March 18, 2021, Introduced by Senator SANTANA and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled

"Revised judicature act of 1961,"

by amending section 1461 (MCL 600.1461); and to repeal acts and parts of acts.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 1461. (1) The term "newspaper" as used in the revised judicature act of 1961 shall be construed to refer only to a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character or for the dissemination of legal news, which

(a) has a bona fide list of paying subscribers or has been published at not less than weekly intervals in the same community without interruption for at least 2 years,

(b) has been established, published, and circulated at not less than weekly intervals without interruption for at least 1 year in the county where the court is situated. A newspaper shall not lose eligibility for interruption of continuous publication because of acts of God, labor disputes or military service of the publisher for a period of not to exceed 2 years, and provided publication is resumed within 6 months following the termination of such military service,

(c) annually averages at least 25% news and editorial content per issue. The term "news and editorial content" for the purpose of this section means any printed matter other than advertising.

(2) If no newspaper so qualifies in the county where the court is situated, the term "newspaper" shall include any newspaper in an adjoining county which by this section is qualified to publish notice of actions commenced therein.As used in this act, "newspaper", with respect to the publication of a notice, means that term as defined in section 1 of 1963 PA 247, MCL 691.1051, with the required area being the county in which the court is located, unless a different required area is designated in this act.

Enacting section 1. Section 1950 of revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.1950, is repealed.

Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No. 258 of the 101st Legislature is enacted into law.