaries 25.0
judges..................................................... 4,097,700
District court judges state base
salaries 235.0 judges.......................................... 24,424,000
District court judicial salary
standardization......................................................... 10,745,200
Probate court judges state base
salaries 103.0 judges.......................................... 10,802,900
Probate court judicial salary
standardization......................................................... 4,669,600
Judges retirement system defined
contributions.................................................... 4,974,800
OASI, Social Security........................................................................................ 6,280,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 100,008,500
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Court fee fund................................................................................................... 3,329,400
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 96,679,100
Full-time equated exempted
positions............................................................ 7.0
Judicial tenure commission 7.0 FTE
positions.................................................... $ 1,276,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 1,276,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 1,276,000
Full-time equated exempted
positions.......................................................... 55.0
Appellate public defender program 55.0
FTE positions....................................... $ 8,560,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 8,560,900
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Other federal grant revenues............................................................................... 347,500
Special revenue funds:
Private - interest on lawyers
trust accounts........................................................... 87,000
Miscellaneous revenue....................................................................................... 168,300
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 7,958,100
Indigent civil legal assistance.............................................................................. $ 7,937,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 7,937,000
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
State court fund................................................................................................. 7,937,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 0
Full-time equated exempted
positions............................................................ 6.0
Court equity fund reimbursements....................................................................... $ 60,815,700
Drug case-flow program..................................................................................... 250,000
Drunk driving case-flow program........................................................................ 3,300,000
Judicial technology improvement
fund................................................................. 4,815,000
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Juror compensation reimbursement 1.0 FTE
position.......................................... 6,604,600
Statewide e-file system 5.0 FTE
positions.......................................................... 10,200,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 85,985,300
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Court equity fund.............................................................................................. 50,440,000
Drug fund......................................................................................................... 250,000
Drunk driving fund............................................................................................ 3,300,000
Electronic filing fee fund.................................................................................... 10,200,000
Judicial technology improvement
fund................................................................. 4,815,000
Juror compensation fund.................................................................................... 6,604,600
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 10,375,700
Full-time equated exempted
positions.......................................................... 12.0
Compliance with Montgomery v Louisiana 11.0 FTE
positions............................ $ 841,900
Expansion of problem solving
courts................................................................... 348,600
Judicial tenure commission................................................................................. 100,000
Michigan supreme court public
website upgrade................................................... 1,475,000
Pretrial risk assessment 1.0 FTE
position........................................................... 325,700
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 3,091,200
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 3,091,200
Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30
of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending from
state sources under part 1 for fiscal year 2019-2020 is $296,188,200.00 and
state spending from state sources to be paid to local units of government for
fiscal year 2019-2020 is $145,951,300.00. The itemized statement below
identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will
Drug treatment courts......................................................................................... $ 8,158,000
Kalamazoo County trauma court......................................................................... 250,000
Mental health courts and diversion
services.......................................................... 5,468,500
Next generation Michigan court
system............................................................... 4,116,000
Swift and sure sanctions program........................................................................ 3,600,000
Veterans courts................................................................................................. 936,400
Court of appeals operations................................................................................. $ 200,000
Circuit court judicial salary
standardization.......................................................... $ 9,922,100
District court judicial salary
standardization......................................................... 10,745,200
Probate court judges state base
salaries............................................................... 10,802,900
Probate court judicial salary
standardization......................................................... 4,669,600
OASI, Social Security........................................................................................ 1,097,300
Court equity fund reimbursements....................................................................... $ 60,815,700
Drug case-flow program..................................................................................... 250,000
Drunk driving case-flow program........................................................................ 3,300,000
Judicial technology improvement
fund................................................................. 4,815,000
Juror compensation reimbursement...................................................................... 6,604,600
Statewide e-file system....................................................................................... 10,200,000
TOTAL............................................................................................................ $ 145,951,300
Sec. 202. (1) The appropriations
authorized under this part and part 1 are subject to the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431,
(2) Funds appropriated in part 1
to an entity within the judicial branch shall not be expended or transferred to
another account without written approval of the authorized agent of the
judicial entity. If the authorized agent of the judicial entity notifies the
state budget director of its approval of an expenditure or transfer, the state
budget director shall immediately make the expenditure or transfer. The
authorized judicial entity agent shall be designated by the chief justice of the
supreme court.
Sec. 203. As used in this part
and part 1:
(a) DOJ means the United
States Department of Justice.
(b) DOT means the United
States Department of Transportation.
(d) HHS means the United
States Department of Health and Human Services.
(f) OASI means old age
survivor s insurance.
(g) SADO means the state
appellate defender office created under the appellate defender act, 1978 PA 620,
MCL 780.711 to 780.719.
(h) Title IV-D means the part
of the federal social security act, 42 USC 301 to 1397mm, pertaining to the
child support enforcement program.
(i) Title IV-E means the part
of the federal social security act, 42 USC 301 to 1397mm, pertaining to the
foster care program.
Sec. 204. The reporting
requirements of this part shall be completed with the approval of, and at the
direction of, the supreme court, except as otherwise provided in this part. The
judicial branch shall use the internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of
this part. This may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the
recipients identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include
placement of reports on an internet or intranet site.
Sec. 205. Funds appropriated in
part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of foreign goods or services, or
both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or
services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods or
services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are
competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference shall
be given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by
Michigan businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively
priced and of comparable quality.
Sec. 207. Not later than January
1 of each year, the state court administrative office shall prepare a report on
out-of-state travel listing all travel by judicial branch employees outside
this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or
in part with funds appropriated in the budget for the judicial branch. The
report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations committees,
the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office. The report
shall include the following information:
(a) The dates of each travel
(b) The transportation and
related costs of each travel occurrence, including the proportion funded with state
general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state
restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues, and the
proportion funded with other revenues.
Sec. 209. Not later than
November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and transmit a report that
provides for estimates of the total general fund/general purpose appropriation
lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall summarize the
projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by major
program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the chairpersons
of the senate and house appropriations committees and the senate and house
fiscal agencies.
Sec. 211. From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the judicial branch shall maintain a searchable website
accessible by the public at no cost that includes all expenditures made by the
judicial branch within a fiscal year. The posting shall include the purpose for
which each expenditure is made. The judicial branch shall not provide financial
information on its website under this section if doing so would violate a
federal or state law, rule, regulation, or guideline that establishes privacy
or security standards applicable to that financial information.
Sec. 212. Within 14 days after
the release of the executive budget recommendation, the judicial branch shall
cooperate with the state budget office to provide the senate and house
appropriations committee chairs, the senate and house appropriations
subcommittee chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual
report on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund
projected revenues, and state restricted fund expenditures for the prior 2
fiscal years.
Sec. 213. The judiciary shall maintain,
on a publicly accessible website, a scorecard that identifies, tracks, and
regularly updates key metrics that are used to monitor and improve the
judiciary s performance.
Sec. 214. Total authorized
appropriations from all sources under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2020 are estimated at $13,102,700.00. From this
amount, total judiciary appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are
estimated at $6,369,500.00. Total judiciary appropriations for retiree health
care legacy costs are estimated at $6,733,200.00.
Sec. 215. The judicial branch
shall not take disciplinary action against an employee for communicating with a
member of the legislature or his or her staff.
Sec. 216. It is the intent of
the legislature that judges who are presiding over a hearing on a foster care
case shall publicly acknowledge and request the input of the foster parent or
foster parents during the hearing.
Sec. 217. If the judicial branch
makes any changes to a foster care family service plan before its finalization,
it is the intent of the legislature that the presiding judge provide an
explanation for any changes to that plan in the court record.
Sec. 218.
From the funds appropriated in part 1, the state court administrative office shall
identify programs, within the department of health and human services, the department of
labor and economic opportunity, and the department of corrections, that have
programmatic connections with the participants in the swift and sure sanctions
program. The purpose of this relationship is to leverage collaborations and to
determine avenues of success for offenders who are eligible for state-provided
programs. The state court administrative office shall provide guidance to
courts participating in the swift and sure sanctions program, under the
probation swift and sure sanctions act, chapter XIA of the code of criminal
procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771A.1 to 771A.8, of the available department
of health and human services, department of labor and economic opportunity, and
department of corrections programming.
Sec. 219. The judicial branch
shall receive and retain copies of all reports funded from appropriations in
part 1. Federal and state guidelines for short-term and long-term retention of
records shall be followed. The judicial branch may electronically retain copies
of reports unless otherwise required by federal and state guidelines.
Sec. 301. From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the direct trial court automation support program of
the state court administrative office shall recover direct and overhead costs
from trial courts by charging for services rendered. The fee shall cover the
actual costs incurred to the direct trial court automation support program in
providing the service, including development of future versions of case
management systems.
Sec. 302. Funds appropriated
within the judicial branch shall not be expended by any component within the
judicial branch without the approval of the supreme court.
Sec. 303. Of the amount
appropriated in part 1 for the judicial branch, $711,900.00 is allocated for
circuit court reimbursement under section 3 of 1978 PA 16,
Sec. 304. A member of the
legislature may request a report or data from the data collected in the
judicial data warehouse. The report shall be made available to the public upon
request, unless disclosure is prohibited by
court order or state or federal law. Any data provided under this section shall
be public and non-identifying information.
Sec. 305. From the funds
appropriated in part 1 for community dispute resolution, community dispute
resolution centers shall provide dispute resolution services specified in the
community dispute resolution act, 1988 PA 260,
MCL 691.1551 to 691.1564, and shall help to reduce suspensions and truancy, and
improve school climate. Funding appropriated in part 1 for community
dispute resolution may be used to develop or expand juvenile diversion services
in cooperation with local prosecutors. Participation in the dispute resolution
processes is voluntary for all parties.
Sec. 307.
From the funds appropriated in part 1 for mental health courts and diversion
services, $1,730,000.00 is intended to address the recommendations of the mental health
diversion council.
Sec. 308. If sufficient funds
are not available from the court fee fund to pay judges compensation, the
difference between the appropriated amount from that fund for judges
compensation and the actual amount available after the amount appropriated for
trial court reimbursement is made shall be appropriated from the state general
fund for judges compensation. If an appropriation is made under this section,
the state court administrative office shall notify, within 14 days of the
appropriation, the senate and house standing committees on appropriations, the
senate and house appropriations subcommittees on judiciary, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office.
Sec. 309. By April 1, the state
court administrative office shall provide a report on drug treatment, mental
health, and veterans court programs in this state. The report shall include
information on the number of each type of program that has been established,
the number of program participants in each jurisdiction, and the impact of the
programs on offender criminal involvement and recidivism. The report shall be
submitted to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on judiciary,
the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office.
Sec. 311. (1) The funds
appropriated in part 1 for drug treatment courts as that term is defined in section 1060
of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.1060, shall be
administered by the state court administrative office to operate drug treatment
court programs. A drug treatment court shall be responsible for handling cases
involving substance abusing nonviolent offenders through comprehensive
supervision, testing, treatment services, and immediate sanctions and
incentives. A drug treatment court shall use all available county and state
personnel involved in the disposition of cases including, but not limited to,
parole and probation agents, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, and
community corrections providers. The funds may be used in connection with other
federal, state, and local funding sources.
(2) From the funds appropriated
in part 1, the chief justice shall allocate sufficient funds for the Michigan
judicial institute to provide in-state training for those identified in subsection (1),
including training for new drug treatment court judges.
(3) For drug treatment court
grants, consideration for priority may be given to those courts where higher
instances of substance abuse cases are filed.
(4) The judiciary shall receive
$1,500,000.00 in Byrne formula grant funding as an interdepartmental grant from
the department of state police to be used for expansion of drug treatment
courts, to assist in avoiding prison bed space growth for nonviolent offenders
in collaboration with the department of corrections.
Sec. 312. From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the state court administrator shall produce a
statistical report regarding the implementation of the parental rights
restoration act, 1990 PA 211,
Sec. 316. (1)
From the funds appropriated in part 1 for pretrial risk assessment, the state
court administrative office shall continue to pilot a pretrial risk assessment tool in an
effort to provide relevant information to judges so they can make
evidence-based bond decisions that will increase public safety and reduce costs
associated with unnecessary pretrial detention.
(2) The state court
administrative office shall submit a status report by February 1 to the senate
and house appropriations subcommittees on judiciary, the senate and house
fiscal agencies, and the state budget office. The report shall include, but not
be limited to, all of the following:
(a) An assessment of the
effectiveness of the pretrial risk assessment tool pilot program that was
implemented in the prior fiscal year. The assessment shall include, but not be
limited to, for defendants screened by the pretrial risk assessment tool, the
failure to appear rate for each type of bond, including personal recognizance
with or without conditions, 10% deposit bail with or without conditions, and
cash or surety bail with or without conditions.
(b) Plans to expand use of the
assessment tool.
(c) Details on prior year
expenditures, allocations, and planned expenditures.
Sec. 317. Funds appropriated in
part 1 shall not be used for the permanent assignment of state-owned vehicles
to justices or judges or any other judicial branch employee. This section does
not preclude the use of state-owned motor pool vehicles for state business in
accordance with approved guidelines.
Sec. 320. (1) From the funds
appropriated in part 1 for the swift and sure sanctions program, created under section 3
of chapter XIA of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771A.3,
the state court administrative office shall administer a program to distribute
grants to qualifying courts in accordance with the objectives and requirements
of the probation swift and sure sanctions act, chapter XIA of the code of
criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771A.1 to 771A.8. Of the funds designated
for the program, not more than $100,000.00 shall be available to the state
court administrative office to pay for employee costs associated with the administration of the program funds. Of the funds
designated for the program, $500,000.00 is reserved for programs in
counties that had more than 325 individuals sentenced to prison in the previous
calendar year. Courts interested in participating in the swift and sure
sanctions program may apply to the state court administrative office for a
portion of the funds appropriated in part 1 under this section.
(2) By April 1, the state court
administrative office, in cooperation with the department of corrections, shall
provide a report on the courts that receive funding under the swift and sure
sanctions program described in subsection (1) to the senate and house
appropriations subcommittees on judiciary, the senate and house fiscal
agencies, and the state budget office. The report shall include all of the
(a) The number of offenders who
participate in the program.
(b) The criminal history of
offenders who participate in the program.
(c) The recidivism rate of
offenders who participate in the program, including the rate of return to jail,
prison, or both.
(d) A detailed description of
the establishment and parameters of the program.
(e) A list of courts
participating in the program.
(f) An accounting of prior year
expenditures, including grant amounts requested by the courts, grant amounts
awarded to the courts, and grant amounts expended by the courts.
(3) As used
in this section, program means a swift and sure sanctions program described
in subsection (1).
Sec. 321. From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the judicial branch shall support a statewide legal
self‑help internet website and local nonprofit self-help centers that use
the statewide website to provide assistance to individuals representing
themselves in civil legal proceedings. The state court administrative office
shall summarize the costs of maintaining the
website, provide statistics on the number of people visiting the website,
and provide information on content usage, form completion, and user feedback.
By March 1, the state court administrative office shall report this information
for the preceding fiscal year to the senate and house appropriations
subcommittees on judiciary, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state
budget office.
Sec. 322. If Byrne formula grant
funding is awarded to the state appellate defender, the state appellate defender
office may receive and expend Byrne formula grant funds in an amount not to
exceed $250,000.00 as an interdepartmental grant from the department of state
police. If the appellate defender appointed under section 3 of the
appellate defender act, 1978 PA 620, MCL 780.713, receives federal grant
funding from the United States Department of Justice in excess of the amount
appropriated in part 1, the office of appellate defender may receive and expend
grant funds in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 as other federal grants.
Sec. 324. From the funds
appropriated in part 1 for the medication-assisted treatment program, the
judiciary shall maintain a medication-assisted treatment program to provide
treatment for opioid-addicted and alcohol-addicted individuals who are referred
to and voluntarily participate in the medication-assisted treatment program.
Sec. 325. (1) From the funds
appropriated in part 1 for Kalamazoo County trauma court, the county office of
the prosecuting attorney shall hire an assistant prosecutor who specializes in
trauma for prosecution of offenders and for providing intervention and
treatment services to offenders and referral services for victims. The court
shall focus on deterrence of offenders by reducing incidence and recidivism. Intervention
services shall be supplemented by trauma treatment and addiction services. The
prosecutor shall collaborate with the trauma
and resiliency team to review the progress of program participants, and to
assure offender accountability and victim safety. Treatment providers
shall specialize in substance abuse addiction and trauma treatment services for
adolescents and adults.
(2) The county office of the
prosecuting attorney, together with the intervention and treatment providers,
shall submit a report, by September 30, to the state court administrative
office, the senate and house of representatives subcommittees on judiciary, the
senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office on the outcomes
of the trauma court. The report shall include program performance measures, the
number of individuals served, the outcomes of participants who complete the
program, recommendations on how the state can hold offenders accountable while
rehabilitating them with treatment, community-based resources and support, and
restorative justice approaches to conflict resolution, with the goal of being a
more effective and less costly alternative to incarceration.
Sec. 402. (1) From the funds
appropriated in part 1, the state appellate defender office attorneys and
support staff shall ensure Michigan compliance with Montgomery v Louisiana, 577 US _____ (2016). The purpose of the
program is to ensure competent, resourced, and supervised counsel in cases
involving the resentencing of juvenile lifers. The representation by SADO
counsel will create opportunities for release, saving prison costs for the
(2) The state appellate defender
office shall submit a report by September 30 to the senate and house
appropriations subcommittees on judiciary, the senate and house fiscal
agencies, and the state budget office on the number of juvenile lifer cases
investigated and prepared by the state appellate defender office. The report
shall include a calculation of hours spent and focus on incremental costs
associated with investigating and conducting a robust examination of each case,
with particular emphasis on those costs that may be avoided after the cases
have been disposed.
Sec. 403. (1) From the funds
appropriated in part 1 for expansion of problem solving courts, the state court
administrative office shall create a pilot program in a veteran court within a
county with a population between 100,000 and 110,000 according to the most
recent federal decennial census. The pilot program will investigate the
effectiveness of saliva testing to determine compliance with required mental
health medicine prescriptions or requirements.
(2) From the funds appropriated in
part 1 for expansion of problem solving courts, $20,000.00 is allocated to
cover the costs of saliva testing.
Third: That the House and Senate
agree to the title of the bill to read as follows:
A bill to make appropriations for
the judiciary for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to provide for
the expenditure of the appropriations.
L. Lightner
for the House
for the Senate
question being on the adoption of the conference report,
Call No. 229 Yeas 102
Afendoulis Filler Kahle Rabhi
Albert Frederick Kennedy Reilly
Alexander Garza Koleszar Rendon
Allor Gay-Dagnogo Kuppa Sabo
Anthony Glenn LaFave Schroeder
Bellino Green LaGrand Shannon
Bolden Greig Lasinski Sheppard
Bollin Griffin Leutheuser Slagh
Brann Guerra Lightner Sneller
Brixie Haadsma Lilly Sowerby
Byrd Hall Love Stone
Calley Hammoud Lower Tate
Cambensy Hauck Maddock VanSingel
Camilleri Hernandez Manoogian VanWoerkom
Carter, T. Hertel Marino Vaupel
Chatfield Hoadley Markkanen Wakeman
Cherry Hoitenga Meerman Webber
Chirkun Hood Miller Wendzel
Clemente Hope Mueller Wentworth
Cole Hornberger Neeley Whiteford
Coleman Howell O Malley Whitsett
Crawford Huizenga Pagan Wittenberg
Eisen Iden Paquette Witwer
Elder Johnson,
C. Peterson Wozniak
Ellison Johnson,
S. Pohutsky Yaroch
Farrington Jones
Nays 6
Berman Liberati Warren Yancey
Garrett Robinson
In The Chair: Lilly
Rep. Webber moved that the bill be given
immediate effect.
The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members
serving voting therefor.
Conference Report
Committee of Conference on the matters of difference between the two Houses
Bill No. 4229, entitled
A bill
to make appropriations for the department of agriculture and rural development
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to provide for the
expenditure of the appropriations.
First: That
the Senate recede from the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate.
Second: That
the House and Senate agree to the Substitute of the House as passed by the
House, amended to read as follows:
A bill
to make appropriations for the department of agriculture and rural development
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to provide for the
expenditure of the appropriations.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated
for the department of agriculture and rural development for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2020, from the following funds:
Full-time equated unclassified
positions......................................................... 6.0
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 508.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 112,637,600
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from LARA (LCC), liquor
quality testing fees............................................... 227,000
IDG from MDEGLE, biosolids........................................................................... 91,400
IDG from MDNR, forest development
fund.......................................................... 997,300
Total interdepartmental grants and
intradepartmental transfers................................ 1,315,700
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................ $ 111,321,900
Federal revenues:
Department of interior........................................................................................ 238,900
EPA, multiple grants.......................................................................................... 1,292,300
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 4,471,200
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 6,634,000
Total federal revenues........................................................................................ 12,636,400
Special revenue funds:
Private - commodity group revenue..................................................................... 80,500
Private - slow-the-spread
foundation.................................................................... 21,300
Total private revenues........................................................................................ 101,800
Agricultural preservation fund............................................................................. 3,444,900
Agriculture equine industry
development fund...................................................... 3,667,200
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 5,066,600
Animal welfare fund.......................................................................................... 150,000
Commodity inspection fees................................................................................. 656,000
Consumer and industry food safety
education fund................................................ 243,000
Dairy and food safety fund................................................................................. 6,079,100
Feed control fund.............................................................................................. 1,318,900
Fertilizer control fund........................................................................................ 1,103,100
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 8,501,500
Gasoline inspection and testing
fund.................................................................... 1,455,400
Grain dealers fee fund........................................................................................ 690,400
Horticulture fund............................................................................................... 40,000
Industrial hemp licensing and
registration fund..................................................... 120,000
Industry food safety education
fund..................................................................... 114,100
Industry support funds........................................................................................ 486,000
Michigan craft beverage council
fund.................................................................. 900,300
Migratory labor housing fund.............................................................................. 169,100
Private forestland enhancement
fund.................................................................... 795,700
Refined petroleum fund...................................................................................... 3,353,200
Rural development fund..................................................................................... 2,006,300
Testing fees...................................................................................................... 292,600
Weights and measures regulation
fees.................................................................. 730,300
Total other state restricted
revenues..................................................................... 41,383,700
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 57,200,000
Full-time equated unclassified
positions......................................................... 6.0
Full-time equated classified
positions.......................................................... 26.0
Unclassified positions 6.0 FTE
positions........................................................... $ 596,700
Accounting service center................................................................................... 1,011,300
Commissions and boards.................................................................................... 23,800
Emergency management 4.0 FTE
positions........................................................ 1,101,300
Executive direction 22.0 FTE
positions............................................................. 2,958,700
Property management........................................................................................ 738,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 6,429,900
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 440,000
Special revenue funds:
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 34,500
Dairy and food safety fund................................................................................. 30,400
Feed control fund.............................................................................................. 3,100
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 36,100
Industry support funds........................................................................................ 54,300
Michigan craft beverage council
fund.................................................................. 8,800
Private forestland enhancement
fund.................................................................... 15,600
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 5,807,100
Information technology services
and projects........................................................ $ 1,812,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 1,812,800
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from LARA (LCC), liquor
quality testing fees............................................... 3,200
Special revenue funds:
Agricultural preservation fund............................................................................. 200
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 93,800
Dairy and food safety fund................................................................................. 61,200
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 100
Gasoline inspection and testing
fund.................................................................... 31,800
Michigan craft beverage council
fund.................................................................. 500
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 1,622,000
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 134.0
Food safety and quality assurance 98.0
FTE positions......................................... $ 17,124,500
Milk safety and quality assurance 36.0
FTE positions......................................... 5,510,700
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 22,635,200
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 2,714,200
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 137,200
Special revenue funds:
Consumer and industry food safety
education fund................................................ 243,000
Dairy and food safety fund................................................................................. 5,484,000
Industry food safety education
fund..................................................................... 114,100
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 13,942,700
Full-time equated classified
positions.......................................................... 61.0
Michigan animal agriculture
alliance................................................................... $ 3,000,000
Animal disease prevention and
response 61.0 FTE positions................................ 9,065,100
Indemnification - livestock
depredation................................................................ 25,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 12,090,100
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Department of interior........................................................................................ 40,800
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 46,600
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 531,600
Special revenue funds:
Private - commodity group revenue..................................................................... 30,500
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 70,300
Animal welfare fund.......................................................................................... 150,000
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 11,220,300
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
Full-time equated classified
positions.......................................................... 88.0
Pesticide and plant pest
management 80.0 FTE positions..................................... $ 12,109,200
Animal feed safety 8.0 FTE positions................................................................ 1,752,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 13,862,100
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Department of interior........................................................................................ 101,800
EPA, multiple grants.......................................................................................... 554,800
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 327,900
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 719,000
Special revenue funds:
Private - slow-the-spread
foundation.................................................................... 21,300
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 4,520,700
Commodity inspection fees................................................................................. 656,000
Feed control fund.............................................................................................. 1,125,000
Fertilizer control fund........................................................................................ 1,079,000
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 156,600
Horticulture fund............................................................................................... 40,000
Industry support funds........................................................................................ 228,100
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 4,331,900
Full-time equated classified
positions.......................................................... 65.5
Agricultural preservation easement
grants............................................................ $ 1,900,000
Environmental stewardship - MAEAP 25.0
FTE positions................................... 10,739,000
Farmland and open space
preservation 10.0 FTE positions.................................. 1,566,600
Intercounty drain 6.0 FTE
positions.................................................................. 822,000
Migrant labor housing 9.0 FTE
positions........................................................... 1,298,600
Qualified forest program 9.0 FTE
positions....................................................... 2,681,100
Right-to-farm 6.5 FTE positions....................................................................... 974,700
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 19,982,000
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDEGLE, biosolids........................................................................... 91,400
IDG from MDNR, forest development
fund.......................................................... 997,300
Federal revenues:
Department of interior........................................................................................ 96,300
EPA, multiple grants.......................................................................................... 561,600
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 1,322,300
Special revenue funds:
Agricultural preservation fund............................................................................. 3,444,700
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 8,263,000
Migratory labor housing fund.............................................................................. 140,100
Private forestland enhancement
fund.................................................................... 780,100
State general fund/general purpose...................................................................... $ 4,285,200
Full-time equated classified
positions........................................................ 107.0
Central licensing and customer call
center 12.0 FTE positions............................. $ 1,355,600
Consumer protection program 42.0
FTE positions.............................................. 6,868,300
Laboratory services 41.0 FTE
positions............................................................. 7,226,900
USDA monitoring 12.0 FTE positions............................................................... 1,647,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION............................................................................... $ 17,098,700
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from LARA (LCC), liquor
quality testing fees............................................... 223,800
Federal revenues:
EPA, multiple grants.......................................................................................... 175,900
[Please see the PDF version of this journal, if available, to view this image.]
HHS, multiple grants......................................................................................... 942,500
USDA, multiple grants....................................................................................... 1,649,100
Special revenue funds:
Agriculture licensing and
inspection fees.............................................................. 342,200
Dairy and food safety fund................................................................................. 503,500
Feed control fund.............................................................................................. 190,800
Fertilizer control fund........................................................................................ 24,100
Freshwater protection fund................................................................................. 45,700
Gasoline inspection and testing
fund.................................................................... 1,423,600
Grain dealers fee fund........................................................................................ 7,900
Migratory labor housing fund.............................................................................. 29,000