A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled
"The state school aid act of 1979,"
by amending sections 3, 6, 20, 105, 105c, and 111 (MCL 388.1603, 388.1606, 388.1620, 388.1705, 388.1705c, and 388.1711), section 3 as amended by 2023 PA 103, section 6 as amended by 2023 PA 320, section 20 as amended by 2024 PA 120, sections 105 and 105c as amended by 2021 PA 48, and section 111 as amended by 1997 PA 93, and by adding section 105d.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 3. (1) "Average daily attendance", for the purposes of complying with federal law, means 92% of the pupils counted in membership on the pupil membership count day, as defined in section 6(7).
(2) "Board" means the governing body of a district or public school academy.
(3) "Center" means the center for educational performance and information created in section 94a.
(4) "Community district" means a school district organized under part 5b of the revised school code, MCL 380.381 to 380.396.
(5) "Cooperative education program" means a written voluntary agreement between and among districts to provide certain educational programs for pupils in certain groups of districts. The written agreement must be approved by all affected districts at least annually and must specify the educational programs to be provided and the estimated number of pupils from each district who will participate in the educational programs.
(6) "Department", except as otherwise provided in this article, means the department of education.
(7) "District" means, except as otherwise specifically provided in this act, a local school district established under the revised school code or, except in sections 6(4), 6(6), 11x, 11y, 11aa, 12c, 13, 20, 22a, 22p, 27l, 31a, 51a(14), 105, 105c, 105d, and 166b, a public school academy. Except in section 20, district also includes a community district.
(8) "District of residence", except as otherwise provided in this subsection, means the district in which a pupil's custodial parent or parents or legal guardian resides. For a pupil described in section 24b, the pupil's district of residence is the district in which the pupil enrolls under that section. For a pupil described in section 6(4)(d), the pupil's district of residence is considered to be the district or intermediate district in which the pupil is counted in membership under that section. For a pupil under court jurisdiction who is placed outside the district in which the pupil's custodial parent or parents or legal guardian resides, the pupil's district of residence is considered to be the educating district or educating intermediate district.
(9) "District superintendent" means the superintendent of a district or the chief administrator of a public school academy.
Sec. 6. (1) "Center program" means a program operated by a district or by an intermediate district for special education pupils from several districts in programs for pupils with autism spectrum disorder, pupils with severe cognitive impairment, pupils with moderate cognitive impairment, pupils with severe multiple impairments, pupils with hearing impairment, pupils with visual impairment, and pupils with physical impairment or other health impairment. Programs for pupils with emotional impairment housed in buildings that do not serve regular education pupils also qualify. Unless otherwise approved by the department, a center program either serves all constituent districts within an intermediate district or serves several districts with less than 50% of the pupils residing in the operating district. In addition, special education center program pupils placed part-time in noncenter programs to comply with the least restrictive environment provisions of section 1412 of the individuals with disabilities education act, 20 USC 1412, may be considered center program pupils for pupil accounting purposes for the time scheduled in either a center program or a noncenter program.
(2) "District and high school graduation rate" means the annual completion and pupil dropout rate that is calculated by the center pursuant to nationally recognized standards.
(3) "District and high school graduation report" means a report of the number of pupils, excluding adult education participants, in the district for the immediately preceding school year, adjusted for those pupils who have transferred into or out of the district or high school, who leave high school with a diploma or other credential of equal status.
(4) "Membership", except as otherwise provided in this article, means for a district, a public school academy, or an intermediate district the sum of the product of .90 times the number of full-time equated pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance in the district, public school academy, or intermediate district on the pupil membership count day for the current school year, plus the product of .10 times the final audited count from the supplemental count day of full-time equated pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance in the district, public school academy, or intermediate district for the immediately preceding school year. A district's, public school academy's, or intermediate district's membership is adjusted as provided under section 25e for pupils who enroll after the pupil membership count day in a strict discipline academy operating under sections 1311b to 1311m of the revised school code, MCL 380.1311b to 380.1311m. All pupil counts used in this subsection are as determined by the department and calculated by adding the number of pupils registered for attendance plus pupils received by transfer and minus pupils lost as defined by rules promulgated by the superintendent, and as corrected by a subsequent department audit. The amount of the foundation allowance for a pupil in membership is determined under section 20. In making the calculation of membership, all of the following, as applicable, apply to determining the membership of a district, a public school academy, or an intermediate district:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, and pursuant to subsection (6), a pupil is counted in membership in the pupil's educating district or districts. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an individual pupil must not be counted for more than a total of 1.0 full-time equated membership.
(b) If a pupil is educated in a district other than the pupil's district of residence, if the pupil is not being educated as part of a cooperative education program, if the pupil's district of residence does not give the educating district its approval to count the pupil in membership in the educating district, and if the pupil is not covered by an exception specified in subsection (6) to the requirement that the educating district must have the approval of the pupil's district of residence to count the pupil in membership, the pupil is not counted in membership in any district.
(c) A special education pupil educated by the intermediate district is counted in membership in the intermediate district.
(d) A pupil placed by a court or state agency in an on-grounds program of a juvenile detention facility, a child caring institution, or a mental health institution, or a pupil funded under section 53a, is counted in membership in the district or intermediate district approved by the department to operate the program.
(e) A pupil enrolled in the Michigan Schools for the Deaf and Blind is counted in membership in the pupil's intermediate district of residence.
(f) A pupil enrolled in a career and technical education program supported by a millage levied over an area larger than a single district or in an area vocational-technical education program established under section 690 of the revised school code, MCL 380.690, is counted in membership only in the pupil's district of residence.
(g) A pupil enrolled in a public school academy is counted in membership in the public school academy.
(h) For the purposes of this section and section 6a, for a cyber school, as that term is defined in section 551 of the revised school code, MCL 380.551, that is in compliance with section 553a of the revised school code, MCL 380.553a, a pupil's participation in the cyber school's educational program is considered regular daily attendance, and for a district or public school academy, a pupil's participation in a virtual course as that term is defined in section 21f is considered regular daily attendance. Beginning July 1, 2021, this subdivision is subject to section 8c. It is the intent of the legislature that the immediately preceding sentence apply retroactively and is effective July 1, 2021. For the purposes of this subdivision, for a pupil enrolled in a cyber school, all of the following apply with regard to the participation requirement as described in this subdivision:
(i) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the pupil shall participate in each scheduled course on pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable. If the pupil is absent on pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable, the pupil must attend and participate in class during the next 10 consecutive school days if the absence was unexcused, or during the next 30 calendar days if the absence was excused.
(ii) For a pupil who is not learning sequentially, 1 or more of the following must be met on pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable, for each scheduled course to satisfy the participation requirement under this subdivision:
(A) The pupil attended a live lesson from the teacher.
(B) The pupil logged into a lesson or lesson activity and the login can be documented.
(C) The pupil and teacher engaged in a subject-oriented telephone conversation.
(D) There is documentation of an email dialogue between the pupil and teacher.
(E) There is documentation of activity or work between the learning coach and pupil.
(F) An alternate form of attendance as determined and agreed upon by the cyber school and the pupil membership auditor was met.
(iii) For a pupil using sequential learning, the participation requirement under this subdivision is satisfied if either of the following occurs:
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this sub-subparagraph, the pupil and the teacher of record or mentor complete a 2-way interaction for 1 course during the week on which pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable, occurs, and the 3 consecutive weeks following that week. However, if a school break is scheduled during any of the weeks described in this sub-subparagraph that is 4 or more days in length or instruction has been canceled districtwide during any of the weeks described in this sub-subparagraph for 3 or more school days, the district is not required to ensure that the pupil and the teacher of record or mentor completed a 2-way interaction for that week. As used in this sub-subparagraph:
(I) "2-way interaction" means the communication that occurs between the teacher of record or mentor and pupil, where 1 party initiates communication and a response from the other party follows that communication. Responses as described in this sub-sub-subparagraph must be to the communication initiated by the teacher of record or mentor, and not some other action taken. This interaction may occur through, but is not limited to, means such as email, telephone, instant messaging, or face-to-face conversation. A parent- or legal-guardian-facilitated 2-way interaction is considered a 2-way interaction if the pupil is in any of grades K to 5 and does not yet possess the skills necessary to participate in 2-way interactions unassisted. The interactions described in this sub-sub-subparagraph must relate to a virtual course on the pupil's schedule and pertain to course content or progress.
(II) "Mentor" means a professional employee of the district who monitors the pupil's progress, ensures the pupil has access to needed technology, is available for assistance, and ensures access to the teacher of record. A mentor may also be the teacher of record if the mentor meets the definition of a teacher of record under this sub-subparagraph and the district is the provider for the course.
(III) "Teacher of record" means a teacher to whom all of the following apply:
(1) The teacher is responsible for providing instruction, determining instructional methods for each pupil, diagnosing learning needs, assessing pupil learning, prescribing intervention strategies and modifying lessons, reporting outcomes, and evaluating the effects of instruction and support strategies. The teacher of record may coordinate the distribution and assignment of the responsibilities described in this sub-sub-sub-subparagraph with other teachers participating in the instructional process for a course.
(2) The teacher is certified for the grade level or is working under a valid substitute permit, authorization, or approval issued by the department.
(3) The teacher has a personnel identification code provided by the center.
(IV) "Week" means a period that starts on Wednesday and ends the following Tuesday.
(B) The pupil completes a combination of 1 or more of the following activities for each scheduled course on pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable:
(I) Documented attendance in a virtual course where synchronous, live instruction occurred with the teacher.
(II) Documented completion of a course assignment.
(III) Documented completion of a course lesson or lesson activity.
(IV) Documented pupil access to an ongoing lesson, which does not include a login.
(V) Documented physical attendance on pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, as applicable, in each scheduled course, if the pupil will attend at least 50% of the instructional time for each scheduled course on-site, face-to-face with the teacher of record. As used in this sub-sub-subparagraph, "teacher of record" means that term as defined in subparagraph (iii)(A).
(iv) For purposes of subparagraph (iii), each scheduled course currently being attempted by the pupil, rather than every course on the pupil's schedule for the entire term, is considered a part of each scheduled course for the pupil.
(i) For a new district or public school academy beginning its operation after December 31, 1994, membership for the first 2 full or partial fiscal years of operation is determined as follows:
(i) If operations begin before the pupil membership count day for the fiscal year, membership is the average number of full-time equated pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance on the pupil membership count day for the current school year and on the supplemental count day for the current school year, as determined by the department and calculated by adding the number of pupils registered for attendance on the pupil membership count day plus pupils received by transfer and minus pupils lost as defined by rules promulgated by the superintendent, and as corrected by a subsequent department audit, plus the final audited count from the supplemental count day for the current school year, and dividing that sum by 2.
(ii) If operations begin after the pupil membership count day for the fiscal year and not later than the supplemental count day for the fiscal year, membership is the final audited count of the number of full-time equated pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance on the supplemental count day for the current school year.
(j) If a district is the authorizing body for a public school academy, then, in the first school year in which pupils are counted in membership on the pupil membership count day in the public school academy, the determination of the district's membership excludes from the district's pupil count for the immediately preceding supplemental count day any pupils who are counted in the public school academy on that first pupil membership count day who were also counted in the district on the immediately preceding supplemental count day.
(k) For an extended school year program approved by the superintendent, a pupil enrolled, but not scheduled to be in regular daily attendance, on a pupil membership count day, is counted in membership.
(l) To be counted in membership, a pupil must meet the minimum age requirement to be eligible to attend school under section 1147 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1147, and must be less than 20 years of age on September 1 of the school year except as follows:
(i) A special education pupil who is enrolled and receiving instruction in a special education program or service approved by the department, who does not have a high school diploma, and who is less than 26 years of age as of September 1 of the current school year is counted in membership.
(ii) A pupil who is determined by the department to meet all of the following may be counted in membership:
(A) Is enrolled in a public school academy or an alternative education high school diploma program, that is primarily focused on educating pupils with extreme barriers to education, such as being homeless as that term is defined under 42 USC 11302.
(B) Had dropped out of school.
(C) Is less than 22 years of age as of September 1 of the current school year.
(iii) If a child does not meet the minimum age requirement to be eligible to attend school for that school year under section 1147 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1147, but will be 5 years of age not later than December 1 of that school year, the district may count the child in membership for that school year if the parent or legal guardian has notified the district in writing that the parent or legal guardian intends to enroll the child in kindergarten for that school year.
(m) An individual who has achieved a high school diploma is not counted in membership. An individual who has achieved a high school equivalency certificate is not counted in membership unless the individual is a student with a disability as that term is defined in R 340.1702 of the Michigan Administrative Code. An individual participating in a job training program funded under former section 107a or a jobs program funded under former section 107b, administered by the department of labor and economic opportunity, or participating in any successor of either of those 2 programs, is not counted in membership.
(n) If a pupil counted in membership in a public school academy is also educated by a district or intermediate district as part of a cooperative education program, the pupil is counted in membership only in the public school academy unless a written agreement signed by all parties designates the party or parties in which the pupil is counted in membership, and the instructional time scheduled for the pupil in the district or intermediate district is included in the full-time equated membership determination under subdivision (q) and section 101. However, for pupils receiving instruction in both a public school academy and in a district or intermediate district but not as a part of a cooperative education program, the following apply:
(i) If the public school academy provides instruction for at least 1/2 of the class hours required under section 101, the public school academy receives as its prorated share of the full-time equated membership for each of those pupils an amount equal to 1 times the product of the hours of instruction the public school academy provides divided by the number of hours required under section 101 for full-time equivalency, and the remainder of the full-time membership for each of those pupils is allocated to the district or intermediate district providing the remainder of the hours of instruction.
(ii) If the public school academy provides instruction for less than 1/2 of the class hours required under section 101, the district or intermediate district providing the remainder of the hours of instruction receives as its prorated share of the full-time equated membership for each of those pupils an amount equal to 1 times the product of the hours of instruction the district or intermediate district provides divided by the number of hours required under section 101 for full-time equivalency, and the remainder of the full-time membership for each of those pupils is allocated to the public school academy.
(o) An individual less than 16 years of age as of September 1 of the current school year who is being educated in an alternative education program is not counted in membership if there are also adult education participants being educated in the same program or classroom.
(p) The department shall give a uniform interpretation of full-time and part-time memberships.
(q) The number of class hours used to calculate full-time equated memberships must be consistent with section 101. In determining full-time equated memberships for pupils who are enrolled in a postsecondary institution or for pupils engaged in an internship or work experience under section 1279h of the revised school code, MCL 380.1279h, a pupil is not considered to be less than a full-time equated pupil solely because of the effect of the pupil's postsecondary enrollment or engagement in the internship or work experience, including necessary travel time, on the number of class hours provided by the district to the pupil.
(r) Full-time equated memberships for pupils in kindergarten are determined by dividing the number of instructional hours scheduled and provided per year per kindergarten pupil by the same number used for determining full-time equated memberships for pupils in grades 1 to 12. However, to the extent allowable under federal law, for a district or public school academy that provides evidence satisfactory to the department that it used federal title I money in the 2 immediately preceding school fiscal years to fund full-time kindergarten, full-time equated memberships for pupils in kindergarten are determined by dividing the number of class hours scheduled and provided per year per kindergarten pupil by a number equal to 1/2 the number used for determining full-time equated memberships for pupils in grades 1 to 12. The change in the counting of full-time equated memberships for pupils in kindergarten that took effect for 2012-2013 is not a mandate.
(s) For a district or a public school academy that has pupils enrolled in a grade level that was not offered by the district or public school academy in the immediately preceding school year, the number of pupils enrolled in that grade level to be counted in membership is the average of the number of those pupils enrolled and in regular daily attendance on the pupil membership count day and the supplemental count day of the current school year. Membership is calculated by adding the number of pupils registered for attendance in that grade level on the pupil membership count day plus pupils received by transfer and minus pupils lost as defined by rules promulgated by the superintendent, and as corrected by subsequent department audit, plus the final audited count from the supplemental count day for the current school year, and dividing that sum by 2.
(t) A pupil enrolled in a cooperative education program may be counted in membership in the pupil's district of residence with the written approval of all parties to the cooperative agreement.
(u) If, as a result of a disciplinary action, a district determines through the district's alternative or disciplinary education program that the best instructional placement for a pupil is in the pupil's home or otherwise apart from the general school population, if that placement is authorized in writing by the district superintendent and district alternative or disciplinary education supervisor, and if the district provides appropriate instruction as described in this subdivision to the pupil at the pupil's home or otherwise apart from the general school population, the district may count the pupil in membership on a pro rata basis, with the proration based on the number of hours of instruction the district actually provides to the pupil divided by the number of hours required under section 101 for full-time equivalency. For the purposes of this subdivision, a district is considered to be providing appropriate instruction if all of the following are met:
(i) The district provides at least 2 nonconsecutive hours of instruction per week to the pupil at the pupil's home or otherwise apart from the general school population under the supervision of a certificated teacher.
(ii) The district provides instructional materials, resources, and supplies that are comparable to those otherwise provided in the district's alternative education program.
(iii) Course content is comparable to that in the district's alternative education program.
(iv) Credit earned is awarded to the pupil and placed on the pupil's transcript.
(v) If a pupil was enrolled in a public school academy on the pupil membership count day, if the public school academy's contract with its authorizing body is revoked or the public school academy otherwise ceases to operate, and if the pupil enrolls in a district within 45 days after the pupil membership count day, the department shall adjust the district's pupil count for the pupil membership count day to include the pupil in the count.
(w) For a public school academy that has been in operation for at least 2 years and that suspended operations for at least 1 semester and is resuming operations, membership is the sum of the product of .90 times the number of full-time equated pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance on the first pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, whichever is first, occurring after operations resume, plus the product of .10 times the final audited count from the most recent pupil membership count day or supplemental count day that occurred before suspending operations, as determined by the superintendent.
(x) If a district's membership for a particular fiscal year, as otherwise calculated under this subsection, would be less than 1,550 pupils, the district has 4.5 or fewer pupils per square mile, as determined by the department, and the district does not receive funding under section 22d(2), the district's membership is considered to be the membership figure calculated under this subdivision. If a district educates and counts in its membership pupils in grades 9 to 12 who reside in a contiguous district that does not operate grades 9 to 12 and if 1 or both of the affected districts request the department to use the determination allowed under this sentence, the department shall include the square mileage of both districts in determining the number of pupils per square mile for each of the districts for the purposes of this subdivision. If a district has established a community engagement advisory committee in partnership with the department of treasury, is required to submit a deficit elimination plan or an enhanced deficit elimination plan under section 1220 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1220, and is located in a city with a population between 9,000 and 11,000, as determined by the department, that is in a county with a population between 150,000 and 160,000, as determined by the department, the district's membership is considered to be the membership figure calculated under this subdivision. The membership figure calculated under this subdivision is the greater of the following:
(i) The average of the district's membership for the 3-fiscal-year period ending with that fiscal year, calculated by adding the district's actual membership for each of those 3 fiscal years, as otherwise calculated under this subsection, and dividing the sum of those 3 membership figures by 3.
(ii) The district's actual membership for that fiscal year as otherwise calculated under this subsection.
(y) Full-time equated memberships for special education pupils who are not enrolled in kindergarten but are enrolled in a classroom program under R 340.1754 of the Michigan Administrative Code are determined by dividing the number of class hours scheduled and provided per year by 450. Full-time equated memberships for special education pupils who are not enrolled in kindergarten but are receiving early childhood special education services under R 340.1755 or R 340.1862 of the Michigan Administrative Code are determined by dividing the number of hours of service scheduled and provided per year per pupil by 180.
(z) A pupil of a district that begins its school year after Labor Day who is enrolled in an intermediate district program that begins before Labor Day is not considered to be less than a full-time pupil solely due to instructional time scheduled but not attended by the pupil before Labor Day.
(aa) For the first year in which a pupil is counted in membership on the pupil membership count day in a middle college program, the membership is the average of the full-time equated membership on the pupil membership count day and on the supplemental count day for the current school year, as determined by the department. If a pupil described in this subdivision was counted in membership by the operating district on the immediately preceding supplemental count day, the pupil is excluded from the district's immediately preceding supplemental count for the purposes of determining the district's membership.
(bb) A district or public school academy that educates a pupil who attends a United States Olympic Education Center may count the pupil in membership regardless of whether or not the pupil is a resident of this state.
(cc) A pupil enrolled in a district other than the pupil's district of residence under section 1148(2) of the revised school code, MCL 380.1148, is counted in the educating district.
(dd) For a pupil enrolled in a dropout recovery program that meets the requirements of section 23a, the pupil is counted as 1/12 of a full-time equated membership for each month that the district operating the program reports that the pupil was enrolled in the program and was in full attendance. However, if the special membership counting provisions under this subdivision and the operation of the other membership counting provisions under this subsection result in a pupil being counted as more than 1.0 FTE in a fiscal year, the payment made for the pupil under sections 22a and 22b must not be based on more than 1.0 FTE for that pupil, and any portion of an FTE for that pupil that exceeds 1.0 is instead paid under section 25g. The district operating the program shall report to the center the number of pupils who were enrolled in the program and were in full attendance for a month not later than 30 days after the end of the month. A district shall not report a pupil as being in full attendance for a month unless both of the following are met:
(i) A personalized learning plan is in place on or before the first school day of the month for the first month the pupil participates in the program.
(ii) Either of the following is met:
(A) The pupil meets the district's definition under section 23a of satisfactory monthly progress for that month or, if the pupil does not meet that definition of satisfactory monthly progress for that month, the pupil did meet that definition of satisfactory monthly progress in the immediately preceding month and appropriate interventions, as defined by the district, are implemented within 10 school days after it is determined that the pupil does not meet that definition of satisfactory monthly progress.
(B) For the first 2 months that the pupil participates in the program, the pupil earns 0.25 credit by the end of the second month. A pupil described in this sub-subparagraph may be retroactively reported as being in full attendance for the first month that the pupil participated in the program.
(ee) A pupil participating in a virtual course under section 21f is counted in membership in the district enrolling the pupil.
(ff) If a public school academy that is not in its first or second year of operation closes at the end of a school year and does not reopen for the next school year, the department shall adjust the membership count of the district or other public school academy in which a former pupil of the closed public school academy enrolls and is in regular daily attendance for the next school year to ensure that the district or other public school academy receives the same amount of membership aid for the pupil as if the pupil were counted in the district or other public school academy on the supplemental count day of the preceding school year.
(gg) If a special education pupil is expelled under section 1311 or 1311a of the revised school code, MCL 380.1311 and 380.1311a, and is not in attendance on the pupil membership count day because of the expulsion, and if the pupil remains enrolled in the district and resumes regular daily attendance during that school year, the district's membership is adjusted to count the pupil in membership as if the pupil had been in attendance on the pupil membership count day.
(hh) A pupil enrolled in a community district is counted in membership in the community district.
(ii) A part-time pupil enrolled in a nonpublic school in grades K to 12 in accordance with section 166b must not be counted as more than 0.75 of a full-time equated membership.
(jj) A district that borders another state or a public school academy that operates at least grades 9 to 12 and is located within 20 miles of a border with another state may count in membership a pupil who is enrolled in a course at a college or university that is located in the bordering state and within 20 miles of the border with this state if all of the following are met:
(i) The pupil would meet the definition of an eligible student under the postsecondary enrollment options act, 1996 PA 160, MCL 388.511 to 388.524, if the course were an eligible course under that act.
(ii) The course in which the pupil is enrolled would meet the definition of an eligible course under the postsecondary enrollment options act, 1996 PA 160, MCL 388.511 to 388.524, if the course were provided by an eligible postsecondary institution under that act.
(iii) The department determines that the college or university is an institution that, in the other state, fulfills a function comparable to a state university or community college, as those terms are defined in section 3 of the postsecondary enrollment options act, 1996 PA 160, MCL 388.513, or is an independent nonprofit degree-granting college or university.
(iv) The district or public school academy pays for a portion of the pupil's tuition at the college or university in an amount equal to the eligible charges that the district or public school academy would pay to an eligible postsecondary institution under the postsecondary enrollment options act, 1996 PA 160, MCL 388.511 to 388.524, as if the course were an eligible course under that act.
(v) The district or public school academy awards high school credit to a pupil who successfully completes a course as described in this subdivision.
(kk) A pupil enrolled in a middle college program may be counted for more than a total of 1.0 full-time equated membership for any of the school years in which the pupil is enrolled in the middle college program, but the total full-time equated membership for that pupil for all of the school years in which the pupil is enrolled in high school must not be greater than 5.00 full-time equated membership if the pupil is enrolled in more than the minimum number of instructional days and hours required under section 101 and the pupil is expected to complete the 5-year program with both a high school diploma and at least 60 transferable college credits or is expected to earn an associate's degree in fewer than 5 years. A pupil who graduates with both a high school diploma and at least 60 transferable college credits or an associate degree at least 1 semester early is considered to have completed the middle college program in fewer than 5 years.
(ll) If a district's or public school academy's membership for a particular fiscal year, as otherwise calculated under this subsection, includes pupils counted in membership who are enrolled under section 166b, all of the following apply for the purposes of this subdivision:
(i) If the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils counted under section 166b equals or exceeds 5% of the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils not counted in membership under section 166b in the immediately preceding fiscal year, then the growth in the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils counted under section 166b must not exceed 10%.
(ii) If the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils counted under section 166b is less than 5% of the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils not counted in membership under section 166b in the immediately preceding fiscal year, then the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils counted under section 166b must not exceed the greater of the following:
(A) Five percent of the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils not counted in membership under section 166b.
(B) Ten percent more than the district's or public school academy's membership for pupils counted under section 166b in the immediately preceding fiscal year.
(iii) If 1 or more districts consolidate or are parties to an annexation, then the calculations under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) must be applied to the combined total membership for pupils counted in those districts for the fiscal year immediately preceding the consolidation or annexation.
(5) "Public school academy" means that term as defined in section 5 of the revised school code, MCL 380.5.
(6) "Pupil" means an individual in membership in a public school. A district must have the approval of the pupil's district of residence to count the pupil in membership, except approval by the pupil's district of residence is not required for any of the following:
(a) A nonpublic part-time pupil enrolled in grades K to 12 in accordance with section 166b.
(b) A pupil receiving 1/2 or less of the pupil's instruction in a district other than the pupil's district of residence.
(c) A pupil enrolled in a public school academy.
(d) A pupil enrolled in a district other than the pupil's district of residence if the pupil is enrolled in accordance with section 105, or 105c, or 105d.
(e) A pupil who has made an official written complaint or whose parent or legal guardian has made an official written complaint to law enforcement officials and to school officials of the pupil's district of residence that the pupil has been the victim of a criminal sexual assault or other serious assault, if the official complaint either indicates that the assault occurred at school or that the assault was committed by 1 or more other pupils enrolled in the school the pupil would otherwise attend in the district of residence or by an employee of the district of residence. A person who intentionally makes a false report of a crime to law enforcement officials for the purposes of this subdivision is subject to section 411a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.411a, which provides criminal penalties for that conduct. As used in this subdivision:
(i) "At school" means in a classroom, elsewhere on school premises, on a school bus or other school-related vehicle, or at a school-sponsored activity or event whether or not it is held on school premises.
(ii) "Serious assault" means an act that constitutes a felony violation of chapter XI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81 to 750.90h, or that constitutes an assault and infliction of serious or aggravated injury under section 81a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81a.
(f) A pupil whose district of residence changed after the pupil membership count day and before the supplemental count day and who continues to be enrolled on the supplemental count day as a nonresident in the district in which the pupil was enrolled as a resident on the pupil membership count day of the same school year.
(g) A pupil enrolled in an alternative education program operated by a district other than the pupil's district of residence who meets 1 or more of the following:
(i) The pupil has been suspended or expelled from the pupil's district of residence for any reason, including, but not limited to, a suspension or expulsion under section 1310, 1311, or 1311a of the revised school code, MCL 380.1310, 380.1311, and 380.1311a.
(ii) The pupil had previously dropped out of school.
(iii) The pupil is pregnant or is a parent.
(iv) The pupil has been referred to the program by a court.
(h) A pupil enrolled in the Michigan Virtual School, for the pupil's enrollment in the Michigan Virtual School.
(i) A pupil who is the child of a person who works at the district or who is the child of a person who worked at the district as of the time the pupil first enrolled in the district but who no longer works at the district due to a workforce reduction. As used in this subdivision, "child" includes an adopted child, stepchild, or legal ward.
(j) An expelled pupil who has been denied reinstatement by the expelling district and is reinstated by another school board under section 1311 or 1311a of the revised school code, MCL 380.1311 and 380.1311a.
(k) A pupil enrolled in a district other than the pupil's district of residence in a middle college program if the pupil's district of residence and the enrolling district are both constituent districts of the same intermediate district.
(l) A pupil enrolled in a district other than the pupil's district of residence who attends a United States Olympic Education Center.
(m) A pupil enrolled in a district other than the pupil's district of residence under section 1148(2) of the revised school code, MCL 380.1148.
(n) A pupil who enrolls in a district other than the pupil's district of residence as a result of the pupil's school not making adequate yearly progress under the no child left behind act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, or the every student succeeds act, Public Law 114-95. However, if a district educates pupils who reside in another district and if the primary instructional site for those pupils is established by the educating district after 2009-2010 and is located within the boundaries of that other district, the educating district must have the approval of that other district to count those pupils in membership.
(7) "Pupil membership count day" of a district or intermediate district means:
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) or (c), either of the following:
(i) The first Wednesday in October each school year.
(ii) For a district or building in which school is not in session on the Wednesday described in subparagraph (i) due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, with the approval of the superintendent, the immediately following day on which school is in session in the district or building.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (c), for a district or intermediate district maintaining school during the entire school year, the following days:
(i) Fourth Wednesday in July.
(ii) First Wednesday in October.
(iii) Second Wednesday in February.
(iv) Fourth Wednesday in April.
(c) If a date listed in subdivision (a) or (b) is on a day of religious or cultural significance, as determined by the district or intermediate district, the immediately following day on which school is in session in the district or building.
(8) "Pupils in grades K to 12 actually enrolled and in regular daily attendance" means, except as otherwise provided in this section, pupils in grades K to 12 in attendance and receiving instruction in all classes for which they are enrolled on the pupil membership count day or the supplemental count day, as applicable. Except as otherwise provided in this section and subsection, a pupil who is absent from any of the classes in which the pupil is enrolled on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day and who does not attend each of those classes during the 10 consecutive school days immediately following the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day, except for a pupil who has been excused by the district, is not counted as 1.0 full-time equated membership. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a pupil who is excused from attendance on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day and who fails to attend each of the classes in which the pupil is enrolled within 30 calendar days after the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day is not counted as 1.0 full-time equated membership. Except as otherwise provided in this section, in addition, a pupil who was enrolled and in attendance in a district, intermediate district, or public school academy before the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day of a particular year but was expelled or suspended on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day is only counted as 1.0 full-time equated membership if the pupil resumed attendance in the district, intermediate district, or public school academy within 45 days after the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day of that particular year. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a pupil not counted as 1.0 full-time equated membership due to an absence from a class is counted as a prorated membership for the classes the pupil attended. For purposes of this subsection:
(a) "Appropriately placed" means holding a valid Michigan educator credential with the required grade range and discipline or subject area for the assignment, as defined by the superintendent of public instruction.
(b) "Class" means either of the following, as applicable:
(i) A period of time in 1 day when pupils and an individual who is appropriately placed under a valid certificate, substitute permit, authorization, or approval issued by the department, are together and instruction is taking place. This subdivision does not apply for the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years.
(ii) For the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years only, a period of time in 1 day when pupils and a certificated teacher, a teacher engaged to teach under section 1233b of the revised school code, MCL 380.1233b, or an individual working under a valid substitute permit, authorization, or approval issued by the department are together and instruction is taking place.
(9) "Rule" means a rule promulgated pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.
(10) "The revised school code" means the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.
(11) "School district of the first class", "first class school district", and "district of the first class" mean, for the purposes of this article only, a district that had at least 40,000 pupils in membership for the immediately preceding fiscal year.
(12) "School fiscal year" means a fiscal year that commences July 1 and continues through June 30.
(13) "State board" means the state board of education.
(14) "Superintendent", unless the context clearly refers to a district or intermediate district superintendent, means the superintendent of public instruction described in section 3 of article VIII of the state constitution of 1963.
(15) "Supplemental count day" means the day on which the supplemental pupil count is conducted under section 6a.
(16) "Tuition pupil" means a pupil of school age attending school in a district other than the pupil's district of residence for whom tuition may be charged to the district of residence. Tuition pupil does not include a pupil who is a special education pupil, a pupil described in subsection (6)(d) to (n), or a pupil whose parent or guardian voluntarily enrolls the pupil in a district that is not the pupil's district of residence. A pupil's district of residence shall not require a high school tuition pupil, as provided under section 111, to attend another school district after the pupil has been assigned to a school district.
(17) "State school aid fund" means the state school aid fund established in section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
(18) "Taxable value" means, except as otherwise provided in this article, the taxable value of property as determined under section 27a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.27a.
(19) "Textbook" means a book, electronic book, or other instructional print or electronic resource that is selected and approved by the governing board of a district and that contains a presentation of principles of a subject, or that is a literary work relevant to the study of a subject required for the use of classroom pupils, or another type of course material that forms the basis of classroom instruction.
(20) "Total state aid" or "total state school aid", except as otherwise provided in this article, means the total combined amount of all funds due to a district, intermediate district, or other entity under this article.
Sec. 20. (1) For 2024-2025, the target foundation allowance is $9,608.00.
(2) The department shall calculate the amount of each district's foundation allowance as provided in this section, using a target foundation allowance in the amount specified in subsection (1).
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the department shall calculate the amount of a district's foundation allowance as follows, using in all calculations the total amount of the district's foundation allowance as calculated before any proration:
(a) For a district that had a foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year that was equal to the target foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year, the district receives a foundation allowance in an amount equal to the target foundation allowance described in subsection (1) for the current fiscal year.
(b) For a district that had a foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year that was greater than the target foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year, the district's foundation allowance is an amount equal to the lesser of (the sum of the district's foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year plus any per pupil amount calculated under section 20m(2) in the immediately preceding fiscal year plus the increase in the target foundation allowance for the current fiscal year, as compared to the immediately preceding fiscal year) or (the product of the district's foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year times the percentage increase in the United States Consumer Price Index in the calendar year ending in the immediately preceding fiscal year as reported by the May revenue estimating conference conducted under section 367b of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1367b).
(c) For a district that had a foundation allowance in the immediately preceding fiscal year that was less than the target foundation allowance in effect for that fiscal year, the district's foundation allowance is an amount equal to the lesser of (the sum of district's foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year plus any per pupil amount calculated under section 20m(2) in the immediately preceding fiscal year plus the increase in the target foundation allowance for the current fiscal year, as compared to the immediately preceding fiscal year) or (the product of the district's foundation allowance for the immediately preceding fiscal year times the percentage increase in the United States Consumer Price Index in the calendar year ending in the immediately preceding fiscal year as reported by the May revenue estimating conference conducted under section 367b of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1367b).
(d) For a district that has a foundation allowance that is not a whole dollar amount, the department shall round the district's foundation allowance up to the nearest whole dollar.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the state portion of a district's foundation allowance is an amount equal to the district's foundation allowance or the target foundation allowance for the current fiscal year, whichever is less, minus the local portion of the district's foundation allowance. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, for a district described in subsection (3)(b) and (c), the state portion of the district's foundation allowance is an amount equal to the target foundation allowance minus the district's foundation allowance supplemental payment per pupil calculated under section 20m and minus the local portion of the district's foundation allowance. For a district that has a millage reduction required under section 31 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, the department shall calculate the state portion of the district's foundation allowance as if that reduction did not occur. For a receiving district, if school operating taxes continue to be levied on behalf of a dissolved district that has been attached in whole or in part to the receiving district to satisfy debt obligations of the dissolved district under section 12 of the revised school code, MCL 380.12, the taxable value per membership pupil of property in the receiving district used for the purposes of this subsection does not include the taxable value of property within the geographic area of the dissolved district. For a community district, if school operating taxes continue to be levied by a qualifying school district under section 12b of the revised school code, MCL 380.12b, with the same geographic area as the community district, the taxable value per membership pupil of property in the community district to be used for the purposes of this subsection does not include the taxable value of property within the geographic area of the community district.
(5) The allocation calculated under this section for a pupil is based on the foundation allowance of the pupil's district of residence. For a pupil enrolled under section 105, or 105c, or 105d in a district other than the pupil's district of residence, the allocation calculated under this section is based on the lesser of the foundation allowance of the pupil's district of residence or the foundation allowance of the educating district. For a pupil in membership in a K-5, K-6, or K-8 district who is enrolled in another district in a grade not offered by the pupil's district of residence, the allocation calculated under this section is based on the foundation allowance of the educating district if the educating district's foundation allowance is greater than the foundation allowance of the pupil's district of residence. The calculation under this subsection must take into account a district's per-pupil allocation under section 20m.
(6) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, for pupils in membership, other than special education pupils, in a public school academy, the allocation calculated under this section is an amount per membership pupil other than special education pupils in the public school academy equal to the target foundation allowance specified in subsection (1), or, for a public school academy that was issued a contract under section 552 of the revised school code, MCL 380.552, to operate as a school of excellence that is a cyber school, $9,150.00. Notwithstanding section 101, for a public school academy that begins operations after the pupil membership count day, the amount per membership pupil calculated under this subsection must be adjusted by multiplying that amount per membership pupil by the number of hours of pupil instruction provided by the public school academy after it begins operations, as determined by the department, divided by the minimum number of hours of pupil instruction required under section 101(3). The result of this calculation must not exceed the amount per membership pupil otherwise calculated under this subsection.
(7) For pupils in membership, other than special education pupils, in a community district, the allocation calculated under this section is an amount per membership pupil other than special education pupils in the community district equal to the foundation allowance of the qualifying school district, as described in section 12b of the revised school code, MCL 380.12b, that is located within the same geographic area as the community district.
(8) Subject to subsection (4), for a district that is formed or reconfigured after June 1, 2002 by consolidation of 2 or more districts or by annexation, the resulting district's foundation allowance under this section beginning after the effective date of the consolidation or annexation is the lesser of the sum of the average of the foundation allowances of each of the original or affected districts, calculated as provided in this section, weighted as to the percentage of pupils in total membership in the resulting district who reside in the geographic area of each of the original or affected districts plus $100.00 or the highest foundation allowance among the original or affected districts. This subsection does not apply to a receiving district unless there is a subsequent consolidation or annexation that affects the district. The calculation under this subsection must take into account a district's per-pupil allocation under section 20m.
(9) The department shall round each fraction used in making calculations under this section to the fourth decimal place and shall round the dollar amount of an increase in the target foundation allowance to the nearest whole dollar.
(10) State payments related to payment of the foundation allowance for a special education pupil are not calculated under this section but are instead calculated under section 51e.
(11) To assist the legislature in determining the target foundation allowance for the subsequent fiscal year, each revenue estimating conference conducted under section 367b of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1367b, must calculate a pupil membership factor, a revenue adjustment factor, and an index as follows:
(a) The pupil membership factor is computed by dividing the estimated membership in the school year ending in the current fiscal year, excluding intermediate district membership, by the estimated membership for the school year ending in the subsequent fiscal year, excluding intermediate district membership. If a consensus membership factor is not determined at the revenue estimating conference, the principals of the revenue estimating conference shall report their estimates to the house and senate subcommittees responsible for school aid appropriations not later than 7 days after the conclusion of the revenue conference.
(b) The revenue adjustment factor is computed by dividing the sum of the estimated total state school aid fund revenue for the subsequent fiscal year plus the estimated total state school aid fund revenue for the current fiscal year, adjusted for any change in the rate or base of a tax the proceeds of which are deposited in that fund and excluding money transferred into that fund from the countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund under the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594, by the sum of the estimated total school aid fund revenue for the current fiscal year plus the estimated total state school aid fund revenue for the immediately preceding fiscal year, adjusted for any change in the rate or base of a tax the proceeds of which are deposited in that fund. If a consensus revenue factor is not determined at the revenue estimating conference, the principals of the revenue estimating conference shall report their estimates to the house and senate subcommittees responsible for school aid appropriations not later than 7 days after the conclusion of the revenue conference.
(c) The index is calculated by multiplying the pupil membership factor by the revenue adjustment factor. If a consensus index is not determined at the revenue estimating conference, the principals of the revenue estimating conference shall report their estimates to the house and senate subcommittees responsible for state school aid appropriations not later than 7 days after the conclusion of the revenue conference.
(12) Payments to districts and public school academies are not made under this section. Rather, the calculations under this section are used to determine the amount of state payments under section 22b.
(13) If an amendment to section 2 of article VIII of the state constitution of 1963 allowing state aid to some or all nonpublic schools is approved by the voters of this state, each foundation allowance or per-pupil payment calculation under this section may be reduced.
(14) As used in this section:
(a) "Certified mills" means the lesser of 18 mills or the number of mills of school operating taxes levied by the district in 1993-94.
(b) "Current fiscal year" means the fiscal year for which a particular calculation is made.
(c) "Dissolved district" means a district that loses its organization, has its territory attached to 1 or more other districts, and is dissolved as provided under section 12 of the revised school code, MCL 380.12.
(d) "Immediately preceding fiscal year" means the fiscal year immediately preceding the current fiscal year.
(e) "Local portion of the district's foundation allowance" means an amount that is equal to the difference between (the sum of the product of the taxable value per membership pupil of all property in the district that is nonexempt property times the district's certified mills and, for a district with certified mills exceeding 12, the product of the taxable value per membership pupil of property in the district that is commercial personal property times the certified mills minus 12 mills) and (the quotient of the product of the captured assessed valuation under tax increment financing acts times the district's certified mills divided by the district's membership excluding special education pupils).
(f) "Membership" means the definition of that term under section 6 as in effect for the particular fiscal year for which a particular calculation is made.
(g) "Nonexempt property" means property that is not a principal residence, qualified agricultural property, qualified forest property, supportive housing property, industrial personal property, commercial personal property, or property occupied by a public school academy.
(h) "Principal residence", "qualified agricultural property", "qualified forest property", "supportive housing property", "industrial personal property", and "commercial personal property" mean those terms as defined in section 1211 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1211.
(i) "Receiving district" means a district to which all or part of the territory of a dissolved district is attached under section 12 of the revised school code, MCL 380.12.
(j) "School operating purposes" means the purposes included in the operation costs of the district as prescribed in sections 7 and 18 and purposes authorized under section 1211 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1211.
(k) "School operating taxes" means local ad valorem property taxes levied under section 1211 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1211, and retained for school operating purposes.
(l) "Tax increment financing acts" means parts 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the recodified tax increment financing act, 2018 PA 57, MCL 125.4201 to 125.4420 and 125.4602 to 125.4629, or the brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL 125.2651 to 125.2670.
(m) "Taxable value per membership pupil" means taxable value, as certified by the county treasurer and reported to the department, for the calendar year ending in the current state fiscal year divided by the district's membership excluding special education pupils for the school year ending in the current state fiscal year.
Sec. 105. (1) In order to To avoid a penalty under this section, and in order to count a nonresident pupil residing within the same intermediate district in membership without the approval of the pupil's district of residence, a district must comply with this section.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a district shall determine whether or not it will accept applications for enrollment by nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district for the next school year. If the district determines to accept applications for enrollment of a number of nonresidents, beyond those entitled to preference under this section, the district shall use the following procedures for accepting applications from and enrolling nonresidents:
(a) The district shall publish the grades, schools, and special programs, if any, for which enrollment may be available to, and for which applications will be accepted from, nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district.
(b) If the district has a limited number of positions available for nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district in a grade, school, or program, all of the following apply to accepting applications for and enrollment of nonresidents in that grade, school, or program:
(i) The district shall do all of the following not later than the second Friday in August:
(A) Provide notice to the general public that applications will be taken for a period of at least 15 calendar days but not more than 30 calendar days from nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district for enrollment in that grade, school, or program. The notice must identify the dates of the application period and the place and manner for submitting applications.
(B) During the application period under sub-subparagraph (A), accept applications from nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district for enrollment in that grade, school, or program.
(C) Within 15 calendar days after the end of the application period under sub-subparagraph (A), using the procedures and preferences required under this section, determine which nonresident applicants will be allowed to enroll in that grade, school, or program, using the random draw system required under subsection (13) as necessary, and notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant of whether or not the applicant may enroll in the district. The notification to parents or legal guardians of nonresident applicants accepted for enrollment must contain notification of the date by which the applicant must enroll in the district and procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(ii) Beginning on the third Monday in August and not later than the end of the first week of school, if any positions become available in a grade, school, or program due to accepted applicants failing to enroll or to more positions being added, the district may enroll nonresident applicants from the waiting list maintained under subsection (13), offering enrollment in the order that applicants appear on the waiting list. If there are still positions available after enrolling all applicants from the waiting list who desire to enroll, the district may not fill those positions until the second semester or trimester enrollment under subsection (3), as provided under that subsection, or until the next school year.
(c) For a grade, school, or program that has an unlimited number of positions available for nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district, all of the following apply to enrollment of nonresidents in that grade, school, or program:
(i) The district may accept applications for enrollment in that grade, school, or program, and may enroll nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district in that grade, school, or program until the end of the first week of school. The district shall provide notice to the general public of the place and manner for submitting applications and, if the district has a limited application period, the notice must include the dates of the application period. The application period shall must be at least a 15-calendar-day period.
(ii) Not later than the end of the first week of school, the district shall notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant who is accepted for enrollment that the applicant has been accepted for enrollment in the grade, school, or program and of the procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(3) If a district determines during the first semester or trimester of a school year that it has positions available for enrollment of a number of nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district, beyond those entitled to preference under this section, for the second semester or trimester of the school year, the district may accept applications from and enroll nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district for the second semester or trimester using the following procedures:
(a) Not later than 2 weeks before the end of the first semester or trimester, the district shall publish the grades, schools, and special programs, if any, for which enrollment for the second semester or trimester may be available to, and for which applications will be accepted from, nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district.
(b) During the last 2 weeks of the first semester or trimester, the district shall accept applications from nonresidents residing within the same intermediate district for enrollment for the second semester or trimester in the available grades, schools, and programs.
(c) By the beginning of the second semester or trimester, using the procedures and preferences required under this section, the district shall determine which nonresident applicants will be allowed to enroll in the district for the second semester or trimester and notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant residing within the same intermediate district of whether or not the applicant may enroll in the district. The notification to parents or legal guardians of nonresident applicants accepted for enrollment must contain notification of the date by which the applicant must enroll in the district and procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(4) If deadlines similar to those described in subsection (2) or (3) have been established in an intermediate district, and if those deadlines are not later than the deadlines under subsection (2) or (3), the districts within the intermediate district may use those deadlines.
(5) A district offering to enroll nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district may limit the number of nonresident pupils it accepts in a grade, school, or program, at its discretion, and may use that limit as the reason for refusal to enroll an applicant.
(6) A nonresident applicant residing within the same intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment based on intellectual, academic, artistic, or other ability, talent, or accomplishment, or lack thereof, or based on a mental or physical disability, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant if the applicant does not meet the same criteria, other than residence, that an applicant who is a resident of the district must meet to be accepted for enrollment in a grade or a specialized, magnet, or intra-district choice school or program to which the applicant applies.
(7) A nonresident applicant residing within the same intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment based on age, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant applying for a program that is not appropriate for the age of the applicant.
(8) A nonresident applicant residing within the same intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment based upon on religion, race, color, national origin, sex, height, weight, marital status, or athletic ability, or, generally, in violation of any state or federal law prohibiting discrimination.
(9) Subject to subsection (10), a district may refuse to enroll a nonresident applicant if any of the following are met:
(a) The applicant is, or has been within the preceding 2 years, suspended from another school.
(b) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been expelled from another school.
(c) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been convicted of a felony.
(10) If a district has counted a pupil in membership on either the pupil membership count day or the supplemental count day, the district shall not refuse to enroll or refuse to continue to enroll that pupil for a reason specified in subsection (9). This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(11) A district shall continue to allow a pupil who was enrolled in and attended the district under this section in the school year or semester or trimester immediately preceding the school year or semester or trimester in question to enroll in the district until the pupil graduates from high school. This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(12) A district shall give preference for enrollment under this section over all other nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district to other school-age children who reside in the same household as a pupil described in subsection (11).
(13) If the number of qualified nonresident applicants eligible for acceptance in a school, grade, or program does not exceed the positions available for nonresident pupils in the school, grade, or program, the school district shall accept for enrollment all of the qualified nonresident applicants eligible for acceptance. If the number of qualified nonresident applicants residing within the same intermediate district eligible for acceptance exceeds the positions available in a grade, school, or program in a district for nonresident pupils, the district shall use a random draw system, subject to the need to abide by state and federal antidiscrimination laws and court orders and subject to preferences allowed by this section. The district shall develop and maintain a waiting list based on the order in which nonresident applicants were drawn under this random draw system.
(14) If a district, or the nonresident applicant, requests the district in which a nonresident applicant resides to supply information needed by the district for evaluating the applicant's application for enrollment or for enrolling the applicant, the district of residence shall provide that information on a timely basis.
(15) If a district is subject to a court-ordered desegregation plan, and if the court issues an order prohibiting pupils residing in that district from enrolling in another district or prohibiting pupils residing in another district from enrolling in that district, this section is subject to the court order.
(16) This section does not require a district to provide transportation for a nonresident pupil enrolled in the district under this section or for a resident pupil enrolled in another district under this section. However, at the time a nonresident pupil enrolls in the district, a district shall provide to the pupil's parent or legal guardian information on available transportation to and from the school in which the pupil enrolls.
(17) A district may participate in a cooperative education program with 1 or more other districts or intermediate districts whether or not the district enrolls any nonresidents under this section.
(18) A district that, under this section, enrolls a nonresident pupil who is eligible for special education programs and services according to statute or rule, or who is a child with a disability, as that term is defined under the individuals with disabilities education act, Public Law 108-446, is considered to be the resident district of the pupil for the purpose of providing the pupil with a free appropriate public education. Consistent with state and federal law, that district is responsible for developing and implementing an individualized education program annually for a nonresident pupil described in this subsection.
(19) If a district does not comply with this section, the district forfeits 5% of the total state school aid allocation to the district under this act.
(20) Upon application by a district, the superintendent may grant a waiver for the district from a specific requirement under this section for not more than 1 year.
(21) This section does not apply on or after July 1, 2025.
Sec. 105c. (1) In order to To avoid a penalty under this section, and in order to count a nonresident pupil residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district in membership without the approval of the pupil's district of residence, a district must comply with this section.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a district shall determine whether or not it will accept applications for enrollment by nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district for the next school year. If the district determines to accept applications for enrollment of a number of nonresidents under this section, beyond those entitled to preference under this section, the district shall use the following procedures for accepting applications from and enrolling nonresidents under this section:
(a) The district shall publish the grades, schools, and special programs, if any, for which enrollment may be available to, and for which applications will be accepted from, nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district.
(b) If the district has a limited number of positions available for nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district in a grade, school, or program, all of the following apply to accepting applications for and enrollment of nonresidents under this section in that grade, school, or program:
(i) The district shall do all of the following not later than the second Friday in August:
(A) Provide notice to the general public that applications will be taken for a period of at least 15 calendar days but not more than 30 calendar days from nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district for enrollment in that grade, school, or program. The notice must identify the dates of the application period and the place and manner for submitting applications.
(B) During the application period under sub-subparagraph (A), accept applications from nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district for enrollment in that grade, school, or program.
(C) Within 15 calendar days after the end of the application period under sub-subparagraph (A), using the procedures and preferences required under this section, determine which nonresident applicants will be allowed to enroll under this section in that grade, school, or program, using the random draw system required under subsection (13) as necessary, and notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant of whether or not the applicant may enroll in the district. The notification to parents or legal guardians of nonresident applicants accepted for enrollment under this section must contain notification of the date by which the applicant must enroll in the district and procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(ii) Beginning on the third Monday in August and not later than the end of the first week of school, if any positions become available in a grade, school, or program due to accepted applicants failing to enroll or to more positions being added, the district may enroll nonresident applicants from the waiting list maintained under subsection (13), offering enrollment in the order that applicants appear on the waiting list. If there are still positions available after enrolling all applicants from the waiting list who desire to enroll, the district may not fill those positions until the second semester or trimester enrollment under subsection (3), as provided under that subsection, or until the next school year.
(c) For a grade, school, or program that has an unlimited number of positions available for nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district, all of the following apply to enrollment of nonresidents in that grade, school, or program under this section:
(i) The district may accept applications for enrollment in that grade, school, or program, and may enroll nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district in that grade, school, or program until the end of the first week of school. The district shall provide notice to the general public of the place and manner for submitting applications and, if the district has a limited application period, the notice must include the dates of the application period. The application period must be at least a 15-calendar-day period.
(ii) Not later than the end of the first week of school, the district shall notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant who is accepted for enrollment under this section that the applicant has been accepted for enrollment in the grade, school, or program and of the date by which the applicant must enroll in the district and the procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(3) If a district determines during the first semester or trimester of a school year that it has positions available for enrollment of a number of nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district, beyond those entitled to preference under this section, for the second semester or trimester of the school year, the district may accept applications from and enroll nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district for the second semester or trimester using the following procedures:
(a) Not later than 2 weeks before the end of the first semester or trimester, the district shall publish the grades, schools, and special programs, if any, for which enrollment for the second semester or trimester may be available to, and for which applications will be accepted from, nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district.
(b) During the last 2 weeks of the first semester or trimester, the district shall accept applications from nonresidents residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district for enrollment for the second semester or trimester in the available grades, schools, and programs.
(c) By the beginning of the second semester or trimester, using the procedures and preferences required under this section, the district shall determine which nonresident applicants will be allowed to enroll under this section in the district for the second semester or trimester and notify the parent or legal guardian of each nonresident applicant residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district of whether or not the applicant may enroll in the district. The notification to parents or legal guardians of nonresident applicants accepted for enrollment must contain notification of the date by which the applicant must enroll in the district and procedures for enrollment. The date for enrollment must be no later than the end of the first week of school.
(4) If deadlines similar to those described in subsection (2) or (3) have been established in an intermediate district, and if those deadlines are not later than the deadlines under subsection (2) or (3), the districts within the intermediate district may use those deadlines.
(5) A district offering to enroll nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district may limit the number of those nonresident pupils it accepts in a grade, school, or program, at its discretion, and may use that limit as the reason for refusal to enroll an applicant under this section.
(6) A nonresident applicant residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment based on intellectual, academic, artistic, or other ability, talent, or accomplishment, or lack thereof, or based on a mental or physical disability, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant under this section if the applicant does not meet the same criteria, other than residence, that an applicant who is a resident of the district must meet to be accepted for enrollment in a grade or a specialized, magnet, or intra-district choice school or program to which the applicant applies.
(7) A nonresident applicant residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment under this section based on age, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant applying for a program that is not appropriate for the age of the applicant.
(8) A nonresident applicant residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district must not be granted or refused enrollment under this section based upon religion, race, color, national origin, sex, height, weight, marital status, or athletic ability, or, generally, in violation of any state or federal law prohibiting discrimination.
(9) Subject to subsection (10), a district may refuse to enroll a nonresident applicant under this section if any of the following are met:
(a) The applicant is, or has been within the preceding 2 years, suspended from another school.
(b) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been expelled from another school.
(c) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been convicted of a felony.
(10) If a district has counted a pupil in membership on either the pupil membership count day or the supplemental count day, the district shall not refuse to enroll or refuse to continue to enroll that pupil for a reason specified in subsection (9). This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(11) A district shall continue to allow a pupil who was enrolled in and attended the district under this section in the school year or semester or trimester immediately preceding the school year or semester or trimester in question to enroll in the district until the pupil graduates from high school. This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(12) A district shall give preference for enrollment under this section over all other nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district to other school-age children who reside in the same household as a pupil described in subsection (11).
(13) If the number of qualified nonresident applicants eligible for acceptance under this section in a school, grade, or program does not exceed the positions available for nonresident pupils under this section in the school, grade, or program, the school district shall accept for enrollment all of the qualified nonresident applicants eligible for acceptance. If the number of qualified nonresident applicants residing in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district eligible for acceptance under this section exceeds the positions available in a grade, school, or program in a district for nonresident pupils, the district shall use a random draw system, subject to the need to abide by state and federal antidiscrimination laws and court orders and subject to preferences allowed by this section. The district shall develop and maintain a waiting list based on the order in which nonresident applicants were drawn under this random draw system.
(14) If a district, or the nonresident applicant, requests the district in which a nonresident applicant resides to supply information needed by the district for evaluating the applicant's application for enrollment or for enrolling the applicant under this section, the district of residence shall provide that information on a timely basis.
(15) If a district is subject to a court-ordered desegregation plan, and if the court issues an order prohibiting pupils residing in that district from enrolling in another district or prohibiting pupils residing in another district from enrolling in that district, this section is subject to the court order.
(16) This section does not require a district to provide transportation for a nonresident pupil enrolled in the district under this section or for a resident pupil enrolled in another district under this section. However, at the time a nonresident pupil enrolls in the district, a district shall provide to the pupil's parent or legal guardian information on available transportation to and from the school in which the pupil enrolls.
(17) A district may participate in a cooperative education program with 1 or more other districts or intermediate districts whether or not the district enrolls any nonresidents pursuant to this section.
(18) In order for For a district or intermediate district to enroll under this section a nonresident pupil who resides in a district located in a contiguous intermediate district and who is eligible for special education programs and services according to statute or rule, or who is a child with disabilities, as defined under the individuals with disabilities education act, Public Law 108-446, the enrolling district shall have a written agreement with the resident district of the pupil for the purpose of providing the pupil with a free appropriate public education. The written agreement must include, but is not limited to, an agreement on the responsibility for the payment of the added costs of special education programs and services for the pupil. The written agreement must address how the agreement must be amended in the event of significant changes in the costs or level of special education programs or services required by the pupil.
(19) If a district does not comply with this section, the district forfeits 5% of the total state school aid allocation to the district under this act.
(20) Upon application by a district, the superintendent may grant a waiver for the district from a specific requirement under this section for not more than 1 year.
(21) This section is repealed if the final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction holds that any portion of this section is unconstitutional, ineffective, invalid, or in violation of federal law.
(22) This section does not apply on or after July 1, 2025.
(23) (22) As used in this section, "district located in a contiguous intermediate district" means a district located in an intermediate district that is contiguous to the intermediate district in which a pupil's district of residence is located.
Sec. 105d. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, beginning on July 1, 2025, a district shall accept applications for enrollment by nonresident applicants.
(2) Beginning July 1, 2025, a nonresident applicant must not be refused enrollment based on intellectual, academic, artistic, or other ability, talent, or accomplishment, or lack thereof, or based on a mental or physical disability, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant if the applicant does not meet the same criteria, other than residence, that an applicant who is a resident of the district must meet to be accepted for enrollment in a grade or a specialized, magnet program to which the applicant applies.
(3) Beginning July 1, 2025, a nonresident applicant must not be refused enrollment based on age, except that a district may refuse to admit a nonresident applicant applying for a program that is not appropriate for the age of the applicant.
(4) Beginning July 1, 2025, a nonresident applicant must not be refused enrollment based on residential address, district of residence, religion, race, color, national origin, sex, height, weight, marital status, or athletic ability, or, generally, in violation of any state or federal law prohibiting discrimination.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), a district may refuse to enroll a nonresident applicant if any of the following are met:
(a) The applicant is, or has been within the preceding 2 years, suspended from another school.
(b) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been expelled from another school.
(c) The applicant, at any time before enrolling under this section, has been convicted of a felony.
(6) If a district has counted a pupil in membership on either the pupil membership count day or the supplemental count day, the district shall not refuse to enroll or refuse to continue to enroll that pupil for a reason specified in subsection (5). This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(7) A district shall continue to allow a pupil who was enrolled in and attended the district under this section, section 105, or section 105c in the school year or semester or trimester immediately preceding the school year or semester or trimester in question to enroll in the district until the pupil graduates from high school. This subsection does not prohibit a district from expelling a pupil described in this subsection for disciplinary reasons.
(8) Beginning July 1, 2025, a district shall give preference for enrollment under this section over all other nonresident applicants to other school-age children who reside in the same household as a pupil described in subsection (7).
(9) Beginning July 1, 2025, if the number of nonresident applicants exceeds the seats available in a grade or school, as determined under subsection (16), the district shall develop and maintain a waiting list based on the order in which nonresident applicants applied.
(10) If a district is subject to a court-ordered desegregation plan, and if the court issues an order prohibiting pupils residing in that district from enrolling in another district or prohibiting pupils residing in another district from enrolling in that district, this section is subject to the court order.
(11) This section does not require a district to provide transportation for a nonresident pupil enrolled in the district under this section or for a resident pupil enrolled in another district under this section. However, at the time a nonresident pupil enrolls in the district, a district shall provide to the pupil's parent or legal guardian information on available transportation to and from the school in which the pupil enrolls.
(12) A district may participate in a cooperative education program with 1 or more other districts or intermediate districts.
(13) A district that, under this section, enrolls a nonresident pupil who is eligible for special education programs and services according to statute or rule, or who is a child with a disability, as that term is defined under the individuals with disabilities education act, Public Law 108-446, is considered to be the resident district of the pupil for the purpose of providing the pupil with a free appropriate public education. Consistent with state and federal law, that district is responsible for developing and implementing an individualized education program annually for a nonresident pupil described in this subsection.
(14) Districts shall not charge tuition to nonresident students under this section.
(15) Beginning July 1, 2025, districts shall not place limits on the number or percentage of nonresident students enrolled in the district other than limits based on seats available as determined under subsection (16).
(16) By not later than May 1, 2025 and May 1 of each year thereafter, each district shall determine all of the following for each school in the district for the following school year:
(a) The number of seats available in each grade of each school in the district based on each school's maximum capacity. The number of seats available must not be determined based on specialized programs.
(b) The number of students expected to attend school in the district.
(c) The number of seats available to nonresident students.
(17) By not later than May 1, 2025 and by May 1 of each year thereafter, each district shall publish both of the following on its public website:
(a) The number of seats available to nonresident students as determined under subsection (16).
(b) The methodology and data the district used to determine the number of seats available to nonresident students under subsection (16).
(18) Beginning July 1, 2025, each district shall do all of the following:
(a) Accept applications from nonresident students throughout the school year and, within 30 days of receiving an application, notify parents and legal guardians if the application has been accepted or denied.
(b) Approve and enroll nonresident student applicants at any time during the year if there are seats available in the requested grade level.
(i) The number of seats available at each grade level and school.
(ii) The number of transfer applications.
(iii) The number of accepted transferred students.
(iv) The number of denied applications.
(19) If a district denies or does not take action on a nonresident student application within the time frame described in subsection (18)(a), the parent or legal guardian of that student may appeal the denial or lack of action to the state board.
(20) By not later than September 1, 2026 and by September 1 of each year thereafter, the state board shall collect, analyze, and publish, to its public website, all of the following information for each district from the preceding school year:
(a) The number of seats available.
(b) Transfer data.
(c) The number of nonresident students.
(d) The number of applications received.
(e) The number of applications denied.
(f) The methodology and data used in determining seats available.
(21) By not later than September 1, 2025 and by September 1 of each year thereafter, the state board shall publish an open enrollment website link and other relevant information regarding open enrollment to its public website.
(22) By not later than February 1, 2027 and February 1 of each year thereafter, the state board shall prepare and provide a report to the legislature that contains all of the information described in subsections (20) and (21).
Sec. 111. A district having tuition pupils enrolled on the pupil membership count day of each year may charge the district of residence an amount for tuition that does not exceed the tuition rate computed under section 1401 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1401. The rate charged by a district shall be uniform within each category of tuition pupils enrolled in the district. However, for a tuition pupil who resides in a K-5, K-6, or K-8 district and who is enrolled in a grade not offered by the pupil's district of residence, the tuition rate charged to the pupil's district of residence shall not exceed the foundation allowance of the pupil's district of residence or the foundation allowance of the educating district, whichever is greater.