house resolution no.200
Reps. Edwards, Rheingans, Young, Brenda Carter, Brabec and Coffia offered the following resolution:
A resolution to declare March 3-9, 2024, as School Social Work Week in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, School social workers serve as vital members of the education team, playing a central role in creating a positive environment in schools; and
Whereas, Social workers in schools are exceptionally skilled in providing services to students who face serious challenges to school success including disability, poverty, discrimination, abuse, neglect, mental illness, homelessness, bullying, familial stressors, and other barriers to learning; and
Whereas, School-based mental health programs are critical to the early identification and intervention of mental health problems
by providing the appropriate services; and
Whereas, School social workers, who are licensed mental health professionals in the United States, provide the necessary assessment, interventions, counseling, family outreach, community referrals, and also maintain knowledge of school culture and climate, which are all necessary for responsible school safety planning; and
Whereas, Research indicates that school-based mental health programs led by school social workers improve educational outcomes by decreasing absences, dropout rates, and discipline referrals, while also improving academic achievement; and
Whereas, Social workers in schools play a pivotal role in creating partnerships between the home, school, and community to ensure academic success; and
Whereas, School districts and local educational agencies should continue to work with school social workers to address students’ social, emotional, physical, mental health, and environmental needs so that students can succeed; and
Whereas, The celebration of School Social Work Week on March 3-9, 2024, highlights the important role school social workers play in the lives of students in Michigan; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the members of this legislative body declare March 3-9, 2024, as School Social Work Week in the state of Michigan; and be it further
Resolved, That we honor and recognize the contributions of school social workers to the successes of students; and be it further
Resolved, That we encourage the people of Michigan to observe School Social Work Week with appropriate ceremonies and activities to promote awareness about the vital role of school social workers, both in schools and communities as a whole, in helping students prepare for their futures as productive citizens.