SCHOOL BUS INFRACTIONS                                                                 H.B. 4201-4204:

                                                                                                    SUMMARY OF BILL

                                                                                     REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE










House Bills 4201 through 4204 (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Representative Jack O'Malley (H.B. 4201)

               Representative Tyrone Carter (H.B. 4202)

               Representative Jewell Jones (H.B. 4203)

               Representative Greg VanWoerkom (H.B. 4204)

House Committee:  Judiciary

Senate Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure




House Bill 4201 would amend the Pupil Transportation Act to do the following:


 --    Prohibit an individual other than an authorized person from entering a school bus without the bus driver's permission.

 --    Prohibit a person from impeding the progress or operation of a school bus.

 --    Prescribe a civil infraction for a violation of the bill's prohibitions.


House Bill 4203 would amend the Pupil Transportation Act to allow a sticker to be affixed to the side of a school bus that specified that an unauthorized person attempting to board or boarding the bus would be subject to citation for a civil infraction.


House Bill 4204 would amend the Pupil Transportation Act to allow a school bus to be equipped with a stop-arm camera system.


House Bill 4202 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to do the following:


 --    Allow a school bus to be equipped with a stop-arm camera system in accordance with the Pupil Transportation Act, which House Bill 4204 would add.

 --    Require a school that used a stop-arm camera system to provide a video or photograph recorded by a stop-arm camera system for use as evidence in a proceeding for a violation if requested by a law enforcement agency.

 --    Specify that a photograph or video recorded by a stop-arm camera system would be admissible as evidence in a proceeding for a violation of the Code.


House Bill 4201 and House Bill 4203 are tie-barred to each other. House Bill 4202 and House Bill 4204 are tie-barred to each other.


MCL 257.1859 (H.B. 4201)                                        Legislative Analyst:  Tyler VanHuyse

MCL 257.682 (H.B. 4202)

MCL 257.1833 (H.B. 4203)

Proposed MCL 257.1820 (H.B. 4204)




House Bill 4201 could have a positive fiscal impact on State and local government. Revenue collected from civil fines proposed would be used to support local libraries. Additionally, $10 of the civil fine would be deposited into the State Justice System Fund. The Fund supports justice-related activities across State government in the Departments of Corrections, Health and Human Services, State Police, and Treasury. The Fund also supports justice-related issues in the Legislative Retirement System and the Judiciary. The amount of revenue to the State or for local libraries is indeterminate and would depend on the actual number of violations.


House Bill 4202-4204 would have no fiscal impact on State or local government, as the bill's provisions would be voluntary in nature. School districts that implemented the bill's provisions could realize some indeterminate costs associated with implementation.


Date Completed:  6-23-21                                                    Fiscal Analyst: Joe Carrasco

                                                                                                             Cory Savino





This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.