OFFICER SCOTT FLAHIVE MEM. HWY                                                               S.B. 527:

                                                                                 SUMMARY OF INTRODUCED BILL

                                                                                                         IN COMMITTEE










Senate Bill 527 (as introduced 9-12-19)

Sponsor:  Senator Roger Victory

Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure


Date Completed:  10-16-19




The bill would amend the Michigan Memorial Highway Act to do the following:


 --    Exclude the portion of Highway US-31 beginning at the intersection with Robbins Road in the city of Grand Haven and continuing north to the Grand Haven Bascule Bridge from its current designation as a portion of the "Blue Star Memorial Highway".

 --    Designate the portion of highway US-31, also known as Beacon Boulevard, beginning at the intersection with Robbins Road in the city of Grand Haven and continuing north to the Grand Haven Bascule Bridge, as the "Officer Scott Flahive Memorial Highway".


Currently, the portion of Highway US-31 beginning at the border between Michigan and Indiana in Berrien County and extending to the Straits of Mackinac at the county line of Emmet and Cheboygan Counties is known as the "Blue Star Memorial Highway". The bill would exclude the portion of Highway US-31 beginning at the intersection with Robbins Road in the city of Grand Haven and continuing north to the Grand Haven Bascule Bridge from this designation.


MCL 250.1011 et al.




On December 13, 1994, Officer Scott Flahive was fatally shot on Beacon Boulevard while trying to apprehend an escaped inmate of the Ottowa County Jail.  He was 28 years old and had served as a Grand Haven Public Safety Officer for four years prior to his death. In memory of Officer Scott Flahive, the community hosts the annual Scott Flahive Memorial Cruise, which raises money to support a scholarship fund for criminal justice students.                                                                               


                                                                            Legislative Analyst:  Tyler VanHuyse




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


                                                                                 Fiscal Analyst:  Michael Siracuse


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.